Thursday, May 15, 2008

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 3 Comprehensive Methods to Advance With Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most powerful website marketing strategies in the internet today. As search engines remain to the be best source of warm and targeted traffic, more and more webmasters are using article marketing so they can fare well on major search engines.

Here are the 3 comprehensive methods to advance with article marketing:

1. Write for your readers. Article marketing can bring you numerous benefits. It can improve your page ranking, increase the number of targeted visitors to your site, and it can help you communicate your expertise to your potential readers. However, before you can achieve all of that, you must know how to attract and please your target market first. You can easily do so by writing content that is targeted to their needs and demands. That is why, it is very crucial for you to get to know your readers first even before you start writing your articles so you can effectively adjust your writing style and language on the level that they are most comfortable with.

2. Widely distribute your articles. It is not enough that you submit your articles to major submission sites. To get maximum exposure, you must consistently find avenues where you can post your content. Some marketers are submitting their articles to websites that are syndicated by Google and Yahoo News. While others are posting their writing materials to various sites like wikis, forums, blogs, and on their own websites.

3. Bank on the quality of your content. It article marketing, it is useless to write numerous low quality articles. Why? Because these articles are unlikely to get distributed or republished by other marketers. Thus, they will not be able to help you augment your traffic and your page ranking. So, instead of focusing on the number of your articles, concentrate on your content. It is better to have few articles that are worth distributing that more articles that will just sit on publishing sites and will not have the chance to go further.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Discover 3 Brand New Ways to Make Money with Article Marketing

Making money through article marketing cannot get easier these days. If you have the knack for writing and you are willing to submit your articles to various publishing sites on a regular basis, you can rake huge money using this technique.

1. Promote your website. Article marketing is currently the best traffic-generating tools in the internet today. When used properly, this tool can drive enormous traffic to your website which can easily be converted to cash. To succeed in this method, you must be able to consistently produce quality, factual, well-written, informative, and useful articles that are targeted to the needs and demands of your potential clients. These articles, when submitted on various publishing sites, can be picked up and republished by other online users. This can lead to more quality inbound links and stronger online presence.

2. Affiliate marketing. If you make a living by promoting and selling affiliate products online, you can augment your income through article marketing. Write about product reviews, product comparisons or recommendations to better build your products and boost your sales potential. You can also use this technique to increase the traffic on your product page. As you know, more traffic means more chances of closing a sale.

3. Promote your own products. Write topics that are highly relevant about your products to attract targeted traffic. For instance, if you are selling car insurance, you can talk about the importance and benefits of your product and how it can play crucial role in your potential clients' lives. By building your products, you are increasing your chances of convincing your target market to take action and make a purchase.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The Single Most Effective Method To Increase Your Sales On The Internet!

Writing and submitting articles to directories can considerably increase your traffic and sales. It doesn't matter if you never wrote a single word before or if the last time you wrote a three hundred words article was more than ten years ago.

If you have a website about 'dog training', start writing right away. Just write like you talk. In fact, you can just write your articles as though you were talking in just simple, every day language that your reader will enjoy reading.

Don't be too concerned if you don't think you are good at writing articles, they don't need to be perfect. All you need to do is to give your reader useful information. If you can help them and give them the solution that to solve their problems faster, you will make a lot of money.

Your articles don't need to be extremely long but most article directories will have a minimum word of around 250 words.

With article marketing, you can promote your own product, affiliate products, your website or your blog. In fact, you can promote everything under the sun. Just be sure to add a bio box with a link to your web property.

Another advanced technique is to send your visitors to a squeeze page to capture their email address. Doing this will allow you to send them promotional offers for months to come.

Once you have written an article you then need to submit it to article directories. It is important to submit to at least a couple of the top directories such as EzineArticles, Article Dashboard and Article City. These directories have high page rankings so your articles will receive many visitors. Now when your articles have been approved and published then you should receive many visitors when people search Google for any of your keywords.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Article Marketing & List Building - How to Build a Highly Qualified & Highly Responsive List of Gold

Article marketing is absolutely the best free way to build a highly responsive list. And it really only takes repeating five steps over and over again.

5 Steps to a List of Gold

Step 1 - Write a great quality article - When you write a great article giving good actionable information the reader is going to want more information and they are going to want it from you.

Step 2 - Your resource box - In your resource box invite the reader back to your web site or blog for more great information. Use words such as "And now I would like to invite you to..."

Step 3 - The trade - This is where the reader trades their email address for more good information from you. You must get over your concern about asking for the opt-in, because if a prospect is not going to give you their email address now they certainly are not going to give you their credit card later.

Step 4 - Follow up - Your future and your fortune are in the follow up. This is where most marketers drop the ball. Follow up with more good information before you ask for the sale.

Step 5 - TGC - TGC stands for Take Great Care of your list. We use strange words on the internet such as "traffic" and "lists." Both traffic and lists are made up of individual people with heads and hearts. Answer their questions. Ask them questions. Take great care of them and they will take great care of you.

And I'd like to invite you to use these five steps over and over again to build your list of gold with your articles.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Complete Search Engine Marketing

Executive Summary Introduction

Search Engine Marketing is the process of leveraging the usage of search engines to create website exposure for a company. This exposure normally is used to garner conversions in the form of sales, leads, subscriptions, downloads and any other definition of a user turning into a paying customer. This intent-based advertising is the core of Search Engine Marketing that amounts to the best return on each marketing dollar spent.

Fundamentals of Search Engine Marketing

At its core, Search Engine Marketing leverages user intent by optimizing an organic or paid search listing around that specific users intent. Instead of blind placements on billboards, mass mailings, and the like, Search Engine Marketing serves up specific advertising via ad creative or search listing based on what the user is actually looking for.

The premise of Search Engine Marketing will provide the most relevant result after a keyword query is entered, in the form of a title, description, and URL, whether it is organic or paid. There is much more control over these factors, known as creatives in paid search, but organic search results allow some customizing here as well. Depending on the relevance of your listing and how well it matches to the intent they have in mind, they will chose to either click-through to your site or not.

