Sunday, June 8, 2008

How To Get 900 Or More Views For Your Article At Article Directories

One of the hardest things about article marketing is trying to get your articles seen by people. Often, you'll find your work not receiving the leverage they deserve. You might spend an hour writing a good article, only to have it receiving less than 10 views.

Personally, I've written articles which have received 700-900 views or more. I know article marketers who have written articles which have received more than 10,000 views. There are certain tricks and techniques to getting such high traffic to your content.

The most important thing, arguably, is your keyword density and also keyword positioning. It's argued that you should have your main keyword in the first 3-4 words of your title. It's also best to include your main keyword 2 times in your title.

Your description should also include your main keyword phrases and your body copy should have a keyword density of 3-5% for maximum results. By making your article keyword rich (but not too rich that it is deemed unacceptable by article directories), your article stands a higher chance of ranking well on the search engines, and hence getting boatloads of free residual traffic.

Another trick that some article marketers use is to cross-link their articles to each other. In the resource box of one article, they might link to another article (as well as to their website) and vice-versa. This increases the leverage of your work just by adding a few more simple lines.

So if you want to receive a ton of traffic, start implementing these tricks and tactics today!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Internet Marketing - How to Market to Your Niche?

What is a niche and why is it really that vital for the internet marketers? There is also what is called the niche market. What is it then? The niche market is basically the term used to refer to some particular group of people who are indeed in search for the solutions to their problems by using the internet as their last resource. Generally, the niche market is going for general solutions and their high demands for these things do not get equated with the low supply that they get. Now internet marketers should be well abreast with these demands so that they know which niche market to target and in which areas should they be mastering and investing. Internet marketers need to become vigilant so that they would be able to pique the interests of the potential consumers who need your services.

The niche market is somewhat a big group. Typically, they come as one large social or regional group and they are in search for a solution to their ordeals. Some of those niche markets involve people who are finding ways to play golf correctly, train their pet parrots, and many others. So how do you market to your niche?

One of your best options is to make use of the free software that is otherwise known as the Wordtracker. Your typed in keywords would let you retrieve the related information. The results that you get would lead you to the prediction of how many competitor sites you would be having to deal with and how big your prospect customers could be. After which, you could now study which of them would you rather target.

Another good option that you may resort to is to log in to the discussion forums and then assess the problems commonly presented by the people. From the forum, you would be successful in gathering useful data and that would help you concentrate on one particular niche and then make money out of it.

Most likely, the people get interested in the products that you offer them and if you succeed in tickling their bones, you get the profit that you die to have. Hence, if you could come up with several niches and learn to market them accordingly, you would become one of the top notch internet marketers of all time.

While most businesses focus on varying interests by means of catering to a wide range of products and become hosts to the diversified services, they in fact owe it to their being skilled in selecting a good niche market. What other internet marketers fail to understand is the importance of being wise in the selection of the niche market since it could easily determine success in the business. The key factors in selecting the niche market and marketing to your niche fall under several categories. If you do not let the customers know of your existence, you would get nowhere at all.

Here are some pertinent advices that you could take a look at and consider when you intend to do well in marketing to your niche.

Pick out wisely. This is one easy yet crucial step in selecting a niche market. It is often better said than done as what most internet marketers would attest to. The truth is that it is really hard to pinpoint as to which niche would boom and which would not. You only need to exercise your common sense. And then start changing the course of your success. Always watch out for the presence of competition therein.

Pick out something that you have your heart at. Do not sell on something that you are not even slightly interested in. How could you sound convincing when in fact you cannot convince yourself that you really want to have that niche.

Do the marketing. Reach out to your customers. They are the ones who would be giving the life and blood to your business so you must reach out to them wherever they are. One good thing with internet marketing is that you could get in touch with several people no matter where they are in the world. Marketing to your niche means targeting them directly while aiming at their interests, demands, and needs.

Choosing the niche properly and the strategy to be employed are both fun and exciting. Your campaigns are as well to become fruitful only if you know how to handle well the business.

For more information on internet marketing, please visit:

Squeeze Page Profits - How To Build Your List If You Are On A Shoestring Budget?

Many Internet marketing newbies start their online adventure on a budget, and although pay per click advertising is one of the best ways to quickly build a list of subscribers ready to buy whatever you have to offer, thy can't afford it.

What is the best and fastest way to build your list if you are on a budget?

Submit articles to the best articles submission sites. It's very effective. It's the very fist thing I did when I started online in early 2006, and although I thought it wouldn't work at this time, I am still relying on this form of traffic.

To be honest I got slapped by Google when I tried pay per click advertising, that;s why I decided to come back to article marketing.

And you know what? I am really happy that the big "G" slapped me because article marketing is building my list of subscribers on autopilot for me.

