Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Three Basic Steps To Prevent 20 Years of Ecommerce Advertising & Internet Marketing Mistakes

With 20 years marketing to consumers, I have literally worked with thousands of products, been associated to successful brands and to those not so successful. I have made online, offline, and over the line mistakes, but in this article I will keep you from making as many of them. If you get paid to market or advertise for others, you can't afford not to read this.

Thousands of people get this wrong. They apply advertising systems that have been in place for decades, to e commerce advertising and Internet marketing, regardless of what they know is right for today or what will provide the end result of e commerce. We all know that the Internet is changing, always changing, and the search engines and consumers depend on that. They want things to change. Why do Internet marketers depend on the same concepts to entice consumers to websites? They build brands and website traffic through keyword listings, banner advertising, email marketing, and paid advertising on Google AdWords, or Yahoo.

Listen to this closely. Reflect on a few questions. What are the main ingredients that make you successful, not only in the online marketing industry, but in life? Are they intelligence, devotion, passion, and maybe for you...beauty? Those always help. Do you believe that if you are a true marketer, your best assets are your heart, your gut, and your ears?

For the success of the Internet advertising & marketing business, or anything that depends on consumer behavior, advertisers and marketers must begin to listen to consumers. That is the first step. It sounds simple and it should be an easy concept to grasp, especially for a marketing professional. Time and time again, top marketers, advertisers, and e commerce professionals make the mistake of ignoring the consumer. That has been happening since the Internet's infancy. Remember the late nineties, when Yahoo purchased Broadcast.com, then promptly made many our friends and marketing associates enough money to buy anything they had ever dreamed of, during their short 20-something lives?. It seemed that we were all successful, but we we did one thing wrong. What was the mistake? We did not listen to our consumers. We did not hear them. We followed advertising systems and practices that have been in place for decades.

Next, we must begin to take what the consumer is sharing with us and apply the information to business applications, which further influence the consumer. This second step can be applied to e commerce, Internet Advertising and general marketing practices. Follow your gut on this one. Track your success and apply what is trending success.

The third step is simple, but the place where most online marketers fall short; work hard and have passion for what you are doing. Follow your heart . This is the basis for a wealth of e commerce information. Listen to your heart, go with your gut, and always listen to others, especially the consumer. You will gain so much from it.

Julie Ross is an e commerce, advertising, and Internet marketing executive with over 20 years experience in traditional and online marketing. She consistently launches campaigns, increasing web traffic for ecommerce, affiliate, & direct marketing web sites.

http://www.GuaranteedWebTraffic.info has a wealth of information, with a simple Internet Marketing campaign formula, with proven success throughout industries of e commerce, pet behavior information, travel information, online investments, and various online marketing environments. It uses the resources of affiliate marketing, free internet advertising, article marketing, free banner advertising, free search engine optimization, free SEO, keywords, multiple links, email marketing, blogs, Google AdWords, and keyword lists, to build web traffic, build Internet traffic, and increase website traffic. The difference between other campaigns and this formula is a simple e commerce campaign system. This will radically change your approach to online marketing.


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