Friday, May 16, 2008

Building Your Subscriber List

Ever heard that much used phrase "the moneys in the list?" of course you have, you've seen it thrashed around the internet like a popular catchphrase on a TV show.

But is it really all about the list? Yes that's why you've got to start building your subscriber list early on, build up your available contacts and repeat visitors from your websites.

To do this it's best to choose one of the best auto responder services such as Aweber or get response, but I'm sure there are many other good ones out there and start creating content, helpful, relevant and targeted content for your future subscribers to suck up.

Also quality auto responders have the added advantage of using double opt in, so that it protects you from being classed as a spammer, double opt in of course is when you have to do an extra step of confirming that you have subscribed to a certain newsletter or list by clicking a confirm link in your email.

Joint ventures can also result in huge subscriber sign-ups.

This is were you make an agreement between yourself and a relevant JV niche site partner, were the JV partner agrees to promote your product in exchange for a commission and the other way round. It is often not uncommon for most marketers to gain thousands of subscribers in a joint venture arrangement.

Joint Ventures are a great way to get something for free. You could, for example, you could contact an ezine publisher and offer him a free copy of your product if he'll promote your product with his subscribers. The most important thing is to offer something of added value to both your JV partner and his list subscribers.

To finish building a mailing list you should be creative in the way you obtain future subscribers and really take advantage of the free resources you have out there on the internet, creating landing pages with over delivered free bonuses is a proven method of gathering subscribers and if they unsubscribe after getting the free bonuses, then you have the back up plan of in your free bonuses you placed a few affiliate links that they may have overlooked and a sale or two is generated, especially if they pass it on to others.

So rather than first thinking that "the money is in the list", think more on the lines of "the secrets in the list"

Wayne Tully an artist, writer and affiliate marketer who dose many online business ventures and earns a reasonable income online as a result.


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