Saturday, June 28, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

When it comes to article marketing, writing skill is important. If you possess such skill, congratulations, you are well ahead in the game. The question is, how can you format your article in such a way that produces the best results you want?

Usually, a good article starts with a striking and attention grabbing headline. But, the headline cannot be hype. Right after the headline, you should have a sub headline, which also should not be hype. The ability to create good headlines is very important, especially in the Internet World.

Bear in mind that other than the headline, there is no other means like a cover to judge your article by. The headline must attract the potential reader to read the article, and the sub headline should also serve the same purpose, stating what the article is all about.

An effective article will be between 300 and 500 words in length, consists of not less than three paragraphs. Paragraph with only 1 sentence should be avoided, unless that sentence is just a few words long and needs to stand out for special attention.

The opening paragraph is important because it contains the main key point you want the reader to know about the article, and what they will learn in the following sentences. Remember the thesis you wrote in high school or college? The same applies to articles writing too. You can either make a statement or ask a question, then prove it or answer it within the context of the article. It is crucial that you keep the reader interested and hence he will continue reading the next paragraph, and the next until he reaches the end of the articles.

You should wrap up your article at the last paragraph, summarizing what has been conveyed in the body of the article. Following the final paragraph, a resource box should be provided, which contains critical information about the author you and should include a link to your website, where the reader can learn more about the topic you have discussed in the article.

Last but not least, you want to let readers know that they are free to reprint your article or even post it at their blog as long as it stays intact and includes the resource box. This is where your article can become a viral marketing tool.

When you have finished writing your article, put it aside and read it again the following day. You will find that you may have been too subjective about the topic. Seek a second opinion about your article and ask for criticism.

CW Teo established as his Home Based Business. He advocates articles marketing as one key strategy in Internet Marketing. For quality articles, he recommends Free Expert Articles Pack worth $67 is available for download here.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There are ways that you can make money and start your career with low funds.

Find your market. Find your product. Once this is done, you need to find a way to connect both. The big guns out on the internet use pay methods. Pay per click marketing that is...they also arrange with web masters to buy space. For this method (pay per click), you need to know what you are for now, until you know how to get people to buy, you could end up spending and wasting hundreds of dollars on no sales.

Here's what the newbie internet marketer does: What you are going to do is write articles. This is known as article marketing. What you are going to do is write useful, relevant articles about the product, and then have them posted on the internet. There are many article submission sites...just Google it. Once you find the sites you want to submit to, begin writing your articles. Keep in mind the articles need to have your keywords evenly peppered through out. It should read as natural as possible. Don't just write an article trying to push the product. Many sites won't publish the article, and no one is going to buy off a hard sell.

In the signature or resource box of the article submitter site, you want to offer the reader an opportunity to visit your site that has the product you are offering. You want to write something like..."If you found this information useful and would like to learn more about...visit....[your site.]" Many article sites, like EzineArticles will not allow an affiliate link, so you need to make sure you don't do a direct link to that affiliate site. It should go through your own site, or blog.(more on this later if you aren't sure what to do.)

Submit your article, and then kick back and watch the dollars come in! Well...not exactly. Watch your results and tweak to improve. If you get no action, check out your articles. Maybe they are too pushy. Maybe there's no market for the product. Continue to refine, test and tweak.

And...keep moving forward. Don't get discouraged. If something doesn't work, move on. Remember Forward motion!

Want to learn where I learned how to say good bye to "the Man?" CLICK HERE, and for current tips and updates visit my blog.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

This is how the conversation went on my follow-up visit to the oral surgeon, 10 days after he removed 2 lower wisdom teeth.

"Go down the hallway, enter the second door on the right and take a seat in the dentist's chair," said the receptionist after calling my name out to the 5 people in the waiting room.

"How is it all going?" asked my oral surgeon slapping on a pair of examination gloves.

"Great" I replied truthfully. "I've been totally pain free since the operation."

"You won't be when you get my bill!" he said in half jest.

