Thursday, June 5, 2008

Breakthrough Autopilot Article Marketing With Bum Marketing

Autopilot article marketing is a great way to earn money online. Mix in a touch of bum marketing and you have created a powerful combination. Writing articles online is extremely easy. Many people can punch the letters of their keyboard, but few write words or sentences compelling enough to grab their readers attention. You can literally spend hours using bum marketing and never see any results.

As you read this short article, you will start to see why your success with autopilot article marketing has been limited. One of the reasons you are not seeing results is based on the fact your articles are dull and meaningless. See, if you want to write articles to build back links to your web pages, it's a great method. But, if you want to make sales, you need to write content that impels your reader to your landing page.

The farther down you read the more you will understand what I mean. You have a choice, write fast and furious, or write compelling and riveting content. Let's dissect an article and see if we can find ways to make our articles electric.

Each article you write consists of a subject heading, body and resource box. If all three combined do not compel your reader to take some sort of action you will lose a chance to send them to your landing page. Even if you just need them to read the next line.

Internet searchers thirst for information, they want to discover new things and find products that will make their life better. We all want a better life and your articles need to written in a matter in which the reader benefits.

You are reading this aren't you! And your reading this to learn to be better at something. You read to enrich your soul and feed your mind. Don't you think you need to write content that nails your reader to their monitor? You better, your chances of guiding a person to your landing page will only increase. Otherwise you are just wasting your time with bum marketing.

You be the judge. As this article ends, think about the value of honing your craft. Visit: Autopilot Article Marketing Helper and learn to write captivating content, so your readers actually find your resource box, sending your click thru's sky rocketing!

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Nifty Secrets to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing provides an easier way for webmasters to build quality inbound links for their site that can result to impressive page ranking. When websites have good placement on search engines, it follows that they will be highly visited by online users. As a result, webmasters get more traffic, increased sales potential, and amazing increased in profits.

Here are the 6 nifty secrets to make more money through article marketing:

1. Multiply the number of your articles. The more articles you write, the more inbound links you create for your website and the more articles you make available for publishers to use. These spell out great success in this marketing technique.

2. Focus on the quality of your articles. In your effort to increase the number of your articles, make sure that you don't sacrifice the quality of your content along the way. They must still be all well-written, useful to your target market, and content-rich.

3. Do not advertise on your articles. Focus on giving your readers quality information when you write the content for your articles. You can place your sales pitch on your resource box.

4. Prioritize the needs of your readers when writing your articles. Make sure that your content is geared towards meeting the needs and demands of your potential readers.

5. Learn how to optimize your articles. It is not enough that you know the keywords that are relevant to your niche, but most importantly you must know how to strategically place them on your content so they will sound natural.

6. Your articles must be short. As the attention span of online users is significantly short, it would help if you can write articles that are not lengthy and direct to the point. This is the best way to get your message across without boring your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Reciprocal Link Exchange Management Software

When shopping online for Link Management Software that can help create and automate your links directory, some important features that you should look for are as follows:

The software should,

  • Create the links page based on your own template.
  • Allow addition or removal of links at the click of a button and have the links page rebuilt.
  • Allow webmasters to submit their site.
  • Notify you when a webmaster has submitted their site and give you the option of accepting or rejecting their submission. .
  • Automatically check whether link partners linked back to you.
  • Help to automate the process of finding new partners.
  • Be easy to install.

The key to success for a website or online business is good search engine ranking. All of the major search engines use link popularity to determine how well a site will rank so the more high quality, relevant links that lead to your site, the higher it will rank.

There are a number of link management software scripts on the market but the one that I really enjoy using is LinkMachine. This is a relatively new link exchange management software that does not require an mySQL database and is very extremely to install. This software makes it very easy to find and contact quality link partners, generate custom link pages that match your site, and keep track of reciprocal links. LinkMachine automatically updates your link pages the instant they're changed - no uploading required. Link exchanges increase a site's targeted traffic, search engine ranking, and sales.

LinkMachine finds hundreds of popular, relevant sites to potentially exchange links with. Invite the webmasters of these sites to exchange links, using LinkMachine's fast e-mail templates. Generate custom link pages that perfectly match the look of your site. And keep track of each reciprocal link to your site.