Why Search Engine Marketing?

Search Engine Marketing, as an advertising and marketing channel, continues to grow its national and international reach and offers businesses and consumers the first true worldwide platform to conduct business. Industry statistics continue to show that more advertisers and consumers are searching to buy and sell what they need.

In a study done by Pew Internet & American Life Project from 2000 2005, using search to find information was done by 90% of all internet users in the US. This number came in second to only Email users at 91%. According to March 2007 data from Neilson/Netratings, about 209 Million people in the US have internet access, which means that about 188 Million of them use search engines regularly.

According to a statistical survey done by Hitwise in March, 2007, of the top 20 most popular websites on the internet, 18 of which are wholly owned by search engines. These websites make up for 26.85% of all website traffic on the internet. They include the search, Email, music and social media industries. The lone exceptions being and Of those top 20 websites, the Google, Yahoo, AOL and MSN contextual, image and video search interfaces make up for 14.23% of all website traffic.

In a scientific study conducted by Eyetools and Enquiro, the top three organic listings are viewed 100% of the time. The lower positioned listings get incrementally less attention as follows: rank 4 (85%), rank 5 (60%) rank 6 & 7 (50%), rank 8 and 9 (30%), rank 10 (10%). In that same study they found that the top paid search listing is viewed 50% of the time, with lower positioned listings getting incrementally less attention as follows: rank 2 (40%), rank 3 (30%), rank 4 (20%), rank 5-8 (10%).

Based on comScore data from February, 2007, Google is the leading search provider in volume with 3.3 Billion searches per month. Yahoo scores 2 Billion, MSN: 730 Million, Ask: 348 Million and AOL serves 338 Million. These statistics show that the 5 major search networks were responsible for over 6.7 Billion searches per month or about 35.6 searches per user.

Attributes of Pay Per-click Marketing

Pay Per-click advertising works by charging the advertiser a set auction price that they establish for each keyword. Every time that ad is clicked, the advertiser pays that set amount. PPC advertising has both distinct advantages, which at the same time can be considered shortcomings, over search engine optimization and other forms of interactive and traditional marketing.


Being the latest and greatest in interactive and on-line marketing, PPC advertising offers guaranteed placement, complete transparency and analysis down to a very granular level. Through the use of built-in search engine tools, commonly available analytics, and tracking techniques, the marketer can track when the ad was clicked, how much they paid for that click, what that user did after that click on the site, and whether or not that click was converted into a conversion. They can then take that data, analyze their entire campaign, determine how successful their spend vs. return was and make an educated decision on how to improve that effort.

Campaign-wide decisions and changes can be made by quickly analyzing a set of data and making a few simple clicks with PPC thus giving it a distinct advantage over any other type of interactive media.


Because it is now considered mainstream, everyone from major international corporations to mom-and-pop shops are bidding on the same industry keywords, driving up click costs considerably. The strategy of taking a loss on a click but taking the chance of a consumer becoming a lifetime value customer is known as volume bidding and is sometimes employed by new companies looking to brand their name causing smaller companies struggling to compete.

Click fraud is another shortcoming where automated robot programs or manual clickers perform erroneous or intentional clicking on PPC ads without any intention to view the site or make a purchase.

Another issue is trust: the users that are aware that they are clicking on sponsored listings tend to assume (correctly) that the site is trying to sell them something. Statistics show that a majority of searches are information-based so not all consumers will want to be overwhelmed with sales pitches on the site.

Attributes of Search Engine Optimization
Coined sometime in 1995 or 1996, SEO is the process of modifying the layout, navigation, content and popularity of a website to improve the chances of ranking higher in the organic or algorithmic search results. Ever since the rise of Google in 2001, external link popularity has become a major aspect of search engine optimization. SEO has some great merits that have helped it stay on top as one of the most effective interactive marketing methods around, but some of the basic aspects of SEO are also shortcomings that must be considered.


Search engine optimization tends to be less expensive than PPC advertising in the long-run. Attaining positive results through good navigation, content and link profile requires a lot of initial optimization work but with time, as those results appear, the long-term costs tend to decrease. SEO has also been known to have a slightly higher conversion rate than PPC advertising, thus improving the return on the marketing dollar.

Organic listings tend to have higher click-through volume which is an advantage over PPC advertising because you are not paying for each click. You can also use log file analysis and server-side analytics software to track the path of the user and various data points such as which keywords they used to get to the site, the conversion rate for organic results and project your final ROI.

Additionally, organic search engine optimization can show results for long tail and obscure search queries that you have never thought about. Google statistics recently pointed out that 50% of all Google queries are wholly unique meaning half of all search traffic is hitting the long tail of keyword search. It is this long tail that is easy to optimize and rank well foryou just have to find it.


With search engine optimization - search engine guidelines, best practices and algorithms are often updated and changed. What may have worked a year ago may not necessarily work today making SEO an art form that is incredibly hard to keep up with.

Compared to PPC advertising, SEO is also difficult to change once everything is in place. It may take a year or more to optimize a site to rank well for a particular search term. If that search term is discovered to not convert well after all that time, you cannot simply switch to another keyword. Changes often require the collaboration between multiple departments such as IT, Marketing, Sales, Legal, Copywriting and SEO.

More of the Good, less of the Bad

The basic premise of PPC advertising is to get more traffic out of the good keywords, and less out of the bad.

1. Bidding Bidding is the most basic strategy, where you bid down on bad keywords to get less traffic, and bid up on good keywords to get more traffic. Bad keywords can be defined as words that are less relevant and convert worse than good keywords.

2. Building When a good keyword is in the right position and is converting at a profitable metric, PPC marketers will build-out and expand that keyword, such as using different variations like pens, buy pen, custom pen, and so forth, to get more traffic from similar keywords.

3. Subtracting Negative keywords allow you to make a semantic distinction between two words with the same meaning. For example, if you are a company that has a keyword windows for sale, you would not want to be coming up on searches for Microsoft Windows because that would yield a 0% conversion rate as your website would be totally irrelevant to those looking for information on the operating system.

