Thursday, May 15, 2008

Building Your List With Co-Registration

Co-registration (a process where by someone subscribing to an information service is presented with options for subscribing to other services at the same time) is one underutilized method for building your list. A co-reg lead only pays you for an opt-in, and you can expect to pay about $0.15 to $1.00 per opt in, so it's not cheap.

The importance of co-reg leads, and what makes them worth the price, is two-fold. Even more than a squeeze page, a co-reg lead gets you people who are interested in the products and services you offer. There are companies devoted to generating and renting co-reg leads...and you've heard of most of them. Yahoo Small Business Marketing is one of the biggest in the field.

Second, you only pay for the actual registration, rather than the typical pay per click cost on the ad Once you do a cost benefit analysis - how many ad clicks you get on an ad versus how many actual sign-ups caused by that ad, co-reg leads look pretty compelling in comparison. Like a pay per click ad campaign, it's best to start small, and refine your targeting for each co-reg generation step, until you're getting the results you want. Make sure it's a sustainable expense as you do this.

Now, co-reg leads have a very high drop out rate. You need to move on a new co-reg lead fast, and cut straight to the place where being on your list gives them a tangible, palpable benefit, much more so than you did with a pay per click ad. Co-reg leads have a conversion rate of about 8 to 10% of a "hard lead" gotten through a squeeze page; the main criteria for cost benefit again is how many pay per click ads did you use for that one sign-up, and how many people was your pay per click ad exposed to versus the co-reg lead?

To provide an immediate benefit, make sure that your opt in confirmation letter has a link to a sample report that they'll get, or online archives of your newsletter. (You do archive your newsletters, right?) Something that lets them determine early on that you're worth subscribing and listening to. Don't be afraid to "give away something of value" - your long term benefit is from building the relationship with the qualified purchaser.

As with any kind of lead generation service, you should use known good business practices (double opt in, easy unsubscriptions) to make your case, and build and establish your credibility. You should also read the fine print carefully. You want legitimate co-reg lead generation, not a spam service that will get you nothing but drop-outs.

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