Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the services search engine marketing companies provide is Link Building. This is where the firm actively seeks out links by finding websites that are on a similar topic to yours and approaching them on your behalf to ask for links. However as the search engines have become more sophisticated they have been able to distinguish between sites providing good high quality relevant links and other less reliable websites. As a consequence its become increasingly important for search engine marketers & optimisation agencies to learn which links are most valuable.

One of the first things to bear in mind when asking a site for the link is if its relevant. The best way to tell if a search engine would see you link as appropriate is to think like the linking websites target audience. If a reader of the site you are approaching would find your web page useful then so will the search engines.

Its also important to see who else the potential link partner is linking to. A site with a few high quality links is a lot more valuable as a link resource than a site with links to some of the more grubby neighborhoods on the World Wide Web.

The older the site you are approaching to build links with the better. The more established a site is the more valuable its links are. A link from a site thats been around since the early days of the internet can really help a search engine optimization campaign and move a website up the rankings result page.

As well as the age of the link partner its worth looking at which Top Level Domain (TLD) the website is hosted with. .edu & .gov sites are best. Unless its a high quality well established reputable site .biz & .info pages are best avoided. The less desirable domain extensions are more prone to spam so their links offer less trust.

Its always best to try and find links from proper editorial pages rather than directories. While it may be more time consuming and require a personalized email its worth the effort. The search engines view a link from a content site as a better recommendation than a web directory that is full of links.

Another top tip is to avoid sites in foreign languages its easy for the search engine to see these as irrelevant links, so youre better not wasting your time perusing these links.

If you are trying to market and promote your site; a well organized link campaign as part of a varied search engine marketing strategy can provide real tangible results. You can quickly move up through the results of search engines like Yahoo! & Google and drive more traffic to your website.

Kelvin Newman is a search engine marketing consultant at Site Visibility Ltd. Site Visibility is a UK based search engine marketing company that helps clients increase online customer acquisition and retention using search engine optimization, pay per click and online marketing campaign measurement techniques.

You can read his regularly updated blog Site Visibility - Search Engine Marketing

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Do you have the fervor for writing? Do you want to get paid for doing something that you love to do? Your passion for writing can actually be used to your advantage in the so-called article marketing strategy in advertising your business.

Choose an interesting topic that is related to your respective business, research about it and write a resourceful article about your researched topic. Focus on popular subjects that you very well know people will be looking for in the Internet. And, include highly ranked keywords and Meta tags that will increase the possibility of having your article (as well as your website) included in the top list of search engine results.

Furthermore, here are some more specific secrets that will help you maximize your writing skill in bringing good fortune and profit to you and your business.

1. Write to only one person.

Your article should definitely target a pretty large number of readers. However, when you are writing your article, try to picture only one person whom you will address your article to. This makes your article more amiable, thereby keeping the attention and interest of your readers.

2. Make use of white spaces.

White spaces in an article can actually be beneficial by making your work appear more professional and a lot easier to read.

Too lengthy paragraphs may seem boring and uninteresting, especially for skim readers.

3. Proofread your articles.

Check your articles for any misspelled words and other grammatical errors.

Go over and read out loud your article at least twice to ensure that it is free of any inappropriately used words or syntax.

4. Make the most of constructive criticisms.

Ask what others have to honestly say or comment about your articles, accepting their feedbacks, and using them constructively can help you become a better writer.

Continue to do well on areas where you have received compliments and improve on your weak points. And if there is a need for you to change your writing style, do not be afraid to so. Even the most negative criticisms or feedbacks can be beneficial to you if you see them in a constructive way.

5. Try writing about different things.

There may be times that you feel like you can only write articles about a certain topic. This is just normal. However, this must not hinder you from trying other writing styles and tackling about different subjects that may be entirely new to you. Doing so will help develop your writing skills.

6. Never forget your resource box.

You may submit your articles in your affiliate article directories, ezines, and other online publishers. In these cases, you must always include a resource box in your articles, which must contain your site?s URL address.

This link will help redirect your affiliates? Subscribers and guests to your business site, and hopefully make them interested enough to buy the products or services that you are offering.

Articles are effective and convenient marketing tools in the Cyber world today. And you should not be afraid to use your writing skills in earning and making your business a big success.

R.J. Adams runs the Link Building Bible. There, you can learn some great internet marketing tips, including many resources for one way link building

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

What is a squeeze page? It is something that can be extremely profitable for your online business. It is a web page for which it's only purpose is to entice visitors to opt in to your mailing list.

For this technique to work, you need to provide to your visitor with a unique option. Don't add a bunch of links to this page, because he may leave and never come back.

So what are the secrets to having a good converting squeeze page?

1. You need to have a great headline that will grab your visitor's attention. A sloppy, boring headline will just cause your visitors to click away from your site without even reading any further so make sure you have a fantastic headline.

Your headline can make all the difference between whether your visitors will opt in or not. If they are impressed with your headline they are likely to keep on reading and as a result there is a good chance that they will then opt in.

2. Have a few bullet points on your squeeze page. Bullet points are a great way of listing what your free gift is going to give them.

3. You must have an opt in box on your squeeze page, I think that goes without saying. Your autoresponder company should give you the html code to create your opt in box.