Article syndication has many advantages and here are some of them:

1. It's a one time work.

Once you submitted your article, you don't need to do anything else. In fact, other webmasters will do the work for you. They will pick your article and promote it for you.

Here is how it works.

Many ezine owners and AdSense site publishers are desperately searching for new content everyday. If you are article is good, they will add it to their website or send it to their list.

Imagine for a moment that a webmaster owns a high page rank site that get a thousands of monthly visitors? Imagine that a hundreds of websites add your article to their website?

It works like crazy. Just be sure to add a resource box with a link to your squeeze page to capture email addresses and follow up with your promotional offers.

Franck Silvestre creator of the FREE Affiliate Marketing Course earns thousands of dollars every single year. His own methods have increased traffic to his website by more than 467%! If you want to boost your website traffic and sales, download his amazing report today. Visit his website at:

Basic Internet Marketing Strategies

Marketing is the whole process of delivering, distributing and selling your product. In marketing you have to find out what are the customers needs. Marketing is about finding new customers and marketing in the real world is completely the same like in home based business.

If you run a home based business, you need to know how to market your product, service and business opportunity, because getting traffic and finding new customers is the most important thing. Without good traffic you won't make those sales or you won't find people who would like to join your network marketing opportunity. Now lets talk about basic five ways of internet marketing which should be used by everyone.

The first way is to use Blogs. Start blogging about your product, network marketing opportunity, your home based business, your Google AdWords campaigns and so on. Blogs are free to use and they can really can boost up your business. Give it a go, try if it works.

The second way is to use forums on the internet. Whatever your niche is, there will be always a forum for your niche market and you can start posting in that forum, sharing your knowledge and experiences with others. People would start to recognize you and they would like to know more about you. This is why you should put your website on the forum signature, so that people could come directly to your website.

The third strategy is to use your friend lists of your MySpace, MSN messengers and so on. Probably you have got more than twenty, thirty, fifty friends. So why you should avoid to advertise to them? Tell all of them about your business opportunity, introduce them to your business and give them a hand if they need. You could even ask them to help you advertise your website to their friends.

The fourth strategy is to use emails correctly. When ever you send your email, add your link in the end of the text. Yes, let people know about your business and I bet at least 20% of your emails will attract new customers.

The fifth strategy is to advertise in real world. There are many companies which make leaflets or posters very cheap. You could make about a thousand leaflets, put a description of your business opportunity and your website link on your leaflet and you could deliver them around your neighborhood. You shouldn't avoid this advertising opportunity, because it is cheap and you can find a lot of potential customers.

Now you have got a clear view of what are the basic ways of marketing.

Robertas Domarkas is a seventeen year old, successful internet marketer. Visit his personal blog to find other great internet marketing techniques ant tips

Internet Marketing Training Program - How to Choose the Right Program

Are you one of those who aspire to earn money online on a consistent basis? Internet marketing provides huge opportunities to earn income online and many people have been eager to jump on this money-making bandwagon. However, not many people realize that to be successful in making money online requires proper learning and business planning. Many aspiring internet marketers have been taken in by the countless online promotions and advertisements that promise quick money in the quickest time possible. However, they also fail to realize that they are quickly losing their money in purchasing and investing in many over-hype products that sorely under-deliver. With so many over-hyped and under-performing products online, how then do you choose the right internet marketing training program and start making that first elusive dollar online?

Here are some quick tips which you can use to help you choose an internet marketing training program that delivers. The key thing here is to do a proper research.

1) Read up reviews online and see what people are saying. Look for balanced reviews and comments. Bear in mind that some reviews are written in such a way that blatantly promotes certain products. It is always good to read multiple reviews to have an informed and balanced perspective.

2) Check out internet marketing forums. These are one of the best places to read candid comments about the online purchases people have made. Forum members usually have bought and used certain products, and thus are in a good position to tell you how good or lousy these are.

3) If a website promises overnight riches, chances are, it will under-deliver and you will be sorely disappointed if you choose to purchase the product.

4) Look for a membership program that provides you with well-grounded instructions and continuing support for your online marketing efforts. It is important to know that having the proper knowledge, in addition to the desire to succeed, is crucial to making money online successfully. If a program offers one-on-one coaching and support, that will be a true gem. Many programs on the market promise that you will make money online, but never provide the help and support when you need it most.

5) Tools and resources are critical to an internet marketer's arsenal. Examine what the product has to offer. For example, a website builder, website hosting, keyword research and analytic tools, all provided in an integrated portal, will be extremely useful in building up an online marketing campaign. A well-supported members-only forum, if it is part of the package, will be a truly valuable resource to share ideas and obtain advice from members.

