Saturday, May 24, 2008

How To Use Articles To Make You Famous

Writing articles has been one of my key lead generating marketing strategies and has allowed me to effectively promote my e-zine and gain a ton of new subscribers. But how can writing a few short articles make an impact on your business? Begin by submit your articles to OTHER people's e-zines.

This is where online (information) marketing is at its best. Once you've written a few articles you can go on to recycle those articles and have them published within other people's e-zines and on numerous other websites across the Internet.

Never has there been such a simple way to take the legwork out of marketing. Article submission is by far the most EFFECTIVE, FASTEST and FREE way to promote your e-zine effectively ... and promote your products and services too.

What Are The Benefits of Using Articles to Promote Your Business?

1. Build Credibility

Firstly articles provided your clients and prospects with free valuable information. It enables you to demonstrate your expertise, introduce your readers to the way you work and provide them with details of the type of services, products and programs you offer.

2. Promote Yourself

It's considered perfectly acceptable practice to provide a resource box at the bottom of each article. This provides an opportunity to promote yourself and your e-zine, but do beware not to put too much emphasis on your 'business' though. Focus on promoting your free e-zine first. Once you have people signed up to your list you've then captured them and will be able to tell them more about your products and services at a later date.

3. Gain Massive Exposure

You can quickly gain a mass of online exposure to THOUSANDS of untapped prospects at one time. For example, in recent weeks I submitted an article to a free online publication site and waited with baited breath to hear the outcome. I was absolutely overjoyed when the acceptance email came through and I learnt that the publication had thousands of subscribers! You can imagine; it wasn't long before I received an influx of new subscribers for my e-zine in direct correlation with that particular article.

4. Submit Your Article Directly to Niche Publishers

I recommend that you submit your articles directly to publishers who target a similar readership as you. For this you might like to try the Directory of Ezines who offers a reliable and credible list of e-zine publishers that target the same niche as you.

5. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Recycling your articles and posting them on your own blog or website is a great way to drive traffic back to your site which may have not otherwise found its way there. Search engine spiders love fresh content so when you regularly update your website and blog you automatically gain a higher ranking in the search engine results pages.

So How Can You Get Started?

Submit Your Articles to Online Content Directories

There are hundreds if not thousands of free content sites on the Internet that will allow you to submit your articles for other publishers to use. Here are just a few to get you started:

So, you can see now how a few hours spend writing a short article can go a very long way in getting your name out there, making you famous and building your very own fan-base!

About The Author: Victoria Player - The Marketing Coach is the founder of Innovation Coaching . She is also the author of the weekly publication 'Magnetic Marketing Tips'. If you're a coach, consultant or othe solo-preneur who's struggling to attract paying clients and you want to learn inexpensive marketing techniques that will boost your business then take a look at her free tips now at:

Online Article Marketing - To be Thin or Not to be Thin - The Question

Should your online articles have a lot of content or be thinly written? Many online articles authors are upset that other others write trite thinly written articles and these critics of short articles do indeed make a very good point indeed. This is problematic and troubling and they have a right to be a little frustrated over this issue.

One thing I find interesting is the number of business articles that are written by folks who have never really done anything in business and yet write articles as if they know everything about business. It seems that just because someone can write a decent article with good sentence structure, does not necessarily make them a knowledge based authority or expert. Just because an author writes a good grammatically correct article does not mean they know what they are talking about.

When we talk about reader perception of an author's credentials, it seems we ought to also talk about deception, trickery or even questionable marketing ploys as well. You see just because someone has a degree in business, well it is not the same as winning in the free-market. If one can only succeed on the key board should they be allowed to give advice as if reality based to those who are searching for real answers?

Another point, I would like to make about the online article author critic's astute observation is this; often online article writer's write thin content as to not give away too much, only enough to entice the reader to click to their website. This has also been recommended in the many eBooks on Online Article Marketing and this constitutes a "Catch 22" for some authors and they will need to work this out for themselves?

Do they write thinly done articles with minimal content, just enough to wet the appetite or do they go full on and write one of my 1500 word articles and explain everything in depth. Having written many of both types for various reasons, this might also become part of this conversation between article authors and their critics in upcoming dialogues?

And also as part of the conversation, where is that line to be drawn. I mean I can probably write an entire eBook on just about any subject I have 10 or more articles in or one or more white papers on half of those categories. Yet, this is an article submission site? And the critics you have to admit bring up a really good point. Everyone wants to be thin, but is it unhealthy for your online article marketing endeavors to be too thin or too rich in content? You decide.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Building an SEO strategy

Before embarking on optimizing your site for search engine ranking you need to create your SEO strategy on how you are going to achieve your high ranking, if you dont do this you do not have something to work towards.

When starting your SEO strategy you need to think about when you are going to carry out the work. We know the work will be carried out while we are creating our website but there are other parts of an SEO strategy that are carried out once your website is ready.

The initial phase of your SEO strategy will be within the creation of your site, planning your keywords and writing your content with keyword density and completing all meta and title tag information found in the head field of your site.

The second phase of your SEO strategy is to start link building, search engines use their algorithms to determine the strength of your site, this includes the amount of links going to your site, these are seen as a vote of how valued your site is. Although search engines are very quiet about how their algorithms actually work, it is believed that they prefer links built up over time rather than 100 links created in a week then no more links added.