4. Testing Landing Pages Unique domain landing pages can be built specifically to act as the destination for a specific set of keyword creatives. This method often leads to higher conversion rates because the user is taken to a page that is highly relevant to what they are searching for.

5. A/B Split testing A/B split testing is performed by supplying search engines with 2 unique ad creatives and defining when and where each is shown. This allows the marketer to test which creative will yield the higher CTC Rate.

6. Multi Variant Testing Landing page or multi variant testing involves analyzing multiple landing pages that deliver a different layout, call to action, conversion form or message. Often times, simply moving one part of the page to another area and changing some of the wording can significantly alter usability and conversion rate.

7. Day-Parting Day-Parting analysis is useful when the business has specific limitations or previous testing has shown that certain ads perform better at certain times. If, for examples, your call center is operational only at a certain time, you can select your Click here to speak to an operator ads to only run during those times and not waste money on clicks that will yield to phone calls going to voicemail. Day-Parting allows for maximum return on the marketing dollar in these situations.

8. Geo Targeting A company that sells products or services only in specific geographical area can geo-target ads to only run in the designated areas that you select. This technique allows users that are most likely to buy your products in that geographical location to see and click on your ads.

SEO Techniques

1. Content In the field of SEO, it is often said that Content is king. High quality, useful and relevant content is one of the main aspects of SEO. Simply duplicating other sites content will hurt more than it helps. Good, creative product descriptions and copywriting will also help generate high quality inbound links which are also an integral part of the organic ranking algorithm.

2. Link Profile High quality link development that is highly targeted to the content on the page will be how to get ranked for ultra competitive keywords. The goal is to get backlinks with the keyword you are focusing that page on in the anchor text of the link to point directly to that page. It will further help if that linking site is somehow related to your site and has few other outgoing links to other sites and many back to it.

3. Navigation and Indexation Navigation and indexation are the very basis of any site and are crucial to being listed in organic search results. Search engines will send crawlers or spiders to your site via external inbound links that can only follow text links for navigation. If the site is coded entirely in flash, JavaScript, or images, the crawler will have nothing to read: it can only read HTML text. Further, using strategically placed words in the anchor text of your navigational text links will help the search engines determine what the page you are linking to is about and therefore improve your ranking on that page for the keywords on which is it focusing.

4. Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is a broad definition encompassing image search (Flickr), video search (YouTube), social media optimization (blogs), social media marketing (Digg), and user generated content (Wikipedia). These emerging marketing avenues and venues have provided a new medium for the development of the core SEO premises: content and link development. Leveraging the power of Web 2.0 can bring significant amounts of traffic to your site.

Combining PPC and SEO Methodologies

The experienced internet marketer will understand the need to use both PPC advertising and search engine optimization in their internet marketing efforts as both paid search and organic search is important and heres why:

Studies prove that when a user sees the website or brand name on the search results in both the organic areas and the paid, they tend to have more trust in that brand.

As the trust in the brand is established, the user is likely to click on organic listings which will not cost the advertiser any money.

Increased impressions of a listing will remain in the memory of the user, possibly bringing them back to that brand or search query later on.

If you have multiple pages that are relevant to a specific keyword or broad phrase match; you can optimize a content-rich page to rank in the organic listings while guaranteed results for a less optimized page can be paid for.

Successful internet marketing should use both paid and organic search techniques. The difficulty is how to best integrate the goals to generate the best potential outcome. Here are some of the techniques to use:

Your main (top level) domain should always be optimized with proper usage of keyword focus, content development, code optimization, server-side setup, keyword prominence, link acquisition, and the main purpose of informing and having the full conversion functionality. At the same time, you can build what are called micro sites, which are prettier and more conversion-driven sites on new domains that are built with a specific set of keywords and high conversion rate in mind. This will encourage a greater conversion rate than your main domain that is more content-heavy and broad that will require the user move around the site.

In addition, micro sites that are just one page will rank lower than those with multiple pages that have the feel of real sites. Try and include a few pages connected via text links such as an About Us page, Contact Us page, FAQ page and search function page.

The most valuable aspect of combining your PPC advertising and search engine optimization is the use of paid search data to quantify, measure, and strategize your organic search campaign. Running the paid search campaign will allow you to test various keywords, implement different creatives, and determine how much you are willing to spend and what your potential return may be.

Paid Search Challenges

The PPC advertising challenges facing this particular music download website and its company involve the complexities of scale. The music industry has many possible variants on keywords such as artist names, song titles, album titles, lyrics, record labels and many others. Scaling the keyword development and creative writing for the industry was a major hurdle requiring a significant initial investment. This industry is one with constantly evolving keywords: there are always new artists, songs, and albums being released and the company needed to keep up with each new aspect. Meanwhile, each search engine ad network has a different set of guidelines and interfaces that the company had to mold its campaigns around.

The music industry is highly competitive and keyword bid prices are constantly on the rise. Requiring the need of a campaign management team with a tight focus on conversion and maximizing the ad spend; the bidding and customer acquisition strategy was constantly audited, evaluated, and tuned.

The psychology of the user interested in legal music downloads had to also be taken into consideration with advanced PPC advertising techniques. The psychology of the free music download user is that of an I-want-it-now consumer, and the usability aspect had to be optimized through negative keywords, landing pages, A/B split testing, multi-variant testing, day-parting, geo-targeting, web design and usability testing to match the consumers requirements.

Organic Search Challenges

Scale is also an issue with organic search and search engine optimization. The particular website has over 100,000 unique pages active, 90,000 indexed by various search engines, and adds about 500 new pages per day. Therefore, the IT team, in collaboration with the SEO and copywriting teams, had to figure out a way to automatically add various on-page and code elements such as the Title tags, Meta data, and content.

As for content and copywriting needs, since there are so many different ways to structure content around every aspect in the industry (artist, song title, album, and related information), a copywriting team was required for research and the development of unique, optimized content for each particular artist, song release and album.

