Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What is Article Marketing

Article marketing is a means of using articles to generate traffic to your website. You achieve this initially by writing articles containing useful content, relevant to the topic of your site, and then submitting them to article directories. If your writing is sufficiently compelling, readers will want to know more about what you have written, and will click on the link you provide to your website.

Article submission does two things. Firstly it provides you with the opportunity to persuade the reader to find out more from your website, as inferred above, and it also provides you with a one way link back from the article directory. The higher the page ranking of the directory, then the more credit the search engines will give you for the link. Engines such as Google take your link popularity as a significant factor when calculating where your webpage should be listed in the index for the specific keyword your page relates to.

Your Article Must have Merit

However, it does not stop there. Should the visitor consider that your article is of sufficient merit to warrant them using it as content on their own website, they are entitled to copy it so long as they include your name as author, and your authors resource box, complete with webpage URL. You then get a one way link back from all the sites that use your article, and also visitors that click on your link from these sites.

Thats the theory, but how about the practice? In fact it is slightly more difficult that that. The article has to be well enough written to be accepted by the directories first, though from what I have seen that is not too difficult. Some directories are quite liberal as to what they call writing. It is not the directories that are the problem, it is the readers. People have a certain standard that they expect of internet writing, and if they feel that it is not met then they will click away from the article.

Dont Try to Fool the Reader

The article must also be of interest and relevant to the theme. You dont get people clicking to visit your website unless they find your content of interest and feel that your website could be of potential use to them. So write about what you know, and dont try to fool anybody. Many people who access your article will know more that you about the topic, and will spot any inaccuracies immediately. Be accurate and try to provide information that will help them. Visitors to your website want to be helped, have a question answered or a problem solved.

Your resource box is also important. Dont say too much about yourself: readers are not interested in your life history. Just tell them that they can find out more on your website. Provide them with a link a page in your site that deals exactly with what you wrote about and preferably with the same title, so that when they get there they will start reading.

Use Anchor Text where Possible

If you provide a link to a page within your site, rather than just the home page, it is regarded as of being more important to a search engine, especially if that link is provided by means of anchor text. That is text that indicates the topic of your web page, rather than being just a URL. You can do this if html is allowed. If you dont know how to use html, just write something to the effect more information on this topic can be found on my web page This Topic.

Write that exactly, inserting your own website and page URL, and your resource box will have This Topic as a clickable link. The search engines will associate your web page as being connected to This Topic, and that will improve the listing of that page.

Article marketing is a powerful way of using articles to promote your website, increase your traffic, and improve your search engine listings. Do it well, and you will see a significant difference in traffic to your site.

More information on the use of article marketing to promote your website and get increased traffic can be found on his webpage http://www.article-services.com/articlemarketing.html

Pace Your Posting or Dumping Your Content by the Truck Load?

Many online article marketers wonder if it makes sense to dump all your articles into an online article submission site in a certain category all at once or space out the postings a few at a time. The reason article authors wonder about this is because often Ezine Editors and other folks will look at the content coming thru the email alerts of newly posted articles.

It seems that an Ezine Publisher specializing in such specific category or topic would download all of them now to use for later and even plan and map out their own strategy based on the new content they have in hand, rather than second guessing the bush. Thus it makes sense to post all the articles that you have as fast as possible into the online article submission sites.

When I dump lots of articles in one category into an online article submission site, I generally am able to do this from writing an eBook which might be 100,000 plus words. If I post all the articles at once, I find entire websites pop-up with 20-30 of my articles.

Apparently the "dumping all at once" strategy prompts them to complete a website they are working on or prompts them to upgrade one they had done little with in the recent previous time period. Those are some thoughts on why it makes more sense to post all at once rather than dragging out the process.

Indeed, I suppose this supports the comments and data of the top online article submission sites. I have in fact had this exact same thought prior myself, so I am glad to explain how I have come to observe and understand this issue and write this article for you. Be wise and post your articles ASAP to do the most good and serve your potential.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Are You Making These 3 Stupid Mistakes With Your Article Marketing?

Let us look at why article marketing is so popular at the moment. Prospects hate to be sold. By providing good solid content you can provide valuable information without the prospect realizing that you are actually selling to them. This creates credibility and trust for you as you will be seen as an expert in the niche that you focus on.

Some benefits of article marketing is that your content will primarily be viral in nature and they will be published on many other websites. They also help to improve your link popularity for your website and your search engine rankings.

Mistake 1 - Writing Your Article For The Wrong Reason Often because you are in a hurry to write an article to gain brand recognition, backlinks and build an opt in list you will write an article in a hurry. The primary reason for writing an article is to get it read and for it to be informative. If the article does not offer significant value people are unlikely to click through to your website in your bio and publish it on their websites.

Mistake 2 - Writing Your Article Without A Strategy

There are two main reasons that you will write an article. They are writing to brand yourself as an expert and also writing to build an opt in list. You need to decide what is your primary objective. Writing an article for creating expert recognition will mean demonstrating your expert knowledge. This will make your articles viral as people publish it. However, it may not be that successful for building an opt in list. So you have to decide if you are writing your article to build an opt in list or create your brand on the internet.

Mistake 3- Not Taking Advantage Of The Free Search Engine Traffic Often people will write an informative article that will generate some visitors when the article has been approved. However, once other articles are approved in the same category your article will no longer display on the list of recently approved articles in that specific category. So you will no longer get traffic if you do not optimize your article for keywords that are searched on by search engines.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

2 Reasons Article Marketing Drives Quality Prospects to Your Website

Article marketing in my experience has rewarded me with some of the highest traffic my websites have ever received. For this reason alone, I will always put article marketing at the top of my priority list when it comes to promoting my products or services.

