Sunday, June 29, 2008

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Blatant advertising is quickly becoming a dying art online as people are rejecting more and more the in your face advertising technique from online marketers. Unsolicited emails (spamming) has drastically cut the way bulk email spammers flood our inboxes with advertisings for almost any item in the world. Other forms of advertising like safelists, traffic exchanges and other forms of direct advertising are also having minimal effect when employed by an internet marketer.

In stark contrast article marketing has become the buzz as more marketers are inclined to use this method of advertising. No wonder web 2.0 technology was an instant success when introduced. Social bookmarking and networking was the fuel content marketing needed to push online advertising to the next level.

What does this mean for must be able to put at least 250 words together to form sentences, then paragraphs and 'Eureka' you have an article. Note you don't have to be an English major to write effective article, as for me I always tell friends and colleagues that I write just like I would talk, I don't have a great command of the English language so definitely one cannot expect my article to make for perfect reading by the educated elite...but the main thing is my thoughts are been communicated effectively. Try to make your writing easily read, so even if you have excellent command of the English language, remember not all your readers will understand some of the "big words" you may use in your presentation. Just keep it simple.

Now you may ask the question "why article marketing"? but my answer would be "why not"? It is a fact that most people that enter a search term on a search engine is looking for information and article writing and by extension marketing will provide such information to satisfy the needs of the one seeking information, and yes if your information is packaged correctly you can gain a client/customer/team member.

So churn your work from home business into overdrive by utilizing article writing complimented by all the tools available in web 2.0. You will be surprised at what article writing will do for your Search Engine Optimization Marketing efforts.

Melford Woolery is a Search Engine Optimization Specialist Ghost Writer, Lead Generation Expert and Work From Home Mentor living on the small Caribbean Island of Jamaica. He enjoy reading and writing articles on topics including MLM and Network marketing Industry. He Also has a website where you will find tools to Generate your own business leads at its finest

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

All those articles can be written in a few minutes a day. You may think it takes hours, but I've created 12 articles in about thirty minutes, and most of them are publishable in some format. A few of the articles are simply ideas I've written in article format, that I'll use eventually to create ebooks. But most of these are articles I'll publish in the next few days.


Publish at least five articles a week, but if you desire to increase your income, that number should be 25 or more. The number of articles you publish and the number of times you publish them will directly correlate to the increase in income. There's a difference in increasing and maintaining income. As you build your business, you must post more articles.

2. Day, Night, Any Time

It doesn't matter so much what time of day you publish them as it does time of week you publish. Some publishers prefer to put their ezines out early in the week, or at least begin selecting articles on dry days for later publication. If your articles are there and ready to go on Monday, they'll be in many publications by Friday.

3. Seasonal Marketing

Holiday Marketing offers inspired ideas and concepts that can take your business far, but don't forget the holidays that don't come at Christmas and Thanksgiving. President's Day Sales are popular in the real world, why not offer a great buy for patriots in your business too? Present a Romantic Twist for Valentine's day, and don't forget Easter. Celebrate Salvation with an opportunity to share your testimonials. Or strike a note for Independence on July 4th, what better day to remember Financial Freedom?

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Online websites know that inbound links are absolutely essential for the promotion of your website. Links feed search engines so when you have more, you become more popular. More quality links will cause you to move up in search results for keywords. Of course, when it comes to back links, some are better than others. One way links from Authority Sites that have good page strength are highly preferable.

Inbound links pointing to your website are vital if you want to improve traffic to your website. Inbound links will improve your websites rankings for organic search engines and provide another path for visitors to find your website. Getting links from high traffic, authority sites are weighted more than most links. The main objective in most SEO campaigns is building high quality, one way links to your website.

One of the best and easiest ways to accumulate one way inbound links to your website is to list it in web directories. A few of the better ones are the Open Directory Project, Yahoo and the Authority Directory.

