Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Marketing - Using Bullet Points and Paragraphs

Readers don't like to read long paragraphs. Readers hate articles that are just one long paragraph. Why? Because in order to get information out of that article, they have to read the whole thing. Writing articles in one long paragraphs will not only make your readers angry, but your article will not do very good in it's market. It's true.

Adding bullet points and paragraphs are the best ways to write an article. This way, viewers can just skip through certain parts of your article and read the major parts. The faster you can give your reader information, the more of a chance that you'll have of them actually clicking on your URL link.

So here are some reasons why bullet points and paragraphs will get you more URL links and why.

  • Bullet points help your readers to get information quickly. Whenever a reader reads your article, they are reading it because they want an answer to something. Provide them with your answer fast! The faster you can provide them with an answer, the more of a chance they will click on your link.

  • Breaking up your article into paragraphs and bulelt points makes your article look more professional and trustworthy. Having paragraphs and bullets instead of having just one long paragraph can make your reader think that you have valuable information.

  • Breaking up your article will increase your article writing time. Instead of going back to your long paragraph trying to look for a sentence to rewrite, writing a paragraph or a bullet helps you identify where you put your sentences in. This will increase your writing time vastly!

Bullet points and paragraphs are great ways to make your article more valuable and time efficient to your readers. No reader wants to read a long paragraph, and they shouldn't! Break up your articles into small fragments, and your URL clicks will increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at


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