So, what makes article marketing so special?

The first reason is that you are pre selling your readers before they have even begun thinking about entering your site. This is important because when they finally do enter your website, they don't have to be warmed up anymore. Your readers obviously felt that you had answered their question or solved one of their problems. Now they want more, and they feel that you might actually be able to offer them something of value.

The second reason why article marketing works really great is because it enables you to put less guess work in what your visitor is looking for. Think about that for a while; the reader decided to click on your headline link in order to read your article because your headline obviously had something of interest to offer him or her.

The reader then finally clicks on the link that leads to your website in the bio area. This most likely means that your article quenched his or her thirst. This understanding is important because it allows you to develop a product that is directly related to your article.

This will once again quench your reader's thirst and turn them into buyers. Why, because you knew exactly what they were looking for

If you like to know how to use article marketing to generate high amounts of quality traffic, click here

http://articlemarketing.paultony.com is dedicated in providing you with the best information on article marketing.

List Building With Article Marketing - Long Articles Lose a Prospect, Short Articles Build Your List

Article marketing is the way I have built almost all of my highly responsive lists.

You've heard or seen me talk about this. You can take a 1,000-word article and break it down into two 500-word articles or 3 350-word articles and it's more lines in the water, it's more ways for people to find you.

Now think about this specifically for list building. If your article is too long and you lose the reader, they will never make it down to your resource box, where they can accept your offer of a slice of your expertise in exchange for their email address. Long articles tend to lose the reader before they ever get to your resource box. Short articles allow the reader to flow through your article right into your resource box so they can click through to your web site or blog.

So if your article is too long, they're never going to see your resource box in the first place.

What to do instead: Keep your articles short. Somewhere between 300-500 words is the very best. If you are just starting out it might be a challenge at first to provide great info in just 300-500 words. It's really a mix of skill, art, and experience.

It's more of a challenge to write shorter articles with good content than it is to write longer articles. In a longer article you can just do a brain and heart dump on the topic. In a shorter article you have to laser your focus on your topic to give the best information.

The best way to get there is to write lots of articles.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Instant Article Writing Templates so you can write more articles in less time than you ever thought possible. You can download them by going to http://www.GreatArticleMarketingBlog.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy

What Are The BEST Free Website Promotion Tools?

At this very minute you're actually looking at the best free website promotion tools available. It's articles.

Writing articles is a brilliant FREE way to attract highly targeted visitors to your site. It is also a great way to gain high Page Ranked backlinks, which the search engines love and need to see in order for you to one day get Page Rank yourself.

To me, free website promotion tools should obviously cost nothing, but unlike other marketing methods that come with no price tag, article writing and article marketing (done perfectly) is a tremendously EFFECTIVE way of doing business.

Think about it. You write an article. Free.

You send it to article directories. Free.

It being in those article directories gets you one way back links. Free.

And your article has the potential to be picked up by webmasters across the globe and put into their ezines and possibly shown to an audience of millions. Free.

All this with free website promotion tools THAT work like crazy.

Now in your quest to find the FULL list of these free website promotion tools, you will be tempted by many other marketing options. By all means check each and every one of them out. (But only the free ones!) Give yourself some time to see what works and what doesn't. As you're doing so...write one article. One. And submit it here.

By writing that one article, and by making sure you put your keyword in the title. And by making sure you also put that keyword in the article two times or three times (no more than that) your little 250 words article will get you a GUARANTEED HIGH PR BACK LINK...for free and has the POTENTIAL of bringing you a huge audience...for free.

My overall opinion is this: you have to put articles into your free website promotion tools toolbox! You just have to!

To learn exactly how you can harness the awesome power of article marketing, visit http://www.become-a-copywriter.com/articlemarketing.html

And if you'd like to read the reviews of the internet programs that have allowed me to work online FULL TIME from home, visit http://www.become-a-copywriter.com/earnmoneywriting.html

Article Marketing Skyrocket Strategies

These article marketing tactics are sure to take your marketing and skyrocket it to success and beyond. They're easy to implement strategies and they'll take your articles to the next level!

The article marketing skyrocket strategies!

  • Writing without thinking is the best way to write any article. The more you think, the more you'll be losing the game! Just write, and let your subconscious flow through your fingertips and type in whatever your mind has to say.
  • Putting your keyword in the first 3 words of your articles title can increase it's page rankings. Search engines search for anything that is related to it's keyword by title. So if your keyword is in the first 3 words of your title, you get a higher page ranking. It's a fact!
  • Your keywords should reflect what your article is about. Don't put in misleading keywords hoping to get some traffic. This is called spamming and you'll waste your articles submission time with it.
  • Valuable content should be visible in your article. Don't write an article that won't give your reader any valuable information. This is waste of yours and your readers time because they're not going to click your link if you don't give them something of value.
  • Placing numbers into your articles title can give your article more amounts of clicks. Numbers make the reader think that the article has fast delivering information that they can just skim through and get.
  • Your resource / signature box should show some kind of call to action or catch to get people to click on your link. Just saying click here will not give your reader enough reason to click on your link.
  • The use of the same keywords over a long period of time can be successful. This is the best keyword tactic to flood the market.
  • Spending some time to use the spell check button can prove to be handy. Articles that have grammatical errors make the reader assume that the article writer is an amateur in their industry. Make your article look as professional as it can be. Just spending two minutes by spell checking can save hundreds of dollars worth of traffic.

These article marketing skyrocket strategies can make any article marketer successful in as little as a month! Implement them into your article marketing today!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com