Friday, May 9, 2008

Article Marketing Is Extremely Low Cost Method

Article marketing is an extremely valuable method of getting traffic to your website. If you are not familiar with it, article marketing is basically the process of writing articles and submitting them, along with links back to your website, to article reprint directories on the internet.

Almost everyone who owns their own websites will visit article reprint directories on a semi-regular basis in order to find new content to place upon their sites. When you have the opportunity to submit articles to such directories, you are granting explicit permission for others to employ your writing on their site, for free. The only concession is that the website owners must typically include an "about the author" blurb following every article that they use. This can include your biographical information and perhaps a link back to your website.

When your article gets used on another website, everyone who reads the article sees your author biodata and the links back to your website. A good article may wind up on hundreds of websites, where many people can read it. You can submit your article to different directories.

Article marketing is a great way to send visitors to your website without putting out any money to do it. This can help your company and your website grow. You will become well known and respected by a great number of people in your target range and attract many hits to your site.

The goal of article marketing is to make readers go to an article of yours which is posted on your site. When they arrive there, you have a much greater opportunity to communicate the remainder of your sales pitch. If you really comprehend the working of search engine optimization, you can word your copy so as to achieve a significantly superior level in the listings of search results.

Article marketing is extremely low cost, and in many cases, totally free. When people find what they want and are impressed with what you've written, you become an expert in their minds, which translates to a high level of credibility. Unique articles with unique content also help to increase the traffic to your site.

Copy that is meant to generate more internet traffic to a specific site should have lots and lots of buzzwords. They make the copy more effective, and they affect the article's rating on the most popular search engines. The trick is to choose the proper buzzwords. However, if a site has a lower rating, it really doesn't need as many of those terms.

There are several ways to increase traffic to your website through your articles. One way is by creating articles that include easy links back to your site. Submitting articles to directories and newsletter publishers is also a good idea. Articles that contain unique content are always wanted for online use. Selling your articles for use as E-books can also send a lot of traffic your way.

A new and increasingly popular way to increase traffic to your site is the use of article marketing. This new marketing method involves writing unique articles with content that draws readers using search engines. The content should contain many key words that the web search engine will pick up. This will increase the frequency of your articles coming to the attention of the online readers. The article should also have unique content to draw the readers. It can be filed with one of the article directory services so people can see it easily. Once they click on it, they are one their way to your site.

Best Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Secrets to Advance with Article Marketing

If you want to advance in article marketing, you need to be more aggressive in publishing your article online. Don't be contented with article submission sites. To create more inbound links for your website, you can also post your articles to your blog, websites, forums, or compile them to create an ebook.

Looking for other secrets to advance with article marketing? Read on!

1. Make use of killer titles. Articles with boring titles seldom create interest online because people automatically think that if your titles are not good enough, your articles are not worth reading so why should they bother and check out your content? Avoid this from happening by making your titles striking and attention-grabbing. It would also help to incorporate keywords on your headlines to make your articles highly searchable online.

2. Inform before your advertise. Impart some of your knowledge that you think will be valuable and useful to your readers. Make sure that the information you include in your content can help you establish your expertise on your chosen niche. When you are able to educate or help people, it would be easier to convince them to visit your website and join your newsletters.

3. Use compelling resource box. To increase your conversation rate, you have to make your resource box attention-grabbing and enticing. Communicate your expertise, the problems that you solve and your desire to help. Don't forget to include your website's URL and the reasons why readers should click on it.

4. Make your articles scannable. When people open an article that's made up of lengthy paragraphs and barely contain page breaks, they are most likely to close it and move to other articles that are easy on the eyes. Online users prefer articles that are easily to skim through so they can quickly find specific information that they need. To help them out, make your articles scannable by using sub headings, bullet points, and numbered list when appropriate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How To Get Your Articles Read!

As a zero-cost, exposure-rich way to get your site noticed on the Internet, article marketing is hard to beat. After all, what other method lets you tell people about things that interest them, put your link into other large sites for free and virally spread the word about what an expert you are - for free?

The techniques are simple and well within reach. In fact, effective article marketing means keeping away from sophisticated literary styles. You are communicating with people who want good, clean information that's easy to digest and quick to read. It's as though you were explaining something to a friend. When you write your article, imagine that person to be in front of you and write your article so that they can immediately understand what you are talking about.

Although the techniques are simple, there are some basic rules to be observed. First of all you do need to write correctly. If you have doubts about your ability here, take heart. There are ways to get around this (notably, write short, simple sentences that have a good "flow") and tools to help as well. If you are using a text editor like Microsoft Word, then use the built-in spelling and grammar checker. In fact do this even if you have supreme confidence in your ability to write. It's extraordinary what errors can go unnoticed because you are re-reading the text that you wrote yourself. The checker will find these for you.

