Thursday, May 15, 2008

How Many Quality Back Links Does Your Website Have?

It is impossible to get on the first page of Google right? Wrong. Do you even know how many quality back links are connected to your site? Well, the first step to achieving a top ranking in Google is to find out how many quality back links come into your site.

It is easy to get the #1 position for almost any keyword once you have the knowledge.

What is a Quality Back Link?

Google puts quite a bit of significance on how many quality back links connect to your site. Remember, I emphasize quality.

A quality back link is any page linking back to yours with a page rank of 4 and above.

What is My Page Rank?

Want to know the page rank of your site or of your competitors? Go to Google's homepage; wait for the drop down Google toolbar advertisement in the right hand corner. Then, download the Google toolbar for free and make sure the page rank indicator is activated.

Simply go to a site, and look at the little green bar on the indicator. Just put your mouse over the green bar and Google will tell you what the page rank is.

What Determines Page Rank?

Page rank is not an indicator of where your site is ranked in the search engines. Page rank is based upon the importance of your page according to Google's chief factors.

Every page on your website gets a page rank score based on a scale of 1 out of 10 with 10 being the highest.

When Google sees that you have many pages in your website that link back to your homepage and that you also have many pages from other sites linking back to yours with a page rank of 4 and above, you must also be pretty important. Thus, Google gives you a good page ranking.

This is crucial! You will really struggle if you don't have quality back links leading back to your site.

Getting quality back links are very important. Google will give greater weighting to links you receive from related sites with a page rank of 4 and above.

For example, if your site is about sports memorabilia and you get some links from other sites on sports memorabilia, Google qualifies this as a relevant link. Google gives this link greater importance than if you had a link from a swimming pool site.

How Many Quality Back Links Do I Have?

Want to find out how many quality back links your site has. Go to Google and in the search box enter in the command; and Google will show you all the sites linking back to yours with a page rank of 4 and above. If the link is below 4 Google will not show those pages.

Spy on Your Competitors

If you want your site to reach the #1 ranking, compare your site to your competitors. See how many quality back links they have and get just one more than they do.

Of course there are many different criteria that Google uses to determine top search engine rankings but the most important is getting quality back links to your site.

Go to Lightyear Alliance to subscribe to Tim McGaffin's Free 7-Day Lead Generation Course, for more info on how to get a Top 5 search engine ranking within days for free.


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