Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pricing Strategies For Your Book

Setting the right price for your book is crucial to its success. If you do not set the right price, you may do more harm than good to your sales. When pricing your book, you need to take into consideration many factors.

There are generally two methods that you can use to arrive at the price tag of your book. The first is the traditional or the bottom up method. It is called bottom up because you start your calculations from the bottom and gradually go upward to get the best price for the book.

In this method, you first take the production cost of your book, add the trucking costs and multiply the sum by eight to arrive at the magic figure. The reason to use this high multiple factor is to cover the commissions/profits of distributors, wholesalers, and stores, all of which demand a heavy cut of the list price of the book. Without the support of this distribution channel, you will be unable to deliver your book to the reader/buyer.

Usually a distributor's cut is about 66%, wholesalers take up to 55%, and stores take 40% of the list price. Then the costs involved in promoting your book have to also be taken care of. Promotion is an expensive business and you will need to shovel back nearly 25 to 30% of the gross amount.

The least expensive way of promoting your book is to seek reviews. They are one of the most effective means that also costs the least. However, they involve sending review copies of your book to various newsletters, magazines, newspaper columns, and other opinion molders.

Remember that these review copies are books that are not sold, and therefore you do not get paid for them. They are sent free and the cost involved is considered promotional advertising expense. Depending on your subject and target audience size, you may have to send out hundreds of copies. One important factor that has overriding priority over the cost of production, while considering the final price, is the genre/category of the book.

Another method is the top down method. The principle here is to price your book according to the price of similar books in the market. The price that is given on the back page of the book should be in line with other books in the market, because retail prices are established not by the cost of production, but by the marketplace.

To find out market prices, visit bookstores that stock similar books and check the prices. You also need to note other points like the shape, quality and type of paper, and binding to determine what your reader/buyer is prepared to spend.

You must also keep in mind the target buyer segment when determining the price of your book. If it is targeted at teenagers, you need to make it low priced with a soft cover. Books for professionals like lawyers, doctors, accountants, technical experts etc. should be hardcover editions with dust jackets and can be priced higher, say around $80 to $100. Business books should be priced at around $35.

Pricing a book is a subjective issue and there cannot be any hard and fast criteria to fix the price. However, what is discussed above can enable you to proceed in the right direction while determining the price of your book.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant about books. When shopping for books, we recommend you shop only at the best bookstores for used books, autographed books, and vedic books.

8 Killer Website Marketing Strategies

There are so many ways to market a product or service. Why is it that a small percentage of marketers are really seeing huge amounts of sales? I would say a lot of marketers probably have good products or services but are missing key techniques in their marketing. This results in falling short of their desired goals. Here are a few simple website marketing strategies that will have you raking in the sales and laughing your way to the bank.

1. Build a massive opt in list, of loyal subscribers and use email promotions to dramatically increase your sales. It is absolutely CraZy if you are not doing this. You are losing out on massive amounts of income.

Increase your opt in email list quickly by giving away a product, newsletter or report at no cost. Just require people to subscribe to your list in exchange.

I recommend go to as a source for you to collect these names and emails addresses. They are considered one of the best auto responder services around and their customer service is excellent.

Your freebie needs to be original, timely and possess highly perceived value. Aweber can be set up so that when someone submits their information they will immediately be sent a message and a download of your freebie.

2. Follow up with your customers. When someone gives you their name and email address they are expecting you to send them information that they want to receive. Emailing them allows you to contact them over and over and build a genuine relationship. If you send them information that is useful and interesting them they will be more open when you do recommend a product or service to sell.

If you don't follow up with your customers, you are losing a huge amount of profit. 36% of people who bought from you will buy from you again. When a person likes your product they will often buy again and again. Your follow up can immediately increase your revenue by 30% to 50%. These customers are one of the greatest assets of a business. If you have nothing to sell find an affiliate product (someone else's product) that is related to your business and offer that.

3. Another strategic internet marketing tip is to make or hire someone to create an ebook or report that you would allow your customers to give away. You can have our permission to give this away. This can spread like WILD FIRE.

4. Design a powerful guarantee. A guarantee that will make you stand out from your competitors. An example would be giving them a 90 day money back guarantee when your competitors are only offering a 30 day.

5. Create multiple income streams on your website. You can sell your own products or sell affiliate products related to your business. Click bank, cj junction are a couple of sources that you can join. They are free to join and you get paid a percentage of the sales.

6. Offer advertising space for businesses complimenting yours on your website.

7. Depending on your business, adding Google adsense on your web page can bring in more revenue as well. This is where you allow Google to place ads related to your business on your web page and when someone visits your web page and clicks on the ads, you get paid.

8. Add audio and video to your website and watch your sales soar.Short and interesting, under 3 minutes clips, will grab peoples attention. Make sure that you are using the correct internet audio and video the right way or you could actually damage your credibility. The are many resources with tips and tricks you can use to create effective audio and video. Just Google create videos.

Are you currently using any of these web internet marketing strategies? If not implement them and watch you sales go through the roof.

Maria has ran a successful business for 20 years and now teaches others how to market successfully online. Maria's free website traffic techniques are used by entrepreneurs in every industry to drive targeted, quality traffic to their websites for free. To find out Maria's Traffic Secrets just visit http:GetFreeTrafficToday.Com

Article Marketing Online - Key Elements To Remember When Writing Your Articles

The goal of your articles online is to reach your target market, create trust and have your readers take action. These elements must be present in each and every article you write in order to make your article marketing campaign a success.