When link building it is good practice to start with quite a few inbound links and then carry on building links slowly over time showing your site to be popular, make sure the links are relevant to your topic and preferably sites that the search engines already see as strong sites themselves. A good way to build links while keeping the sites relevant to your site is writing articles, if you write articles about your topic and submit them to article directories publishers will use your article on their site including a link to yours.

Website Traffic Get 100 FREE Visitors to Your Website Everyday Easily & Quickly with My MSN SEO Secrets. Go directly to:

Online Popularity of Fashion Marketing Articles

Fashion marketing articles give an insight into the zeitgeist. Such content is drafted keeping in mind the taste and tone of the reading audience over the web. Readers include young generation, office going people and the like. Before you actually indulge in their marketing, you need to keep in mind before you indulge in it is that you should have good and compelling content for submission. If you don't have it, you have failed in first step itself, let alone the money making scheme which you'd aimed from day one. You cannot wage a war without the ammunition. And the same is true out here as well!

Such content largely aims at business, advertising and the fashion panorama in general. However, do keep a track that you have submitted in top 5 ratings otherwise, you would not be able to get the rank in the top listings category. Fashion Marketing Articles requires you to submit the text in the web based article directories. When you go in this manner, you are borne with the potential to make you rich and popular. With thousands of submission directories lurking out there, you should be able to roar high and make the lead name in just matter of time.

Search engine crawlers are always on parole to get the feel of such food- keyword rich content- and here's your business done just the way you wanted. Fashion Marketing Articles is a smart idea of making your fashion oriented website high and rich. Going in this manner, you ought to be wary that your content is original. It should have all the clear ideas arranged in place and order.

What's more, latest content management tools will provide the vogue text services such as inclusion and management of new web pages, page caching, awesome template descriptions, RSS feeds, polls, forums, news flashes and the list is endless. Fashion marketing articles make use of innovative online tools such as the Plone, CMS made simple, Mambo etc have given a new definition to the whole concept. The tools are continually evolving and giving an extended affordability to the online marketers.

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.

All You Need to Know About Ethical Link Building

When it comes to good website marketing strategies, you will soon learn that some are good and will gain you loyal customers while others are more problematic about what it is they offer to the normal consumer. Ethical link building is an important part of joining the visible web community and as with many endeavors, you'll find that if done badly will effect your operation for the worst. When thinking about ethical link building, there are a few facts that it is important keep at the forefront of your mind.

The first thing to remember is what link building actually is. With search engines like Google becoming all the more popular as time goes on, the algorithms that are used by the searches are also growing more sophisticated. One of the things that search engines now use to rank their search results is the "popularity" of a website; this is determined by how many nonreciprocal links that website has leading to it. When you are thinking about using link building as a way to put yourself in the public eye, you will be taking advantage of a very powerful tool, but remember that there are pitfalls.

First, remember that the links leading to your site must be nonreciprocal. While exchanging links is a good way to target the audience of another site, keep in mind that this link will not help you raise your rankings in terms of search engine rankings. While these links won't necessarily hurt you, neither are they helping you get the top slots in the search results.

Ethical link building can be a tricky thing. While it is possible to get hits through plastering your links all over the place, this is in fact a poor idea. People come to your site with certain expectations that you have built up, and if you fail to deliver, then they will just as easily leave again. Ethical link building helps you draw relevant customers to your site and you will find that when you deliver what you promised them, they will stay and browse. Using articles as "teasers" are one way to get a good link building campaign underway, but remember that the content on your site should be more inclusive and more detailed than what you put on the directories.

When it comes to ethical link building, there is a lot of material to keep in mind. The first if you want help, it is out there! There are plenty of professionals who are offering their expertise in this regard, and especially if you are new to website marketing, their help might be one of the best investments you make regarding your website. Essentially, there is no reason that you should have to stumble through learning the ropes of ethical link building, then there are plenty of people who are available and eager to show you the way.

This is an extremely important part of getting your search engine listing higher in the rankings, and as a matter of fact, good visibility can make or break your business. Make sure that you learn everything you can about this important concept.

Ben Norman is the MD of UK search engine optimisation company Impact Media Ltd, specialists in ethical link building. Impact Media work with a wide range of businesses helping them to make more money from utilising the search engines natural & paid search results.

Writing for Search Engines Versus Writing for People

The best SEO writing has to deliver information to a human just as well as it pitches keywords to a search engine. Satisfying a search engines appetite for keywords and content challenges the SEO writer who wants to also write effectively for a human. Using keyword-heavy content to entice search engines is a great idea until an actual person gets to the web page and starts reading the repetitive mess.

Avoiding reader turn-off can be accomplished in SEO writing just the same way it is done with any writing. You should compose an article or report that is coherent, organized, and informative. A bunch of hacked out fluff sprinkled with keywords like too much salt on greasy French fries lacks appeal and will not leave your reader with a positive impression of the website.

A good working rule when writing some content that is meant to be high in one or more keywords is to simply write the article while being mindful of the keywords. With this process, you can focus on the mechanics of writing such as engaging the reader, presenting information, and smoothly transitioning between each point. Then after the first or second draft, you can take a look at your keyword usage and begin to analyze density.

Increasing keyword density can be done by using pronouns as little as possible. For example, if you are writing an article about Caribbean cruises, avoid refer to the cruises as they. As often as it is comfortable, write out Caribbean cruises.