Forget about websites that promise you fast money with minimal effort. Invest your time and effort in an internet marketing training program that delivers, by following the above tips. If you get your online marketing basics right, you will be well on your way to lifetime financial success. Imagine what this could do to your financial security and independence.

Wealthy Affiliate is my recommended online resource to speed up your learning curve in internet marketing. Visit my website at and learn how with Wealthy Affiliate, you can earn your first dollar online. Thousands are already earning money online with Wealthy Affiliate. Why wait? Get inspired by Wealthy Affiliate and start earning online now.

Sizzling Article Marketing - 4 Mind-Blowing Tactics To Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them.

Here are 4 mind-blowing tactics to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Let's say you have an affiliate product to sell pet products. Hopefully you have a lead capture page (homepage) setup to capture a customer's email address by offering a free report and free e-course about a topic related to pets. If not just remember to move in that direction over time.

2. Now, let's take things one step further and let's assume you want to write an article that you can submit to several article directories (FREE) to get a rush of traffic to your affiliate products, your own products and or your own website.

3. Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them. I'm going to use "get rid of flees" as the actual keyword from my research criteria here. The title is a bit too long but I'm using this example to make a point here. Note the power words used in these examples below.

"Discover 5 Safe And Natural Remedies Guaranteed To Get Rid Of Flees In 5 Days Or Less Using Only Five Basic Ingredients Found Right In Your Pantry -- Plus Save Over $500 A Year On Harmful Pesticides".

Here is another example using these tactics...

"Discover An Amazingly Simple Yet Effective Shortcut To Housebreak Your New Puppy In 7 Days or Less...Spending Only 5 Minutes A Day"!

4. Spend 50% of your efforts on the "TITLE" of your marketing article! This is extremely important. If your title isn't full of benefits for it's readers, chances are the article won't even get read... so spend a lot of time on it!

I have dozens of articles from when I first started writing that need to be edited because they have boring titles. I had no idea of what I was doing a few years ago. I was so focused on the keyword aspects of the article titles. This is not wise to do.

You need to find a way to make each and every article title "Grab You By The Arm" as if saying, "Hey Look At Me Now and Read Me Now!"

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at:

Article Profits - How To Make Giant Leaps In Your Article Earnings

Maybe you've tried this business model called 'Article Marketing' before. But your 'return on investment' wasn't what was expected. I was recently reading a thread on an Internet marketing forum about a guy who wrote almost a thousand articles but only saw $80 in profit per month on average. That's a terrible return no doubt, but there's some things he's probably doing wrong. In fact, it is fair to say he might be doing almost everything wrong!

Running a business is like coaching a football team. All the components must be place. If one of your 'players' (or components) is having a bad time of it, then the whole team will fall apart. It only takes one bad player to lose a game.

If there's something you are doing wrong with your article marketing efforts, then that is probably the answer to why you are not making the income you should be making.

Here's some possible reasons:

1. You submit to the wrong directories. There are two kinds of submission strategies: submitting to the most popular directories, or to hundreds of directories to build backlinks. The former is enough to earn a substantial income from article marketing.

2. You write poor articles. Be honest with yourself; are your articles up to scratch? Do you write compelling titles that invite click throughs? Is your article informative or 'run off the mill'?

3. You have a poor resource box. Your resource box is the gateway to your website that visitors are going to see. Is it benefit-driven rather than self-focused? Does it focus on the benefits of the reader, rather than your own achievements?

Answer these questions, find out where you are going wrong, and your income might just go up a few notches.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing 5 Steps to Easy Article Marketing

Article marketing might seem hard when you first think about it, but once you have written and submitted a number of articles, it does get easier. Follow these simple steps to help you get started, quickly and easily.

1) Narrow down your web site topics and perhaps make a list of them. When you are trying to write articles, sometimes it is easy to feel like you do not have anything to write about. One easy way to counteract that is to write a list of 10-20 things that you can write about main topics. Then, write a list of questions that can be asked about your topic. Once you have those lists, you now have a large number of mini-topics you can use to write articles about. Just answer each one of the topics in an article you should never run out of fresh ideas using this method!

2) Write the article. Use a structure similar to this one for your first few articles. Just write out a few main points that can answer the article questions. Then for your introductory paragraph, write an introductory sentence and then summarize the main points. For your conclusion, the same idea holds just summarize everything, and perhaps give an action point something your reader can do that will be helpful to him.

3) Add your link to your web page to the end of the article. Offer an incentive, such as a free ebook, to get them to visit your web site.

4) Go to a search engine and find a list of article directories that are accepting submissions.

5) Submit your articles to the article directories.

Although that list is quite brief and short, if you literally do each of the things in those steps, you are well on the road to article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 500 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.