The ODP is free to submit, but it could take a very long time to get reviewed. The percentage of those that get accepted there is not very high either. Yahoo's directory takes about seven days for review and costs $299 per year. The fee at Yahoo is non-refundable and acceptance is not guaranteed there either. The charges a small annual fee and review is generally completed within 48 hours. Your site is not guaranteed to be accepted at the Authority Directory either, but in most cases they refund the fee if your site is not accepted.

Exchanging links with other sites is a risky way of collecting links. If you accidentally exchange a link with a banned site, it can actually hurt your sites popularity or get your site banned. Google and many other search engines have made statements that they are devaluing reciprocal links.

Building links is a never ending cycle. Links drop off and new ones need to be established if you want to continue to rank highly. It is important for you to realize that link building is an on-going process. If you want to rank highly in the search engines, you are going to need to steadily build links to your site. Link popularity will make the difference between your site appearing on the first page of search results or not at all.

Inbound links can generate traffic to your site in two different ways. Traffic that comes from click through traffic and better organic results in search engines.

Click through traffic comes from visitors to the site your link is located at just clicking directly on the link. This can become highly relevant traffic if the site your link is located at gets a large amount of traffic. Traffic increases due to organic search results can be huge.

Inbound links help you achieve traffic through both click through traffic and organic search results. Directory listings are a great place to start with your link building campaign.

The Authority Web Directory is a powerful, human edited directory. Visit now and take a look at our Authority Real Estate Directory.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Q: I wrote an article awhile back -- my first one, actually -- and published it in EzineArticles. I could have submitted to more but everybody around me was talking about that "duplicate content" issue and I got scared that maybe if I submitted it to too many directories I would get "penalized" for that. How are you handling that issue?

A: Duplicate content is a MUCH over rated issue - it is only one small component of what Google uses to rate a site. The "duplicate content terror" as I like to call it,was greatly over blown by some internet marketers who then wanted to provide you with their solution. Typical over the top marketing.

The reality is simply these two things

1. If you have an article on an article directory with links in the resource box back to your web site and on that web site (that you own) you have the same article, then those two versions of the same article need to be about 20% different. So what you do it take one of the articles and shift around the tips, add or subtract some text, change the intro or conclusion. Any of the above or other changes in the article to just make it about 20% different. 2. The good news is you can then post your article to as many article directories as your little heart desires. That's the whole entire point of submitting your articles to the directories, to get them on as many as you can to get the most play for your article.

Hope this has been helpful - you can learn more at join our weekly free teleseminars by going to and pick up two free article writing templates now at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is possibly one of the most effective, free methods of advertising your online business available. What could be easier than writing a few articles, adding them to a free directory and sitting back to watch the traffic roll in? Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple. In fact, you will need some strategies if you plan to actually make your articles work for you. This article covers several methods to take full advantage of article marketing for your business.

First of all, the kind of article that you write determines the majority of your success. If you turn out a 2,000 word essay on your niche, it is very unlikely that anyone will pick it up. Likewise, a 250 word piece of fluff wont be going anywhere either! In order to be effective, the perfect promotional article needs to be around 400-600 words long, the preferred length by webmasters and ezine publishers alike.

Your article should offer good information. After all, if you just blather on about nothing in particular, why would anyone want to buy your product or visit your website? On the other hand, if you give solid tips and leave them drooling for more, you will end up with a lot more visitors to your site!

The next thing to consider is your resource box. Most resource boxes are boring and no one even bothers to read them, let alone click on the links contained within it. The trick is to make your resource box grab your reader by the throat and make him desperate to learn more! For example, instead of writing, John Doe is an affiliate guru who lives in California. For more affiliate info, check out his website . . . . Why not put something like If you arent earning $100 a day, you are missing out! Get what you deserve at www. . . . . See how much more interesting the second one was?

Once you have a great article and a catchy resource box, what do you do? Submit to every directory you can find, right? Wrong. The best way to get your articles noticed is not to submit them to any directory at all. In fact, you will be far better off aiming for specific websites and ezines. Choose one or two websites that are most likely to publish your article and approach them directly. Let them know that you have an exclusive article for them that you will allow to be published free, as long as they include the resource box.