"I've already paid it and by my calculations, I reckon you're grossing more than one and a half million dollars a year in revenue?" I quickly asked combining my MBA training with years spent questioning people as a broadcaster.

"You might be right, but I wouldn't know, I just concentrate on the patients," was the last thing he said before I opened my mouth and he examined the 2 sockets where my wisdom teeth once resided.

"They're looking good, rinse with salt water regularly and call me if there's a problem," were his last words as I was ushered out.

That was it, all over in a matter of minutes. What is the point of sharing this with you? Well, I learnt a lot about marketing from the service I received from my oral surgeon.

Here are my insights and how you can apply these strategies to your own business, career or life.


Two months earlier I hadn't been able to sleep because of an intense, searing pain coming somewhere from the back of my lower jaw. Despite taking painkillers, it got worse until the whole side of my face started to swell up like a football. In desperation at 3.30 am, I rang the only dentist I could find listed in the Yellow Pages with an after hours number. I woke him up. Then briefed him and he told me how much it would cost to get him and his dental nurse out of bed and into his surgery. I decided to endure the pain in my head instead of in my wallet.

I was on his surgery door as soon as it opened and the diagnosis of a compacted wisdom tooth that had become infected was confirmed. I was able to get to see my family dentist later in the day and he prescribed antibiotics and recommended I see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. He would solve my problems. In fact, he was so busy solving problems he was completely booked out for the next 2 months.

What problems do you solve for people?


My family dentist had a stack of business cards from the oral surgeon. He handed me one and said "this guy is the best in town, try and see him within the next 2 months."

The oral surgeon's business is built completely on referral business.

How can you get referrals for your business or dream job?

I've learnt, if you don't ask for or have a system for referrals, no matter how busy you are now, future work has the potential to dry up.


One of the great things about the hairdressing industry is that people's hair never stops growing and so they always need it cut. It's the same for lawn mowing services and extracting wisdom teeth. There's a constant demand.

I've learnt this in my own business and understood that for certain clients, like those who have a regular turnover of leadership positions due to set election periods, there is always going to be a constant change of people, and in many cases a regular demand to provide media training for new people as they rise up the ranks and take over leadership positions.

Look for opportunities where there will be a constant demand for your skills and services.


I noticed my oral surgeon had his University degrees and professional qualifications printed on his business card as well as hanging on his office wall in his surgery.

This provides third party endorsement, which builds credibility and trust with patients and customers alike.

How do you use your professional qualifications to build your credibility?

Interestingly, a fellow speaker who works in the health sector shared this gem in a recent newsletter. "Part of what I've been talking about involves building trust between health professionals and their clients. Consequently, my eye was caught by the following research report in New Scientist, (4th Jan 2003). Robert Hash and his colleagues at Mercer University in Georgia have found that patients judge medical advice by the weight of their doctor. They studied 200 patients of 5 doctors and found that the medical information and advice given by doctors who were judged to be overweight was not trusted as much as that given by those perceived to be leaner. The article said, "If you don't look too healthy yourself, your patients may be more inclined to take your advice with a pinch of salt." (Source: Rachel's Reflections By Rachel Green 31-Jan-2003, Number 106)

Live your message and be a walking, talking example of the solutions you offer. Fail with this and your credibility within the marketplace will diminish.


I noticed my oral surgeon shared consulting rooms with another oral surgeon with exactly the same qualifications. Both of their business cards sat at the reception desk.

One was plain, white and simple. The other had an interesting, colourful and creative logo incorporating two faces. Which do you think got my attention?


Fresh from my new knowledge after hearing New York-based speaker, author and consultant Alan Weiss Ph.D CSP present, I found my oral surgeon also used this technique.

He presented me with 3 options - do nothing, have my wisdom teeth out with just a local pain killer or have them removed under a general anaesthetic. All had varying costs and consequences.

I had previously consulted my older brother, an orthopaedic surgeon who had a similar operation 2 years ago. He chose the latter and so did I.

