Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Everyday, thousands upon thousands of people flock to the Internet trying to claim a share of fortune online. Rumors say anyone can make million easily online while working from the beach or any favorite vacation places.

Thanks to the hype built by the so called "guru" in the make money industry, people actually believe this albeit being scammed repeatedly. Deep down in our heart, we want to believe there is a key to really achieve all the success without any noticeable effort.

Old timers who have been here for a while will finally realize there is no shortcut to riches. Business is business and when it comes to online business, it is just another business. Just that the medium is now Internet instead of newspaper, TV, radio, etc.

On the other hand, everyone has heard about the saying that "the money is in the list." What does it mean? By list, it certainly doesn't refer to any list such as in phone book. List is more about names and contact information that are interested in particular topic.

It may sound like building relationship with prospective customers in the list is common sense. After all, we are more likely to buy from someone who know and trust rather than a random sales person we meet on the street. It's better if we know for sure that the people who recommend us to buy something really knows our problems and have established credibility up front.

Andrew Fox, in his new coaching program called Affiliate X Factor, reveals exactly the process anyone can take to build their own list in any niche. He also tells how you could build credibility immediately in the welcome email. The result? Your subscribers already like you and trust that you know something of value that they don't.

The beauty of owning a list is that you can repeatedly keep in touch with the subscribers anytime you want. This doesn't mean you can send promotions upon promotions with no valuable content. Contrarily, the promotion is complementary to the content and when you position it this way, the subscribers will see the promotions as recommendations instead of hard selling.

Email marketing will never be the same again. When other marketers complain the degrading response they get from using email as a marketing tool, Andrew finds techniques to increase the response.

In one of his promotion, he successfully earns $7.55 per click, resulting in more than $39,000 worth of affiliate commission. The cost to mail the promotion is virtually free.

That's the kind of power you can get when you build a responsive list.

In conclusion, focus on relationship first before offering your products or services. In fact, position the product or service in a way that it related to the solution you have to offer tot he prospective customers.

Hendry Lee helps small business owners overcome technology challenges in starting and growing their online business.

What do I learn from Affiliate X Factor? Check it out yourself.

Copyright Hendry Lee and MarketingLoop.com


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