Monday, May 26, 2008

Top 3 Strategies To Identify Your Niche Market

As an affiliate marketer, we have to find a market before we can promote certain products. By finding a market first, we will save us months or even years of wasted efforts. After you have find your market, the next thing that you have to do is to find your niche market. A niche market is a specialized portion of a larger market. You have to find your niche market because you will have a better chance of selling or promoting a merchant's product, if it is a niche market. You will have less competitor, more targeted market and you can be a master in your niche market easily because the topics have been narrowed down. But how are we going to find our own niche market? There are several methods that we can use to find our niche market. Among the method that we can use are:

1)Brainstorming Strategy

You can start finding your niche market by using your brainstorming sessions. These are ideas you or someone one around you come up with. Start from your surroundings and environments. Start from the topic that you have interest in. Thinks of an area that you do not know but you would like to learn

2)Big Picture Market Strategy

You have to look at the big picture when applying this strategy. Do some research at a Market Portal Site such as Clickbank, Amazon, Froogle or at the offline resources like your local newspaper. Sort through their top ten list, advertisements and other piece of informations that you can describe as hot seller. Try to make any connections with your choice of Market.

3)The Root Keyword Strategy

A root keyword is a word entered into the search engines that people use to find what they are looking for. Don't forget to use related keywords to discover more subniches. Tools that you can use are Wordtracker, Overture, Keyword Empire to name a few.

With a niche market you can serve better to your customer because you can become a master on the niche market easily. People attending your niche market is already your target market. The possibility for them to buy from you will be greater than you targeted your product to a broad market. People have more trust in you and eventually will buy from you. With the method stated above, start searching your niche market and start serving your target market with your valuable knowledge.

Nizzura is an expert affiliate marketer who rakes in over $100,000 annually via her amazingly simple Mini Sites.

Learn how you, too, can break free from the 9-to-5 rut by doing what Nizzura does. Just visit:

P/S: Don't Forget To Download Her Highly Acclaimed "5 Minutes Perpetual Traffic Generator Report" For Free When Visiting Her Website.

The author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article so long as its contents remain unchanged, and the author's byline remains in place.

Advertise Your Business For Free With Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most legitimate, ethical methods of getting traffic to your website and best of all, it is free! It involves the process of writing articles while also including a link back to your website and then submitting them to online article directories.

One major advantage that articles provide is the high quality leads that are usually generated from them. Although the results produced from articles are slower then other marketing methods, they will last a long time.

Here are a few things to remember when writing articles:

1. Know your target market.

2. Produce good, quality articles.

3. If you want your article marketing campaign to be a success then you must consistently put out articles.

4. Submit your articles to the appropriate categories within the article directories.

5. Your articles should contain keywords relating to the link you are promoting in your resource box.

6. Avoid using affiliate links in your article resource box. It does not cost much to register a domain and then you can forward it to your affiliate link. Do not waste time advertising affiliate links!

7. Put together an interesting and attention grabbing heading. No one will read your article if your heading does not give them a reason to see what it is all about. Many visitors have been lost due to short, boring headings.

8. Optimize the article heading and avoid overdoing your keywords in the body of the article. You would be surprised at how a well optimized heading helps your search engine ranking.

9. Use a spell checker and break up your information into readable chunks with allot of white space.

How can you encourage people to read your articles?

- Research before starting! Make sure your topic relates to the website that you are promoting. Determine your keywords before starting your article.

- The purpose of your articles should be to provide useful information. Avoid making them sound like an ad. You are not selling in your articles, but providing information that will peek your readers interest causing them to click on your link within your resource box.

- Avoid using any offensive language or content in your articles. This will impact your ranking on the search engines, not to mention offend some of your readers.

- If you recommend any other sites in your articles, make sure you check them out first. You do not want to be associated with any negative or inappropriate information.

- Try to avoid using affiliate links in your resource box. It is much easier to remember a short domain name then a long one.

The goal of any online marketer should be to reach their prospective customers by delivering a message that will help them build their business. The main purpose of article marketing is that it allows you to build credibility and create a relationship with your target audience.

What results can you expect from writing and publishing your articles?

1. Action. By providing valuable information to your target audience you can inspire them to action which will create more business for yourself.

2. Successful internet marketers know that getting people to their website where they can offer opportunities, collect email addresses, and get sales is a great way to build their business.