What options can you provide clients?

By the way, the third option I chose was the most expensive!


Tangible examples help people make a decision and take action. Often this is based on emotion.

My oral surgeon pulled out his 'horror photos' (his words not mine) and said "this is what can happen if you don't have your wisdom teeth removed".

One look and I was convinced.

What examples, evidence or proof can you provide to help convince your prospects, customers or clients they need your services.


My oral surgeon is located right next door to a day hospital. This is a new service he has only been offering since the beginning of the year.

Convenience for clients can be a big factor. I was in hospital by 10am and out by 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Sure it was more expensive and an added value service. But I'm busy, am motivated by rational self-interest (especially when it comes to pain) and am willing to pay extra for the convenience.

How can you add value to your services?


My oral surgeon provided written details of what to do prior and post the operation. This was clear, precise and invaluable.

How can you apply this to your business?


Again, my specialist had a proven follow-up system to evaluate how the operation went.

How can you do the same for your business. Most of us forget the follow-up, but it is the most important

Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries.

You can subscribe by visiting Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the most important factors to online success is list building. No matter what goals you're pursuing with your online activities, building a good healthy contact list is vital for a successful outcome.

List building plays a major role in developing good relationships with your site's customers, clients and visitors. It can be used to get more traffic, leads and sales for your site or business.

For these reasons contact building should be high on your list of priorities when you're marketing or promoting on the web. Fortunately, list building is an easy process that any site or webmaster can quickly set-up as long as you understand two simple, yet well-proven principles of list building.

To be really successful, your list building must incorporate these two key elements. Without these two main ingredients you will probably find building your contact list difficult and slow going. So it is worth your while to fully understand and utilize these two factors in your list building.

Any list should have these two key elements:

1. Value

Your list should have value. It should offer something valuable to the one subscribing. It should offer important information, quality content, special deals/discounts, and more importantly, it should offer a valuable relationship or connection to an expert in the subject area of the list.

Subscribers join a list for the benefits it will bring them, whether it be valuable content, special deals or a connection to an expert in their area of interest; your list must have value for the subscribers. They must benefit from joining your list.

If you're building a list, just write down all the benefits someone would receive from joining your site or list.

~ receive important information

~ get special valuable content

~ receive special deals/discounts
~ get training videos/workshops

~ get timely announcements or news

Make these benefits your main selling points when you're building your list. Don't forget there may also be a psychological reason for joining your list - many people like being part of a group or membership site. It's human nature, we all want to be emotionally involved with certain topics or causes, so don't ignore this aspect when building your list. Everybody likes to feel included - lists can fulfil this emotional need.

Simply give your subscribers something of value and you will build your list quickly and easily.

2. Free

Whatever you offer - make sure it is Free. The quickest way to build any list is to give away free valuable content, information, videos, reports, ebooks, discounts, prizes... everybody loves a free gift. Just make them an offer they can't refuse.

Some marketers argue that giving away free items will attract the "wrong kind" of customer or subscriber --- people that will never buy anything because they will expect it to be free. But this has more to do with the nature of your gift and the kind of contacts you're building; giving away free buying guides on how to purchase real estate, fast cars, LCD TVs, laptops... will definitely attract the right "buying customer". If you're into selling, you just have to adjust your marketing to incorporate the free element correctly.

Besides, giving away something free is the first step in starting an ongoing relationship with your subscribers. It gets the ball rolling. It is one of the most effective ways to build your list quickly and easily. Just make sure you're giving away something of value to the person receiving it and they will turn to you, time and time again, to find what they're looking for on the web.

So the next time you're building a contact list make these two key elements the center of your activities. Just remember "give them value and make it free" and you should have no problems with list building.

