Saturday, June 21, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Link popularity has been written about ad nauseum, but most articles address the subject from a perspective circa 2001. The available information usually focuses on topics such as reciprocal linking or the current price of a PR6 link. But following outdated link building advice is more likely to get your Web site penalized than it is to help you gain top rankings.

Googles increasingly sophisticated algorithm has largely caught on to PageRank brokers and has successfully filtered out the benefits of many bought links, as well as those of reciprocal links. The risk of obtaining these types of links is even greater for a new site, as detection of an unnatural link structure has recently gotten many sites sandboxed to the bottom of the SERPs. For this reason, a link popularity campaign must be conducted carefully and yield relevant, natural links.

The methods described in this article will give your Web site backlinks that fit the following criteria, which are important for keeping a site out of the sandbox:

  1. The link is on a Web page that is hosted on a unique IP address.

  2. The link is on a Web page that itself has a unique, wholly independent set of backlinks.

  3. The link is on a Web page that is at least loosely relevant to your Web sites topic.

  4. The link is created within a week.

Numbers 1-3 are important so that your Web sites new backlinks are independent and natural, and do not trip a filter in the search engine algorithm; number 4 ensures that you can move on to more advanced link building tactics before your competition gets further ahead.


Directories have always been cited as a basic starting point for a link popularity campaign. Listings in the Open Directory Project and the Yahoo! Directory ensure that a site will be spidered and indexed quickly and also provide a reputable backlink. In the past few years however many general and niche directories have sprung up, most charging a yearly or one-time fee to be listed. Webmasters have questioned the ROI from being listed in these second-tier directories, as most provide little traffic and charge 10-50 USD per listing.

But listings in these directories provide important link popularity benefits for a Web site. A link from a directory fits the four criteria we laid out aboveeach of these directories has a unique set of backlinks and is hosted on a unique IP, the sites URL will be placed on a topical page, and all of the directories review and add new submissions within a week. With directory listings alone, a new Web site can gain a few dozen quality backlinks for under 1000 USD (not counting Yahoo!). Aaron Wall of SEO Book has provided a good list of directories at

Press Releases

Press Releases provide an opportunity to announce your Web site, and just as importantly, provide a backlink to your Web site from a relevant page (it had better be relevantafter all, its an article about your Web site!). A press release should be well-written and submitted to multiple newswires. In less than a week, it will be published on its own Web page by each newswire and possibly by the newswires syndication partners as well. The writer should be sure to include a link in the body of the press release in format. Again, these backlinks meet the four criteria we laid out above. Newswires usually charge a fee to publish a press release, although a few offer this service for free. You can view the Open Directory Projects category of press release services at!Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Promotion/Press_Release_Services/.


Another great method for gaining quality backlinks, as well as publicity, is to write and publish a helpful article. The author can write a relevant, informative piece on your Web sites subject, which of course includes a link to your Web site in format. General how-to sites (and often, news sites in your particular niche) accept article submissions and will often reprint a relevant, well-written piece. Its free content for them, and a backlink for youa win-win situation. The author of THIS article swears by this method, and once again notes that it fits all four of our criteria for a timely and quality backlink. Aaron Wall of SEO Book has provided a list of Web sites that accept article submissions at

Just Say No

Although it may be tempting, you should stay away from reciprocal linking, except in the rare case where the link is relevant and helpful to your visitors. Likewise, you should avoid renting links from link brokers or networks; the links they sell are usually filtered by Google. These two types of links will have a minimal impact on your search engine rankings anyway and may even get your Web site sandboxed.

Instead, seek quality one-way inbound links by the methods described in this article; if you have exhausted these tactics, or if you have run out of money, you can always beg for links from relevant Web sites. If your site contains quality, original content, you may not even need to beg!