Another suggestion for increasing the keyword density does admittedly break a rule of good writing, but not too badly. When editing and polishing a work for publication, writers and editors look to remove wordiness. Unnecessary words clutter the composition and take away from the message. Sometimes, however, when writing for search engines, you can pack in another keyword by using a prepositional phrase that is not really necessary.

In this example, the keyword phrase is search engine. Note how the use of an extra prepositional phrase allows the keyword to be used again without being overly annoying.

Original: The search engine provides the best system for people to find information on the internet.

Modified: The search engine provides the best system with its search engine software for people to find information on the internet.

With even-handed techniques an SEO writer can produce content that appeals to human readers while serving the purpose of attracting search engines with selected keywords. The temptation to sloppily stuff keywords into content instead of making the effort to tastefully blend keywords into a well-written article is counterproductive. Attracting traffic through search engine optimization cannot succeed if the reader is disappointed with the content once he or she arrives. Getting that click from the search engine results page is only half the battle.

As the author of SEO Success: Fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization, Tracy Falbe has been researching SEO and testing a combination of SEO techniques since starting her company Falbe Publishing in 2004. She has achieved substantial improvement in her search engine positioning and is now getting organic traffic from keywords relevant to her book titles.

Competition Freebies and Sponsorship For Free Advertising and Link Popularity

How many competitions are there running on the net at this time? 1000 maybe? Nah, 100,000 is more than likely and when they pass their closing date there will be just as many to take their place.

So, why are companies so desperate to give away free stuff just for answering a question or two? I'll tell you why...

...because it is an INCREDIBLY effective and very INEXPENSIVE way to get your company name mentioned on hundreds, if not thousands of websites, message boards, forums, blogs and conversations both in the online and offline world, not to mention the good PR it generates - that's why!

Who doesn't want their company name-dropped all over the place for what amounts to mere peanuts when compared to the costs of traditional advertising?

There are thousands of specialist competition and freebie sites whose sole purpose is to inform the rest of the internet when a new competition or freebie offer hits the internet. There are as many mailing lists, newsgroups, message boards and blogs on the same subject and YOUR company name could be plastered over all these when you add a competition giveaway to your site.

But it doesn't stop there.

If you are reading this as a webmaster then you obviously know all the major search engines look upon inbound links as being one of the main deciding factors in deciding which pages rank where in the organic search engine results. All these free, one-way inbound links pointing directly at your website are pure gold dust in terms of increasing your link popularity and thrusting you up towards the top of the search engines.

Whilst everyone else is rushing around participating in link exchange programs, renting links on websites, buying their way into search directories and more costly measures to help get the jump on their competitors, you could be flying up the rankings by giving away something as cheap as a $20 DVD once a month.

Of course, you can also make your generosity work extra hard for your business as well and really milk that competition freebie... Rather than just give one lucky visitor a chance to win something when they leave their details at your site how about some of these ideas to get a double hit from your freebie:

1) Newsletter Competition

A competition give-away to everyone who signs up with your newsletter. Draw an email address from the hat every month and announce it in the newsletter and you'll treble your subscription rate and keep them reading. Want to ensure they really read it? Ask a question about a specific aspect of the newsletter and get people to email it in and draw a winner from one of the entrants. You get more subscribers AND you ensure they're reading!

2) Newsletters again...

Add a checkbox to your competition entry page, order page etc. offering people the chance to sign up for your newsletter (making sure to offer the hook of exclusive newsletter give-aways, freebies, coupons etc. of course) and you've got a bunch of new subscribers. This is a less effective means of building your mailing list but it still works.

3) The Scavenger Hunt Competition.

Get people to browse around your website to give you the answers to a question or two you propose. Think "By how much is the Super Megatron 2000 reduced by this month"? and use these questions to direct people to your latest promotions and offers. Not only do you get all those extra visitors from blogs and comeptition sites like you wanted, but you also show these extra visitors the highlights of your site which will either encourage them to buy there and then or bookmark you for future reference rather than hitting and running.

4) The Repeat Competition Hook

Giving away different freebies in your competitions each month ensures two things. Firstly, competition addicts (of which there are many) will hit your site every month giving you a chance to market your offers to them at least once a month. Secondly, you ensure those search result boosting links continue to multiply every month...

...and so on. If there is any aspect of your website or business you feel is a real hook and worth promoting to customers then a decent competition used correctly is the perfect way to highlight it to a wide audience without spending a fortune on advertising.

But hang on, this isn't the ONLY way to use competitions to your own advantage. Another great way is to not run your own competition at all but to simply SPONSOR a competition on another site. Getting into a small competition sponsorship deal with a high traffic site in a related (but non-competiting) subject area can bring some awesome targetted traffic your way. If they archive their competition results and past sponsorships, then that's another one-way link you got into the bargain as well.

The possibilities here are endless and it's not going to cost you anything more than a few bucks each month in order to start the ball rolling.

So what are you waiting for?

Mark Falco is the webmaster and owner of DVD Rental Services and Just UK Freebies.

Internet Marketing Tips - The Correct Way To Promote An Affiliate Product

I have no doubts that I am going to get a lot of slack for this article, but that's okay. I live in Jersey and I'm used to the heat. What I am about to share, as an opinion, is going to be met with many growls and snarls. If you want to know why, you'll understand as soon as you're finished reading. I make no apologies for my views on this subject.

Promoting an affiliate product means promoting a product that isn't yours. Somebody else created it. Now, think about this for a second. You're telling other people to go buy this product that you didn't create. You're essentially recommending it to these people. What do you base this on? If your answer is, "Because I got the product myself" then give yourself a cookie and a gold star. THAT is the correct answer.