In addition to this, a number of article sites, focusing on quality articles, include basic spell checking as a possibility in the submission procedure. Note that quality for them means the same thing as indicated above: articles that are of interest to their readers and that bring them clear, relevant information in an easy to digest way.

Your choice of article sites will be important as well. Some of them are very big and well represented in the search engines. On the other hand, it may be more difficult to get your articles authorized for inclusion. You'll want to write a series of articles in any case to get into the swing of it and to test on various sites. Submit your articles and keep track of how quickly they get included, what the click rate is (how may people reading your article) and how well your articles get rated in search engines, especially for keywords that interest you. Then compare and focus on the article sites that are getting you the best results.

Article sites also have guidelines on length of articles. In fact, make that "restrictions" rather than "guidelines". When you read their submission procedure, you will typically see how they want articles to be submitted. For the length, 250 words is a minimum, 500 words is more in favor. But don't make your article too long either. If you find that you have a lot to say, then chop your article up into 500 word chunks, each chunk dealing with one aspect of the topic. That way you'll be able to submit multiple articles as well and benefit from multiple exposures.

Next on the list is the resource box that is also a feature of many article directories. This is where (and it is the only place) you get to sell. Do not sell in the main text of your article. Inform, entertain, question if you like, but avoid the sales pitch. Editors will often refuse articles that come on too strong on the sales side, and even if they make it through, readers will lose interest fast. After all, their goal in reading is not (yet) to buy. Warm up the discussion by degrees. Give them good information that encourages them to get to the bottom of the article and to click on your link to then go to the next phase of "pre-selling" or possibly a sign-up page for a newsletter, a product or a service.

Have some fun with the resource box if you like. Apply some of the classics to grab people's interest, like spiking their curiosity, using appropriate humor or appealing to their instincts of greed or fear. That's what will incite them to click on and go to your site, to make your article marketing a success.

You are wasting too much time. Visit today and get over 129 marketing guides absolutely FREE!

Article Marketing - How to Write Articles With Various Parts Without Irritating Your Readers

Have you ever found an article posted somewhere that refers to Part I, Part II, and Part IV, but you cant find the various parts of the article ARGH! What a dynamic waste of my time and frustration! Theres a simple way to create articles in parts, solve your time issues and creative writing problems, all while bringing your reader back to your website for some DYNAMITE Content.

Heres a challenge for you. Next time youre tempted to break that incredibly long content rich article into parts I, II, III, and IV, STOP! Dont do that! Give you reader a valuable list of informative topics with viable sub headings, publish that hummer as an ebook, and create a power-charged pitch article, such as this one, to promote your four or five part ebook. You can, if you choose, give that ebook away with a link from your website and a sign up opportunity for you to capture their name and email address.

While youre giving away great content, youre gaining something from the gift, and youre not frustrating the heck out of your readers. Theres a plus for you. Have you ever gone to a website after the writer of an article frustrated you? Did you sign up for anything? Probably not, to both questions.

My point exactly!

Content providing dynamic information can be created with multiple resources and you can send the reader to high-quality links easily without the frustration by keeping your Parts in ONE UNIT, and simply giving the reader valuable content with a link to your Big Parcel. So heres your list of ideas to drive traffic back to your site with multi-part article ideas that dont leave your reader pulling off extremities!

Create an Ebook from Multi-Part Articles and Give it away on your Website.

Create a Report from your Multi-Part Articles and Give it away on your Website.

Write Multiple STAND ALONE articles to draw your reader back to your website for those IMPORTANT Documents.

Provide Links to individual parts of an article that you have posted on your website.

Use a lead in Article and Market your Multi-Part Ebook for money from Article Marketing.

Are you ready to create dynamic content that generates massive amounts of traffic to your website?

Jan Verhoeff shares the SECRET of PROSPERITY on the Internet with High Value Information Marketing. Claim your value laden copy of this Dynamic Traffic Building Document at and bring POWER-CHARGED targeted traffic to your website for high-impact, profit producing value.

Article Marketing Secret It's Not All About the Links

You submit an article to as many article directories as possible with a link to your site in the signature block and you get loads of one-way links Thats what we see everyday right? While that statement is true, it is not the key to article marketing success.

The key to article marketing success is obtained by

1. Creating quality articles that are interesting enough for the viewer to follow-through to your signature block and click on your link.

2. Maintaining a constant flow of articles to the top few article directories and sites in your niche.

You may have heard these two statements in the past and chalked it up as not important. If you did, you made a big mistake.