LinkMachine is a Php application that runs on your web server. So it can automatically update your link pages the moment a change is made - no need to upload files each time a new link is added.

There is a free 10 day trial and a 30 day money back guarantee.

Ken Austin
Install LinkMachine Free
Take your internet marketing to new heights

Article Marketing - My Philosophy That Drives Me To Massive Article Marketing Success

Here's my philosophy on article marketing: The purpose of an article is to generate traffic. And it's very probable that more than half the visitors to an article don't even read it (though I hope you're not one of them!). Quality of your articles is important, and so is the quantity with which you write them and submit them!

When people click through on your articles, most will just click through to your site link in your resource box, decide to buy or optin or whatever it is, or just click away from your article. A very small percentage will even read your article. Maybe 1 in 10. That's 10 readers for every 100 visitors. And the title of an article is just as important than the content. You should be spending plenty of time crafting out a quality title.

I'd rather produce a good informative article that gets the point across than try to produce an article that will take hours to write. Some people have minds that race, and others can get in 30-50 words a minute. Some people have both. That's a lethal concoction for article marketing. If you can type very quickly and are already well versed in the topic, then you can crank out a 250-300 words article in 10 to 15 minutes without doing any research.

Most people write articles and when you read them, it reads like a textbook. You'd want to be conversational in your articles. Think about the most entertaining books you have read; more likely than not, the tone of the book was conversational. It was as if the author was sitting in a caf with you and having a lively discussion. That's how you want to write your articles!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Attention Small Biz Owners - Are You Qualified to Read This Article?

It came up in conversation the other day - the question about how you qualify your prospects. And since not everyone in the room knew what that meant, we'll explain briefly here:

To qualify is to make sure a prospect actually fits in your target market, and has a need that you can fill with whatever you're offering.

Usually, when the sales gurus talk about qualifying, they mean you should be asking the right set of questions to determine whether the person in front of you is a legitimate prospect.

But what about your website? Since you can't physically be there 24/7, your content has to step in and do the qualifying for you, right?

Well, the "Aha moment" we had about websites is that web surfers - unlike the people you meet face-to-face - are waaaay more willing to meet you halfway.

After all, if they're online:

1. They're searching for information

2. They have something specific in mind

3. They want to know whether you can meet their needs

In other words, your online prospects are actively trying to qualify themselves for you.

Web searchers don't want to be wasting their time when they're on the prowl for a solution. They're actively trying to figure out whether they belong in your market. And that's huge! They're making it so much easier on you than if you were speaking to them in person, sending direct mail, et cetera, et cetera.

And if you don't have a strong, informative, thoughtful, and content rich online presence - or even a simple one-page website! - already? Oh boy, are you missing out.

Earlier this year, we wanted to paint our new office. As more and more time-pressed folks do these days, Lani went online to find a local painter. She said, "I'll give my business to the first Lakes Region painter I can find online."

She couldn't find a single one, so we painted the office ourselves. Lani's brother nearly fell 15 feet off a ladder during the process, but that's another story.

Please, please, if you're not online, then get there as fast as you can, and make sure anyone who reads your website comes away knowing whether they're supposed to be buying from you. Or better than just "buying," investing their time, attention, and resources in you and the value you have to offer. Even if they decide not to, that's okay - that's a separate issue.

Your #1 job is to get 'em there - and make it as easy as possible for them to do the qualifying themselves.

(c) 2007 Epiphanies, Inc. As the "Content Lovers" of Epiphanies Inc., Lani & Allen Voivod help lifestyle entrepreneurs "A-Ha Themselves" in fun and profitable ways. For FREE articles, marketing tips, and content strategies designed to fire up your passion and profit-ize your niche, sign up for their "Inciter" ezine at!

Article Marketing - Should Be Reader Friendly

Article marketing is an excellent method of increasing traffic to your site. There are a lot of writers out there who are talented and can write articles for your site. With a large pool of potential employees who usually work free-lance, this is a marketing campaign that a site can undertake with little financial risk. You hire a person to develop creative content that will draw online surfers to your site. This small investment is an opportunity to increase site traffic as well as your search engine rating.