I can hear all the affiliate marketers out there screaming at me right now. "Oh come on Steve, I can't possibly buy every product out there that I want to sell. I'll go broke."

Will you? Think about how stupid that statement really is. If you buy a product for $97 and you get 60% commission on it, all you have to do is sell two copies to make a profit. Are you telling me that you can't sell two copies of something that you have used, think is great, and rave about to others? If that's the case, then maybe you should be in another line of work.

The truth is, the most effective way to sell any product online is from the perspective of the buyer. Think about when you go and see a movie and you tell your best friend that you just saw this really great movie. How many times have you done that and your friend went to see the movie? Well, why not do the same thing and actually get paid for it?

However, if you're dead set against buying the product, try this. It does work. Contact the creator of the product and ask them if they would send you a copy to review because you want to promote the product for them. Many merchants will be happy to give you an advance copy if they know they can get a few sales. Ultimately, the same goal is have the product, know what it's about and can write about it intelligently.

All my affiliate marketing is done this way, which is why I am one of the top 20 affiliates for many of the products that I sell.

Nothing beats the personal approach.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to earn a 6 figure income like I do but get there in half the time? Please visit my blog at and read my review of the greatest info product ever to come out online in the 4 years I've been doing this.

Bidding Directory Backlinks - Build A Strong Backlink Campaign To Promote Your Bidding Directory

This article will give you a basic understanding of what backlinks are, how they work and how they are one of the most important factors in having your bidding directory rank high in the search engines.

In order to rank high in the serps for you Bidding Directory, you need to have a strong backlink campaign for your website. For those of you who are new to SEO, a backlink is a link from another site that points to your site. Now you don't want to just go out and start getting backlinks from any and every website that you can. You want to get backlinks from websites that have relevant content to your site. So in other words you wouldn't want a link on a Bunny Farm website pointing to your bidding directory, you want a link from another bidding directory or just a regular web directory pointing to your site.

Now that is just the first step, but before you even start acquiring backlinks you need to decide what keyword you would like to rank high for in the serps and preferably you want your chosen keyword to also be your anchor text for the backlinks that you are going to acquire. For example if you want to rank high for the keyword Directory, then you need to try and get other relevant sites to put a link on their site that says Directory, so that people can click on the word Directory and be taken to your website. For a visual explanation go to this Bidding Web Directory, and check out the links on the bottom of the page. One of them has the anchor text 'php link directory', and that is a backlink pointing to that site. If you go to google and search that term, you will see that the site ranks #1 for that term, that is due to the amount of backlinks that site has that have that anchor text.

So now you understand how anchor text affects which key words your website will rank high for in the search engines?. Now that is the basic principle of building backlinks, the next thing to take into consideration, at least to rank well in google, is the PR (page rank) of the site that you are going to place your backlink on. The higher the PR rating, the stronger that site is in the serps. So a backlink from a PR 1 site is not going to be as helpful as a backlink from a PR 7 site. Not only will a high PR backlink pull you up higher in the serps but eventually that site is going to pass on its PR rating to your site. So if you only have about 10 to 20 backlinks pointing to your site, but they are all from a PR 5 or higher site, you can expect to have a very nice serp ranking and also you can expect your site to get a nice PR rating during the next Google update.

Now having high PR backlinks is very ideal, it can also be very difficult to acquire them. Most site owners with a high PR know that their link is very valuable and so they are not going to just give them away, unless they believe your site is that good. So for most people building backlinks begins with backlinks from sites with a not so high PR. The best thing about placing a link on a lower PR site is that depending on what backlinks that site has, they might become a high PR after you place your link on their site. Now you have just gotten a powerful backlink fairly easy since you placed it before it became really valuable. That is the whole concept of researching the sites you place links on. Their are many SEO Tools available online that you can use to check the backlinks of other sites. So by researching and discovering that a PR 1 site has many backlinks on high PR pages, you can decide to put a link on that PR 1 site because you know that in time it will grow. So now that you have a basic understanding of how backlinks work, you can get out there and start researching your keywords and building a strong backlink campaign.

Link Territory Bidding Web Directory & forum - Bidding Directory

Gauranteed Google Page 1 Rankings

Announcing 3 Fresh Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Why do other online businesses succeed while others don't? It is because they have not really implemented their internet marketing strategies well, including article marketing. You should stay away from the notion that this technique only requires you to write articles, and that's it. Otherwise, you will definitely fail.

Here are 3 fresh secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Improve your writing skills. All things change, even the tastes of your readers. You will never be able to satisfy their needs if you are not also going to improvise and innovate your writing techniques. This is going to be quite a challenge, though, but this will surely pay off when time comes. You can learn to develop your skill by reading other people's works and by enriching your vocabulary.

2. Spend money in article marketing. If you think that the only way to get published in well-established magazines is to pay for space, then so be it. After all, when you're in article marketing, you have to exhaust every possible means to have your copies read by as many targeted customers as possible. However, you have to make sure that your paid membership or inclusion is truly worth it. Otherwise, you can stick with free article directories in the meantime.