EXPLODE YOUR SALES by building your OWN OPT-IN LIST! Get a Step-by-Step Guide that will show you How to Start, Build & Manage your OWN HUGE Opt-In List! Click Here: List Building eCourse

Or Our List Building Toolkit: List Building

The author is a full-time online marketer and has used list building to produce a very comfortable online income. Copyright 2008 Titus Hoskins.This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

I have heard many people say that generating leads for creative real estate investing is a numbers game. That may be very true, but there are definitely things that you can do to make those numbers work in your favor, and greatly improve your odds with less money spent in the process.

Why do we need to generate leads? This is what I tell my students: You must learn and understand my axiom, proven time and time again:


Now this is true of almost every business, but let's look today at a few strategies that I use to improve my cost per lead ratio as low as possible. The first thing I want to discuss is the 'Shotgun vs. Targeted' approach for obtaining motivated sellers.

The shotgun method involves buying a list of several zip codes and mailing to everyone on the list. The other name for this strategy is 'blind archery', because you are essentially shooting a thousand arrows up into the sky, hoping that they actually hit something. You can make a business out of this if you are willing to spend a whole lot of money and are prepared to do this each month because your response rate will be very low.

The other problem with this tactic is that it is impossible to tailor a message to this audience with this approach. Are you looking for people who are behind in house payments? People going through a divorce? Someone who just was laid off from their job? With the shotgun approach you are never going to know.....and it is important to understand that each of these groups is psychologically very different and will respond to different messages. For all those reasons, it will be extremely hard, if not impossible to achieve "message to market match" which is the foundation of a successful marketing campaign.

What works much better is to get the most targeted list you can obtain and write a message to that group addressing their current need and situation. You can get list of people in foreclosure fairly easily, because that's public record and there are probably many people in your local area that compile a fresh list every week and will sell you that list. In all cases, money spent on a well targeted message to a defined group will be money well spent.

You can get lists of people who were listed with a realtor, and that listing has expired. Do you think that the message sent to people in foreclosure is likely to get any response from the expired listings message? Probably not, but that is why you will have a specific marketing piece addressing their concerns (i.e. showing them the local MLS statistics of expired listings and getting their attention).

There are many kinds of targeted lists you can get, and as you gain more experience in real estate investing you will get to know reputable list brokers who can obtain the kind of list you want to market to, and you can create marketing pieces directly to that group that will greatly improve you response rate and solve the first problem that new real estate investors.......getting a lead to talk to.

After a while you will be reasonably able to predict a response rate to your marketing. For example, if I know that in one month I can get 30 responses per 1000 marketing pieces, (a 3% response rate -pretty good), and I know that 5 of these leads will have the makings of a deal, and I know I can close 4, then I have the basis of a business that can provide real wealth in a relatively short period of time.

Therefore, the key to successful real estate investing business is to identify the market segments and market to them using a much targeted message tailored precisely for that list. In my business, I have a very specific sequence of 5 letters with precisely crafted message which is automatically adjusted over time accordingly to the progress of their foreclosure process.

I also use special "linked" letters to target expired listings. Again, they are planned in a sequence and they deliver the message that resonate with homeowners who had worked with real estate agents and did not experience any result, got disappointed when their listing expired without having a buyer.

There are a few other high-response lists that we market to, but again the key is the message to market match!

In my next article, I will discuss how to evaluate responses to determine if there is a deal there or not so you waste zero time talking to people when there can be no positive result.

Marko Rubel is a prolific real estate investor living and investing in the Phoenix, Arizona area, and provides seminars and home study courses to serious investors or those who want to become successful. To find out more, visit and or

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is simply the best way to get tons of people to your website for free. Your traffic can really skyrocket by just simply taking no more than about 10 minutes to write one article. Now mind you, one article is guaranteed to get you success, the more articles that you write, the more you get closer to success with articles.

Some of you might be saying, why should I write in my spare time when I can simply post ads and exchange links? Because these traffic building results pale in comparison to article marketing. So why should you write articles?

Article marketing for success

  • When you write an article, the soul purpose of that article is to get more traffic delivered to your website. That is the purpose of any article. You don't do any kind of work except to create it, once that's done, the article takes care of itself. It's simple just an autopilot traffic building system.