Some people will use videos and graphics on their squeeze pages but often these will just distract your visitors from what they are actually there for. You will find that a simple squeeze page will convert very well as long as it includes the three points listed above.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

For a Local company one of the biggest aspects of SEO is getting people in your community to link to you. Almost everyone has an online page of some sort whether it is through MySpace or an actual website. Your friends want you to succeed and so will often be willing to place a link to your site somewhere in their page, along with some words about what you do. This last point the text being about what you do is important because the incoming links help more if they are surrounded by information that relates to your website. Without this information the relevance of the links goes down.

One thing that sets Washington apart is how wired it is, there are many more people online here then any other part of the country, what's more it is the most literate part of the United States as well. For these reasons various forms of online PR and article marketing are likely to do very well for getting people in the local community to link to your site, especially if you have something on your site of interest to link to. Having something to link to is important, almost everyone has a website but very few people have enough incoming links to get a good position. In order to get a good position it is important that you create unique content, content that will make people who see your site want to link to you. In a small community it may be more important to get local sites to link to you, as these will allow you to look more important to the search engines local based searches.

Having content on your website that is worth linking to may be easier then you think (depending on what you do). Small businesses owners like you have a wealth of knowledge that people are often looking for. The use of tools in hardware, paint color schemes that are popular, clothing styles that are unique, information on books and authors. All of these things are pieces of information that you as a small business owner can have special access to, and so can place on your website.

For a restaurant it may be even easier to provide something worth linking to in the form of recipes. People love recipes and so by providing some you stand a good chance of gaining incoming links.

Another way to get incoming links is to join the organizations in your local community; your chamber of commerce for example could provide a good link to your site. A school in your area could also provide a link to your website if you made a donation related to your business or where on something which they organized. By the same little leagues and other such entities will often link to donors, so you can ask about this. In all cases remember that it is best to get these links in such a way that discusses your business.

Remember also as you go out to get these links however that you don't want to do it too fast. It is advisable not to get more then 2 or 3 links a week and maybe even less, because Google will punish you if you get more. In a local community this is also easier to control because you can ask people to wait to link to you if necessary.

Ty Hulse is putting together information on internet marketing in the State of Washington at http://www.internetmarketingwashington.com

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article Marketing is a successful way to acquire traffic for your website. It has become more popular recently especially with the coined term Bum Marketing. There are differences to each technique, but basically they are both Article Marketing Techniques.

Article Marketing is easy to implement and can be very effective for acquiring free search engine traffic. For the record it is considered off page SEO.

Basically, you write a short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword and add a keyword rich link in your bio box to the website you want to promote. You then submit the article to one of the many article directory sites and anywhere from 2 days to two weeks you should be listed in the search engines.

Repeat the above step a few times with different articles in the same niche as your website with another niche keyword linking back to your website and you will be listed very fast in the search engines.

Bum Marketing is a name that was coined in the last year. It is exactly the same as Article Marketing but with a slight twist.

You would write the same short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword. But, this time you want to use what is called a long tail keyword.

This keyword is so exact in its phrasing that usually has very small amounts of searches done using it every month. And, the kicker is that it has very little and sometimes no competition for that keyword. This means that there is practically no website competing to use the keyword. If you are really lucky there is also little to no PPC programs using that keyword.

Long tail keywords are popular now because it is felt that anyone that does search for this type of keyword is a hungry buyer. It is reasoned that a searcher is looking for a precise item for example charcoal pre-filter for Honeywell Air Cleaner instead of using the general keyword, Air Cleaner. General keywords are considered hard to convert to sales. A searcher of a general keyword is a so called tire kicker who is shopping around but has not made up his mind to buy.

Finally, in the authors bio box of a Bum Marketing article you link directly to the affiliate program you want to promote instead of linking to your website. I think it is similar to the Google Cash promotion method used in promoting via Adwords.

In a nutshell these are the differences between Article Marketing and Bum Marketing. Both are very effective at becoming a successful Affiliate Marketer.

Don't Be pig-headed like me! I have been an affiliate marketer for the last 3 years. I, like a lot of other affiliate marketers are sometimes pig-headed and have learned the hard way how to have a successful career in affiliate marketing. Hint: Learn to spend your hard earned dollars wisely on Affiliate Marketing Materials. My goal is to speed up your learning time and keep you from needlessly spending money buying affiliate products that just dont work. Read my reviews at: Affiliate Marketing Book Reviews.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Generating traffic for your website cannot get easier these days due to the advent of article marketing. Today, you don't need to shell out money to cover for your advertising cost or launch link building campaigns to augment your page engine ranking. All you need to do is write and distribute well-written and content-rich articles to submission sites to gain quality inbound links for your website and establish your expertise on your chosen niche.

Here are the 4 latest steps to advance with article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients when writing your content to effectively determine the kinds of information that they would like to see on your articles.

2. Deliver quality content. Make sure that your articles are worth every second of your readers' time by making them all useful and relevant to their lives or pressing issues. Your articles must also be well-written and free from any kinds of errors to give your readers great reading experience.

3. Pay attention to your titles. The best way to increase your clickthrough rate is to use titles that can effectively grab the attention of online users to get them to read your content. Your titles must not only be intriguing and interesting, but they must also be able to communicate the readers' benefits to further compel online users to read on.

4. Strive for excellence. Consistently offer your readers with nothing but the best and continuously learn the process of article marketing to increase your chances in advancing in this field. Read tutorials, articles, ebooks, and ecourses on a regular basis that can teach you the most advanced methods to maximize the benefits you can get from article marketing.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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