Sunday, May 18, 2008

Article Marketing Online - Key Elements To Remember When Writing Your Articles

The goal of your articles online is to reach your target market, create trust and have your readers take action. These elements must be present in each and every article you write in order to make your article marketing campaign a success.

I am going to go over what you need in your article to make sure you have all three elements present in each and every article.

1, Reach Your Target Market- In order to be successful in reaching your target market, you have to know your market. What do your prospects want? What are they searching for online. You can use keyword tools such as word-tracker to see what your prospects are searching for in your target market. Make sure your heading is addressing those questions or concerns you have learned through research.

2, Create Trust- You want to create trust with your readers by giving them useful and helpful information in your market. Don't use your article to sell them but instead give them helpful information. This will allow your reader to trust you and be more open to any future offers from you.

3, Have Your Readers Take Action- In order to get your readers to take action you must make sure that you have a strong call-to-action at the end of your article. Emphasis the benefits of your offer, what is in it for them and NOT how many plaques you have on your wall!

These are the elements to having a successful article marketing campaign from my experience and testing.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website.


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