  • Search engine's give high page rankings to articles. This reason alone should be reason enough to take on article marketing. Search engines give your articles higher page rankings than most websites.

  • Articles can dominate your keyword and grant you first page rankings with search engines. Look for yourself, type in psp download into google. This is a highly advertised keyword, and look at the first page, there's an article from ezinearticles! The publicity that an article can give you can be lucrative.

  • Articles help you get noticed in your industry and gets you seen as an expert. When someone reads an article, they think of you as an expert on whatever you're writing about. Just by simply writing an article, you're going to get your traffic thinking that your a reliable source who knows what they're doing.

  • Article marketing is free and easy to do. Writing articles is the best guerilla internet marketing tactic, and it's totally free to do. Any article hosting server can let you publish your articles, and it's easy to do. Just write an article of about 300-500 words. Then click the submit button and your done!

Article marketing should be used to your internet marketing advantage and it should be quickly implemented into your online marketing strategy!

Trying to build traffic to your website? You can find wonderful ebooks and videos on how to get huge sums of web traffic at my website

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you are going to start search engine optimization on your website you can follow these methods to start and do SEO the right way. These method will help you get ranked top in Google.

Step One

You need to research keywords. Start by finding four keywords that has maximum 3 million competing websites in Google. They must also have around 1000 searches a month. At first choose only four but later on you can choose many more keywords.

From the four keywords choose a main keyword.

Step Two

Create your website and add the meta tags. Then add at least one article apart from the content on the main page. If you have disclaimer, terms and conditions and similar types of links put the no follow tags on those links.

Put your main keyword at the bottom of the page, usually near CopyRight All Rights Reserved (c) main keyword goes here.

Do not put any links to other websites on your site. As you can see you should not take much time on this part of search engine optimization that is called the onpage optimization.

Step Three

Now start getting as many links as you can to your websites from other websites. This is called off page optimization and this what is going to really help your rankings.

You can do link exchanges or get one way links from sites like article directories, directories, social bookmarking sites, forums and many more sites where you do not need to link back to them.

When getting links do not always get links to your homepage. Sometimes get links to your article pages or any other page of your site. The anchor text should not always be the exact same text. Remember to input your keywords in your anchor text. Do not use same the same keyword all the time. Vary them as much as possible.

Get as many links as you can. The more the better. Now if you want to get ranked for more than four keywords you may want to hire someone to help you get links. The more keywords you target the more links you need.

As a rule get links from all sorts of sites as long as they are not banned from search engines. Check also that the link towards your site does not have the nofollow tags. There is a plugin called Search Status for Mozilla Firefox that will highlight links that are using the nofollow tags.

You need to get steady amount of links. The idea is to get same number of links everyday. The higher the number the better. Do not get a hundred today and nothing for the rest of the week. So if you are getting links and have not hired someone to help you, 15-30 links a day is a great.

Now apart from getting links you should also tweak a bit your site once again. You can add a blog and update it with content regularly. Search engines love new content. Create a sitemap on your site and put only the most important pages on it. It is a good idea to submit a sitemap to Google sitemaps.

So keep in mind that search engine optimization deals with the onpage and offpage optimization techniques. However put your effort on the offpage techniques. Spent few time on the onpage optimization cause it is not that important.

Karl Sultana has more articles and tips about pagerank, link exchanges and one way links on his site.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Do you want to easily earn the trust of your potential clients and position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche? Then, write articles to share a slice of your knowledge and submit them to publishing sites online. By doing so, you can offer valuable information to your readers and make them feel that you are really good on what you do while boosting the number of your quality inbound links all at the same time.

Here are the 5 amazing methods to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Pick topics that will interest your potential clients. To attract those people who are most likely to take advantage of your offerings, write about topics that will meet their needs and demands. If you are targeting people who are having problem with man boobs, write articles about how to lose man boobs using natural methods, the pros and cons of male breast reduction, etc.

