Thursday, June 12, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Are you tired of struggling to build your List for online marketing? Article Marketing creates an opportunity to develop Dynamic Targeted Traffic for your List Building Endeavors. Get on board for more Article Marketing Power!

In these days of information overload, Article Marketing fills a new and identifiable Marketing Niche. Your information can be found online using keyword searches. With those searches, people find your articles and you lead them back to your website with information they are actually looking to find online.

The best part of Article Marketing is that once you write the article, someone else does all the work of promoting it and getting it listed on the Search Engines, optimizing your Website and your Article for better readership.

Article Marketing includes the strong foundation of Niche Marketing - which creates a solid basis for building your online business. By conforming to your niche, you have the added advantage of building a business with dynamic growth potential.

Title your Article with KEYWORD Flash & Originality.

BE original. Every other article online tells someone how to so give the reader something more punchy and original. Simply state the purpose of your article. Leave out the wishy-washy junk and give your reader KEYWORD Power.

Your Article must present FRESH Information.

To get the attention you desire, your article must present something NEW and INTERESTING to your readers. Tips and Strategies that have been given over and over, wont grab much attention. Give your reader some fresh meat to chew on.

Know what your Readers wants to Learn.

When you have some idea what your reader wants to learn, you can offer that information. Give them what they want, every time they want it, your business will grow.

Resource Box Design and Purpose.

Dont end your article. Ask a question that leads your reader to the resource box. Answer their question with a link to your website. After the link, put a YEAR - Your name for REFERENCE and thats it.

Are you ready to get started writing some articles for your business?

Claim your Article Marketing Strategy Report Today at

2007 - Jan Verhoeff

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is commonly the primary marketing arm of most webmasters today. Why? It's because it delivers great results, it's easy to use, and it's free. Today, it is considered the easiest way to create inbound links for your website that can lead to improved traffic and higher page ranking.

Here are the 3 ultimate steps to make money through article marketing:

1. Write more. If you want online users to consider you as an expert on your chosen niche, you have to make them feel that you have so much valuable information to share. You can do that by writing numerous articles. Explore all the topics that play crucial roles in your target niche and those which interest your potential clients and write about them. Running out of great topic ideas? Visit forums that are frequented by your target market or access leading article submission sites. These are gold mines in niche-related topics that you can use when writing your articles.

2. Stick with short articles. As you know, the audience you are serving have limited attention span and have little time to spare when surfing the net for valuable information. Based on research, people online appreciate getting the information they need upfront and prefer short, direct to the point articles. Increase the chances of your articles being read by keeping their word count to 300-500. It would also help if you can make them scannable so your readers can easily skim through your content.

3. Do your research. Your main objective in writing your articles is to inform your audience or equip them with valuable knowledge that can help them in improving the quality of their lives or resolving their pressing issues. Thus, it is of outmost importance that everything you put on your content are fact-based and credible to avoid misleading your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Several months ago, I asked several hundred alternative health practitioners to tell me their most important questions about internet marketing. Two major questions emerged:

1. What exactly is internet marketing and how can it help me?
2. What's the best way to target people on the internet so that they attend my classes, come in for sessions, and buy my products?

Alternative health practitioners such as Rolfers, Massage Therapists, Hypnotherapists, Accupuncturists, Feldenkrais Practitioners and the like, have business needs that are similar to the needs of other business. They need more clients and steady income. Most are passionate about their work, interested in growing their practices and creating a sustainable business.

However, unlike many traditional businesses, alternative health practitioners are often practicing a modality that people have not heard of, or do not fully understand. Alternaitve health practitioners need to introduce people not only to a new method but to a new way of thinking, being and acting in the world.

Internet Marketing, in many ways, can be like the various alternative modalities themselves: What internet marketing "is" depends on what you want, what you need and what you are willing to do to get it. The first step is to get an idea of what the possibilities are.

