Thursday, May 1, 2008

How To Increase the Sales Conversion Rate on Your Website

No wonder Go get frustrated with 4uwebcash web. They wrack their brains trying to find a catchy and 'searchable' web URL, spend a fortune on web design, struggle with the web content, then think Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story just putting an online version of their brochure will do... And...nada. No sales. Sure, there might be plenty of ?bum Marketing Or Article Marketing You Call It!&id=1120506 further down the line, but there are still hardly any sales... Help!

How do Blog turn this problem around, and start making your website work for Affiliant Marketing rather than against you?

First, lets look at Chrisg conversion is. In a nutshell, it is about 4moneyclicks (converting) visitors into paying customers.

The sad fact is that approximately 70% of people who are ready, willing and able to buy online don't complete the sale.

Many people concentrate on linking, PPC ads and other means of directing traffic to their websites, but, as youve probably experienced, getting people to your website is one thing. Getting people to buy from your site is another thing altogether.

Also, you have to make sure you are attracting the Bloghelper kind of visitors in the first place. There is Javascript:; point trying to sell pension policies to 17-year-olds, for example.

So, lets assume you are getting the right kind of people hitting your site. These people are looking for what you are offering. How do you convince them to buy from you?

For the sake of brevity, we will look ?list Building With Squeeze Pages Is A Continuing Business Source&id=1073370 at copywriting which is essentially what your website is saying to your visitors. It is the words you use that essentially turn your products into cash

With a website you are completely depending on the power of your words to qualify visitors, present your sales pitch, close the sale and take the order.

All without scaring off your prospect.

Seemingly, there are many factors at play. But the main one is to always write with your target audience in mind that is, the very people you wish will become customers.

Think about what it is Blogging want from your product or service (hint: have you asked your current customers why they bought from you, and no one else?). How does what you have make a difference in your customers lives? How does it make their life easier, better, richer? What is the true value of what you are offering? That kind of thing

And then you put an appealing picture in your readers Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story through simple yet clever and attractive words. Not any old words. mind. But rather those pertaining to your product and the needs, wants and/or desires of your prospects.

Here, you have to make sure you spell out the benefits of buying your product or service.

What you want here is not to sell your product or its features, but rather the ***solutions*** it offers your prospects.

OK, so lets assume you are more than happy that your web copy and content does this at least adequately. Still, are you certain you have removed any and all doubts and other barriers to making a purchase? Something as simple as not allowing an alternative way to make a purchase can mean the difference between sale and no sale.

Also, look at your web analytics tools. These will tell you where your visitors leave, which pages they look at, for how long, etc.

You could try changing the headline on one of your pages and test it to see if you are getting more conversions. This seemingly simple act has been known to increase conversions by up to 50% or even more.

Copyright, 2007 T Dooley, Creative Consultant - PR Guru - Marketing Diva

Want to use this article? Not a problem! But please give credit where it's due. You MUST include the following:

Tracey "Word Doctor" Dooley of MediaMinister ( is an experienced Creative Consultant - PR Guru - Marketing Diva offering agencies, solopreneurs, non-profits and businesses of all sizes Business Writing - Editorial Expertise - Marketing Solutions and more.

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