Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Graciousness Of Internet Marketing Superstars

For the last two years, I've been the proud owner of a successful internet marketing website. Technically, it's an article directory, although I consider it much more than that.

But before I even built my website, I developed my USP in my mind.

What's a USP?

USP is an acronym of the model used to differentiate or distinguish yourself from your competitors:

U="Unique" S="Selling" P-"Proposition" (Unique Selling Proposition).

In other words, it's what makes my article directory different from the thousands of other article directories on the Internet.

So, what's my USP?

Interviews, quality articles and Internet Marketing experts.

I will only accept quality articles written by professional Internet Marketing experts. I have a "zero tolerance" policy for poorly written or garbage articles.

I simply will not feature garbage articles on my site.

So, how am I able to maintain such strict quality control?

Simple. I personally read every article that's submitted, before it's approved and released into the system.

Fortunately, my website attracts talented writers and experts, so I rarely have to reject anyone's articles.

I also feature interviews of the expert authors on my website. I interview internet marketing experts, as well as individuals who are on their way to becoming experts.

When I decided author interviews were going to be an important feature of my website, I also decided I was going to approach internet marketing superstars, regardless of how famous or successful they were. And that's exactly what I did.

So, how did I do?

Well, as you can imagine, I got shot down a lot! I got rejected over and over again by big name marketers.

Did all of those rejections discourage me at all?

No. In fact, it had the exact opposite effect. All of those rejections actually fueled my fire. I became even more determined to succeed. I wanted to show everyone who had rejected me that I intended to become a major player.

And then one day it happened. A big name marketer consented to an interview. And then another consented and another! And before I knew what was happening, I was on my way!

But something else happened too. Not only did a lot of big name Internet Marketing superstars consent to an interview, they also validated me and gave me sincere words of encouragement.

I'm talking about people like Shelley Lowery, Jim Daniels, John Carlton, Clayton Makepeace, Chris Knight, Harvey Segal and many others.

These individuals have definitely helped to accelerate my career, and for that, I am truly grateful!

I also noticed a distinct parallel about the people I interview. Almost without exception, the higher they are on the success ladder, the more gracious and kind they are. These individuals clearly haven't forgotten where they came from.

And that's a lesson in life, we'd all be wise to remember!

Dale King is the owner of - The Ultimate Internet Marketing Resource!

If you're tired of all the money-making hype, lies and this!

Profitable Article Marketing - Discover 4 Persuasive Secrets to Explode Your Article Marketing

Traffic is the backbone of every online business. In order for you to sell your products and services, you need to know how to attract people to visit your webpage. One of the best traffic-generating tools these days is article marketing. This is the process of writing and distributing articles to publishing sites to strengthen your online presence and build quality inbound links to improve your page ranking. As this marketing tool is cost-effective and efficient, this is highly recommended by millions of webmasters worldwide.

Here are the 4 persuasive secrets to explode your article marketing:

1. Bank on the quality of your articles. This is the most important element in article marketing. You must be able to offer your readers well-written, content-rich, informative, and useful articles so you can earn their trust and compel them to visit your website.

2. Write and submit more articles. In article marketing, the more articles you write and submit the more quality inbound links you can obtain for your website. To easily boost the number of your backlinks, strive to multiply the number of your output by either spending more time writing or hiring competent ghostwriters.

3. Use attractive titles. To easily catch the attention of online users, use titles that are striking and attention-grabbing. Communicate the benefits that readers can get once they open and read your articles so they will be more willing to invest their time reading your content.

4. Your articles must be fact-based. You don't want to mislead your readers by feeding them unverified information as this can easily ruin your online credibility. Make it a habit to check your data before publishing your content and back up your arguments with research and other reputable resources to make your articles credible and believable.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

List Building 101 - Confidential List Building Secrets Guaranteed To Boost Your Profits

One of the biggest mistakes when I first started marketing online was that I did not build a list. If I had first done this I would have been earning a lot more online. I am sure that you must see many affiliates that send all their traffic to a sales page.

Whatever traffic you get it is so important to build a list. Even if you marketing using Adsense every time that you send an email you will get more traffic to your website pages and more people will click on your adverts. With affiliate marketing you should build your own business and send all your traffic to a squeeze page so that you can capture the email addresses.

In this article I would like to go over some of the core things that you need to do to be successful with list building.

You need to have a high converting squeeze page. When I first started out online I really struggled to make a squeeze page that converted very well. Basically, your squeeze page is a killer headline with some bullet points that will push the hot buttons of your prospect. If you push it correctly they will subscribe to your offer. This varies with different traffic sources. For example if you generate traffic from traffic exchanges then you need to have a splash page. This is a page that will get their attention. Similarly, if you are marketing with articles you will have a different type of squeeze page that you use.