3. Build relationships with other writers and webmasters. Perhaps you may have never felt it, but sooner or later, you need help of other people. For example, you can request your webmaster-friends to publish some of your articles with links to your website in their pages. When you don't have much time to produce your own articles, you can always runt to your article writers. Finding friends in the World Wide Web will surely make article marketing a much easier technique to implement.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Fast Article Marketing - 5 Practical Steps to Explode Your Article Marketing

If you are a webmasters and you have a knack for writing, you have won half the battle of promoting your website. It's because you can fare well on one of the best traffic-generating techniques these days - article marketing.

Here are the 5 practical steps to explode your article marketing campaign:

1. Make sure that each word that you use on your articles reflects your expertise and professionalism. Eliminate colloquial terms on your copies. Words like "wanna", "sorta", "meany", etc. must not have a room on your articles. Instead, stick with words that are deemed professional and appropriate for content writing.

2. Write to inform not to impress. Some webmasters are sometimes too excited to show off their knowledge without considering if the information they write about are useful to their readers. To quickly build a following, you must make sure that your first priority in writing your articles is to educate your readers with useful, relevant information.

3. Build your credibility. Cite a major accomplishment in your resource box. If have earned $5000 a month in promoting an affiliate product, that is considered a milestone in your career. Include this in your resource box and you can be assured that online users would like to know how you have done it so they can reap the same rewards. In addition, you can also build your credibility by posting testimonials of your most satisfied clients on your website.

4. Submit your articles to publishing sites, blogs, websites, or compile them to create an eBook. In article marketing, you are not limited to article submission sites in distributing your copies. Find other avenues where you can post your articles to increase their exposure.

5. Use your articles as viral marketing tool. You can compile your relevant articles to one eBook and make it available for download. Let your readers know that they can share this eBook to their friends and family members so you widen your reach.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Have You Chosen The Most Effective SEO Services For Promoting Your Site

Most online marketing knows that how their rankings on major search engines can predict the difference between success and failure. It takes ability, constant updating, and pushiness to stay on top of the search results, that's why many small businesses search for elegant SEO services for their site.

A convincing SEO firm can help you to reach high keyword rankings in all search engines. The SEO expert you hire to handle your website is a vital choice, and could control your success. So how do you choose the right one?

Search those who suggest sensible promises

Some SEO experts may guarantee getting top ranking; if an SEO firm offers a guarantee for top rankings, it may force them to use less ethical tactics, or black-hat methods, to achieve those guarantees. In this way, it's your site that will undergo the penalty of these methods. Thus it is necessary to hire a ethical SEO firm for promotion of your site.

Get recommendation from their regular customers

A giant and admired SEO company should have a vast list of satisfied customers. Verify that list of sites and their keyword rankings into all search engines. Lastly, try to contact those site proprietors and verify the trust according to them for that SEO firm. Are they recommend that SEO firm for your work or not?

Excellent SEO companies study your competitors

The effective SEO companies will study your competitor as closely as they'll look at your own site. Your competitors can teach your SEO firm vastly that how to promote your website through the search engines. They should be clever to affect their glories to your site, and help you get benefit from their failures.

Ethical SEO situated on two pillars - unique content and inbound links

Content should contain the targeted keywords in every page on your site with the suitable keyword density. It has to be the unique and appealing and relevant to the theme of that business area. The keywords should be smartly injected into your content as a part of that content. Your key phrases should be correctly used and should not be added in as many places as you can. So, if your wish to restrict your search engine rankings, just refresh your body content monthly or quarterly. Try to put something new to your visitors and to search engines as well for preserving their likings to your site for long time.

Inbound links directly refers your site navigation to the search engines. Cross linking of a site is more meaning full for that sites navigation. It helps your web site's usability and progress your searcher's browsing for better practice. A site getting much search engine rankings due to its vast number of relevant inbound links and it is viewed that, SERP takes batter position simultaneously with the number of relevant inbound link increment.

A trouble-free and prepared navigation will always makes your unique visitors happy and comfortable with your web links. I personally advise html navigational structure which is easily readable by Search engines.

To receive uppermost ranking you need to sharp SEO ability

According to the foremost SEO analyst ( in web industry, the biggest confront that many webmasters have to building high concert improvements to their web site is really just in short period of time. For some individuals, they wait forever do the hard work on it but never seem to be able to get well ranked. Other peoples might buy tools or use available software and thinking that will do all the works for them. But still they are not satisfied with their keyword rankings. Here comes the term "ability".

SEO giants are doing less work done and receive tremendous search engine rankings during short time span, because they are continually study on the latest SEO trends thus they know the recommended path for success and they just apply those methods what are required for their work.

With the suggestion of those people you can receive effective search engine marketing which can increase your business conversion rates, which bring more qualified customers into your website, resulting in a superior number of sales or services delivered there.

Joanna Gadel has been working as a search engine optimization and marketing expert since the last decade in a reputed Australian SEO company named by SEO Sydney. Throughout this time, he has viewed many changes in the advance SEO techniques.

Common Search Engine Mistakes That Kill Your Ranking

Devious means of designing webpages to attract search engine traffic can easily backfire. These are just a few of the methods and techniques that you should keep away from. Don't give in to the temptation that they will work for you. Rather, they will do more harm than good for your website.

Not only will you spend weeks of wasted effort, you may have your site banned from the search engines permanently. Spend a little time learning the proper methods for improving search engine visibility and your web traffic will increase.

1. Free Web Hosting.

Don't consider using free web hosting if you are serious about increasing traffic by means of search engine visibility. Many times the search engines will eliminate content from these free hosts. As well, visitors will often consider these sites to be amateurish.