3. Better conversion of prospects to customers. Visitors that come to your website through your articles know what kind of information they are going to find and are more likely to participate in your offers.

4. Improve your page rank with one-way, inbound links. Articles provide inbound links directly to your website from a relevant source, thus your page rank for Google increases along with your websites traffic.

5. Expert status in your field of interest. You become known as an expert and gain much credibility in your industry when you publish informative, quality articles.

When writing your article remember that the resource box is the second most important part of your article, next to the headline. Your resource box is your "call to action". It is where you tell your readers what to do to get more information, while your article told them why they should get more information. Only include one offer in your resource box! One link that the reader can click on to go to your website. Make sure that link works before submitting your article. It is extremely important that your link contains a keyword or phrase that is related to you website. This will greatly help your search engine positioning. Your name should be included in the resource box as well as in the copyright at the end of your article.

Keep in mind that the internet constantly needs fresh, informative content to survive.

So take your time developing your article marketing campaign and by adapting a long term article marketing strategy you will have a much better chance of building your business. Think of it as an art. The more you do it, the better you get.

Copyright 2007 Joe Rispoli

There are many proven, free advertising resources available to anyone who would take the time to learn how to use them. Visit Joe Rispoli's website to find out how to advertise your business for free.

Increase Sales With Small Numbers

Did you know that you could actually increase your sales by implementing a simple concept called "Small Numbers"? In fact, if your not using the "Small Numbers" concept your probably missing out on a gold mine of targeted prospects.

In the early days, many people lived by the "Big Numbers" concept. It didn't matter what type of product or service you were offering, the concept was to cast out the nets, and see how many people you could drag in.

There were some successes with this practice; however, the successes were relatively short lived and ineffective. Internet marketing has since grown up and those making money have had to learn more effective ways of targeting their markets and getting the word out to those who are truly interested in what they have to offer.

Casting out the nets just doesn't work anymore.

Today, it's more important than ever to understand how the Internet works. The Internet is based on keywords. You can literally find anything you could want by simply typing in a few keywords and seeing what results the search engines provide. Your results will differ depending on how targeted your search keywords are.

For example, if you're looking for a used widget, then you need to search for a "used widget". Better yet, target your search even closer by typing, "used blue widget". Your search will be much more accurate and much more relevant to what you are looking for.

How does this apply to the concept of "Small Numbers"?

Simple, by targeting niche markets, you're no longer wasting time and money casting out the nets to the masses. You're targeting the people who are looking for what you have to offer. When you are placing your offer in front of your targeted niche markets, your sales conversion ratios will increase dramatically. This results in a much more profitable business in the long run.

The concept of "Small Numbers" is not difficult to understand, and it can be easily applied to Pay Per Click advertising, Search Engine Marketing, Article writing, and even Press Releases. You simply need to do a little research and locate as many related niche markets that apply to your business. Apply your marketing to these niches and track everything you do. Your results will speak loud and clear as you begin to increase sales and reduce expenses, making your business efficient and profitable.

Troy Berlin has been actively involved in the home-based business industry for more than 15 years, and is currently teaching, training, and coaching home business owners in the skillful use of Web 2.0 Marketing strategies. Learn how Top Earners leverage the Internet through Web 2.0 through the Prosperity Cast Network

Lucrative Article Marketing - 6 Creative Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

This article aims to provide you with 6 creative methods that have helped me maximized the benefits I was getting from my article marketing campaign. These are:

1. Use compelling titles. Too often, article writers are focusing their efforts in making each article unique, useful, and interesting that they forget that if their title is lousy, all their efforts will go down the drain. Never underestimate the power of compelling titles in making your article marketing a success. Make it a point that your titles are intriguing, keyword-rich, well-written, and communicate the benefits it can offer your readers.

2. Know how and where to use keywords on your articles. Optimizing your articles means knowing how to use relevant keywords, where to put them, and how much keywords you will use on each of your articles.

3. Pay attention to the quality of your articles. Your articles must we well-written and timely. They must appear like they were written by a professional writer so your readers will consider you as an expert on your field.

4. Make use of a killer resource box. Consider your resource box as your teaser in enticing your readers to visit your site. Make sure that your resource box is compelling and well-written.

5. Cross reference your articles. If you want to maximize the exposure of your articles in the World Wide Web, learn how to cross reference them by using anchor texts. Just make sure that your articles are relevant to each other and online users can use them for further reading.

