Friday, May 16, 2008

Got Marketing Anxiety? 5 Steps to Become a Shameless Self-Promoter!

That's right, I said "shameless" self-promoter. Becoming a shameless self-promoter does not mean you aggressively approach everyone you meet giving them your elevator speech or sales pitch like a used car salesman. Instead, being a shameless self-promoter means you consciously and actively work at marketing your business. Promoting yourself and your business is not something to be ashamed or afraid of, but rather the key to a successful and thriving business.

There are many simple ways to subtly and politely keep your name in the minds of your prospects and customers with heart and integrity. Here are five easy steps you can take to become an active marketing agent for your business.

Step 1. Commit to a marketing plan that includes multiple strategies. There are many ways you can promote your business. If you are just getting started you might want to start with three simple marketing activities to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Then, when you are comfortable with those strategies you can add more. For example you might start with distributing an email newsletter, joining or becoming active in a business organization where you can learn and network, setting up a few speaking engagements, and doing some article marketing.

Step 2. Create and implement a marketing routine. You can keep your marketing efforts on track by outlining a simple marketing routine that you can easily manage and fit into your schedule. If you have an assistant some of these items can be delegated. An example of a marketing routine would look something like this:

Daily - include your personalized business email signature in every email you send out. Weekly - publish and send out an email newsletter to your clients and prospects. Bi-weekly - attend a business or networking event. Monthly - submit articles to your list of article bank or submission sites. Quarterly - host a free teleclass or set up a speaking engagement. Semi-annually - Update or add a new give away on your website to get visitors to opt-in to your mailing list. Annually - create a new marketing strategy for the next year.

Step 3. Include your brand on all your materials. It's important to create a consistent image or message that people will find on all your materials. For example, my tag line is "providing simple writing and marketing strategies for solopreneurs." This appears on all my business materials: website, letterhead, business card, seminar handouts, media kit, email signature, etc. This is another simple marketing strategy that helps clients and prospects identify you. You will want to use this "brand awareness" strategy with your company logo, your tag line, and your bio or author resource box.

Step 4. Educate yourself about current marketing strategies and trends. Don't be left out in the dark. Find out what marketing approaches other companies in your industry are successfully using, attend marketing classes or workshops, talk with other business leaders in your community, and subscribe to a marketing magazine, mailing list, or forum. These actions will help keep your knowledge current and your marketing strategies fresh and more effective.

Step 5. Don't give up and be consistent! Some marketing strategies may not produce results overnight, which is why it makes good sense to use a mix of approaches. Don't give up too quickly on any one approach, try to give it at least 6 months to a year. A general marketing rule of thumb is that it takes people an average of 7 to 10 times of seeing your message before they will take action or buy from you. The best advice is to keep consistently putting your name out there in a variety of ways, and it will pay off for you in the end.

Small business coach and writing expert Kim Lednum is the "Write Promotion Coach for Business." Kim provides simple writing and marketing strategies and tools self-employed professionals can use to build credibility, drive high quality targeted traffic to their website, and attract more subscribers, more clients, and more sales. A twenty-year veteran, former editor/publisher, and business owner Kim has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. For more tips like these or to get her FREE audio workshop "7 Tips for Attracting Business Now!" visit:


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