2. Missing Web Page Elements.

Be sure to check every page in your website for completeness, like faulty links, graphics, etc. There are sites on the web that will do this for free.

3. Stealing Material From Other Websites.

How many times have you heard or read that "this is the Internet and it's reasonable" to take icons and text from websites to use on your site. Don't do it. It's one thing to learn from others who have been there and another to simply copy their work. The search engines are smart, and getting smarter, and more often than not notice page duplication. They may even prevent or delay your future listings.

4. Using Keywords That Are Not Related To Your Website.

Many unprincipled website owners try to increase search engine visibility by using keywords that have nothing at all to do with their website. They place unrelated keywords in a page (such as "sex", the name of a recognized famous person, the hot search theme of the day, et cetera) in a meta tag for a page. The keyword doesn't have anything to do with the page theme. Though, since the keyword is popular, they think this will increase their visibility. This method is considered spam by the search engines and may cause the page (or even the whole site) to be removed from the search engine listing.

5. Inappropriate Choice Of Keywords.

Used correctly, keyword selection is almost certainly one of the critical elements of site design. Choose the right keywords and customers will find your site. Use the wrong ones, your site will see little, if any traffic.

6. Repeating The Same Keywords.

When you use the same keywords over and over again (called keyword stacking) the search engines may demote (or skip) the page or site .

7. Using Concealed Text.

You might think that if you cannot see them, it doesn't matter. Incorrect. Don't try to hide your keywords or keyword phrases by making them iinvisible. For example, by making the keywords the same color as the background of the web page.

8. Using Tiny Text.

This is a variation of the item above (relying on hidden text. Don't try to conceal your keywords or keyword phrases by making them tiny. Making the size of the keywords so small that they can hardly be seen causes an alert to be raised.

9. Keyword Stuffing.

Rather like keyword stacking mentioned above, this means to add unrelated keywords to the description of a graphic or tag by using the "alt=" HTML descriptor. If the search engines find that this text does not actually describe the graphic or tag it will be considered spam.

10. Assuming All Search Engines Are The Same.

Many people take for granted that each search engine adopts by the same rules. This is not so. Each has its own rule base and these are subject to change anytime they so wish. Make it a point to learn what each major search engine requires for gaining a high ranking.

If you have a website then you know the significance of traffic. Traffic is to Internet advertising what location is to real estate. It's crucial to your success. If you cannot attract targeted visitors to your site, you won't make any sales.

More often than not the proprietor or designer of the website is the person who drives traffic to the site. One major element in generating traffic is to be well regarded by the search engines. Of course, you can use paid publicity, but it's going to cost you. Using the search engines to generate targeted (interested in your product) traffic is the least expensive method known.

Unfortunately, many website owners don't appreciate the significance of search engine ranking, which leads to traffic. They place more significance on producing a "pretty" website. Not that this is bad, but it is actually of minor importance to the search engines when determining display ranking. Hopefully, being aware - VERY aware - of the list of common mistakes, made by many website owners, will help you attract more targeted free traffic to your site...after all, isn't that what you want?

Ivan Kelly managed a Direct Mail business with extensive mailing lists for ten years and has designed and promoted many websites. He also provides a quality f'ree course on Search Engine Marketing. For details, go to: List Of Topics

Article Marketing and Social Bookmarking

The reason why some webmasters use articles from free content directories is to drive targeted traffic to their website and to increase their income. More and more site owners have seen the effects articles have done for the traffic of their sites.

Article marketing is a very good method, especially for those new entrepreneurs who have just begun to work as an affiliate for several different companies and are in need of funding, yet at the same time they need to build a small niche website to steer visitors towards their site so they are able to begin earning income.

Writing and submitting new articles is a crucial part of any website promotion strategy. A well written, informative article helps to build your credibility in your subject area. The links in the article resource box provide targeted traffic and effectively help to optimize your site for the search engines.

Writing and submitting new articles to article directories is an continuously task that should be performed at least on a weekly basis. Each article that is approved and published by an article directory is "hot" only for a day or two. This is because it will be displayed on the "latest articles" pages which receive more traffic than the category pages. A new article will typically remain in Google primary search results for only a week or two before it will be sent to the supplementary index. You should keep in mind though that most articles submitted in bulk to many directories will be interpreted as duplicate content and will end up in the supplemental index.

This is the reason why it is so important to submit your articles on a regular, frequent basis. If you submit at least one article a week, then you will always have a few articles that are in the primary index and getting more readers.

Submitting new articles to article directories might not be enough though. Promoting your articles while they are still "hot" is also very important. One of the most powerful promotional methods is to take advantage of the explosive growth of social bookmarking sites.

Social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Reddit, Digg and Technorati allow users to bookmark and share their favorite web pages (blogs, dynamic or static web pages, articles and so on). If you bookmark your articles in various directories, you can increase the number of people that are exposed to your article. As they click through on your headline and they read your article, they may choose to click your active hyperlink to visit your website, bringing you indirect, but targeted traffic.

The more links an article has pointing to it, the better it will rank in the search results, so these links have a very important SEO value as well. Social bookmarking sites are a very powerful tool to get more links pointing to your articles, providing a higher ranking in the search results.

By its own, article marketing is an extremely effective method to promote your site and improve your search engine optimization, but by taking advantage of the viral nature of social bookmarking, you can dramatically increase the range of your audience and ultimately, bring more visitors to your site.

The author is webmaster at a free article directory.

