Sunday, June 15, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Really? I mean, we're all concerned with the size of our list, and I'll be you check your stats each and every day to see how many members you gained overnight. But let me tell you something... Size doesn't matter, responsiveness does.

So, what's responsivity? It's the rate at which the people on your list buy the product you recommend to them or sign up for whatever your offer may be. For instance, if your list is 10,000 people and 3,000 of them buy something when you send an email to them, my responsivity rate is 30%. That's pretty awesome, right? Well, it is, and you probably won't see rates that high, but I wanted a simple example to show you what I mean.

But if your list isn't buying, don't call them losers. The problem might be you.

Where did you build your list? Was it in your niche market? When you get subscribers from that market, they're very highly targeted, and your response rates will always be better. As an example, if you're in the fishing equipment business, and you don't sell to people who fish, how much stuff do you think you'll sell? Not much.

Another thing about who's on your list is how did you get them? I mean, were they single or double opted-in? Double opted-in list members are usually more responsive. They've taken the time to click the confirmation link, and they're interested in you and what you have to offer them. Single opted-in list members may have trouble remembering who you are and unless your first message goes out to them immediately, which your welcome message should do, anyway, but even when you do, they may unsubscribe or even make a spam complaint. But even though your autoresponder has your back, and single opt-in is definitely faster, the list members you get this way will probably much less responsive.

Next, consider your autoresponder's role in this. What's their deliverabilty rate? How many of your customers even see your email? If you can't get the information at the site, then call or email them and ask. If your service can't or won't tell you, think about hiring another. People on your list can't buy if they don't see your offer. Right?

Your third consideration is what you use in your "From" line. SuperMarketing, Inc.? Will your list members know that the email is from you? If not, it will either end up in the trash because they'll think it's spam or it will go directly to their junk mail folder with the same end result. Try using your first and last name in the "From" line and see if it won't boost your response rates.

Number four, does your subject line read: "FREE gift!" or "Open now!" Lines like that will probably get your message directly into the spam bucket. Think about what you write when you send a message to a friend, and be creative! Boring marketing drivel will just help your list members to ignore your mail.

Fifth is your copy. How good is your message? Don't try to sell people in your email. Give them something interesting to wonder about. Curiosity will drive them to your squeeze page or your sales letter. Get them wondering, don't sell them in an email.

The deal is that you have to test and track everything that you do--everything. Build a separate list that's double opt-in, and see if it doesn't get better results. Work on creating cooler subject lines, and better copy. If you can't write, get someone to write these for you. Just don't try to test everything at once. You can't do it! You'll have no idea what works and what doesn't. Change one thing at a time and keep changing it until you see the results you want to achieve, and than, move to another area. If you don't work toward making things better, your response rates will continue to be miserable. Change, then test and track and see if your response rates don't get better.

As CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., Tellman Knudson has become a list building ninja. Pick up all of his secrets at

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