2. Don't be a keyword abuser. In your effort to make your articles search engine-friendly, you might use too many keywords on your content. You have to avoid this from happening at all cost because publishers might reject your articles for keyword stuffing. Before you submit your articles online, manually count the number of your keywords and make sure that they will not exceed the 3% of your article word count.

3. Offer your articles for free. If you want an established webmaster to link with you, you can offer him/her unique, quality content in exchange of keeping your original resource box. This will help you attract his/her website visitors that can definitely boost the number of your page views.

4. Do not advertise on your articles. Other marketers treat their articles as advertising tools and they post their sales pitches on their content. As a marketer, you have to understand that when people open and read an article, they expect to get the information they need. If they don't they will quickly close the article and move to the next one that can offer them what they are looking for. So, focus on giving your readers quality, useful content and save your ads for your resource box.

5. Keep your articles short. Based on researches and studies, articles that run 300-500 words are generating much more attention online compare to those lengthy articles. This is because the audience you are serving have such limited attention span and they prefer to get the information they need ASAP.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing continues to be one of the most effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your landing page of choice. Of all the things people can read on the Internet, if someone chooses your article, and then makes a second choice to click on your link to learn more, they are about the best you can hope for when it comes to finding targeted traffic.

Now if you take this effect and you can multiply it, you will receive compounded returns on your investment. This happens when your articles are copied and used on other sites, or are published in ezines. This is sometimes referred to as the viral effect. This is one of the things that you hope will happen to your articles when you publish them on article directories.

There are two things you may want to consider when trying to achieve this desired effect. One: does what you're distributing really have significant value to a large group of people? If the answer is no, you are not going to see the results that some of the legends of the Internet have achieved using this method. An example might be Mozilla Firefox or Netscape.

The second thing you have to consider as it relates specifically to article marketing is: do your articles meet some of the minimum specifications that are usually required by publishers that reuse articles? Let's use this article as an example. This article is good for distribution to article directories, and will be used by a few people, but it simply is not a good candid for getting picked up by ezine publishers.

When an ezine publisher is looking for a feature article, one of the things they are looking for is something that is very well written with some significant substantive information. If it is well written with little or no fluff or hype, they would like this to be between 800 and 1500 words long. That means, even if this article was written perfectly, which I don't expect it is, it will not even be considered by most major ezine publishers.

What you should learn from this is that a significant viral reaction to your work is not going to happen by accident. I admit it is very hard to predict when it will. But, I can assure you that if certain minimum requirements aren't met, you can be sure you are not even in the running. This all relates to knowing what your goal for this particular article is before you write it.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Well after checking over the title of this article I am sure you must have scratched your head and said, "Is it possible to get my website recognized globally?" Well let me tell you this "Yes" this is possible. Article submission is a great way to get your website recognized in Google as well as in other search engines. It's not just about writing effective and appealing articles. However it is the way you showcase these articles to the world with the link back of your website.

If you feel I am speaking something logical then you better check out the following importance of Article submissions services.

Article submission is basically posting your article to different article directories with the link pointing back at your website. Different article submissions sites have different format for posting articles. One of the popular article directory on the web is Every article directory requires you to register and signup with an Author name. Likewise you not only get an opportunity to post an article to these article submission sites but also get yourself the credit for the article. One of the most important purposes of posting an article in the article submission sites is the resource box wherein you can speak about yourself as the author and most importantly leave a link of your website. Article submission is the best way to increase the back links of your website. So basically the more article directories you submit your article to the more back links you will have for your website.

There is no doubt that article submission can be a bit time consuming and a boring process considering the hundreds of article submission sits you have to post your article. If you too fall in a similar category then you better switch over to an SEO firm that will offer you effective article distribution services. There are thousands of SEO firm out there who offer such types of services on the web. A proper research can help you find a firm that will help you distribute your articles to different article directories.