6. Write consistently. Article marketing, just like any other traffic-generating tool may take sometime before it can increase the traffic on your site. Be patient and write as many articles as you can and you'll surely see the difference in a month or two.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Online Promotion Not Working? Drop All Your Marketing Strategies And Do This Now

There are several techniques and tons and tons of expert advice available, on how to increase traffic to your site, but the truth is that even after following those techniques and the advice, your website at times fails to attract as much traffic as you would like. It is important to find out exactly why this is happening.

The first step in this direction is to ask yourself whether you have a good, strong marketing plan or not. If there is a plan, then make sure it is being executed properly. Marketing is a time consuming task, but it is the only way to generate traffic because there are millions of websites on the internet and it is important for web-surfers to know that your site also exists; otherwise, you cannot expect them to just land up on your site or happen to stop by.

What this means is that, you cannot sit and wait for people to come to your site. Your marketing plan should be such that it must reach out and tell people about your website, so that people are forced to take look at it, at least once.

Now if you do have a solid marketing plan but it is not generating the results you expect, then you should take a closer look at your marketing kit. Small things like signature files, shorts classified ads, solo ads, PPC campaign text, organize them all in one place and study them. Perhaps they need more punch.

Marketing is such an intense activity that most firms spend over 90% of their working hours behind marketing. You should not be different. Most internet marketers spend plenty of time on marketing to generate their desired income. Remember internet income is not a matter of a few clicks; it takes hard work and long hours.

In case you are involved in a joint venture and are not making profits, then you should look at the fine print and if necessary, find another partner who is better skilled in traffic generation.

Monitor your website statistics closely. If you have done link building then find out if the sites linked to yours are actually doing any good. If not, then start another link building campaign.

If you are active in forums, then check regularly, if the forums themselves are active or not. Join new communities and forums to expand your network. Sometimes there can be a small hitch in a broad marketing plan, which prevents a lucrative outcome. Study each point in your marketing campaign and try to zero in on the campaign actions that are no longer working or are hampering the efficiency of the rest of the plan.

Put your marketing plan onto paper. This is very important. It is about as effective as a virtual check and a real check. Also, write down the ways you will market yourself and what marketing materials you require. Keep a scheduler to ensure you spend sufficient time each day on marketing activities.

Success in internet businesses is directly related to traffic. Most traffic formula will work, you just need pay optimal attention to it to make it happen.

Jaz Lai is an Online Home Business Expert where he created $10,045 sales just by sending out 5 emails without any list or product. Click here to know how he did it,

Further recommended resources

Can You Promote Your Site By Submitting Articles?

One of the biggest challenge for a webmaster is probably the promotion of websites. In fact, one of the proved ways of doing that is article marketing. You will write articles on the products you are promoting.

When you are preparing the articles, you may have questions on how you should write them. In fact, you would have numerous choices regarding the styles and contents of them. However, most webmasters will write informative articles, or articles which are useful to the readers. You will need to submit the articles to various article directory after you have written them. You will need to apply for an account in each article directory and submit to them manually.

Alternatively, you can also use the distribution services to distribute your articles. The number one advantage of using such services is that you can distribute your articles without spending a lot of time. There are also submission software you can use. The basic idea of this kind of software is to semi-automate the submission process. It will help you to login to the directories automatically and you can save some time on the submission.

Of course, you will not need to spend any money if you submit the articles manually. However, you may probably be able to sense that it will take you some time to do so. Are you prepared to spend 6 hours a day to submit articles? If not, you may probably want to go for the submission software or distribution services. You will need to pay for a monthly fee in this case. You are in fact buying the time in this case.

So, how can the articles help to promote your site? First of all, since you will put some links in the articles and the links will lead to your website. When a reader feels interested in the subject or topic you are writing about, they may probably follow the links and visit your website. Thus you will get some traffic from the articles.

Secondly, you will have a chance to build up your image as an expert in your industry. You will probably write about the latest trend and news in your industry. When you write a lot about that, the readers will have the impression that you are an expert in the field. They will trust what you say and this will make you sell the products a lot easier.

John Lung is an affiliate Marketing Coach. You can learn more about Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing from his website. He also runs a Online Money Making and SEO Blog. Be sure to check Website Data Analysis Tools.