Monday, June 23, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

What they say is true: Article marketing is currently the most powerful traffic-generating and product marketing tool in the internet today. Millions of ebusiness owners are using it not just because it's effective, but most importantly, it is free and easy to use.

Here are the 5 priceless ways to improve your article marketing:

1. Consider your target market. Never write based on what you want to know and put your readers on top of your priority list. Consider their needs, their pressing issues, their demands, and the things that they are deeply passionate about. These are the topics that you should write about to effectively drive them to your website.

2. Learn how to attract attention online. If you are unable to grab the attention of online users, your marketing efforts will go down the drain. Learn the ways on how to get people to notice you by using striking titles that can easily pique the curiosity of your potential clients. Use powerful words, communicate the benefits you can offer to your readers, and be direct to the point.

3. Be a good source of information. By this, I mean offering your readers with fresh, unique content and not just re-writes of articles that are posted on the web. For your articles to be valuable, they need to include content that cannot be found elsewhere.

4. Be entertaining. Never sound boring or you'll instantly lose the business of your readers. Make your articles sound upbeat, entertaining, friendly, and warm so you can easily build that connection with your potential clients.

5. Be trustworthy. If you would like people to trust you, you need to strive on giving them content that are credible and fact-based. Remember, one wrong information can easily mislead your readers. This can greatly hurt your online credibility and make you easily lose your clients.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Webmasters are constantly looking more effective ways to link bait or build incoming links to their websites. As building links is the most important Search Engine Optimization technique in today's context, most link builders charge a hefty amount just for a couple of links. I will discuss some of the effective link building strategies that will help most Webmasters in boosting their pages' ranking by building links that work.

The most common method employed by the Webmasters is placing their links in forums as their signatures. This is a very cost effective technique as it does not require the poster to pay anything. Signature links do helps in attracting traffic especially if the poster contributes significantly to the community. Although these links are not valued highly in the search engine index, they do count as backlinks.

Writing articles is another great way to build incoming links. Most articles have a section known as 'About Author' at the end of the body and this is where the writers put in valuable links to their websites. These links are highly relevant and helps greatly in contributing to the site rankings. Article writing is extremely useful if an article is submitted to many article directories.

One of the latest link building strategies is to utilize social bookmarking sites such as digg and to post your story. These sites have tons of traffic everyday and refers a good amount of visitors to a site especially if the story is interesting. Although some of the links are not valued highly in search engines, the traffic will indirectly link to your site if your content is interesting.

Another method to build links is to advertise your link on a popular page. A popular page would mean one that has a good page rank and receives high amount of traffic. This popular page will help in both ways; increase your search engine result ranking and attract targeted traffic. However, advertising in popular sites can be expensive and short-lived.

The latest trend that people build links is through Link Investment. Take for example, allows Webmasters to invest in text links while advertising their sites so as to sell back their links for a profit in future. This type of links is beneficial to the Webmasters in more than one way; traffic and revenue.

To conclude, Webmasters must be clear to build links that can either attract targeted traffic or have high page importance. Webmasters must also be aware of the surroundings as new link building strategies will be introduced from time to time.

KC TAN is a SEO consultant with several years of related experiences. KC owns a SEO site that provides free SEO tools for the Webmasters. He also owns the popular free SEO eBooks and the unique Text Link Investment site, LinkVestor.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is a free strategy that webmasters can use to generate free website traffic. It is an effective form of website promotion that works by submitting unique and informative articles to high traffic article directories as well as those with a high search engine page rank. These articles are available for free download for use on websites and ezines on the stipulation that the writer's article resource bio remains intact. Internet marketing articles can not only get free traffic to your website through direct visits from the article itself, they can help to raise your search engine results page rank by increasing relevant one-way links to your site.

The success of your resource information in article marketing hinges on the quality of the article itself. Not only does an article need to be well written and engaging, it must offer information that gives value to your target audience. The topic should relate to your website theme, otherwise your traffic will not be targeted and therefore of little value to you. The content gives you the opportunity to establish your credentials as an expert in your field and to gain reader trust.

Your resource bio in article marketing is really your payment for submitting the article. You provide a free article that people can use and in return your business is marketed through the bio that remains intact. It is therefore very important to use your resource box effectively.

The basic information your resource box should include is your name (and title if applicable), your website address with a valid URL (make sure it is a live link), your marketing pitch or unique selling proposition, and your call to action. It is not a good idea to a number of different calls to action in a given resource box. Keep it simple. Your call to action might be to visit your website, download a free e-book, or subscribe to a newsletter.