Highly targeted markets can be far better for bringing in traffic than random ones who pick up your article in a directory. This is because your article will be in front of thousands of people who are actually interested in your content. Also, if the article goes out in an ezine, people will respect it as a recommendation from the list owner and are more likely to click on your link.

By following these tips, you can boost the effectiveness of your article marketing drastically. It is worth taking the time to write a high quality article, add a great resource box and then market it to specifically targeted websites. Success is only a matter time!

I've been involved with online and offline business since 1990, my expertise is in marketing and sales, and now offering an online business coaching program associated with David Vallieres. The name of the online course is Think and Succeed Training Program, in other words; if you want to make money online, or desire to succeed in a full time online business, then we are here to help you think it through to a successful venture. If you want to succeed in your online business then consider our course, to receive more information go our web site.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Writing article? What a boring thing to do. Yes, boring it may be to some people, but article writing or marketing is one of the best ways any home business person can use to generate an endless flow of traffic to a website. But how willing are people to do this?

I love article marketing because it is the best form of advertising whatsoever you have on the internet. The reason is an article posted online has the potential of giving you steady traffic and website visitors for a very long time to come.

Are you a home based business person? Are you trying to sell your products online? Are you trying to build your downline? Are also using article marketing to sell or answer the above questions?

Unlike any paid advertising which last for a while, article marketing can stay for as long as the directories you submitted your articles to, stays online.

When you write an article for building a downline in your home business, your articles should not be focused on the opportunity. It should focus on a product or service that your home business produce. Now what I'm saying is this, you should write on the subject matter concerning your product and not a plain advert as an article.

There should be nothing like any sales pitch. It should be an informative article that tells each of your reader how vast and valuable in terms of knowledge you have on the subject matter.

Articles does not in any way forces readers to buy a product of any sort. Instead it gives them enough information that they seek to find out more about you the writer of those articles.

To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick downline" here: Build A Downline

Joe Okoro is an accomplished networker who has successfully used internet marketing to grow his downline for 3 years now.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Achieving a high ranking in the search engines for competitive or high searched keyword phrases is something that all webmasters wish to achieve. Unfortunately this is much simpler said than done. Sometimes people have the illusion that it could just take a couple of days or months before they will be receiving hoards of web traffic after they have done their various strategies. I suppose this can be possible if your website links to the right sources, but it can generally take several months and possibly even years before a website or blog will rank well for a keyword phrase, once the link building process has been completed.

I would like to share my knowledge and provide you with 4 important link building tips which should help you get the rankings you desire.

Website SEO Tips.

Your meta tags and website content are first factor.Make sure your website has as much unique content on it on all the different pages it has.Your title should be a highly searched phrase in your niche with little competition and your keywords must contain all the necessary combinations of searchable phrases separated by commas.

Link Building.

1. Articles.

Write articles based on your niche and submit them to article directories.Always make sure to have a link back to your website and use anchor text. It is important to vary your content from directory to directory otherwise you will be penalized for duplicate content.

2. Directories.

The quality of backlinks from directories is questionable but can still provide you with free links. There are loads of directories out there to submit to. Just make sure you once again alternate your title and description when submitting your website to the different directories.

3. Forums.

Join a forum which is related to your websites niche and put your website link in your signature with anchor text. This will help your website ranking greatly and give you quality backlinks. Try not to spam too much with this method as moderators will just ban you.

4. Link Exchange.

If you can contact the owner of a website in the same niche as you with a high ranked website, you can offer to exchange links which can dramatically help your rankings. One link from a high page rank homepage with many backlinks can be more effective than a couple of hundred directory links.

I hope these 4 link building tips will help you in your campaigns.

If you would like to read more about the top 5 link building tools which can help you automate your link building process then please check out the website below.

Web Site Traffic Building Tools

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Contrary to what the name suggests, search engine optimization is about optimizing your web pages for the most relevant search result's in the search engines. If you understand this you will be miles ahead of the rest. Just try to keep in mind what it is the searcher will be looking for when surfing the net.

