Friday, June 27, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Link building is a hot issue when it comes to websites and website owners. During the first developments of websites, web hyperlinks are the only method to enable visitors to check out your site. This is because search engines are just starting out, and are not that well known among website owners. However, during the recent years, search engines have grown to be the main source for directing web traffic. Website links maintained their importance, since the algorithms of search engines rank sites depending on the quality and number of a site's links.

When you want to improve the links of your site, you should consider this first step think like a web user. Put yourself in the place of a web user who is out looking for information. View your site as if you are not its owner and, determine what changes or improvements you want to make. You should make sure that the links for your site are displayed in areas where the search engine anticipates them. The pages should be related with the content of your site, while the link should be placed in the sidebar or page copy.

Determine the purpose for your links. When you know what your reasons are and, when you know what you want for your site, you will be able to make creative changes.

You should prohibit things which might destroy your site when it comes to the ranking of search engines. Do not put up link exchanges which have bad quality.

You should avoid trading sites for links or, other sites which announces publicly links are for sale here. Do not confuse link buying with link advertising. When you purchase a link, you are enabling the popularity of your site. On the other hand, you pay for ads on traffic pages with the expectation of visitors on your site.

Do not get tempted with backlinks. While there should be concentration on building links, however, you should not focus too much on the creation and design of your site content. If ever your site does not have adequate incoming links, then concentrate on the quality enhancement of your site's content, and let it be more attractive.

About the Author:
Tom Ross is a professional article writer and owner of He provides practical and free information for website owners which help them to increase their chances of being seen on the web. Visit today! We have an ongoing need for new members who have SEO experience to share with our readers. Visit Tom's website today!


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