Another important consideration in compiling your resource bio is to use anchor text in your URL that is related to one keyword or keyword phrase that you want to use for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes. For example, if you run a website which is focused on debt consolidation you can enhance search engine relevance for the term 'debt consolidation' by linking the term in your resource box to your website.

As with your article, your resource information should have clearly stated benefits for the reader. In other words they will be able to see a personal benefit in clicking on your link. It is also important to keep your article resource bio to a reasonable size. It shouldn't be too big. Chris Knight of Ezine Articles suggests that it should be no more than twenty percent of the total size of the article.

Your article resource bio is an important aspect of article marketing. After all, the purpose behind article submission to high traffic article directories is to get free traffic to your website. Your resource box is the doorway from your article to your website. If you craft it well on the foundation of an informative and valuable article, your website and business will benefit substantially.

Learn how to promote any product, service or business opportunity using the most powerful Free Web Site Traffic method Article Marketing

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Instead of business as usual (television, radio, print), companies must now adapt their advertising and marketing efforts to embrace a new breed of web-savvy consumers to secure such ripe online opportunities. This is due to the fact that traditional consumers have shifted the way they perceive, search and acquire information as a result of search engines, this known as Online Marketing.

Online marketing is defined as the selling of products on the Internet. Online marketing, (also known as web marketing, search engine marketing, SEO or internet marketing) is vital in today's internet savvy world.

Advantages of online marketing is taking place wherein it is globally accessible. This is the greatest advantage of online marketing using the website. Unlike traditional marketing, it requires you to select a medium such as: print; radio; television; mail shots etc. to advertise your product in regions or nationally. You can interpolate your offline and online campaigns, outsource e-commerce work to cheap and efficient third party resources and thereby lower your marketing budget, and battle test new creative ideas. Also, more consumers of every type, not just B2B buyers and corporate executives, now routinely use broadband service. This means that you can reach practically your full spectrum of customers.

The good news is that it's not too late to make up the ground. An intelligently pursued ad campaign that takes advantage of technologies, builds in a redundant infrastructure, and measures consumer responses can quickly outpaced even a well-established competitor online ad plan.

Many advantages are not yet disclosed but those few above are the major advantages that acquaints us of what online marketing could do to help and serve consumers for their wants and needs. Whether we call it as an Online Marketing, Web Marketing, SEO, or Internet Marketing, still it gives an easy way and a good avenue to market your product efficiently to those web-savvy customers.

Janette Rivera is writer of She's interested in writing articles to impart knowledge to others.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In this Internet age every business small or big must have an Internet site to represent their business. It is not enough to just have a web site, your site has to be promoted regularly through different avenues. The first step is to submit your web page to various Internet search engines. Once you have submitted your web site information to search engines, next important step is to make links with other sites. Links are small piece of html code with url and other information regarding your site embedded to it. Send this code to other site's webmaster who is interested in exchanging link with your site. They can put this html code into their web site. You also will receive a similar kind of html code with their url and other information about the site embedded to it, which should be pasted into your page. Many websites are keeping a separate page for hosting these links.

When you select a web site to host your link it is better to select one, which is doing a similar kind of business like yours. Building links is not a Herculean task. It takes some time to establish links. Once you make links with other web sites you can watch your traffic increase day by day.

Further information about building Effective Links can be found at Promote your site effectively.

Gijo George

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Promoting your products and services using paid advertisement can be costly. For instance, you must shell out thousands of dollars if you opt to use PPC advertising and banner ads. What happens if you don't have the money to cover for your advertising cost? The answer to this is simple. Look for an effective and free marketing tool. For that, I highly recommend article marketing.

Here are the 4 profitable ways to amplify your article marketing:

1. Promote your products. No, you can't pitch in your products in your article body but you can still market them through your content in a subtle way. You can do so by writing topics that are closely related to your offerings. By doing so, you can create a need for your products that will potentially compel online users to make a purchase. For instance, if you are selling car insurance, talk about how many cars are being stolen every year and how your products can give your potential clients peace of mind.

2. Follow the rules set by publishing sites to increase the chances of your articles being posted online. Some of the rules are the following: your articles must run at least 300 words, they must be well-written, keyword-rich, and targeted to the needs of your readers. They must also be free from inappropriate content, hyperlinks, and blatant advertisements.

3. Widely distribute your articles. Don't be contented by article submissions sites. To augment your inbound links, post your articles to directories, related blogs, social bookmarking sites, forums, and on your own website.

4. Make your articles search engine-friendly. Identify the most searched keywords on your chosen niche and sprinkle them all through out your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.