Isabel is the author of this article on Article submission service. He has been a professional writer and currently handles an SEO Firm. Find more informatoin about his website at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

At this very minute you're actually looking at the best free website promotion tools available. It's articles.

Writing articles is a brilliant FREE way to attract highly targeted visitors to your site. It is also a great way to gain high Page Ranked backlinks, which the search engines love and need to see in order for you to one day get Page Rank yourself.

To me, free website promotion tools should obviously cost nothing, but unlike other marketing methods that come with no price tag, article writing and article marketing (done perfectly) is a tremendously EFFECTIVE way of doing business.

Think about it. You write an article. Free.

You send it to article directories. Free.

It being in those article directories gets you one way back links. Free.

And your article has the potential to be picked up by webmasters across the globe and put into their ezines and possibly shown to an audience of millions. Free.

All this with free website promotion tools THAT work like crazy.

Now in your quest to find the FULL list of these free website promotion tools, you will be tempted by many other marketing options. By all means check each and every one of them out. (But only the free ones!) Give yourself some time to see what works and what doesn't. As you're doing so...write one article. One. And submit it here.

By writing that one article, and by making sure you put your keyword in the title. And by making sure you also put that keyword in the article two times or three times (no more than that) your little 250 words article will get you a GUARANTEED HIGH PR BACK LINK...for free and has the POTENTIAL of bringing you a huge audience...for free.

My overall opinion is this: you have to put articles into your free website promotion tools toolbox! You just have to!

To learn exactly how you can harness the awesome power of article marketing, visit

And if you'd like to read the reviews of the internet programs that have allowed me to work online FULL TIME from home, visit

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Each and every month new and different ways of making money online are coming to the fore front. One surefire to profit from the Net is through article writing. There are no great mysteries to profitable article marketing. However, when it does come to profitable article marketing, there are 6 quick steps that you should keep in mind to get you started.

1. When embarking on a course that you hope will lead you to profitable article marketing, you need to know the subjects with which you will be dealing with. It is important to become an expert on the subject in which you are writing.

2. In undertaking profitable article marketing, you need to identify those markets that will be most interested in purchasing your articles.

3. Profitable article marketing depends to a great degree on quality control. You will want to make certain that your articles are of good value and well done.

4. As with any other business, when it comes to profitable article marketing, you will want to come up with a marketing a promotions plan.

5. When involved in profitable article marketing you need to be very proactive in protecting your copyright interest in the articles you are marketing.

6. You will always want to make certain that you have a fresh batch of articles for sale on hot topics at all times. You can't sell what you don't have. And if you are not selling your articles, you are not making money.

You now have the information. Sit down and start writing.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Are you currently using article marketing as promotional tool but can't seem to get the result you were hoping for? These 5 advanced methods will help you succeed in this amazing marketing tool:

1. Improve your titles. Too often, articles that are left unread have lousy titles. Which is why they are unable to stir attention from online users? Make your titles intriguing, powerful, and attention-grabbing. Utilize words that are thought-provoking or target human emotions so you can entice people to discover what you have to offer. Lastly, your titles must summarize the content of your articles and must communicate the benefits it can offer to anyone who reads them.

2. Make your articles content-rich. Strive to give your readers useful, detailed, and complete information so they will find your articles worth reading. Spill in some trade secrets or information that are rarely discussed online to give your readers something that is really of value.

3. Keep your articles short. People can get easily turn off with lengthy articles because they appear boring and they usually take a lot of time. Keep your articles short, scannable, and direct to the point so you can communicate the information you have to your readers without wasting their time.

4. Improve your resource box. If you are unable to convert readers to potential clients, chances are, your resource box is not well-written. Make it more enticing, bold, and intriguing to increase your click through rate. You can also offer incentives such as free ebooks or discounts to further entice your readers to visit your website.

5. Write and submit more. Obtain more inbound links for your website by consistently writing and submitting articles on a regular basis. This will not only drive more traffic to your site but it will also strengthen your online presence.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.