Article marketing, is placing your articles in online article directories for everyone to read. These articles usually will have a link to your own website at the bottom, with a photo and a short biodata about you. If someone reads your article and clicks on the backlink, your website gets traffic. Your article has to be impressive enough to induce the visitor to click on the backlink.

You can be successful if you remember a few things. You have to compose copy that reflects your readers' concerns. Perhaps you can inform your audience about a previously unpublicized service or give them pointers on how to do something for themselves. You want to create one-of-a-kind articles to get their attention, and unique content is what accomplishes that.

Use words that are easy for your readers to comprehend. Avoid flowery phrases that may tax the ordinary person's vocabulary. Avoid complicated concepts as well. Define any words you think will stump your audience. You can render copy more readable if you use boldfaced headings and bullets in front of the items on your lists. You want to offer your audience useful information and communicate to them that you have expertise pertinent to the topic.

As soon as your copy is prepared for publication, put it on a popular article directory. This is a kind of site that solicits columns from authors of all nations throughout the globe. It provides room for your contact information and for a backlink. It is crucial to post your copy on more than one directory at a time in order to raise your internet profile and generate more visitors to your site.

Article marketing can periodically fail to generate the funds it promises. A poorly written article will not attract viewers. The writer must possess rudimentary literary skills. The abrupt disappearance of the writer from the internet may also contribute to lack of income. Article writers must consistently provide new articles with fresh ideas. For a productive and gifted writer, article marketing is a great way to make a living.

In today's technologically driven world there are many ways to earn money through Internet and article writing is one of them. Many article writers are happy writing content for websites. If you engage yourself in article marketing, then your article will pay you as long as it is present on the site. Write something your reader is interested in. Your subject matter can be about a little-known but useful service or a self-help guide, a how-to article or handy hints about something. If your unique articles contain stimulating information, their unique content is sure to arouse your reader's interest. Write in a reader-friendly language and style.

Squidoo Affiliate Marketing - Get Multiple Listings on the First Page of Google Results


This article shows you a way to use Squidoo to get multiple listings on the first page of Google results for your targeted keyword.

Squidoo enables you to create a dynamic interplay between your blog, articles and Squidoo lens. I have termed this interaction, the Squidoo-Google Dance. Hopefully, the reason for the name will become obvious as I explain each step of this strategy.

Basic steps to get on the first page of Google results

Here are the basic steps for the Squidoo-Google Dance:

1. Create a Squidoo lens on "Your Keyword"

2. Start a blog on "Your Keyword" (or re-focus an existing blog)

3. Submit both your lens and your blog to blog directories and the search engines.

4. Write an article on "Your Keyword" with the resource box linking to your blog AND your lens.

5. Submit your article to article directories.

6. Create links from your Squidoo lens and blog to your article(s).

7. Set up an RSS feed from your blog to your Squidoo lens.

8. Start posting to your blog with "Your Keyword" in your post title.

9. Ping the blog directories for your blog and squidoo lens with each post.

So what is happening?

You have created a dynamic interaction (dance) between your blog, your Squidoo lens and your articles.

  • Your blog and Squidoo lens are being updated simultaneously.
  • Your articles are creating backlinks to your lens and blog.
  • Your blog and Squidoo lens are creating backlinks to your articles.

By pinging the directories, you are inviting Google to join the dance. Google continuously crawls the directories looking for updated material.

If you have multiple articles on the same keyword or topic you can also add your article feed from an article directory to your blog and Squidoo lens., for example, now has provision for adding RSS feeds to your blog.

The result: multiple listings on the first page of Google

The net result of the Squidoo-Google Dance is multiple listings on the first page of Google for your target keyword. These listings can be from your blog posts, your Squidoo lens, your article in an article directory or website, your blog directory entry or even from your Squidoo tags.

If you have monetized your lens and your blog with affiliate product links, the Squidoo-Google Dance can generate increased income as well as substantial traffic.

Ron Passfield, PhD, is the author of an e-book on Squidoo affiliate marketing (and weekly updates via email subscription):

Visit Rons Top 100 Squidoo lens for access to his email course and Squidoo marketing strategies, tools, tips and techniques:

Rons blog on how to do affiliate marketing with Squidoo:

Copyright 2007 Ron Passfield All rights reserved worldwide