Thursday, May 8, 2008

Easy Steps to Attract Viewers for Your Articles

Attracting viewers is the reason that most of us write articles. The most important component of your article is the title. It is the one factor that determines how many readers will see your work. If you write a great article and add an uninteresting title, you will generate very few readers.

In order to generate page views, you must first write a quality article that people are interested in reading. The subject of your work is also of great importance. If you write an article on the geological make-up of the Peruvian mountains, I can almost guarantee that few people will read it. There are not that many readers who are interested in the subject. It is important to write articles on subjects that have an audience.

The number one factor in reaching viewers is your title. It is the advertisement for your article. Most people will just skim through the various titles until they find something of interest. It is your job, to design title that satisfies their interest.

Your title can make or break an article. It is the packaging that entices your readers to buy your product. Brick and mortar companies use colorful packaging to entice customers. In the article-marketing world, we do not have that luxury. We must attract readers with the title alone. Your title must interest readers and draw them in. It has to stop them from looking at other titles and compel them to click on your article.

According to published research, longer titles attain greater numbers of readers than shorter titles. This goes against the grain of what we learned in school. Many of us were taught that good writing is short and to the point. In article marketing, just the opposite is true. A longer title gathers more viewers.

Certain types of articles do better than others. How to articles do particularly well. If youve written that type of article, make sure to use the words How to or 10 ways to in your title.

Certain words and phrases naturally attract attention. Make sure you use at least some of them in your title. Some of these attention-getting words are: free, easy, secret, and money. Of course, there are many others. One easy way to find them is to look at the most popular articles from several ezines. You will begin to see a pattern of certain words that appear repeatedly. Consider using some of these same words for your title.

As mentioned previously, the subject of your article is of great importance in the number of viewers that you attract. In order to find subjects of current interest, research keywords that people are currently using in their Internet searches. This information tells you what people are interested in today. If your article and title satisfy that interest, you will attract readers. There are several websites that provide this sort of up-to-date information. One that I find very helpful in this area is:

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