Filling your workshops and building a practice

For one of my business partners the internet provides a way to keep his classes and workshops full. He has a large "permission based" email list to which he mails every 4-6 weeks. In every email he gives away a no-cost bonus, such as worksheet or handout that can be put to immediate use by the people on his list. He will often write about useful research findings related to his field. The end-result? People look forward to reading his emails and his seminars and workshops fill-up months in advance. Can you imagine using the same process to fill your practice?

The key here is relationship. Be helpful and aware of your potential clients' needs and help them whenever you can. They will reward you by trusting you and giving you their business.

Passive Income

Some alternative health practitioners reach a point in their careers where they realize that they want to work less but keep their current income and lifestyle. Is this you? Perhaps you need some time to write a book or want to take a sabbatical and travel the world?

The problem is that you are in the business of trading your time and skill for money. If you do not work, you do not get paid. It would be useful to ask yourself a new question: "How can I keep making income and sustain my business, without having to work everyday?" This is where the idea of "passive income" comes in.

What is passive income? Passive income is money that comes to you automatically every month, regardless of where you are or what you are doing. Downloadable audio, video and ebooks are a few examples of passive income opportunities. You could sell training and educational materials to your clients and have the system set-up so that the sales, delivery and support is done automatically in the background. In other words, when someone buys a product from you, you don't have to burn a CD, address an envelope, go to the post office or even process a credit card number. The whole process is automated on the internet.

Does Internet marketing sounds complicated or expensive to you?

It can be complicated and it can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Several years ago you would have needed a web programmer, graphic designer, recording studio and more. Now, all that you need is the right strategy and the ability to use a web browser and email.

For instance, blogs and basic websites can be created for no-cost and don't require any programming skills. There are ecommerce systems that can be set-up in less than 5 minutes and allow you to upload and sell products online for $5.00 per month. You can collect credit card payments without needing a merchant account. Email collection forms are pre-programmed in many web-based customer contact services (called auto-responders). And if you still feel that you want a website designer or some other help, you can hire one in India for $5 - $10 per hour. Several independent companies will let you post your projects and have people bid on them.


Take a deep breath, relax, and begin exploring. Use google to find the web-based businesses of people in your field. See what they are doing. When you are ready, consider joining marketing email lists or forums that interest you. Some marketing email lists will send you a useful message every month and give you no-cost resources for learning how to make money online. And if you don't like the information, you can always cancel and join another. Remember: You are in control.

Ryan C. Nagy, M.A. is a Feldenkrais Practitioner and Marketing Consultant, who co-owns, The Web Whisperers, with Bill O'Hanlon, M.S. Come see Ryan at The Web Whisperers Blog or Ryan's Internet Marketing Blog You may want to listen to his podcast at Feldenkrais Podcast

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

If you are currently using article marketing and noticing that your website traffic and your sales potentials are dramatically dropping, I suggest that you energize your marketing efforts to pull up your numbers again. Here's how:

1. Improve on your titles. Make them more attention-grabbing and enticing by using powerful words and key phrases that can effectively push the buttons of your potential clients. Don't forget to communicate the readers' benefits or the reason why online users should check on your content. Keep your titles short but striking.

2. Improve your content. Pack your articles with valuable, detailed, and complete information that will help your readers better understand your topic. Never leave any stone unturned by not assuming on what your potential clients already know. Make your content easy to understand, direct to the point, and highly targeted to your potential clients' needs.

3. Improve your resource box. If your conversation rate is not impressive at all, I'd say rewrite your resource box and make it more powerful and enticing. Aside from your name, your website's URL, and your expertise, don't forget to include the benefits that you can offer to online users when they visit your website. You can lure them with more valuable information or freebies.

4. Write more. Dramatically increase the number of your inbound links by multiplying the number of your submission. Strive to write at least 5-7 articles per day or hire ghostwriters who can provide you with quality articles for reasonable prices.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to your website, blog, forums, and social networking sites to increase their exposure online.

6. Check your progress. Consistently check your click through rate and how your articles are performing online. Continuously improve on them until you reach your goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.