Keyword research is the greatest means of finding out what people are searching for. Once this is accomplished, you are armed with information that can be put to good use in creating web pages full of relevant content, this is all supplied by your keyword research. High result placement is imperative to receive targeted traffic to your website.

Why do we need to have our website in the top ten result' s of a surfers search on the engines? Knowing that 80% of surfers only peruse the first page of any result' s thrown up by the search engines means we have to have a high placement in the search result' s for our particular keyword or phrase. If you think of those annoying TV adverts and compare your marketing to them, that is the same effect you are after. You want to be in their face every time they type in that keyword or phrase.

Search engine optimization is used to get a high placement result, it is after all sensible to think that the best supplier is the one with high placement result in the searchers point of view. This occurs because, not only do you need to optimize your web pages but having other websites linking to yours, will also give great weight to your expert status on what ever subject or product you are promoting. This linking will happen naturally because of your high result placement. In other words success breeds success.

Considering the millions of searches made everyday and that four out five people use search engines, it is only common sense that you require a high placement result. Referring back to a previous statement you need to be " in their face " at every opportunity.

The high placement result' s can be achieved by pay per click advertising but a more longer lasting method of this, is done with the organic listings, and with other free advertising can be more beneficial to the web master who has limited funds for such endeavours. The result' s of this type of advertising can maintain better result' s than the big national companies throwing money at their pay per click advertising campaigns.

If you are interested in finding further information on the organic result method and how to get the free listings for your website, no matter what niche you are targeting, then you definitely want to check out the website below.

Affiliate marketing is the method of seeking targeted website traffic for any product you wish to promote.

Increase Search Engine Click Throughs With Compelling Titles & Descriptions

We're all told that focusing on keyword rich web page titles and descriptions is one of the most important factors to boosting a page's Search Engine Ranking.

Great but don't forget that once you're in the Google 'Hot Top Spot' you want more than an accolade. You want visitors! Let's take a look how writing compelling web page titles & descriptions do more than just boost your pages SEO but increase your profits and success too.

Web Page Titles, Descriptions and SEO

Just a reminder that today's Search Engines use the two meta tags as a very important factor in how high your web page ranks in their listings. Remember that it is vitally important to ensure that you use your web page's most important keyword and the primary secondary keywords in these two tags.

But Naturally!

OK assuming that you fully appreciate the importance of SEO and these tags now it's time to think about their importance when it comes to your human visitors.

Web Page Titles & Descriptions And Search Engine Traffic.

What's the first thing you read when a list of Search Engine Results appear after you've hit 'Search'?

How To Buy A New Sofa

Advice On Buying A New Sofa. Tips & advice on shopping for a new sofa or settee.

Sit On It, Invite a friend to come and shop with you....

Well if you were looking for advice on how to buy a new sofa, you may well have seen something like the search result shown above. Notice how the words 'How To Buy A New Sofa' almost answer the question you asked! Well what do you think the chances are that someone searching for help or advice on buying a new sofa will actually click through.

I reckon pretty high.

The words 'How To Buy A New Sofa' are the title meta tag for this page and so they are used by the search engines to display in this prominent position. If the title had simply said 'Sofa Advice' or perhaps 'Information About Sofas' then you may not get such a good click through. Choose eye catching, interest piquing, descriptive words that compel the searcher to visit.

Make The Description Tag Close the Deal On Whether Or Not To Click.

Again in the above example, the search engines have chosen to use the description tag for their 'teaser' sentence, the two lines that appear below the main search result title. In this example the words 'Tips & Advice on shopping for a new sofa or settee' confirm that this article is of great interest.

But the next line looks interesting 'Sit On It, Invite a friend to come and shop with you....' This line suggest some interesting tips and makes searchers want to see more. Don't resort to boring keyword stuffing... not only will it not improve your SEO but it won't impress your potential visitors.

Web Page Titles - Long Tail Not Short & Sharp

When you learn SEO you are often told frequently to keep your titles short, 3 - 5 words maximum.But how much can you say with such few words. I advise to keep your titles to a maximum of ten words, but use the words to sell your web page.

Add some power words to your title to boost interest.