The success of a search engine optimization campaign depends greatly upon link popularity. Getting a Web site listed in directories, distributing press releases and submitting articles for syndication are three ways to gain a slew of legitimate backlinks from unique IPs relatively quickly. This will keep the site out of the sandbox and give any SEO campaign a sound link structure to build upon.

About The Author

Andy Hagans is a search engine optimization consultant who specializes in link building and risk management. Visit for more information.

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The Google sandbox is like an enemy worth loving. As a webmaster/ SEO do you have any other option? If you want to generate traffic, you just cant ignore Google!

But first the primeval question. Does the Google sandbox really exist? The answer to this question is tricky at most times; there are conflicting opinions and no straight answers.

The majority opinion: Google sandbox definitely exists

The minority opinion: Many search engines veterans firmly believe that the sandbox theory is a figment of imagination from the Black Hat SEO

However, the exact positioning is somewhere in-between the YES and NO of the Google sandbox theory. Thats because there are strong indicators towards both the ends.

The YES Google sandbox exists theory

Proponents of this theory point out the fact that any new website (with a newly registered domain name) gets listed on Google after a delay of around six months, although the same website starts showing up on other search engines almost instantly The question they ask is why?

What gives more credence to this theory is the fact that many purely White Hat SEOs have admitted that they too have faced this problem. So, the moot point here is if you are doing everything in a purely ethical manner, why isnt your website showing up on Google? The answers to these questions are hard to come by, albeit they form the foundation of the NO theory.

The NO Google sandbox doesnt exist theory

Many of those who advocate this theory are in fact industry veterans, having years of experience in dealing with the search engines. The major points they have put forth against the sandbox theory pertains to the reasons why the websites dont show-up on Google and they are:

  • Application of unethical techniques like
    • Reverse engineering of the search engine algorithms, trying to find the errors in it and then exploiting it for their own cause.
    • Link farming
    • Creation of duplicate content
    • Keyword stuffing
  • Lack of knowledge up-gradation: Search engine algorithms change quite often and thats why the techniques to be employed need constant fine tuning. To be successful as an SEO, you need to intricately understand the changing algorithms and its significance. But, what most SEOs do is; believe in what they do and when the results dont come-up to the expected levels, they blame the Google sandbox.
In short, the Google sandbox theory is portrayed as a way employed by less competitive SEOs to cover up their in-competencies.

There seems to be truth on both ends, but our focus should be on the ways to get the website listed as soon as possible and to that end it's pertinent to note here that all is not lost as there are certain ways by which you can minimize the sandbox effect.

To be continued in part 2.

About The Author

Search Engine marketing expert, Tarun Gupta is one of the most prolific writers in the internet marketing domain with his articles being published in numerous websites and newsletters. He is the founder and director of web development and SEO Services Company =>

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is one of the very best ways that you can market your business. The main advantage over many other advertising methods is that the leads convert up to 10 times better than other sources and it is also free.

In this article I would like to go over the basics that you need to do to succeed. Article marketing is very time intensive and if you do not spend time writing for a few hours a day then I suggest that you use another method of promoting your website.

Here is the formula that I use to achieve success promoting my business using this method. This works for me and there is a good chance that it will work for you to.

The most important part is to have a killer title that grabs attention. I have extensively tested this. Articles with boring titles seldom create much of an impact for good results. The other important factor that you need to consider is choosing your keywords correctly and including it in the title. If you do not do this you will get traffic from the directory that you submit to, but not from search engines where people are searching for information.

The next important part is to help your reader. You need to share information first that will help them. If you give first you are more likely to receive. If you share a slice of your expertise there is a much greater chance that your reader will join your newsletter and become a paid customer.

Finally, make sure that you have your unique selling proposition in your resource box. This will be your 30 second elevator pitch that will make your reader want to click through to your website.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Here's your chance to discover how to write hypnotizing conclusions and resource boxes for your articles that increase your clickthrough rates through the roof. In this article, we are going to look at these two important components of an Internet article and how to fully utilize them for maximum effectiveness.