I am going to go over what you need in your article to make sure you have all three elements present in each and every article.

1, Reach Your Target Market- In order to be successful in reaching your target market, you have to know your market. What do your prospects want? What are they searching for online. You can use keyword tools such as word-tracker to see what your prospects are searching for in your target market. Make sure your heading is addressing those questions or concerns you have learned through research.

2, Create Trust- You want to create trust with your readers by giving them useful and helpful information in your market. Don't use your article to sell them but instead give them helpful information. This will allow your reader to trust you and be more open to any future offers from you.

3, Have Your Readers Take Action- In order to get your readers to take action you must make sure that you have a strong call-to-action at the end of your article. Emphasis the benefits of your offer, what is in it for them and NOT how many plaques you have on your wall!

These are the elements to having a successful article marketing campaign from my experience and testing.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website.

Article Marketing - How to Create a Resource Box That Makes Visitors Take Action

Your resource box is the only place in your article you can actively promote yourself and what you want to offer. Therefore give some thought to what action you want your reader to take and you will be handsomely rewarded.

Purpose of the article resource box

After providing valuable information in your article, your reader's mind will be well prepared for your offer at the end of the article. Your article is where you give free information that serves the needs of your customer. Your resource box is the only place where you are allowed to take something from them. This is a natural give and take scenario. If you have provided an excellent, value oriented article your visitor will be happy to respond to your offer.

Steps to create an effective article resource box

The resource box should only be a maximum length of 6 lines. If it is longer than that visitors may not make the effort to read it and move on.

1. Include your full name

Readers want to know who wrote the article so this is an opportunity to say who you are and why you are an authority on the subject (see resource box below). If you don't include your name you lose the chance of branding your name to your business and missing out on the chance of building your business reputation.

2. Include your web site address

Readers will check out your web site address to see what you are offering and what business you have. Make sure you write the whole address ie This not only helps your visitors to just copy and paste the address into their browser but most article directories will automatically make this a live link. If you don't write the complete address the link will not be live.


Use anchor text in your resource box. Most article directories allow you to include 2 web site addresses in the resource box. Display your full web site address

and also insert it in your anchor text to boost the link popularity to your web site.

3. Include your offer

The offer in your resource box should take them to your web site where you expand its promotion. Use 2-3 lines to promote your offer. Examples of different items you can include for the offer in the resource box are: free ebook, short report, e-course, or newsletter subscription.


The advantage of a newsletter subscription is that you can send multiple offers to the same person over a long period of time. People don't often respond the first time, so offering it several times allows them to make an informed decision. The downside of a one time offer is that you only get one chance to make your pitch.

4. Include a call to action

After pitching your offer, ask your reader to take action ie visit your web site and subscribe to your newsletter. Offering several calls to action will only confuse them and cause inaction through indecision. Keep your resource box simple so it's clear what you want them to do.


Apart from your main web site address, you may want to include the address to your subscription page or blog. This has the advantage of getting two inbound links to your web site instead of one.


Create several different resource boxes if you have different items you wish to promote. This will save time recreating your resource box for different article topics. Try to vary the anchor text for each resource box. Search engines frown upon people that use the same anchor text all the time.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Affordable Web Site Design

Receive fresh, in-depth articles articles on how
to design, optimize and promote your web site by subscribing
to his "Marketing Tips" newsletter at:

Article Marketing - Don't Waste Your Time with Ineffective Article Submission

Are you confident in your article marketing campaign? Many article marketers are not! The reason for this is simple - They write and submit articles only to see little or no results.

If you are one of many who find themselves wondering how the heck they can really get the most out of article marketing then you need to realize a few things.

1. Obtaining hundreds or even thousands of one-way links pointing to your site from low-quality pages will not do you much good. These links do help a little but the fact is the true value of article marketing is of a much greater parallel. What does this mean? It means that mass submission is not as good as it seems. Pick a few of the top article directories, authority Websites in your niche and Ezines. Submit to only these sites and your articles will get much better Search Engine rankings.

2. The most important factor in any article marketing campaign is writing in a way as to spark an interest with the viewers. If your articles are on "rehashed" material most people will move on. Whereas new interesting or even controversial subjects will keep the viewers eyes glued to the screen until they get to your signature box.

3. With the recent implementation of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) by Google and possible other SE's, it is very important to write for the future and not the past. In the past an Author could write his or her articles and Website content based around one of two keywords. This is called "keyword density" and it is on it's way out the door. This means you have the chance to get one up on your competition by writing good LSI based articles, as most still write with a keyword density in mind. The main thing to remember with this is that the SE's are looking for pages that were written for humans, not robots.

Of course there are other factors that you need to consider when marketing with articles but if you can follow the above three you will be able to increase traffic, conversions and your income!

For more information on how to Effectively market your Website, Blog or Product with articles visit where you'll find my extremely popular article marketing ebook, where I provide the exact blueprint of how I use articles to conquer every niche I touch!

Article Marketing is The Key to Building Targeted Website Traffic

In todays increasingly Internet-driven global marketplace, it is essential that you have a Web site that not only helps to sell your products and services, but that is also highly visible online. Studies indicate that your Web site ranking on search engines such as Yahoo! and Google can literally make or break your business and can make a million dollar difference in your profits. Therefore, in order to be a success online, you must be diligent in your online marketing efforts.

Online marketing relies largely upon the use of keyword rich SEO (search engine optimized) articles to inform search engines as to the content and purpose of your Web site. SEO articles are generally about 500-words in length and include specific keywords at least once in every paragraph of the article. By including as many SEO articles on your Web site as possible, each with targeted keywords relating to your business, you increase your chances of driving traffic to your site.

How SEO Works

SEO relies upon proprietary algorithms that each search engine (such as Google and Yahoo!) designs and implements. The search engines employ robots, which constantly browse Web sites to record data, similar to the way a satellite rotates Earth. As the robots browse Web sites, they record which sites have which keywords, links, and other pertinent information. The robot then reports that information back to the search engines, which use the information to rank the Web sites. The better your search engine ranking, the higher you will be on the search engine results page.

For example, if you sell apples online, then it is important for you to mention apples on your Web site as often as possible, including related terms, such as fruit and Gala apples. (Listing the related terms will help to differentiate your site from a site relating to Apple computers.) The abundance of keywords will help to indicate that your site is very serious about apples.

When someone types the word apple into the search engines, your Web site may come up on the first page, if you have successfully optimized your site using SEO articles and other keyword online marketing strategies.

A Word of Caution

Keep in mind that many search engines are aware of the misuse of SEO articles and keyword marketing techniques. For example, some Internet businesses will publish articles on their sites that have very little relevant information. Instead, the articles will simply repeat a series of keywords so as to draw the attention of the search engines to the site. However, if a search engine comes across such an article, the site owner will be blacklisted, which means that the search engine will remove the site from the database. Therefore, it is important that the SEO articles that you use to draw website traffic are not only keyword rich articles, but that they are also actually useful to visitors.

Robert Moment is a small business coach and author that specializes in teaching entrepreneurs how to start successful and profitable small businesses. Visit and take the FREE 7 day e-course titled, "Turn Passion into Profit: Small Business Startup".

Make Money by Attracting Ezines and Webmasters to Your Articles

Attracting large numbers of ezines and webmasters is the cornerstone of success for any article marketing program. The more sites that publish your work, the more money you will make. If twenty ezines publish your article, it can get 20,000 page views. The question is, how do you entice these influential ezines. Use the following techniques to polish your article for these influential publishers.

Put all of your links in the resource box. Self-serving links in the body of the article is a definite turn-off for ezines and webmasters. Keep all of your links in the resource box.

Don't try to load up your resource box with links from every affiliate you deal with. One or two well thought out links will serve you much better than four or five.

Do a thorough spelling and grammar check on your work. Most word processors come with one, make sure you use it. In addition, do a slow and careful proofreading of your article. Your spelling checker will identify the word "kite" as being spelled correctly, even though you intended to type the word "kit." Only a thorough reading will find this kind of error.

Space your article by separating it into a number of different paragraphs. It makes it easier to read from the computer screen and creates less eye-strain.

Keep your personal life history to yourself. No one really cares where you went to school or how many kids you have. Stay focused on the core information that your article provides.

Provide targeted information rather than broad generalities. Unless it is a new concept, most people are not looking for broad generalities. They want specific details. Articles that explain the what, where, why, and how of a concept are much more widely distributed than articles than ramble on about generalities.

Most ezines and webmasters want to provide their readers with the best product possible. They want readers to come back next week and the week after that. With so many articles to choose from, ezines can afford to be choosy. Ezines and webmasters will choose the best article possible that minimizes mistakes and maximizes information. Provide a quality product that satisfies these goals and you may attract large numbers of ezines.

Do you want to learn how I make money? Get my new ebook and start making money online!

Learn How To Start Making Money Online!

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Write Ebooks And Make Money!

How to Educate Yourself In Internet Marketing

To make a living at internet marketing, you need to master several skills. You need to know something about how to build websites, so you can have a platform for your business. You need to know how to write copy so you can create content that attracts both human readers and Google spiders, and so you can sell your visitors on doing whatever you need them to do once they get to your site. Finally you need to know enough about how the internet actually works so you can get traffic to your site.

If you can master these three skills, you can create sites that make money. If you can create enough of these, you can create a full-time income.

The question is: what does it take to master these skills? Let's take a look at them one at a time.

How to Build Websites

For non-techies, this might be the scariest of the three! Don't worry, though. Websites are build in a language called HTML, and formatted in another language called CSS. Both are relatively easy to learn, and there are some very good resources on the web to help. There are also lots of great books at the bookstore.

I noticed recently that a college near me offers classes on both HTML and CSS. I bet there are similar resources near you.

HTML and CSS are not real programming! They are really not programming languages at all, but formatting languages. Besides, there are complete programs like Dreamweaver and FrontPage that can do all of this stuff for you. There's even a free HTML editor you can get on the

Worst case you can hire someone to build your site for you at eLance or Rent-A-Coder.

How to Write to Sell

Business writing is loosely called copywriting. What I mean by copywriting, though, is more like advertising writing. You do not need to write like Hemingway or Charles Dickens. You do need to know how to write grammatical English. Writing for the Web is very informal. It's a lot more like conversation. The main thing I tell people here, is to forget what you learned in school and practice writing like you talk to an intelligent friend.

If you need to, there are usually a lot of resources out there that cater to folks who want to improve their writing. Taking a business writing course might not be a bad idea. If you don't write for a living, who remembers what a run-on sentence is?

There are also plenty of books where you can brush up your writing skills.

The main thing to do is not to let your shortcomings stop you. We all have weak points. Yet, if you want something bad enough, you can figure how to get around those weaknesses.

How the Internet Works

Knowing how the Internet really works may be the most easily solved of your three skills. I can almost tell you all you need to know in a few short sentences.

People use the Internet for two reasons, entertainment and information. What you as the internet marketer need to know is how to make your website appear in a user's search results so it gets visited. Article marketing (what I'm doing right now!) is one good way to do this. Pay per click marketing is another. Finally, search engine optimization is yet another.

To learn more about how to promote your website, download my free ebook: Five Steps to Web Profits!

Lee Cole is an successful internet marketer who can help you get your internet business up and running, and most importantly--profitable! To learn more, visit Lee's website!

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 4 Huge Methods to Explode Your Article Marketing

Looking for the best method that can easily convert your readers to potential clients? Try article marketing. It is proven to strengthen your online presence and your credibility that can easily persuade people to trust you and consider doing business with you.

1. Quality of your articles. This is the most crucial element in your article marketing campaign. When you are able to produce quality articles that are content-rich and well-written, they will be easily picked up and republished by other marketers that can boost your link popularity. These articles can also help you establish your knowledge on your chosen niche that would persuade people to trust you. As you know, when people trust you, they are more likely to do business with you. This can lead to increased online revenue.

2. Quantity of your articles. In article marketing, the more articles you write, the more inbound links you can obtain for your website. This can lead to improved traffic, higher page ranking, and great sales potential. So, strive to write and publish at least 7 articles per day to strengthen your online presence and increase your website exposure.

3. Powerful resource box. This is the part where you have to convince your readers to visit your website so you can convert them to potential clients. Make it powerful and enticing by communicating your expertise, the problems that you can solve, and your desire to help. To increase your conversation rate, include incentives like free ebook or free articles to your new subscribers.

4. Keywords. Don't forget the search engines when you write your content. You have to make sure that your articles are search-engine friendly by incorporating keywords that highly relevant to your chosen niche all throughout your content.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Article Marketing - 4 Incredible Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you want to attract more people to your website, you need to figure out some effective ways on how you can offer them with what they really need - information. The best marketing tool that can help you achieve your goal is article marketing. Through this, you will be able to impart your knowledge to your target market to build rapport and trusting business relationship.

Here are the 4 incredible methods to energize your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. To make your articles highly targeted, useful, and focused, you need to keep your potential readers in mind when writing your content. Consider their needs, their demands, their language, and the solution they require to resolve their pressing issues.

2. Choose your topics. The best way to ensure that you will benefit from your article marketing campaign is to write topics that are closely relevant to your products. Simply put, writing articles about clothes when you are selling food supplements will not drive interested parties on your website.

3. Use powerful resource box. In this section, you can make your call to action to move your readers to either visit your site or join your email marketing list. Whatever is your objective in publishing your articles, make sure that your resource box is compelling enough to maximize your chances of realizing your marketing goals. Don't forget to include your name, your photo, your expertise, and the problems you solve to make it more enticing.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Post your articles to all possible avenues that can give them exposure online. Submit to article submission sites, directories, and social bookmarking sites. You can also post them on blogs, forums, and even on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

What is SEO and Why is SEO so Important? Part I

What is SEO?

SEO is the abbreviation for search engine optimization. As will be discussed elsewhere in this ebook, with the ever increasing use of the Internet as a means for business and commerce, search engine optimization or SEO is becoming more important all of the time.

From a technical standpoint, SEO is the term to define the various marketing techniques that are utilized to build, develop and maintain an Internet website so as to enhance its chances of being ranked in the top levels of search engine results when relevant searches are undertaken.

As will be discussed throughout this ebook, there actually are a number of techniques that are employed when it comes to search engine optimization or SEO. These techniques and strategies that are used to optimize a website include the creation of keyword enriched content, the structure of that copy, website page layout, the proper usage of HTML meta-tags and the website submission office that was employed.

Why Is SEO So Important?

Each and every month literally thousands of new websites go online. A significant portion of these websites are being established by business enterprises of different types. Indeed, in this day and age business competition on the Internet and World Wide Web is intense.

The bottom line is that you may spend a good deal of money designing, creating, building and developing a website for an Internet business or for a brick and mortar world business that can benefit from an Internet presence. Naturally, it is crucial to have a good looking and user friendly website for your Internet business. However, a business cannot survive let alone thrive by looks alone.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to SEO success, Secrets of SEO

Download it free here: SEO Secrets

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Why Article Marketing Increases Search Engine Rankings

Article marketing, of course, is the process of writing articles, including one or more links to your web site within the articles, and submitting the articles to the various online article directories.

One of the things for which article marketing is especially useful is that of increasing search engine rankings.

How does that work?

Lets take a step back.

How do the search engines determine which websites should be ranked higher than others, and in which ranking?

One of the ways that search engines determine which web site should rank higher than another web site is by counting the number of inbound links to that web site. An inbound link is a link that is coming into your web site.

The theory is this: if you have more inbound links, you must be more popular, and if you are more popular then your web site must have more to offer, than another web site in your niche with fewer inbound links than you.

So how do you get more inbound links, and therefore increase popularity and search engine rankings?

One of my favorite ways , and one of the easiest ways, to do this is by article marketing. Each article that you submit to an article directory, with a link in it pointing back to your web site, gives you one additional inbound link to your web site.

Article marketing is a quick and easy way to get multiple inbound links to your web site. I regularly submit my articles to a list of about 150 article directories and each of these directories places a link back to my web site, which increases my inbound link count and my link popularity.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Best Ways to Impact Your Article Marketing

Do you often wonder why you are not generating traffic when you are promoting your website? Do you wish you can uncover the secrets of successful webmasters? Oftentimes, the difference lies on the type of traffic-generating techniques that you are using. Most successful webmasters are utilizing article marketing as their main tool in generating traffic for their sites. If you are not using this yet, you better join the bandwagon to drive quality traffic to your site.

Here are the 4 best ways to succeed in article marketing:

1. Be familiar with article marketing. Know how it works and how you can use it to get ahead of the pack. Read tutorials, eBooks, and guides so you can get acquainted with various important elements that will make your articles shine and your strategies successful.

2. Be direct. Eliminate lengthy introductions and go straight to the point. Online users will appreciate if you can provide the information they need in as little time as possible. So, stop beating around the bush, strike out fillers and unnecessary words and get your message across as quick as possible.

3. Write quality articles. The quality of your articles can either make or break your marketing campaign. Thus, it would pay if you can exert extra effort to make sure that your articles read well, contains relevant information, easy to understand, and flows well.

4. Submit your articles to paid submission sites. There are publishing sites that charge $24-$50 for unlimited submission. These sites provides their members with jaw-dropping benefits like inserting URL on the body of the articles, 24-48 hours review and posting time, etc. If you would like to get these benefits, it wouldn't hurt to shell out small amount of money to get the traffic you need.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - High Volume Begins With High Quality & Quantity Articles

Recognition on Top Article Marketing Sites starts at nearly 1000 articles. If you don't have at least a thousand written, you won't make the front page list, and the numbers are rising. But that isn't the only way to get noticed.

Quality counts too.

Effective Article Marketing presumes you know something about keyword optimization, grammar, and basic writing techniques. While there are those who make it to the top of the Article Marketing heap with bad grammar, no keyword optimization, and low grade techniques, their work doesn't capture the audience, or get republished. Fact is, if you want to be seen, provide QUALITY.

Quantity counts too.

You can write a valuable piece of prose in 100 words or less, however... that won't get you published at EzineArticles or very many of the other Article Marketing Sites either. The majority of sites want 250 to 300 words minimum. Optimal article size is around 500 words. A dynamic, highly visible, useful and informative article will always be more published and more read than a bunch of words slung together to look like an article.

High Volume Results.

While 10 - 20 articles on the Article Marketing Sites will get you some results, if you continue to write consistently, building your directory by 5 - 10 articles or more each week, your business will grow, your articles will have higher impact, and your traffic volume will increase. If you desire to make a difference online, increase your volume.

Are you ready to make a difference?

Add these two high volume templates to your repertoire FREE at and learn the SECRET of writing high volume articles.

Jan Verhoeff writes content. If you're interested in knowing more about valuable content and how to write online, visit and sign in for a FREE Subscription to Jan's News & Updates.

Search Engine Optimization and Article Marketing - Who Needs It?

Not everyone knows the value of the internet as a business and marketing tool, but they should. The internet has become a huge part of our lives and the lives of our consumers, and like it or not, that is not something that is going to change anytime soon. The internet has become the place to do business and to supplement the income/information available from a brick and mortar store. Even the tiniest shop owners are catching on to the idea of web sites and Enewsletters, and you should be, too.

Of course, having a web site isnt enough of a reason for people to want to buy from you. There should be plenty of content to keep your potential customers entertained and informed so that the chance that they will become actual customers only rises. This includes interesting information about your company and what you do, information about the products, and even articles relevant to your target market.

Selling the best baby bottle ever? Have an article or three on breast pumps, first-time mothers, or getting Daddy involved in feeding. Selling horse feed? Inform your customers about the best methods for grooming a show horse or the best way to grow feed. Keeping your customer interested will ensure that they bookmark your site and return again, hopefully making a purchase in the process.

To make those articles work double-duty for you, they should be written to attract the attention of search engines to place your web site higher in the rankings. How much more likely is it that customers will find your site if it is on the first page versus the third? The answer is that most people never even look past the first page of results.

Drawing people to your web site means drawing potential customers to your product. In the writing and internet worlds, these special articles are known as SEO, which is an acronym for Search Engine Optimized. These SEO articles are packed full of your keywords so that search engines rank your web site as extremely relevant.

You might think that anyone can write an SEO article, and to some extent that is true. You could probably come up with a page long article that mentions horse feed twelve times, but would it be interesting to read or relevant to your customers? Sure, youve attracted the search engines, but if customers roll their eyes at your obvious attempts to snag them, they are unlikely to explore the rest of your site.

The solution is to outsource writing for your web site to experienced writers. A good writer should be able to write an interesting and relevant article with up to a five percent keyword density. This means that up to five percent of the words in the article are your chosen key word. In other words, your word is used five times out of every one hundred words. That may not seem like a lot, but keep in mind that in a five percent density keyword article, this current paragraph would have used your keyword five times, both naturally and efficiently.

There are a few guidelines to keep in mind when you are outsourcing. The best advice we can think of is that if the price is incredibly low, the quality likely is, too. Best to spend a little more for great work than to settle for something your child could write. A second guideline deals with the density a good SEO article can be done with as little as one or two percent density for a single keyword. More can often mean better, but more than five percent and it becomes almost impossible to include the word without sounding artificial. Also, the more words in your key phrase, the less dense your article should be. (A five percent density of a five word keyword means that a full quarter of each paragraph is made up of your keywords, leaving little to no room for anything else.)

For a good writer, you dont even need to come up with a title or theme! Hand them a few key words and ask for three articles of a certain word length (400-600 words is average) and prepare to be amazed at what you get back. Not only will your business climb the search engine ranks, it will also boom with interested new business.

-Ben Anton 2007

We invite you to read more about web site search engines optimization at Mad Fish Info's home page. Located in beautiful Portland, Oregon, Mad Fish Info, is a Search Engine Marketing firm, specializing in getting web sites a top listing across all search engines.

Why is Keyword Research Critical?

As soon as you get into search engine optimization, you'll start hearing new phrases like keyword research. You're probably wondering what keyword research is and why is it critical?

Keyword research is a beautiful thing. Why? It is a glimpse into the minds of your potential customers and clients. What if you could gain access to a database of information on how your prospects thought about the products you are offering? What if you could identify the exact words they used in their minds? Couldn't you tailor your site and marketing to really take of advantage of that information? On the web, you can with keyword research.

There are large databases on the web that collect the search habits of people using search engines. Before you start screaming about privacy, the only thing being tracked is general search queries, not who is making them. At least not by name, but that is another subject that Google will have to answer to. But I digress.

With keyword research, you can access these databases and see the exact phrases people are using when they search for information in your business area. Let's say I sell books on dog training. I can search for all searches done by people that include the phrase "dog training" in them. The databases will then kick out all the phrases.

Depending on the systems, the phrases may include information such as the number of times a day, week or month the phrase was used in a search. The systems might also tell you how many other websites are trying to get ranked under each keyword phrase. For all intensive purposes, we are talking about a gold mine of information! The first step in any SEO campaign is to do keyword research and then embed them in your site as you can read here.

Aazdak Alisimo writes about search engine optimization for

The Importance of Inbound Links to Your Website

Links into your website from other websites are one of the key factors that Google uses to determine your PageRank, Link Popularity and consequently relevancy and success in its listings.

Relevant links into your website help to raise your Google search engine rankings because a link into your website is considered by Google to be a vote for your website, or more specifically a vote for the page on your website that the external website links to.

The more links into your website the more votes and the more "important" Google considers it to be. Furthermore the higher the quality of the website that links to yours, then the more important their vote for you. So it's important to get as many links into your website as possible, and also get as many high quality links in as you can, from other important websites.

What form does this link into your website need to be? The best format for the inbound link to your website is as a text link, with relevant link text, and by that I mean that the words that the page uses to link to your website should be relevant to the page on your website which the link points to. This relevant link text helps Google to build an accurate "picture" of what the page that is linked to is about, and so helps build your relevancy score.

But what about PageRank you ask? PageRank (PR) is a critical measure of the importance of any web page as determined by Google, and it is important to factor in the PageRank of webpages that link to yours. But more importance is the relevancy! Linking from an unrelated high PR page to yours will not carry too much value for you, and in fact may harm your own success on Google: if you have too many non-relevant links in to your page it can smack of non-natural link popularity growth and you can be penalised.

Add to this the fact that it also important to vary the text that is used to link into your website to ensure you do not get penalised for unnatural link growth, and also develop links into the interior pages of your website as well as just the home page.

So now the big question: how to grow these links into your website? There are several method:

1. Hire a search engine optimiser, which can be expensive.

2. Buy links into your website. Be careful to ensure you don't set off any red flags with Google, and definitely DO NOT get involved with any link farms.

3. Approach your customers and suppliers and ask for links from them - the preferred method!

Webstarters Ltd. website design and development business from Auckland New Zealand.

List Building: Who Wants to Know?

When you get great emails from people that talk about a great piece of software that you need to make your business more productive, and you get to their squeeze page, right? And you find all these questions! What's your address, your telephone number, and even your social security number!

How incredibly stupid!

Nobody wants to give up all that personal stuff just to find out about a product they might want to buy. And, I'd guess that the people who created that intrusive list building page are getting far fewer sign-ups than they would like.

The only things you should be asking for are the person's name first name, and their email address. That's it!

Here's what people think when you ask to much:

1. Why do they care where I live? Are they going to send me junk mail?

2. Why do they need my telephone number? Do they intend to call me every day to sell me things? I'm on the Do Not Call list!

3. NObody, I mean, NObody gets my social security number.

None of this information is appropriate for a list building page. Not only that, but you won't get many sign ups. Your list building efforts will be severely stunted.

When people are at the payment stage, they don't mind that kind of information. They know you have to deliver a physical product. But if you're selling digital products, you don't even need that much info. An opt-in box that's annoyingly long will just kill your list building success.

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. and a master of list building. Build a massive responsive list at

Optimizing Description Tags - 7 Top Strategies

Site owners don't often put much thought into meta descriptions tags. They will write anything that comes into their heads without considering who's going to read them.

What are meta description tags?

These are the tags you insert after the title tags of your web site. The description displays under the title of your web site in the search engine results pages (SERPS).

7 Top Strategies

1. Include keywords

Don't duplicate the keywords used in your title tag. Try to vary them a little ie if you used the plural form in the title tag use the singular form in the description tag.

If you used an abbreviated word in the title tag use the full word in the description tag.

2. Write a different description for every web page.

Make sure the description adequately describes what the web page is about so the visitor knows immediately what to expect.

3. Get into the head of your visitor.

You only have a few sentences to make an impression on your visitor. A well-crafted description will help differentiate your site from your competitors. Make sure you write full sentences, not an abbreviated one.

4. Length of description

The search engines will read anywhere from 150 to 250 characters. Google displays about 150 to 160 characters. If it is over 160 characters it will be truncated. Other search engines allow more characters. A general rule is to write 200 characters (approximately 25-30 words.)

5. Include keyword phrases used in web content

Search engines give more weight to sites which include the same keyword phrases in the web copy and description tags.

6. Word order

Place your most important keyword phrase at the beginning of your meta description tags. It should also be a phrase that captures your visitor's attention so they will want to check out your web site.

7. Correct coding

The description tag is coded differently for HTML and XHTML.

In HTML the meta tag has no end tag. ie >

In XHTML the meta tag must be properly closed. ie />


Optimizing the description tags is is not as important as optimizing the title tags because the description tags don't impact your rankings as much. Instead focus on providing a well-written description that will make visitors want to check out your web site.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) owner
and author of Maryland Web Site Design

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A Little Google Adwords Secret To Double, Even Triple Your Lead Generation Conversion

If you've been advertising your business opportunity or product online for any length of time you probably already already know that Google Adwords can be a great way to bring traffic to your lead generation campaign.

You'll probably agree that getting the traffic to your landing or lead capture page is the easy part... Actually getting that traffic to convert into real-time hot leads for your opportunity or product is the hard part. This frustrates many Adwords advertisers to the point where they have to drop the campaign entirely because it simply wasn't profitable... or was it because they were going about it the wrong way? Don't let this happen to you!

One of the main reasons for Adwords failure in a lead generation campaign is total lack of keyword organization and proper targeting of the landing pages. That's right... I said PAGES.

Most beginner Adwords advertisers will go out and bid on 50,60 maybe even 100 keywords they will write ONE Google ad and then direct all of their adwords traffic to their one little landing page.

So you've got several different keywords and phrases, one Google ad and one landing or lead capture page. It's the sure-fire recipe to an adwords disaster.

Problem #1. You have too many keywords!

You cannot possibly write ONE ad that will effectively target ALL the available keywords you are bidding on. You need to group the keywords tighly and write your ad according to the keyword you are bidding on. If you don't organize your campaign this way the result will be an extremely low CTR (Click Through Rate).

Generating HIGH CTR is absolute necessity for a successful lead generation campaign if you want to increase your keyword positioning for LESS money. The average adwords user will never see a consistent CTR over 1 - 4% because they have poor campaign organization.

Problem #2. You have too many keywords, Not Enough Landing Pages!

You see... Once you get your keywords organized and compiled into their own individual ad groups you are now going to need several more and different landing pages.

Why you ask...? It's simple... Since we have now created new adwords ads to target our very specific keyword groups we are going to need landing pages to match them.

If you can target your landing pages to the keywords that you are using in your ad campaign you will be presenting the visitor with much more relevant information. If your Google ad and landing match their keyword query exactly then your chance of conversion is going to much higher. The searcher feels you have what they are looking for.

And yes... In some cases this simple little lead generation conversion trick will easily double, or triple your previous conversion rates! Many adwords users will tell you that this technique is as simple as using the keyword on your landing page a few times... That would ring true if you want to maybe increase your conversion by just a little bit...

Go big or go home! If you truly want to double or triple the conversion rate of the lead generation campaign you need construct a targeted landing page for every keyword phrase or closely related terms. I mean a new header graphic mentioning the keyword, your headline mentions the keyword and your ad copy and bullet points also include that keyword. You basically have created a lead capture page all around the specific keyword you were advertising under.

It's called "Exact Matching" when you go to a search engine you aren't looking for something "close" to what you searched for. You're looking for EXACTLY what you searched for. Does this make any sense?

This really is a simple way that you can double, or even triple your current adwords lead generation campaign conversion rates. Now what are you going to do with this information?

Carl Sorensen is the owner of and offers a complete Lead Capture Solution for network marketers. He also offers complete Google Adwords Lead Generation campaign management for network marketers and people promoting an MLM.

Email Leads - 3 Must Know Tips For Buying Email Leads

Yes it is completely okay to buy email leads and use them for your list building and internet marketing efforts. The following tips will be of great help when choosing which ones to use.

Tip #1 - Purchasing email leads is not a bad thing. In the past there has been quite a bit of a bad reputation going around about this type of list building.

There is simply nothing wrong with it as long as you understand the leads you are purchasing.

You must use a very well thought out plan of attack and give the new leads plenty of free helpful and useful information before sending them any type of sales pitch.

Warm them up first. Profit from them later.

Tip #2 - All good email leads with come with full records and will be under fifteen days old.

This means, you should get the first, last name, email address, home address, time and date stamp, i.p. address, and home telephone number if available.

The leads should also be only sold a maximum of two times to keep them fresh and responsive. Over sold leads are of no use and will actually waste your time and money.

Again, make sure you can get leads that are no older then 15 days old.

Tip #3 - You will need a ton of these email leads to make any real progress. If you think you can purchase a list of one thousands leads and make a fortune with them, then you are mistaken and will be upset when you find that it is just not like that.

You will need thousands and thousands of these leads to make any real profits. This is one reason these leads are normally sold for under a penny each.

This way you can get literally get thousands of email leads for an affordable price and really ramp up your list building efforts.

Keep these simple tips in mind when you go to purchase your email leads.

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Gary has been a successful, full time internet marketer for over 11 years. He has created list building campaigns that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to know how to build a hyper responsive list and squeeze it for every penny you can, then listen to what Gary says.

Search Engine Optimization 4 Basic Rules for Quality SEO III

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a wonderful technique if you are trying to bring in more and more visitors to your website. The search engines employed by web surfers should clearly ensure that your site is always available as a result of relevant searches. This is going popularize your website like never before. There are 4 basic requirements for a quality SEO.

1.) A definite requirement in search engine optimization is definitely possessing all the knowledge of notions followed by search engines, specifically, you should be attuned to the lists if rules and regulations provided by the more popular ones like Google and Yahoo. Once youve known them stick to them to ensure best results.

2.) Use of keywords, in the course of search engine optimization is quite significant. Use them as much as you can in your websites and as strategically along with specific links on your site as possible. SEOs have their basis in keywords. So interpret the desires of the surfers in terms of your key words and place them on your sites for best results.

3.) The usage of more and more relevant words to substantiate your content on your website would obviously lead to greater success in search engine optimization. The title tags should carry the key words whose choices have to be made carefully. Follow this and greater number of times your site would surface in course of your searches.

4.) Analyze your content and in course of search engine optimization find more and more content which are similar in quality and update your content from time to time. Thus you would serve the dual purpose of knowing your competitors better and more often will your website surface as a search result.

Take to this basic, simple 4 step process and find your website on top of rankings continuously in terms of search results.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

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Lucrative Article Marketing - Latest 4 New Methods to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is a free but effective tool in generating qualified traffic for your website. It is one of the easiest and hassle-free product and website promotional tools that anyone can use even those who are just starting out in internet marketing. It doesn't require you to learn complicated programming languages and you don't have to be technically skilled. As long as you can write quality and useful articles and you have the time to distribute them online, you can definitely succeed in this field.

Here are the 4 new methods to impact your article marketing:

1. Write and submit more articles. The number of your quality inbound links largely depends on the number of your submissions. To boost the number of your backlinks, I highly suggest that you find ways on how you can multiply the number of your output. You can either hire ghostwriters or extend your writing hours so you can be more productive.

2. Bank on your content. This is the element that can either make or break your marketing strategies. Strive to give your readers content-rich, informative, well-written, and easy to understand articles. When you do, you are not only increasing the chances of your articles being picked up and republished, but you will also become more effective in convincing your readers to click on your resource box.

3. Check your resource box for broken links. To increase your conversation rate, make sure that all the hyperlinks on your resource box are working before you submit your articles to leading publishing sites.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from posting them to publishing sites, you can also syndicate them using RSS feeds to better connect with your potential clients. In addition, you can use them as content for your ebooks or post them on your blog.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Techniques that Drive Traffic

Article marketing is one of my favorite methods to drive traffic to a website. It creates some of the most highly responsive visitors and subscribers. This is the main reason why many use this technique because it is so effective.

In my opinion, it is far more effective than running any pay-per-click campaigns. Some webmasters may feel comfortable with say Google Adwords, but I am definitely more comfortable and confident with article submissions. I feel I can give more compelling information through an entire article than I can through three lines of ad text in order to get the reader to take action.

Article marketing has become quite effective to drive qualified traffic to a website. One of the biggest reasons for this is that, when someone reads an article and clicks through to a website of the article writer, they already know as to the name of the person and what is he all about.

They simply come to the website, since they want to gain more information. People, who pay a visit to the website, through article writing and are more responsive than those who just visit the website, through Google or other search engines. However, a good thing about this practice is that, clients can very well control article submission efforts.

All that the author has to do in article marketing is to write articles, include personal links in the articles and then, submit them to various online article directories.

These article directories publish the articles of the authors without any cost to them and promote them through the web. In return, the author receives the traffic from them. Hence, article marketing is one of the easiest forms of traffic generation.

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Tips To Link Popularity

To check the popularity or the importance of a web site, Google's patented PageRank is another method where if more pages link to a given page, then more important the page is and therefore it deserves a higher ranking than it would otherwise have. The number of links coming into a page is called Inbound Links.

While most engines simply counted the number of inbound links, Google modified it still further. Since each inbound link comes comes from a page (linking page) which itself has inbound links. If the linking page has more inbound links, then that page is more important and therefore, the link to the page that it inturn directs should also be more important. So Google gives more weightage to inbound links from important pages than it does to inbound links from lesser pages. They call the idea "PageRank". Thus the whole idea is to have a good number of inbound links and preferably from important pages i.e. pages themselves with medium to high PageRank values.

Some ways of increasing the inbound links:


Directories usually provide direct or one-way links to websites, although some require a reciprocal link. Those Directories that insist on reciprocal links, aren't really trying to be useful directories. Submitting to directories for listing is often time-consuming and elaborate, though there are a number of cheap directory submitting services that do a very good job.

Link Exchange Programs:

There are a lot of mutual link exchange programs online. They offer free editor-based and categorized directory of quality websites that actively swap links with other relevant sites like of that yours. This is also called as reciprocal linking or link exchange. For example, is one such site which helps you locate a categorized directory of websites that also want to exchange links similar to your site content.

Never sign up with "Free for All" backlinks exchange sites because they are mostly email address gatherers and you can expect a sudden increase in email spam soon after you sign up. Tie up with only those sites where you can approach them personally.

Avoid Link farms, such as Though they sound excellent for building up backlinks and PageRank, Google disapproves of them as blatant attempts to manipulate the rankings and they will penalize sites that use them. Once your site has been blacklisted, it is very difficult to get the penalty lifted, so avoid all link farms.

Alevoor Rajagopal is an MBA and an industry reputed copywriting and SEO consultant.

Test your web marketing efficiency at web copy techniques.