Search Engine Optimization and Article Marketing - Who Needs It?

Not everyone knows the value of the internet as a business and marketing tool, but they should. The internet has become a huge part of our lives and the lives of our consumers, and like it or not, that is not something that is going to change anytime soon. The internet has become the place to do business and to supplement the income/information available from a brick and mortar store. Even the tiniest shop owners are catching on to the idea of web sites and Enewsletters, and you should be, too.

Of course, having a web site isnt enough of a reason for people to want to buy from you. There should be plenty of content to keep your potential customers entertained and informed so that the chance that they will become actual customers only rises. This includes interesting information about your company and what you do, information about the products, and even articles relevant to your target market.

Selling the best baby bottle ever? Have an article or three on breast pumps, first-time mothers, or getting Daddy involved in feeding. Selling horse feed? Inform your customers about the best methods for grooming a show horse or the best way to grow feed. Keeping your customer interested will ensure that they bookmark your site and return again, hopefully making a purchase in the process.

To make those articles work double-duty for you, they should be written to attract the attention of search engines to place your web site higher in the rankings. How much more likely is it that customers will find your site if it is on the first page versus the third? The answer is that most people never even look past the first page of results.

Drawing people to your web site means drawing potential customers to your product. In the writing and internet worlds, these special articles are known as SEO, which is an acronym for Search Engine Optimized. These SEO articles are packed full of your keywords so that search engines rank your web site as extremely relevant.

You might think that anyone can write an SEO article, and to some extent that is true. You could probably come up with a page long article that mentions horse feed twelve times, but would it be interesting to read or relevant to your customers? Sure, youve attracted the search engines, but if customers roll their eyes at your obvious attempts to snag them, they are unlikely to explore the rest of your site.

The solution is to outsource writing for your web site to experienced writers. A good writer should be able to write an interesting and relevant article with up to a five percent keyword density. This means that up to five percent of the words in the article are your chosen key word. In other words, your word is used five times out of every one hundred words. That may not seem like a lot, but keep in mind that in a five percent density keyword article, this current paragraph would have used your keyword five times, both naturally and efficiently.

There are a few guidelines to keep in mind when you are outsourcing. The best advice we can think of is that if the price is incredibly low, the quality likely is, too. Best to spend a little more for great work than to settle for something your child could write. A second guideline deals with the density a good SEO article can be done with as little as one or two percent density for a single keyword. More can often mean better, but more than five percent and it becomes almost impossible to include the word without sounding artificial. Also, the more words in your key phrase, the less dense your article should be. (A five percent density of a five word keyword means that a full quarter of each paragraph is made up of your keywords, leaving little to no room for anything else.)

For a good writer, you dont even need to come up with a title or theme! Hand them a few key words and ask for three articles of a certain word length (400-600 words is average) and prepare to be amazed at what you get back. Not only will your business climb the search engine ranks, it will also boom with interested new business.

-Ben Anton 2007

We invite you to read more about web site search engines optimization at Mad Fish Info's home page. Located in beautiful Portland, Oregon, Mad Fish Info, is a Search Engine Marketing firm, specializing in getting web sites a top listing across all search engines.

6 Top Most Effective Link Building Tools

Almost every webmaster and Internet marketer who is serious about his online business cares of driving more traffic to his website. We all know that the closer to the top in search engine results the site is, the more it is visited by Internet users. But how to get that cherished place on the first page in the search engine? The answer is link building.

Link building is the process of getting links pointing to your site from other websites. The more incoming links your site has, the more value it represents for search engines. The quality of incoming links does matter too.

In this article I'd like to suggest the tools you can use to build quality links to your website:

1. Articles. Write the articles about the products or services you offer on your website and submit them to article directories. The idea is to include a link to your site into every article. Each article listed in many directories has the potential to build thousands of links for you.

2. Bookmarks. A great idea is to bookmark your articles. Every time you bookmark an article, you are linking back to your website. You can bookmark the web pages with your articles with popular bookmark sites, for example and, these sites are growing in popularity by the day. Also, adding social bookmark links to your articles makes it easy for readers to save and share your content. You can use this Social Bookmarking Tool to bookmark your articles with more than 50+ social bookmarking sites.

3. Forums. You can search for forums related to your business and leave the posts on them. Include the link to your site into your signature and every post you make will become an inbound link.

4. Blogs. An off site blog is a great means for building links and gaining traffic because every post you make is a separate web page. Link to your website and you'll have some good inbound links.

5. Social networking. With social networking link building comes in when you set up your profile. You'll make friends and drive traffic to your website.

6. Web directories. Directory submission is one of the best ways to get natural quality links for your website. The more directories you list your website with, the more inbound links you have. The easiest and quickest way to submit the site to web directories is to use a directory submitter tool. Directory submission software already has a large database of directories included within the program and automates the process of site submission. So, it is also the more time saving method of link building because you don't waste your time by searching the Internet for themed directories. You can find many companies offering fast, easy and free directory submission software on the Internet. Conduct a search for "Directory Submitter" or "Link Directory Submitter" in Google, Yahoo or MSN and you will find many websites that offer these types of programs.

Free directory submission software is absolutely the best SEO technique because it allows you optimize your new and existing websites as frequently as you would like and doesn't cost your anything.

