Friday, September 12, 2008

How to LINK Your Keyword or Keyword Phrase Effectively - SEO Tactics

Our next course of action deals with adding a specialized link on our web page. Not that any link is any more uncommon from the next but this one is directly related to our Key Phrase. Typically, in the navigational section of the website there is probably a link called "Home". In my opinion, this is a impotent link.

Now do not get me wrong. Being able to get back to the home page is urgent but over time we, as surfers, have discovered that there are usually similar words or images that will get us back. We are not so stupid in that regard.

Most of the time at the bottom of all of my web pages I add a copyright line with my website link. I learned that if I changed the Text portion of that link it would give me an added boost for my overall Command influence for my site as a whole.

So now I use my reserve word phrase "Lynchburg Web Design" and I link that to my domain name.

Remember from my previous article that our Keywords are what the Search Engines use to bring us into focus. By accumulating these keywords into certain HTML tags and establishing a uniqueness in the content will advance us by surpassing many similar websites.

So does that mean we can position volumes of these links on our web pages and it will help? No. Generally, I do not exceed two links. The Copyright line I described above and the Home link are the only two I add. I believe my users are smart enough to be apprised of how I implement it and how I mean for it to be used. If you begin adding many of these type of links on your page then you might be thought of as a spammer for your web page. Do not fall into that type.

Stay tuned for all of my lessons and I will show in a accurate manner how I came from the enormousness of the Internet to the Top 10 for my Keyword Phrase. You may also visit my website where my lessons here include images to try to explain the alterations that I have performed.

Copyright (c) 2007 Buddy Shearer

Buddy Shearer is not a sought-after Internet marketer but rather a regular guy trying to make a living. He can be found building up SEO Positioning Services and other useful information.


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