Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help." ---Napoleon Hill

Is that quote true for your life? Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? Are you reading this article at this moment because of fate, coincidence, or just because? Make a commitment to succeed - to make your dreams come true - then be open to the thoughts that whatever you need to make your dreams a reality, you shall have. Whether it is knowledge, money or resources, it will be made available to you. Put those tools to work, put an effort into succeeding, and as if by magic, your dreams will one day become a reality! INTENTION YOUR SUCCESS!!!


Bum Marketing is probably the hottest online money making strategies around, mostly due its simplicity. BUM Marketing is a way of article marketing, in which you write articles and use them to promote your business/product and/or services. The basic concept behind BUM Marketing is to write as many articles possible for each topic you are interested in, then submit them to various article directories over a period of time. It is essential that you write articles that contain good content and submit them to the article directories for publication. Some marketers choose quantity over quality (though if you outsource or develop a plan for your time, you can get both).

Article Directories & Resource Boxes

As stated, you will need to submit your articles to directories. It is best to focus on article directories with good traffic and search engine rankings. It is a good idea to visit a few of the directories before submitting to them. In that way you can get a feel for the type of articles that are posted there and any particular requirements. After your articles have been submitted to a few article directories the search engines will begin to index your articles on keyword density and rank you in the searches for your keywords.

"Perseverance is a great element of success, if you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody." ---Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Bum Marketing is probably the most affordable and the fastest way to start or grow your Internet business. Basically, it can be a zero cost method of writing articles on good, low competition keywords, followed by directing the articles to a product that you can make a profit with. It is vitally important that you include a well planned resource Box at the end or beginning of each of your articles. This can include a biography that can show that you are well trained and educated in your field, plus include links to your websites. By providing that information other ezines and webmasters looking for content will come to count on you for quality material and readers may be attracted to your sites which can lead to added sales for you. Because of these functions, the Resource Box is the most important component in any article you write for promotion. First sell yourself in your Resource Box, then add all promotional links. If this information isn't compelling enough to entice readers to click-through your articles will earn you very little, if any income.


Set a goal of writing one article per day. Try to stick with that and if that isn't too difficult, then increase your output. Step it up to two articles a day. The more you write, the more times your name will be "out there" and by gaining recognition you will soon be known and respected as an expert. It also increases the chances that someone will click through and thus make a purchase on your site....which can result in making you money! By building a reputation as an expert you will soon see results.

Keyword research and niche selection are the basis of Bum Marketing. Bum Marketing can be done without spending money, which makes it very attractive to most Internet Marketers. The bottom line is, if you want to make money with Bum Marketing you need to strive to get your articles to a "critical mass" on the web.

"Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises." ---Demosthenes

Debbie Allen is a Personal/Life Coach and Mentor who recently developed an E-Course that details a step by step process for generating more traffic to your website. She has also written many original articles related to internet marketing that incorporate the Laws of Attraction and Motivational Quotes. If you are interested in learning more about her "5 Ways To Increase Targeted Traffic To Your Website" E-Course and reading her original articles, please visit; http://www.InternetDivaDeb.com regularly. Debbie is also a Director with Coastal Vacations, which offers an awesome home-based business opportunity. You can read more about that lucrative money maker at Debbie's business site: http://www.ClassyTravel.biz


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