Abolish, Boost, Generate, Increase, Succeed, Maximize

Power words compel searchers to visit the web page.


Doesn't that make you feel like I was SHOUTING at you?

But why do we find reading words written using CAPITALS,, the same words that might have been written in lower case before, so much like we are being shouted at?

The reason lies in the fact that we don't actually read every letter in every word. When reading we often scan the page. We recognise words by their shape and length.

Otfen we cna raed a cmocpliated snteecen eevn wehn all btu a fwe lrteers aer in teh rhgti plaec.

This is partly because we read by shape as well as by letters. However if all the letters are the same height.


The brain has to work a little bit harder and for this reason we feel that we are being made to concentrate more... not the best thing to do if you want to encourage voluntary visits to your web pages.

I hope that I have convinced you to pay attention to your web pages title and description tags and that you can see just how useful they can be at compelling searchers to become your site visitors.

Happy Writing


Brian Cotsen writes about & reviews the best affiliate handbooks, affiliate program networks and how to succeed in the affiliate marketing business. Read great articles about building and running your own lucrative reseller promotion website.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you are an article writer, you may have been submitting your articles to ezines in order to get your name out there. Ezines are wonderful in that they give the unpublished author the opportunity to market their name without the expense of advertising. At some point you may wonder if you can be compensated for your work. The answer: yes, you can. Through implementing wise marketing strategies, you can earn money for your work and receive steady income. Here's how:

Your Website If you don't already have your very own website, set one up and feature some of your favorite articles. You'll create an extra set of links to articles you already submitted to the ezines. Make sure you have a contact form in place to allow interested parties a way to get in touch with you.

Blogging A great alternative to a website are blogs. If you don't have the time or money to manage a website, you can create a blog and have links to your articles appear there.

Message Boards/Forums If you run a well respected and busy forum, consider letting your members know that you write articles as well. If you don't run a forum, but you are a moderator, ask the forum administrator for the opportunity to promote yourself in exchange for your work.

Craig's List This site is the king of all sites. You can post your resume, your small business ad, look for work, join a club, etc. In most cases no fees are ever charged and it can be a great way for you to network. At the very least, any link you place in your "ad" will quickly gain you a good link with the search engines. One caveat: most ads run from between 10 and 45 days, so you will need to manage your ads in order to remain marketable.

Paid Sites If you are serious about making some income on your articles, consider investing in yourself and joining a paid site. Many will allow you to have either a free trial period or a basic membership. To receive the full benefit of the site, you will need to upgrade. is one such site for you to consider.

Trade Associations If you write on a specialized topic, such as railroads, contact your local trade association and see if they are in need of a staff writer. Many associations will give to you a small stipend. If not, see if you can get a free membership or some other type of discounted service for your work. Cash is cool, but free services are nice too!

Email Lists In this day of overreaching spamming, getting an email list together of people who will actually read your emails can be difficult. Instead, join a list-serv and discretely share your talents with members there.

Article writing for profit can take time and it will usually require a lot of legwork on your part before you get established. Still, it can lead to bigger and more profitable ventures for you as long as you stick with it. If you are good at it, it may allow you to quit your "day job" to pursue what you really want to do. What can be better than that?

Matt Keegan is The Article Writer who writes for fun as well as for profit. You can see samples of some of his work at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Search Engine Optimization is an always changing process due to various reasons. The search engines frequently inform webmasters that they should not worry about search engine optimization and that the webmasters should simply focus on building a clean coded website and ensure that original and quality content is added to their website.

Certainly both items mentioned are important parts of the search engine optimization process however it does not end there unlike what the search engines might tell you.

Webmasters and search engine optimization specialists are constantly changing their SEO strategies as the search engines change the way they rank websites several times a year. It has become a vital part of marketing online.

Black hat search engine optimization is one of the main reasons why search engines change their algorithms. Black hat techniques are tricks which webmasters and dodgy search engine optimization firms perform to a website so that a search engine is tricked into ranking that website higher in the SERPS.

