Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Before you go and spend hard earned money for pay per click advertising you need to create some back links to your site. I used to think that that meant getting other sites to put my URL on their site. And it does, but not the way that I thought. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of article directories out there. I learned a lot about Internet marketing through them. They usually only take about 2 or 3 minutes to read. Find some directories that you like and become a free subscriber to some that you like. Don't just subscribe to list building! Subscribe to SEO, Network Marketing, Internet marketing, Article Writing, etc.etc...

There are 2 ways to create back links from articles. One, post a comment. I just did this yesterday with out even thinking I was creating a back link to my site. I just wanted to thank the person for the informative and helpful article. In doing so, the article directory requested my URL. Bam! I just created a back link! Before I posted my comment I looked at other examples of comments to see how they would display my URL that they requested. Guess what? I searched articles for 10 minutes to find one with comments. I couldn't find one. So think about. These people are writing articles which are being read, but the writers of these articles have no idea if people are finding them useful or not. Now when you write a positive comment to one of these writers, the directory will notify the writer that a comment has been posted. They will be flattered and will probably email you thanking you for your kind words and offer to answer any other questions they can help you with. You have just established a relationship and 1.) You got a free consultation. 2.) Your questions will give them ideas for more articles. It's a win win situation!

The 2nd way to create back links is to write your own articles. It's really not hard! You only want them to be about 500 -700 words. That's about 3 or 4 paragraphs. The easiest way to write an informative article is to have your word processor opened when you are building your business and take notes on what you are doing. You will find that some of these notes you will want to put in your auto responder for your referrals to use. And others you can write a summary and send it in as an article. As you do this you'll find yourself far exceeding the 500 word count and will have to divide it into a part one and part 2. You now have 2 articles to submit.

Article writing is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in the field. Instead of paying $1 per click for a 2 line advertisement and sending people to your web site and maybe just have them look your site over and leave because they don't know you from Adam, you can have 500 words to speak to people for free! If they like what you say, they will probably visit your site to understand more about what you are doing!

Then the viral effect kicks in! Other article directories will post your article, bloggers will post your article, other web site owners may post it on their site, people may send it out in their news letters or ezines, etc. Every web site owner, blogger, and article directory is looking for content to post. You may only have 25 people read it the first week, after it gets spread around, thousands of people may read it! As your article gets spread it includes the resource box which provides you credit as the author of the content with your business URL included. Giving you more and more back links as it spreads!

Mark Draugelis got tired of all the business opportunities out there that are full of promises but require a monthly fee to be a part of. He developed his own list building business which only requires the services that Internet Marketers need and use anyway. An auto responder and a web hosting account which cost a total of about $45 a month. Since they both are affiliate programs a newbie can create multiple streams of income while building their list and training others to do the same. The step by step training is free!

To learn more got to


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