One of the most important parts of list building is return on investment. You need to choose the method that produces the best results and focus on this. Once you are getting good results choose another method. You may end up with 10 different methods to build a list. If each produces 5 subscribers a day then you will build your list by 50 subscribers a day.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Want a Million Dollar Business? Build a Million Dollar List

To make big money on-line, you need a large responsive list. All of the most successful Internet Guru's have very large lists. When you hear that someone made a six-figure profit in a single month, they did it by using very large lists.

There are many different techniques that you can use to build your list. If this is the first time you have attempted to build a list, using one of the proven methods may be your best option. This technique is not the fastest way to build a list, but, using a consistent marketing program, you should be able to add new subscribers every day. The first step involves determining your target market. What niche are you going after? This is a very important factor in building a list.

After determining your target market, your marketing efforts can be customized to cater to your intended audience. This can be achieved using a variety of methods. It is easiest to entice visitors to subscribe to your list if you offer them something free in exchange for signing up. Anything you offer will be targeted to your niche. You can offer a free newsletter, ecourse, reports, information, ebooks, pdf's, or downloads. You are only limited by your imagination.

After registering, you should send your subscribers' information or something of value on a regular basis. You will use an autoresponder for this purpose. You want them to be comfortable with you, realize that your emails contain something of value, and get accustomed to receiving and opening your emails.

There are other methods that you can use to build your list. One way of building your list is by purchasing or leasing a subscriber list from a third-party. This is usually done to get quick and easy access to many people who have previously consented to receive emails, newsletters and ezines on various topics.

Although this is one of the fastest approaches to building a list, it does not provide you with subscribers who are targeted specifically to your style and niche. In addition, it may cost you more than you receive in short term sales. Before you use this method, do your research. Determine the amount of money that you can realistically pay on a per subscriber basis and realize that some percentage of them will unsubscribe rather quickly.

Writing articles is also an effective strategy for building your list. It takes persistence and time to build a list this way, but they tend to stay with you for a long period of time. To use this method, you must write and submit at least one article every day. Your articles should be submitted the twenty or twenty-five largest article directories, or directories targeted to you niche. Each of your articles will contain a link to your opt-in site. Articles are great introduction to potential subscribers.

Joint ventures are also a valuable strategy to build your list. Joint ventures can be done for free and can build up your list rather quickly. The problem with this method is in finding partners who have sizable lists that are willing to partner with you.

Regardless of how you build your list, you should start doing it now. Your Internet income is directly related to the size and quality of your list, so get started today! So, if you want a million dollar business, start out by building a million dollar list!

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed my brand new guide on how to make money each and every day.

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Quality Links Equals Higher Conversion Rate

Articles about getting Quality Links have been posted throughout the Web but do you really understand Quality when linking is involved?

Find Out Your Niche

Every business has its own niche and its own market. Unless you are a universal globalized business, you should be able to good use of linking strategies to convert curious visitors into potential buyers. Knowing your niche is your first path to success.

Where They Visit

Now that you know who and where is your market, get ready to do some serious in depth studies. Find out which are the websites that your potential customers normally visit and generate a whole long list of them. By knowing where your potential customers might visit, you can easily target your advertisements.

Shortlisting The Candidates

Now that you got a long list of all the possible websites, it is time to choose which are the ones that are more related to your business and group them into a smaller list. Rank these possible websites accordingly to their Alexa traffic ranks, retain the top 200 websites.

Advertising Or Exchange Links?

Whether you are going to advertise or make links exchange will depend on which type of websites they belong to. Free services, business-orientated, articles, directories or etc.. Naturally, exchanging links and creating some sort of a partnership would eventually be the cheapest and the easiest way out. Alternatively, you can also consider exchanging advertising space with those business-orientated websites which can benefits both parties. Whichever way you decide, getting links from these shortlisted websites are known as quality links.

Rif Chia is the Founder & Private SEO Consultant of with more than 5 years experiences in SEO Web Design Consultancy and Search Engine Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Secrets - 2 Reasons Why You Need To Valid Your Market With Keyword Research Tool

Finding a profitable market is vital to your affiliate marketing success and you will have to do this step correctly. You will firstly list down a list of the potential markets that you want to be involved in, follow by doing a research to find the profitability of the market. The next step that you will have to do is to validate.

The 1st reason is to make sure that the market is present on the internet. You will want to make sure that the market does not belong to the past or it has become redundant. There will be no market for you if the topic does not arouse any interest. If there is no interest in the market, it will also logically mean that you cannot make money from that money.

The 2nd reason is to verify that people are hungry enough for information that they have to search for it online. The search engines like Google and Yahoo have recently become a very popular option when people want to look for information. If you are able to find a list of keywords that are related to the niche market that you are in and there are high number of people who searches for information through the same key phrase, you will be sure that there is a demand for it.

These are the 2 simple reasons why you will need to validate your market with a keyword research tools. Once you have understand the 2 reasons, you will always check to make sure that the market you have chosen is profitable and you can build a long term business around it.

I would like to offer you Free "7 Days to Affiliate Marketing" course when you subscribe to my newsletter on Affiliate Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Zack Lim - The Up And Coming Affiliate Marketer who provide valuable affiliate marketing information at