I've just scratched the surface in the article presented. You can find a lot more valuable information about how to increase your site popularity by building quality one way links here: Link Building Guide

7 Keys to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

There are plenty of search engines on the web and each one has a different way of looking at your home page (and other pages as well). If you try to please everyone (the search engines) you will not likely please anyone. In other words, the more you put into your first page to get top ranking from several search engines may actually hurt you. So how do you decide on what works best?

Let's look at the top 7 things that you can do in order to rise to the top:

  1. Stop trying to please all the search engines. Pick one or two at the most, you may even want to stretch it to three. For myself, I actually just choose one search engine. Since Google makes up 58 to 68% of all the searches, this is the one that I optimize my pages to come to the top.
  2. Do your homework on your keywords. Guess what? You do not need to have a hundred keywords in your list. You need to do some research and choose ten or so of the best keywords for your site.

    How do you discover your best keywords? You find tools such as and type in the keywords you want to use. This software will show you how many times that keyword has been requested in the last month. This should give you a good idea on the most popular requests. This does not mean you want to choose the top words as the fight for usage will likely cost you top dollar.

  3. Use your browser and see who the top sites are. Do not look at the sponsored links but look at the list of sites. Open a new window with each one of these sites and then take a look at their source code. This will give you some clues as to what keywords they are using along with how they are optimizing for this search engine.

  4. Print out the source code to do a further analysis. Look for the following items: Are the keywords in the TITLE tag? Are they in an H1 tag or H2 tag? If not, then you can be one up by using the keywords in those tags. Most sites will place the keywords in the TITLE tag but not the H1 and H2 tags. If you place your keywords in the H1 and H2 tags, you should make sure that they are used in the top half of your home page.

  5. Another item to look for is the usage of the keywords in the first twenty-five and last twenty-five words on the page. If the competition does not do this, you are once again bettering your page. For the last twenty-five words, you can place your keywords just after your copyright information at the very bottom of the page. For example: copyright 2006 - credit help | credit rating | credit debt. By using this technique your are reemphasizing your keywords and being picked up by the search engines at the same time.

  6. The usage of bold, italics, and underline are important. Even though many people are using Style Sheets you may want to consider using the regular bold, italics, and underline tags within your home page at least. There are three components you can use with these elements. First, you can simply bold, italics or underline the keyword (or keyphrase) on its own. Second, you can make the keywords part of a sentence and use the elements for the entire sentence. Third, you can (if you are using a keyword phrase like the example above (credit rating) and use the words in a sentence separately and applying the elements to just those words from the phrase. In our example we might use: Are you concerned that your credit is not giving you the rating you expected?

  7. Getting others to link to your site is another tactic that really works. The problem here is the how do you do this? The answer is quite easy but it does take a bit of work. The simplest way is to go to Google (or any other search engine) and type your keyword or key phrase in as follows: "credit rating: "add a link". This will return a long list of sites that allow you to add your link to their site. The work part is entering all the information into each site. The other part of this equation is most of these sites want a reciprocal link back to your site. You will need to create a page that will contain the links back to those sites. This is fairly easy as all you need to do is place their URL in a word document, put a description underneath it, and then leave a space to add the next one. I call my page Resources and that page is a link from my home page. Great way to make your way to the top of the search engine list.

These are just a few of the items you can do on your own to optimize your site for the search engines. Most of them are very simple to do, you just have to put in the work to get it done. There are many more of these tips available in our latest release (currently in ebook format) Blueprints for Success - eMarketing: Winning the Internet Marketing Game. This book is available by emailing

Bette Daoust, Ph.D. is a speaker, author (over 170 books, articles, and publications), and consultant. She has provided marketing, sales, business development and training expertise for companies such as Peet's Coffee & Tea, Varian Medical Systems, Accenture, Avaya, Cisco Systems to name a few. Dr. Daoust has also done extensive work with small businesses in developing their marketing, training, and operational plans. You may contact Dr. Daoust at You may also view her latest publications at or

The Article Marketing Guideline

Many internet marketers try to fight just to get onto the first page of Google to totally dominate their keyword. There is a marketing strategy that can get you onto the first page. That is article marketing.

How do you do it? It's simple. Just start writing articles about whatever it is you want to market. But you have to write many articles. You have to completely flood the market with your articles if you want to get onto the first page of Google. So to help you out on your article marketing success, here is a simple guideline that you should follow.

1. Your articles must contain quality information! Your articles need to have valuable information for the reader. When you give away valuable information, that is where people are going to be linking your articles, and that is how your going to get onto Google's first page.

2. Use your resource box to your advantage. Don't waste this valuable tool. Use your resource box is the gateway where people are going to go to to find out more about your product or your website. Your resource should have a catch and a link. Get your readers hooked by your resource by giving them a call to action. Have your resource box look professional. Don't fill it with a bunch of links. This looks childish and no one will go to any of them.

3. DO NOT make your articles too long. Long articles are boring and no one will want to read them. Give them information fast. That's what people want. They want information fast and to the point. Get in, and get out. Don't beat around the bush. If your article HAS to be long, than put in bullets and paragraphs so people can have access to the main points of the article.

4. You must write a lot of articles if you wish to get onto the first page of Google. This is the best way to get onto the first page of Google and stay there. Flood the marketing with your articles and just keep writing. You have to write more than 100 articles. Don't worry, it'll be easy.

5. Follow the guidelines. Don't break the rules. You don't want to get your valuable article marketing account deleted. You'll get taken off of Google!

Use this guide to article marketing, and soon you'll be getting the traffic that you've always wanted.


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