The fact is, your articles MUST be interesting and valuable. If the viewers are not interested enough in your article they will not go past the description, let alone follow-through to your signature block.

At the same time, even if your articles are of great quality and do convert article viewers to website visitors, if you only have a few out there you will not get a considerable amount of traffic from them.

Sure, its true that on rare occasions an article could go completely viral and generate thousands of site views but it is likely? Even if you do have an article or two that goes extremely viral, the traffic will most likely not last.

If you are creating quality articles, every one that you publish to the Internet will bring in a small trickle of website visitors. The more articles you have out there, the larger that trickle will grow.

If you implement the two very basic tips that I just outlined into your article marketing campaign, along with a good signature block and title, you will see the true benefit to article marketing in a very short amount of time.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster who has been effectively marketing with articles for over 2 years. If you would like to learn effective Article Marketing and begin to see the Free visitors that everyone always seems to talk about but never prove, then take a look at You can also promote Article Marketing Domination and earn 50% on every sell you make by visiting

The Most Valuable Skill To Have As An Internet Marketer

The most valuable skill to have as an Internet Marketer is writing. Other people believe that the most valuable skill is email marketing, or sales marketing. But...if you learn the art of writing, then you'd able to write content for your website, write your own ebook, write your autoresponders emails and of course you can write your very own original articles. Articles are a way to get you unlimited traffic to your website by writing short articles related to the subject of that site.

The benefits of writing articles are tremendous. Writing articles creates the traffic you need to make money. And best of all it's free. You can submit your articles to Ezine publishers and article directories, which can expose you to tens of thousands of Internet users. Of the thousands of readers who read your articles, some will click the links in your article, Visit your site, and purchase your products. Articles build trust and credibility. Readers who do click to your site are pre-sold Because they see you as an expert.

Learn how to write articles

When I started writing articles I was overwhelmed by the numerous subjects. Don't start letting yourself come up with the reasons why that could be true for other people but not for you. You can learn to write articles from the beginning to the end. And as you get experienced you will find it more enlightening every day.

There are thousands of resources on the Internet that teaches the skills of writing. Here is a free resource that will teach you the art of writing your own ebook in less than a week. Just send a blank email to get more information to This will teach you the in's and out's of writing your own ebook, and that's a start for anyone willing to learn copyrighting.

You don't need to write a masterpiece. You can write from 300 to 500 words articles in no time. Your Heading is the most valuable piece of your article. You need to grab the readers attention from the beginning to the end. When people read articles they want information they can use right away. Write about a subject that will be beneficial to the readers.

Submitting your article

After you finish writing your article and decide to submit to the articles directories, make sure you run a spelling check, and check what format is required plain text, html or both. Add a resource box and list your website URL. List your URL both way wrapped and the link itself. Some of the articles directories stripped hyperlinks that are wrapped.

When you submit your articles to Ezines check their publishing guidelines, since they differ from those at the articles directories. Find out what are their guidelines, before you submit your articles. There are utilities to format articles or solo ads for submitting to Ezines the best one I found to be Ezy Ezine Ad Formatter. See my resource box and send me an email for more information.

Don't plagiarize someone's else's work since most of the article directories check for this on the web. You can acquire new articles ideas by visiting the articles banks and FAQ's on various sites on the Internet. Or you can use unbranded articles written by ghostwriters or from membership sites that you belong to.

Pick good keywords

Getting to pick the good keywords is very critical to the success of your article. You need to choose the best keywords and you'll choose the right audience for your article. It means you connect with the most potential targeted traffic on the web, this way you can earn more with your sales, and it's free.

Match the keywords to your article content and you'll reach an audience that wants what you're promoting. Be specific. If you're selling ebooks, use specific keywords like 'how to ebooks' instead of general keywords like ebooks. Someone searching for ebooks could be looking for any kind of ebook, and for many different reasons.

This is what you need to remember, writing articles creates the traffic you need to make money. They build trust and credibility. That there are thousands of Internet resources that teaches writing skills. Choosing the right keywords is critical to the success of your article. The difference between a good article and a mediocre one is often the difference between successful site that earns thousands of dollars a week and one that barely make ends meet.

Article Re-print Rights Information:

Article must be published "as is" (unedited). Article must be published with below the author's bio paragraph (resource box) and copyright information included. URL in the resource box should be set as hyperlinks. Article cannot be used in spam communications Bio paragraph (resource box) below:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Pablo Montalvo writes about Internet Marketing in his free newsletter and free ecourses. You can sign up for his free ebook creation ecourse at his website: