Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Article Marketing Skyrocket Strategies

These article marketing tactics are sure to take your marketing and skyrocket it to success and beyond. They're easy to implement strategies and they'll take your articles to the next level!

The article marketing skyrocket strategies!

  • Writing without thinking is the best way to write any article. The more you think, the more you'll be losing the game! Just write, and let your subconscious flow through your fingertips and type in whatever your mind has to say.
  • Putting your keyword in the first 3 words of your articles title can increase it's page rankings. Search engines search for anything that is related to it's keyword by title. So if your keyword is in the first 3 words of your title, you get a higher page ranking. It's a fact!
  • Your keywords should reflect what your article is about. Don't put in misleading keywords hoping to get some traffic. This is called spamming and you'll waste your articles submission time with it.
  • Valuable content should be visible in your article. Don't write an article that won't give your reader any valuable information. This is waste of yours and your readers time because they're not going to click your link if you don't give them something of value.
  • Placing numbers into your articles title can give your article more amounts of clicks. Numbers make the reader think that the article has fast delivering information that they can just skim through and get.
  • Your resource / signature box should show some kind of call to action or catch to get people to click on your link. Just saying click here will not give your reader enough reason to click on your link.
  • The use of the same keywords over a long period of time can be successful. This is the best keyword tactic to flood the market.
  • Spending some time to use the spell check button can prove to be handy. Articles that have grammatical errors make the reader assume that the article writer is an amateur in their industry. Make your article look as professional as it can be. Just spending two minutes by spell checking can save hundreds of dollars worth of traffic.

These article marketing skyrocket strategies can make any article marketer successful in as little as a month! Implement them into your article marketing today!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com


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