Thursday, June 26, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The goal of every Internet business is to provide great service to their customers. A satisfied customer is a happy customer. A happy customer is a returning customer. A happy customer is a promoter of your products or services. This could potentially generate more revenue for your business.

As more people visit your website, you should not let the opportunity of getting them to subscribe to your mailing list slip by. This list is also called an opt-in list whereby subscribers agreed to receive periodic mailings like newsletters to update them of your business or promotional offers of your products or services. This is important to the longevity of your Internet business.

Relying solely on drop-in sales is not a good option. You need to build a loyal customer base from your opt-in list.

With an opt-in list of subscribers, you can be sure that your mailings are received, opened and read. However, you should be fully aware that a subscriber could choose to opt out at anytime when they feel that they are not getting what they wanted or expected. The link to unsubscribe from your opt-in list is only a click away. You have to be on the alert to keep your subscribers happy and satisfied.

Here are some helpful tips that can keep your subscribers subscribed to your opt-in list...

1. Use creativity in your promotional materials. Build around your product or service. For example, if you are selling home furnishings, insert some pictures of what is new in the house furnishing industry in your promotional mailings.

2. Keep one step ahead of your subscribers. Research what current new things people are looking for. This way, you stay one step ahead of your subscribers. They will look forward to receive your mailings as you always have fresh, new things and ideas to share with them.

3. Write informational and easily digestible articles. Ok, you don't like writing. Don't fret. There are professional writers that will do the job for you for a minimal fee. The initial investment may be worthwhile. For it could lead to more sign-ups and potential sales.

4. Write an ebook that is related to your niche and give it away free to your subscribers. Use your experience and expertise to help other people. Reports, how to do it manuals and guides are hot. Encourage your subscribers to give away your ebook as long as they don't change the original content and keep all links intact. This will attract more people to your website and possibly more sign-ups.

Again, if you don't like to write, you can always hire someone to do the job of writing for you. Or you could buy ebooks with rebranding and reselling rights. With this arrangement, it gives you the rights to brand and sell the ebooks as your own without having to pay the author for every ebook sold. This initial investment of hiring someone to write your ebook or buying rebranding and reselling rights will go a long way to yield dividends.

5. Offer special discounts for your product. Add e-coupons in your newsletters that entitle your subscribers to special discounts for your products. Insert a control number on every e-coupon so that it can only be used once. When your subscribers get special discounts that can be found in your newsletters, they will be eager to receive your mailing in anticipation of what you will be promoting next.

6. Hold special contest and lucky dips. Reward winners with bonus gifts. Don't stinge. Give your subscribers incentive to stay on your mailing list.

7. Offer freebies once in a while. Free is the buzzword. Offer freebies to your subscribers. However, don't overdo it. When people get used to receiving freebies too often, it would become difficult to get them to fork out money for your products or services.

Many email marketers make the fatal mistake of flooding their mailing list with nothing of value but thinly disguised sales pitch. If your subscribers can get benefits from your newsletters, they will look forward to your mailings.

You got to feed the goose that lays the golden eggs. Maintain your opt-in list, and you'll have a list of happy and eager subscribers. This translates to potential sales.

So, keep your subscribers happy and eager.

Gerrick W
Information and Software Tools You Need to Effectively Promote Your Online Business.


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

There are many ways to improve ones search engine optimization campaign. Out of the myriad of the ways, article marketing is perhaps one of the best ways. It has a compounding factor that works even when you are not at the computer. And one article can bring in many backlinks for your website.

What is article marketing? Article marketing is simply writing articles about information related to your website and submitting them to various article directories around the web. By adding links back to your website in the resource box, you can add valuable backlinks to your website. You'd also want to make your articles 'keyword-rich', so readers can more easily find them and search engines can pick them up more easily.

Articles also make good pre-sell tools for your website. Readers reading your article are looking for specific information, and you provide them with more information by asking them to click through to your link to find out more. Articles generally act as good teasers for more deeper information that you can provide to your readers. Be sure to provide good information in your article, and your readers will feel compelled to visit your site.

However, thats not where the good stuff ends! Ezine owners will also grab your articles and publish them to their newsletter. This gives you even more backlinks without any additional work.