The most challenging aspect of SEO for the site has been high quality link development. It is also the most challenging part to do correctly because it is the sole aspect that you cannot directly control. Many links tend to be un-optimized due to the limited amount of inbound link acquisition and the strict amount of control exacted on linking qualities. In this scenario, the company developed and fine-tuned an internal linking structure that best leveraged that attained link profile by imparting relevance factors in its navigational structure.

Other Search Engine Marketing Considerations

Web Design:

Web design can have a significant impact on both paid and organic search results as well as the user experience on the site. By not complying with noted search engine best practices in your HTML code, search engines can potentially decrease your organic search ranking.

The use of complex graphics, on-page scripts or image-based navigation are not search engine friendly and will harm the indexation of your pages and navigational ability of crawlers on the site.

Web design and W3C compliance also impact usability. A website with HTML markup errors can lead to poor user experience due to missing page elements, resolution non-compliance, cross-browser display issues and mobile devise layout problems.

A poor web design may also be unappealing to end-users. Better calls to action, simpler navigation, clearer fonts, faster load times and a Web 2.0 design layout will usually merit a better conversion rate.


Analysis of success and failure is an integral part of any marketing campaign. In the case of the internet, websites, and search marketing, that need is exponentially greater.

A good log file analytics program will help determine which pages are converting better than others and why and also allow you to analyze many small data points on a very granular level. Most modern analytics programs allow you to test:

keyword usage
referring site
time and date of arrival
user entry point
user path
user exit point
bounce rate
time on page
site visited before yours
site visited after yours
click fraud detection
crawler tracking
funnel analysis
conversion rate of each link on the page
ROI tracking
map costs, revenues, and profits

You can use this information in both organic and paid search to determine who is buying and when, and decrease the possibility of those that do not buy from clicking on your paid listings.

Contextual Ads:

Contextual advertising aims to target users by providing related ads near content that is on the webpage. For example, a newspaper site might run contextual ads provided by Google or Yahoo! along the top, side, and bottom of its pages. These ads will be triggered by certain keywords used on the page making them very relevant ad placements.

Contextual advertising is more targeted and relevant to what the user is interested in at the moment than search engine PPC advertising; therefore, it tends to carry a higher CTR but a lower conversion rate. In addition, recent technology updates have allowed smart pricing functionality to automatically discount the amount the advertiser pays for the ad based on the likelihood of conversion as well as site exclusion abilities allowing the advertiser to not have their listing show up on pre-selected sites.


Search engines have been used as marketing tools since their earlier inception but as technology improves, new methods develop, and more ad spend is being pushed towards Search Engine Marketing, the complexities of making it work and the ROI succeed is becoming more challenging. Both PPC advertising and search engine optimization have unique advantages and some inherent shortcoming, but through their collaboration, each ones advantages fill the gaps present with the other.

It is through information acquired from data sharing that both PPC advertising and search engine optimization benefit and combine to become a highly optimized Search Engine Marketing campaign. With branding, implied trust, budget allocation, and various on-page testing, the complete Search Engine Marketing campaign is successful.

It takes the collaboration of a wide range of teams to effectively integrate and operate a large scale and successful Search Engine Marketing campaign. It is this large-scale collaboration that most companies that do not focus on Search Engine Marketing alone tend to fall short and rely on experience and technology offered by a Search Engine Marketing agency.

Gennady Lager is an SEO Specialist for an interactive Online Marketing Firm and SEO Agency Send Traffic is committed to providing high quality service and results using proven white-hat SEO techniques and ethical search engine optimization practices and standards.

Article Marketing - 6 Strategic Ways To Write An Article In Less Than 10 Minutes

These five strategies will vastly increase your article writing speed. If you just follow these tactics, you'll start pumping out articles every ten minutes. I promise.

6 strategic ways to make a successful article in less than 10 minutes

  1. Writing in bullet points is a great way to write article faster. Instead of trying to think of a way to make a sentence that connects your last sentence to the next one, you can just put up a bullet point. This is a fast way to write an article, and readers love it when you use bullet points.

  2. Using the backspace button will decrease your articles submission rate. Try your best not to use the back space. The more you use it, the slower your article writing becomes. The backspace button is your enemy!

  3. Do not write rough drafts and brain storms. This will decrease your article writing time. By the time your done writing the brainstorm and rough draft, you could have already written more than 5 articles waiting to be submitted. So don't write rough drafts or articles. This vastly decreases your article writing time.

  4. Writing without thinking is one of the best ways to write a fast article. Don't stop to think if your last sentence was good or not. Chances are that it was good enough. Just write and don't think about what to write about. Just do it. Let your subconscious flow through your fingertips and let your hands write you a successful article.

  5. Write about something that you know about. Writing about something you have that absolutely no idea what it's about will increase your writers block and decrease your articles submission time. Write about something you know!

  6. Split up your subject into sub topics. The more sub topics you have, the better. Then once your done breaking it up, start writing about each sub topic. This is a great way to write a fast article because your not trying to squeeze in every ounce of information about your subject. Your just trying to write small fragments about your subject.

This article only took me 8 minutes to write and now I am going to be working on my next one. Just follow these strategies, and your article writing speed will vastly increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Targeted Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Powerful Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Writing and submitting articles on a regular basis can be a very time-consuming task. It can be also stressful and exhausting. Just imagine the overwhelming requirements; from putting your ideas to writing, considering SEO on your articles, targeting your client base, and finding publishing sites that can give your articles the exposure they deserve. So why on earth would you utilize it on your marketing campaigns? The answer is simple. It's because the technique really delivers. It improves your search engine standing, it connects you to your client base, and it promises you huge profits. In the end, your efforts will surely yield great rewards.

Here are the 4 powerful secrets to article marketing:

1. Write more articles. This is the surest way to grow your article marketing campaign. Write about topics that you are very knowledgeable about so you won't spend more time doing extensive research. When you write about topics that you are very familiar with, you can be more productive. Try to write 5-10 articles per day so you can generate at least 35 back links for your site per week.

2. Be organized. Maximize your time by carefully planning what you do and how you do it. For instance, if you are to submit your articles, list all the publishing sites so you don't have to search them online every time you submit your articles.

3. Pick the best publishing sites. Choose the ones that have quicker reviewing and posting time so your articles will be visible to your readers as soon as possible. Also, consider their page ranking; if they are not even showing up on the search result page, they won't do your campaign any good.

4. Submit regularly. To improve your online presence, I suggest that you submit articles every other day. By doing so, your readers have something to look forward to when they search your name for information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Using Bullet Points and Paragraphs

Readers don't like to read long paragraphs. Readers hate articles that are just one long paragraph. Why? Because in order to get information out of that article, they have to read the whole thing. Writing articles in one long paragraphs will not only make your readers angry, but your article will not do very good in it's market. It's true.

Adding bullet points and paragraphs are the best ways to write an article. This way, viewers can just skip through certain parts of your article and read the major parts. The faster you can give your reader information, the more of a chance that you'll have of them actually clicking on your URL link.

So here are some reasons why bullet points and paragraphs will get you more URL links and why.

  • Bullet points help your readers to get information quickly. Whenever a reader reads your article, they are reading it because they want an answer to something. Provide them with your answer fast! The faster you can provide them with an answer, the more of a chance they will click on your link.

  • Breaking up your article into paragraphs and bulelt points makes your article look more professional and trustworthy. Having paragraphs and bullets instead of having just one long paragraph can make your reader think that you have valuable information.

  • Breaking up your article will increase your article writing time. Instead of going back to your long paragraph trying to look for a sentence to rewrite, writing a paragraph or a bullet helps you identify where you put your sentences in. This will increase your writing time vastly!

Bullet points and paragraphs are great ways to make your article more valuable and time efficient to your readers. No reader wants to read a long paragraph, and they shouldn't! Break up your articles into small fragments, and your URL clicks will increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Tips to Improve Search Engine Traffic and Designing Search Engine Friendly Web Site

Look around on the internet and you will come across several websites that have tips on how you can improve your search engine traffic. But before I get on to the tips, let me work first to clear a few misconceptions about search engine traffic.

  • If you think that the moment you submit your website to a leading search engine, you will have traffic, then you are wrong.
  • Also if you think that if you follow an SEO program for one month and then stop it, you will have traffic, then you are wrong again.

Search engines are a peculiar kind of software that works in strange ways. You need to understand it carefully and then work towards creating a steady flow of traffic to your website.

SEO in mind

If you are planning to use search engine optimization, then you must plan it right from the moment that you are designing the website. A lot of people use the latest technology like CGI, frames, java, Ajax, perl etc without properly structuring it.

The result is that the search engines get confused and your listing goes haywire. The trick is to create a website with these in mind. You can use the above mentioned technology. But use them in such a way that it creates minimum impact on search engine spiders. Once you have the website ready, run a maintenance check on it. This is also one of the overlooked aspects of a website. You need to remove any errors on the website to avoid visitor disasters.

Understanding and accepting waiting periods

Every one has a certain waiting period associated with it. During this waiting period the search engine looks to gauge the trust worthiness of your site. The only way to speed up this procedure is by following legitimate SEO practices and sticking to it. You might have to wait for years in some cases while in other ones, your website might be listed in a few months.

For more info visit: Search Engine Traffic and Design Tip

Lucrative Article Marketing - Latest 5 Turbo Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

Writing and syndicating your articles is currently the best method in dominating your chosen niche. If you are able to provide your potential clients with quality articles that are filled with relevant and useful information, they will instantly regard you as an expert who has great answers to their questions and needs.

1. Strengthen your writing skills. Well-written articles can attract the kind of attention you need to boost your ebusiness. Brush up your grammar and vocabulary, strike out run-on sentences, make sure that your ideas are coherent, and be particular with your spelling and punctuation marks. These will make your article easy and enjoyable to read.

2. Pack your articles with useful information. Before you write your articles, identify the needs and demands of your potential readers. This can help you select and present the best information that will be focused and targeted to their needs.

3. Do your research. Make it a habit to read at least 3 reputable websites about your chosen topic before you tap on your key board. This is to gain more information to make your articles content-rich and to validate your ideas to make your content accurate and fact-based.

4. Use simple language. You can't expect everyone online to be well-versed with highfaluting words especially those who are not using English as their primary language. To get your message across easily and to avoid confusion, stick with words that are easy to understand and very common to your target market. Remember, you are writing to inform and not to impress.

5. Pick the best article distribution sites. Go with the ones that are not only popular but trusted as well. These sites attract the right kind of people who might be interested in picking up and republishing your articles to increase your inbound links and online exposure.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Why Article Marketing Produces Such High Quality Leads

Article marketing produces some of the highest quality leads in the marketplace today, and very few people know this. They might have heard it somewhere, but they dont really know it. How do I know this? Because there are only a handful of people who actually write articles and make a full time income from the leads generated from those articles.

I am one of those people. But enough about me.

Why does article marketing produce such high quality leads?

I believe it is because once someone has read your article, and perhaps several of your articles, if they click through to your web site, it is because the already like you. It is not because they were tricked by some PPC ad or some other hot line in an email. They didnt have to evaluate their decision to come to your site by some 3 line ad.

The read some of your articles. They have seen your style. They like your style enough to want to learn more. And so they click through.

I think this is the very strongest key to this phenomenon.

So the next question is, how do you keep up this rapport that is created when they come to your web site?

The way to do it is through your email campaign.

I send all of my incoming traffic to a squeeze page (you can sample one at the end of this article) and that gives people an opportunity to get something free from me, and in exchange for getting something free from me, they have to give me their email so I can send it to them. And if I have their email, I can build rapport with them. Of course, so can you.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - A Low Cost Tool For Small Business Owners

In the present scenario, millions of pre-existing websites are being further populated by newer additions on daily basis, as the majority of business concerns are going online in order to exploit wider markets across national frontiers. As a domino effect, the advertising and marketing of websites have gone extremely competitive and expensive. Under the circumstances, it seems only a financially resourceful websites can survive. But it is not entirely true.

With advent of Article Marketing, small business concerns have renewed hope of survival and success. Article marketing is a cost-effective and logical web-marketing stunt being extensively employed by seasoned SEOs (Search Engine Optimizers) or web marketers, to enhance Internet visibility of a website.

Article Marketing basically involves a website submitting informative and coherent articles to other websites. The topics of the articles are carefully chosen to stick to the basic business of the website. The articles contain a resource box with a short bio of the website and a link to the website. As articles are submitted to hundreds or even thousands of forums, blogs and e-magazines, which have their own faithful following of hundreds and thousands of readers per se, these articles result into high quantity of quality inbound links for the website from outside, without having to buy, beg or reciprocate links.

As a rule, these inbound links from other web addresses act as "votes" of confidence for the search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. The number of these votes of confidence determines the ranking of the website address in SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages). And of course, higher the ranking of the website, the better Internet visibility for the website, which in turn translates into better business prospects and optimized turnover.

With an easy opportunity to showcase expertise and wisdom, the articles present themselves as means of confidence building measures to a prospective customer, who is thus reinforced about the quality of the products and services of the website in no uncertain terms. The articles pre-sell the products and services of the website and offers seven to ten times better advertising than regular advertising. The articles allow effective filtration of the net traffic to render highly qualified traffic mostly. After reading a coherent and informative article on a product or service, a first time visitor to the website visits it with a positive outlook and is easily convinced about the authenticity of the offerings of the website.

Whats more, Article Marketing is incredibly economical in nature and has the least toll on the marketing budget of any website. To undertake article marketing, all the site needs to do is to write informative, easy to understand and articulate articles on subjects relevant to the business of the website and submit these articles to maximum of web based forums, blogs and ezines. These websites are always seeking informative articles free of cost. They do not charge anything while accepting an article. However, some of them may charge a nominal amount to further the articles to other forums / blogs / e-magazines.

With Article marketing, a website may relieve itself from other marketing stunts involving cold calls or face-to-face sales appointments to sell their products and services. A small-scale business website may feel rescued from the need to buy links or beg for links, which also involves spending valuable effort, time and money. Unlike direct marketing and paid advertisements, a well written article may continue to be republished on various newsletters, websites, forums, blogs and trigger a viral marketing effect, to last for a longer span of time.

Jonathan White has been involved in article and other online marketing for over 4 years. He owns Articles Marketing Directory & Affiliate Marketing

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Must-Have Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Do you want to start your article marketing efforts with a bang? These 6 must-have secrets can help you do just that.

1. Choose your topics. When writing your articles for your article marketing campaign, you have to consider these things: they must be relevant to your target niche, useful to your potential clients, and related to the products you are selling. The idea behind this is to write articles that can attract the right kind of people - those who are most likely to buy from you.

2. Register on leading article submission sites. Most publishers will not allow you to submit your articles unless you create an account with their submission sites. While you're at it, read carefully and understand the terms of service set form by each site. This can help you create articles that conform to their standards so you lessen the chances of your articles being rejected.

3. Multiply your articles. In article marketing, the more articles you produce, the more traffic will be diverted to your website. Strive to produce at least 5-7 articles per day to obtain enough quality inbound links to popularize your website and strengthen your online presence.

4. Optimize your content. Search engines are major considerations when marketing your articles online. They are your greatest tool in connecting to your target market through the use of keywords and search terms.

5. Never use spinning software. Some marketers who are aiming at obtaining more quality inbound links resort to spinning software. While these tools can help you re-write your existing articles quickly, they cannot guarantee the quality.

6. Your articles must be concise. Every word that you use on your articles must have direct impact on your target market or helps you to better explain your ideas. If they don't, they are considered fillers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How Many Quality Back Links Does Your Website Have?

It is impossible to get on the first page of Google right? Wrong. Do you even know how many quality back links are connected to your site? Well, the first step to achieving a top ranking in Google is to find out how many quality back links come into your site.

It is easy to get the #1 position for almost any keyword once you have the knowledge.

What is a Quality Back Link?

Google puts quite a bit of significance on how many quality back links connect to your site. Remember, I emphasize quality.

A quality back link is any page linking back to yours with a page rank of 4 and above.

What is My Page Rank?

Want to know the page rank of your site or of your competitors? Go to Google's homepage; wait for the drop down Google toolbar advertisement in the right hand corner. Then, download the Google toolbar for free and make sure the page rank indicator is activated.

Simply go to a site, and look at the little green bar on the indicator. Just put your mouse over the green bar and Google will tell you what the page rank is.

What Determines Page Rank?

Page rank is not an indicator of where your site is ranked in the search engines. Page rank is based upon the importance of your page according to Google's chief factors.

Every page on your website gets a page rank score based on a scale of 1 out of 10 with 10 being the highest.

When Google sees that you have many pages in your website that link back to your homepage and that you also have many pages from other sites linking back to yours with a page rank of 4 and above, you must also be pretty important. Thus, Google gives you a good page ranking.

This is crucial! You will really struggle if you don't have quality back links leading back to your site.

Getting quality back links are very important. Google will give greater weighting to links you receive from related sites with a page rank of 4 and above.

For example, if your site is about sports memorabilia and you get some links from other sites on sports memorabilia, Google qualifies this as a relevant link. Google gives this link greater importance than if you had a link from a swimming pool site.

How Many Quality Back Links Do I Have?

Want to find out how many quality back links your site has. Go to Google and in the search box enter in the command; and Google will show you all the sites linking back to yours with a page rank of 4 and above. If the link is below 4 Google will not show those pages.

Spy on Your Competitors

If you want your site to reach the #1 ranking, compare your site to your competitors. See how many quality back links they have and get just one more than they do.

Of course there are many different criteria that Google uses to determine top search engine rankings but the most important is getting quality back links to your site.

Go to Lightyear Alliance to subscribe to Tim McGaffin's Free 7-Day Lead Generation Course, for more info on how to get a Top 5 search engine ranking within days for free.