Search engine algorithms are basically the formula which a search engine like Google uses to rank a certain website in comparison to others. This search engine algorithm is closely guarded by a search engine as webmasters would abuse the algorithm so that their own website would rank higher in a search engine like Google or Yahoo.

A good example of black hat search engine optimization was when webmasters stuffed their Meta tags with keywords so that their website or a particular webpage would seem more relevant to a certain keyword. This was obviously not in the interest of the search engine user as they ranking of that website or page merely on the merit of the Meta tags led to many non relevant or bad quality sites to rank high in the SERPS.

Another famous black hat SEO trick is to stiff a white section on a web page with keywords using white letters. This did work at one time and it was ideal for webmasters as the reader could not see the unnecessary keywords stuffed together on the webpage. However as always the search engines discovered this black hat search engine optimization trick and put counter measures in place.

Please note that any website caught by a search engine for using these black hat optimization methods could be delisted by the search engine. Google is known especially for finding these black hat search engine optimization methods and have thrown out many website from their engine. You can ask to be re-included however that process can be lengthy and the website needs to remove all its black hat methods.

Google took the lead and changed their algorithm in the first example of black hat SEO (stuffing Meta tags) so that the Meta tags would no longer play an important part in the way that a website would be ranked. Most search engines have since followed the same direction as Google did. Well if the Meta tags were important before as a search engine optimization tool for webmasters then what is important now?

That is exactly what all the big fuss and secrecy is about with search engine optimization. Each time a SE (search engine) changes their algorithm then website owners and website marketing companies which includes search engine optimization firms will use their resources to discover what the algorithm is so that they can change their site for better rankings.

James is currently living on Phuket and is working on a number of projects. If you are looking for a great Phuket hotel then do consider staying at Club Bamboo Resort. Read more about Phuket in his Phuket Guide.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are many ways of promoting a web based business. One of the most effective ways is to promote you website or product is by launching an article marketing campaign. Article marketing is one of the internet marketing methods which can generate the best targeted results for you. This is really important because if the means of promotion is not effective, the product will not get the required level of promotion and will not do well. Article marketing is also one of the best ways of promoting a web based business or selling a product online. Targeted article marketing is not only cost effective but can bring you highly targeted, ready to buy visitors.

Online article marketing can be done successfully by writing a lot of articles on a daily basis and by submitting these to the right article submission directories. Submission of articles to the right directories is as important as writing really good content about the topic. The technique of writing a really good and content rich article that will answer the reader's question is something you need to learn if you want to write informative articles quickly. The words you use should be your own as online article marketing is very much dependent on the originality and quality of your articles.

Write as many articles as possible, organize them properly and submit them to the right article directories in the right order and you will have a successful article marketing campaign.

Want to learn more about how I do it? Download my free guide here: Email List Building Secrets

Do you want to learn how to drive massive traffic to your website? Click here: Traffic Generation Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you have been using article marketing for quite sometime but can't seem to get the results you were hoping for, you definitely need to energize your marketing techniques. Here's how:

1. Write in a conversational tone. Make your articles sound warm and friendly by writing as if you are directly talking to your potential readers. Avoid sounding too stiff or too formal so you will not bore your readers.

2. Improve your titles. Be more aggressive in grabbing your readers' attention and make your titles more enticing and intriguing. This can potentially increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Improve your content. The best way to convert a reader to potential client is to gain his/her trust. You can do so by presenting content that mirrors expertise and professionalism. Strive to provide your readers with content that they will find useful and relevant to their pressing issues or areas of interest.

4. Be direct to the point. Avoid using fillers or too much introductions when you present your information. Get straight to the point and avoid beating around the bush as people online can easily get annoyed with articles that seem to waste their precious time.

5. Write for your readers. Getting to know your target market is one of the crucial elements in making sure that you produce articles that are highly targeted and relevant to their needs.

6. Write for publishers. You would want to increase the chances of your articles being posted online, wouldn't you? Thus, you need to know and follow the rules set forth by article submission sites to make sure that publishers will post your articles online.

7. Write for your business. Drive quality traffic to your website by writing articles that are highly relevant to your products and potential readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.