As you can see, submitting articles is a great no-cost way to get free, quality backlinks and generate lots of traffic to your website. If you haven't started article marketing, start doing so today!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

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A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Meta tags are used to add information to the HTTP header of a webpage. It also contains hidden information in the coding that the search engines will pick up on. Example: author's name, title of web site and "keywords" Meta tags can help improve your placement in search engines and can therefore help increase traffic to your Web site. Most likely, if your site does not have "keywords" in the head of your html code, the engines will not find your website.

Choosing your keywords carefully: Choosing the keywords used in your meta tags are very important. If you do not choose the proper keywords, submitting your site to the search engines will be useless, because those keywords are major factors in determining how a site visitor will locate your site in the engines. Lets take a look from the searcher's point a view...

A searcher goes to Google, Yahoo or Excite, looking for topics or products relating to what your company (or site) is offering. He comes up with 10 to 20 search results on the first page of the engine. Your company listing is no where to be found. After skipping to the next 3 page results . . . Your company is still no where to be found. Why? Most likely you have not inserted the most effective keywords relevant to your website. Example: You have decided to insert your companies name in your "keyword" meta tags, instead of listing your products or services in your keywords. Searchers do not look for company names, unless they are looking for a specific major company on the web.

Tips on choosing the most effective keywords or phrases for your webpage. Start with using General Keywords, then by adding specific keywords. Example: Your company is selling CD's. Take the general keyword of "CD's" and add a specific title or word to it, based on the CD's your are offering. So, your keyword phrases may be "CD's for Clay Aiken" or even the title of the CD "Measure Of A Man"

List your main products, services or purpose, that surfers will use in their keyword search.

If not selling products, then list a specific topic relating to your sites content in your keywords.

On your website index or home page, be sure to include specific phrases or topics, that a searcher may use to look for your site in the engines. (The engines may pickup on these words in your sites content).

Consider regional keywords- If your company or site only caters within specific locations, you may want to list this in your meta tags. Example: If you have a company only sells products within your state or city, be sure to list the city or state in your meta tags. If your site ships products anywhere in the world, state global distribution in your meta tags.

Choose the most effective title for your webpage. (keep in mind that visitors will be searching for specific topics in their search, not the name of your company). Exception: (If they are looking for a major company or name brand item, song, book, etc.). Meta Tags with Frame pages: Did you know that search engines often times do not pickup "keywords" used in frame sites? Most engines do not support frame sites. It is suggested that you have an "Introduction or home page" (for your index page), which does not use frames, before entering a site with frames. This way the search engines will pick up on your meta tags and you will have a higher chance of your "intro/index page" showing up in the search engines.

Written By Donna Snyder, CEO Of American Association Of Webmasters -

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so


Article marketing is the best and the free way to gain traffic to your website from different sources.


If you distribute your articles to many online article submission websites or online publishers then this will surely fetch more number of visitors to your own website. Suppose that you submit your article to one of the ezine websites with millions of members then you can observe that your website receiving many reviews within a month and your products being sold out at a higher rate than normal.


People will not trust the resources shown in the websites because people can not be seen directly through the websites. Hence if there is trust worthy content in your article then people will begin to trust your service if they find something informative from your content. Hence you must show yourself an expert in your field of services or area of sales.3.MAKE LINKS TO YOUR WEBSITE FROM VARIOUS SOURCES: -

While your website is placed in a search engine such as google then the ranking is given based upon the number of linking your website is placed from other websites or other sources. If there are many websites which link with your website then it increases your website ranking which in turn boost up your traffic gaining.


When you are marketing your articles you are provided with the option of resource box at the bottom where you can place the website link. If your article has good content then it will be placed in many websites which in turn will link back to your own website. This will increase the website ranking.When new websites are created it sometimes take months for the search engines to take up your website in the search engines' top ranking. But if the articles having content related to your website are marketed then there will be many large crowd of traffic for your website. This not only helps in building traffic but also helps in building content which later can be used to improve the ranking of website pages.


There will be no one who want to purchase the product at a glance. The article must have the information as to how the product will help to solve out their problems and how it is different from other products and must contain the extra information on the other benefits of purchasing the product. This will help the customers to take wise decision for buying your product. Also make clear to convince the customer to buy your product.


The article you submit will be placed on the search engines and other people's website for many years and they will provide you visitors until you submit articles continuously. Your article may also be a source for the people searching about your product and there will be other website owners who want to link to your article this in turn will gain you much traffic.