Increase Your Link Popularity for Free

Among the many things you need to worry about for high search engine rankings,link popularity is among the most important. Link popularity refers the how many other websites on the internet link back to your website. The more websites link back to yours, the more popular your website will be with search engines. Let's explore a great free method of increasing your link popularity.

Want the hard way or the easy way?

The hard way to increase your link popularity is to take the time to visit hundreds of websites, put a link to their website on your site and then ask them to link back to your web site. This method works but it is very time consuming and often only produces mediocre results.

An option that isn't free but works for getting one way links back to your website is using link brokers. Two services out there to get you started are and These sites offer you the chance to find high traffic website owners who will put keyword rich one way links to your website in return for money.

Write an article and get a link

The easy way to get one way links to your web site is to write articles on topics you know, then include a resource box at the bottom of the article that includes a link or two back to your web site. The webmaster or ezine publisher gets useful content they can offer to their customers and you get a valuable link back to your website without having to reciprocate. This is a win win proposition.

But I'm not a writer!

I can almost guarantee that you know things other people want to know. It could be almost anything. Write about things you know and the writing will take care of itself. Using a word processor, you can make sure your article is spell checked and has proper grammer. You don't have to write a book. You only need between 300 and 400 words to be able to deal effectively on a topic.

Decide to take action today

For years, I had read about the benefits of writing articles to get people to my website and for years I put it off because I didn't consider myself a writer. Once I made the decision to take action and write, the benefits have far outweighed any fear I had about writing. Determine to take action and just do it! Sit down right now and write your first article. You won't regret it!

Joe Duchesne is a partner is a web hosting service at that offers an easy to use web site builder that allows even the complete beginner to create a professional website in no time at all.

Reprint freely as long as both links in this resource box are live.

Internet Presence - How to Slash Google Adword Cost By 80% In 3 Months

Establishing and/or increasing your visible Internet presence is easier than most SEO experts would want you to believe. Increasing hit traffic to your site and ranking higher in Google also does not have to be a costly endeavor. You also don't need to be a technical wiz-kid to realize the results you're looking to achieve.

I recently read a blog post by Nazir Daud where he discussed how he slashed his Google Adwords cost by 80% in 3 months by taking advantage of some very simply principles.

David implemented the same simply principles that I've discussed in previous Internet presence articles.

In his blog post David states that he published lots of keyword rich content, containing links back to his homepage, on a highly trafficed professional networking site that has a lot of constantly changing blog content. He also leveraged the ability to post in the site's "marketplace".

As a result, Google indexes all of the content, and links back to his homepage, and drives the ranking of his homepage consistently higher by creating keyword associations with those links.

Note, this is not about simply creating and publishing content anywhere on the Internet.

The key is publishing content on a highly trafficed professional networking site that has a lot of constantly changing blog content. Why? Because Google loves these sites. Content on sites like this consistently rank higher than other content in Google.

More importantly, links to other sites are also indexed by Google, and as a result of being found on a highly trafficed professional networking site that has a lot of constantly changing blog content, the content behind those links are also driven higher in ranking.

After only 3 months of effort in a highly competitive space, Nazir goes on to explain that 80% of his traffic is free and his home page has a Google ranking of 4.

You can read in detail about how to implement these simple principles in my Internet Presence: Case Study - Recipe for Success. This case study discusses how I drove the home page of Search Advantage to the first page of Google in 30 days against the keyword phrase: Internet Presence

The great thing about all of this is you don't have to be a technologist or an SEO expert to implement any of it. Anyone can build a visible Internet presence. These principles are extremely powerful way to drive any content higher in search engine ranking against associated keyword phrases. This applies not only to keyword phrases associated with your business offerings, but it also applies to the very special keyword phrase that is your name.

What's even better is that the cost associated with this is simply the price of membership on a highly trafficed professional networking site that has a lot of constantly changing blog content. Compared to the costs associated with Google Adwords, this is about as close to free as you can get.

Whether you are simply trying to create more visible to for your business, or you are trying to create more visibility for yourself as a business professional, there isn't a business or business professional on the planet that wouldn't benefit from a more visible Internet presence.

An expert in mission critical retained executive search, Ron Bates is a Managing Principal with the retained executive search firm Executive Advantage Group, Inc. (

Ron has also coached former SAP, E&Y, Oracle, WorldCom, et al. executives responsible for multi-billion dollar business units, and co-founded, a self-guided executive coaching process and resume development toolset.

As a recognized talent assessment, deployment and development expert, Ron has been an invited speaker at venues such as the Marketing Executive Networking Group, British America Business Council, Expert Connections, Business of Success radio, a regular on Netshare's "Ask the Coach", and most recently Ron's interview was included in Leadership Without Borders: Successful Strategies From World-Class Leaders, by Ed Cohen, 2007 John Wiley & Sons. With +34,000 direct on-line professional networking platform contacts, Ron has been referred to as "the most connected man on Earth."

For career info go to:

Article Marketing Tips - Where To Post Your Articles

If you have decided to use article marketing as a way to promote your website you may be wondering where you should post your articles and if you should bother using the hundreds of article directories on the internet.

Traffic is the lifeblood of any business on the internet and using articles to promote your website is definitely one of the best ways of generating highly targeted visitors for free.

Although writing articles is hard work and time consuming the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages but to make it work you need to know where to post your articles for maximum traffic.

If your main objective is to gain thousands of one way links pointing to your website in order to improve your search engine rankings for a certain keyword you will need to submit your articles to as many article directories as you can to achieve maximum exposure.

Many article directories on the internet do not necessarily generate a lot of traffic for your website but if they have a high page rank (such as PR 4 or PR 5) you will definitely want a one way link from them as they will improve your rankings as well as help your website get indexed quicker by the search engines.

But if your main objective is to actually generate traffic in order to collect subscribers for your opt in list you will only need to submit your articles to a few of the best article directories that receive the majority of visitors.

By far the best article directory which generates the most traffic is called Ezine Articles but there is one other which you should also use which is called Go Articles. If you only submit your articles to these two you will attract a lot of visitors to your website and collect a lot of subscribers.