Article marketing is the best and the free method to get targeted visitors for your website. Though you can not afford for pay per click process you can get into article marketing which only needs your time for writing and distributing the articles.


Make sure that article marketing is done to promote your website and gain traffic for your website all for free.

Do you own a website or a blog? Do you hate to Write Articles? If you want to know how you can Create Articles in minutes then feel free to visit

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is a proven method of increasing traffic to your web site, and even people who claim they can't write a sentence can take advantage of it. Follow a few simple steps that will teach you to write articles -- articles that can mean more subscribers for your list and more sales of your product or service.

1. Choose a title that really grabs attention.

You're never going to get someone to read your article unless the headline grabs them and pulls them in. You're going to be competing against hundreds or thousands of other articles and in many cases, people will be scanning down a long list of titles to decide which article to read. Make yours stand out.

Here are some sample headlines you can use for your article titles:

  • How to _________ In _________ Steps.
  • How to _________ In _________ (Time Frame).
  • The Real Secret to Quickly ______________.
  • Top 2 Ways to ________________.
  • 3 Little Known Tips for _____________.
  • The Hidden Costs of ________________.

You may recognize those templates -- they're the foundation for many classic headlines that have made millions of dollars over the years. There's also software available that will crank out dozens of great article titles and all you have to do is fill in a few blanks.

2. Come up with 3-5 points of interest.

You can't throw everything and the kitchen sink into your article, and while one point can sometimes be expounded on for 500 - 700 words (the article length you should be shooting for) it's often best to go for 3 - 5 main points in your article.

If you write about 100 words for each point, add another hundred each for your opening and closing summary, you're right on the money for the required length. And, you won't overwhelm the reader with too much information.

3. Catch their interest with a great opening sentence.

You use the title to capture their attention, and then your opening line is what's used to lead them into the body of the article. Here are a few things you can do to lure in the reader...

  • Ask a question.
  • Make a startling statement.
  • Use an emotion hook.
  • Lay out a problem.

Let me quickly give you a quick swipe file of some opening sentences that I've created - which you can modify as you see fit for your own articles - that are proven to get readers further into your content:

4. Close with a non-subtle call to action.

Your title gets their attention, your opening sentence leads them into the body, and your body should make them interested in your product or service. And that should lead them directly to the desired action.

After all, you're not writing an article just to give your fingers a work-out, you want the reader to do something other than just flip to the next article or web site.

After your article is your resource box where you'll make the actual call to action. What you need to do with the last part of your article is to make a transition between the two -- lead the reader right from the end of the article into the call to action.

One way to do that is to summarize the points you made in your article and then your resource box references something related to those points. That will draw the reader into the offer you're making and encourage them to click your link.

Now you've written your article and given the reader some good information, and you've create a call to action they've taken. They arrive at your web site to see... what?

Bonus Point:

No matter what product or service you're selling, your top priority should be to get prospects onto your list. A large responsive list can mean the difference between a hobby and a business. Which means when people click through from your article, you should have an opt-in form front-and-center.

Come up with a free report, mini-course, etc., and offer that in your article's resource box. Place that offer at the top of your page and after someone joins your list, redirect them to a sales page showing the product or service you're promoting.

Jay Jennings created Article Architect, software that helps you write articles to drive more traffic to your business. To see how Article Architect can help your online business, go to and see how it's helped other internet marketers.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you want to be a successful article marketer, you have to first find your article marketing technique. You will not make any money just by simply copying someone's writing style. You will fail and it won't be pretty. You have to find your own writing style as an article marketer.

When someone reads an article, they are reading about the author. They are not reading what the article is about. They are reading about what the author is about. The author's story is written into their article. Their article lives and breathes their authors name. When you read work written by someone, you should know that the content was made by that author, and no one else. When you create an article, it needs to be unique and it has to show your writing style.

Your writing style can be anything you want it to be. Just make your writing style authentic. When people read an article that isn't authentic, and it just looks like something copied and pasted, they won't care about you or your product. You have to make your article original and fact filled. When you have learned to master this, your profits will soar in.

Sometimes is takes weeks to find your writing style. This is okay! The more you write, the more you'll get closer to your writing style. Even if you think your found it, keep writing. Your writing style will always elude you. But if you keep writing, the closer you'll get to your perfect writing style. This is what is going to make you money. Your originality is the only thing that divides you from everyone else around you. Grasp it.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at