So deciding where to post your articles really depends on what your actual objective is and whether you want to improve your search engine rankings or just generate traffic. Of course you can always decide to do both.

Posting your articles to hundreds of article directories takes a huge amount of time so if you do want to improve your search engine rankings you should consider using an article submitter that will automatically post your articles to all of the main article directories on the internet.

You can learn more about Instant Article Submitter by going here:

The more exposure your articles get the more likely they will be seen by other website owners and ezine publishers who are looking for content and if your articles are good they will be used on their websites and in their ezines which can result in a sudden surge of subscribers and sales.

This article was written by Simon Akers who is the editor of the Marketing Oasis newsletter, a free internet marketing ezine packed with tips to help you succeed and increase your profits:

Building Your List With Co-Registration

Co-registration (a process where by someone subscribing to an information service is presented with options for subscribing to other services at the same time) is one underutilized method for building your list. A co-reg lead only pays you for an opt-in, and you can expect to pay about $0.15 to $1.00 per opt in, so it's not cheap.

The importance of co-reg leads, and what makes them worth the price, is two-fold. Even more than a squeeze page, a co-reg lead gets you people who are interested in the products and services you offer. There are companies devoted to generating and renting co-reg leads...and you've heard of most of them. Yahoo Small Business Marketing is one of the biggest in the field.

Second, you only pay for the actual registration, rather than the typical pay per click cost on the ad Once you do a cost benefit analysis - how many ad clicks you get on an ad versus how many actual sign-ups caused by that ad, co-reg leads look pretty compelling in comparison. Like a pay per click ad campaign, it's best to start small, and refine your targeting for each co-reg generation step, until you're getting the results you want. Make sure it's a sustainable expense as you do this.

Now, co-reg leads have a very high drop out rate. You need to move on a new co-reg lead fast, and cut straight to the place where being on your list gives them a tangible, palpable benefit, much more so than you did with a pay per click ad. Co-reg leads have a conversion rate of about 8 to 10% of a "hard lead" gotten through a squeeze page; the main criteria for cost benefit again is how many pay per click ads did you use for that one sign-up, and how many people was your pay per click ad exposed to versus the co-reg lead?

To provide an immediate benefit, make sure that your opt in confirmation letter has a link to a sample report that they'll get, or online archives of your newsletter. (You do archive your newsletters, right?) Something that lets them determine early on that you're worth subscribing and listening to. Don't be afraid to "give away something of value" - your long term benefit is from building the relationship with the qualified purchaser.

As with any kind of lead generation service, you should use known good business practices (double opt in, easy unsubscriptions) to make your case, and build and establish your credibility. You should also read the fine print carefully. You want legitimate co-reg lead generation, not a spam service that will get you nothing but drop-outs.

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List Building - Announcing 5 Proven Secrets to Grow Your List Building

Why is there a need to expand your email marketing list?

The number on your email list equates to the sales potential that you can obtain every time you send your promotional campaign to your target market. And since we all know that it takes over a hundred contacts before you create one sales lead, it is important that your list is huge enough to make a decent number of leads.

Here are the 5 proven secrets to grow your list building:

1. Build trust and establish your online credibility. Online users will not be willing to share their contact information without knowing if you are a legitimate online entrepreneur or just another spammer. One way to gain their trust is by establishing your credibility online. How? You can build a professional-looking website; communicate your expertise through article marketing or through ezine publishing. When you present online users with proofs that you really mean business and that you are a good source of information, you will not have a hard time convincing them to be part of your email marketing list.

2. Promote your list through banner ads. Identify the websites that are usually accessed by your target market and promote your list on these sites by posting your banner ads.

3. Make your subscription process hassle-free. As much as possible, ask your potential subscribers with few contact information. Their email address, name and field of interest should be enough.

4. Give online users reasons to subscribe. Throw in freebies, discounts, vouchers, free reports, or other valuable items. Since most online users love getting freebies, you will surely get subscriptions by utilizing this technique.

5. Let your subscribers know that they can choose to opt-out anytime they want. Online users might feel hesitant to give their contact information thinking that they will not be able to get out from it easily when they want to. Break that notion and communicate your terms upfront.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Do You Really Know What Article Marketing Is All About?

The Internet is full of articles so its no surprise that there is money in Article Marketing. We hear how valuable and precious this marketing technique is on a daily basis. . But so few really understand just how valuable it is.

Write as many articles as possible and submit them to as many Article Directories as possible. Thats what you hear, right? Well, that statement is actually extremely false!

The true value that Article Marketing holds is in the fact that one well-written, interesting article can generate literally thousands and thousands of dollars over time. The following are just a few of the many benefits effective Article Marketing can and will provide if done correctly:

1. List Building Opportunities The Money is in the List is one of the most popular phrases in the Internet Marketing community. Whether you offer a free report that requires an Opt-in or you have a newsletter subscription form on your Website, articles can and will bring in thousands, even tens of thousands of subscribers that will make you money.

2. Joint Venture Opportunities (JV) When others read your interesting articles, it provides a form of written confidence in your expertise. Some of these people own Newsletters and Ezines that could generate thousands of dollars literally overnight! Thousands of dollars overnight isnt bad for one well-written article, is it?

3. Name Branding When your viewers constantly see your interesting articles, a relationship forms. Whether they realize it or not, they start to trust you and look for your name. Getting your name known is one of the most powerful things that will ever happen to a Marketer!

4. Incoming Links to your Site Although many Article Marketers are wrong in believing the incoming links you obtain through Article Marketing are the most important factor, they are somewhat valuable. Most of the links that you will obtain through the Article Directories are of little value. But, when your articles get published to popular, Authority Websites, the links can be extremely valuable!

So what is Article Marketing all about? Its all about creating interesting, informational articles that cause others to talk about them. Write articles for people, not Search Engines and you will start to see the true value of this beautiful, powerful marketing technique!

To learn more about Article Marketing, you can pick up my popular new Ebook Article Marketing Domination through the following link I also invite you to submit your best articles to my all new, SE Optimized Article Directory at