Your conclusion can be comprised of one of two things: a summary of your article, or some additional insight that will end your article with a bang, so to speak. Your summary can simply be just a few sentences stating the important points of your main copy and what the reader should do next. Always provide a call-to-action at the end of your article by telling him to take action on the points you have discussed or by clicking through to your website to find out more. You should always get your reader to take action on the techniques discussed in your article. Otherwise the article is no good for anyone.

For your resource box, you want to do the same thing - get your readers to take action. Usually, this means clicking through to your website. You won't get many clickthroughs simply giving them a link to click on at the end of the article. You must get your readers to act by writing a compelling call-to-action.

For example, in the golf niche, I might write:

"Discover How A Golfing Newbie Embarrassed Experienced Pros In The Space Of A Year Using These Covert Golf Techniques!" Click Here To Receive Your Free Report In Your Email Inbox

You must write something out of the ordinary to get the interest and attention of your readers. However, don't lie about stuff. Keep it honest yet interesting and many people will click through to your link to see your offer.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing service is what you need to market your articles. Article marketing is important for you as a money-making netizen as well as for any business. Article marketing helps in building a customer base and traffic to your website as well as helps to increase your overall business brand.

Article marketing services provided by different websites and directories are available all over the Internet. Article marketing net will spread your articles to more and more websites and directories around the world.

Advertising article marketing will help you to spread your ads among your target audience. It will ensure that you get the maximum output from your advertising effort at the lowest cost.

What type of articles should you write or have written to promote through article marketing services?

Write niche marketing articles, which are necessary to attract customers from different niches to your website. These niche marketing articles are the base for improved, efficient, and effective niche marketing strategies.

Article marketing web sites are necessary for you to send your articles across the Internet to different audiences and different target markets. They will help you to spread your articles among your prospects.

Internet marketing articles for small business can help other small business owners. Many of them are not aware of the power of internet marketing today. Many of them do not know how to do it. Internet marketing articles for small business will immensely help them.

Only original articles should be used for article marketing. Infringement of copyright or plagiarism will destroy your reputation and will land you in legal problems. Websites that market articles publish original articles only. So, use only original articles for this purpose.

Also write marketing strategy articles, strategic marketing articles, internet marketing articles and other articles which will help other people. Such articles are mostly encouraged by the article marketing services. Then only, you can have a loyal reader base which may convert to your loyal customer base. After all, it is an immutable law of the universe that in giving we open the door to receive.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just visit

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the biggest mistakes when I first started marketing online was that I did not build a list. If I had first done this I would have been earning a lot more online. I am sure that you must see many affiliates that send all their traffic to a sales page.

Whatever traffic you get it is so important to build a list. Even if you marketing using Adsense every time that you send an email you will get more traffic to your website pages and more people will click on your adverts. With affiliate marketing you should build your own business and send all your traffic to a squeeze page so that you can capture the email addresses.

In this article I would like to go over some of the core things that you need to do to be successful with list building.

You need to have a high converting squeeze page. When I first started out online I really struggled to make a squeeze page that converted very well. Basically, your squeeze page is a killer headline with some bullet points that will push the hot buttons of your prospect. If you push it correctly they will subscribe to your offer. This varies with different traffic sources. For example if you generate traffic from traffic exchanges then you need to have a splash page. This is a page that will get their attention. Similarly, if you are marketing with articles you will have a different type of squeeze page that you use.

One of the most important parts of list building is return on investment. You need to choose the method that produces the best results and focus on this. Once you are getting good results choose another method. You may end up with 10 different methods to build a list. If each produces 5 subscribers a day then you will build your list by 50 subscribers a day.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

These days, trying to improve your website search engine ranking can be a long and frustrating nightmare. Being a search engine optimisation specialist and having established my own business, many clients seem to be confused about the long process of how to build website presence in the search engines. Having built my own site from scratch and having struggled to get the desired ranks, one thing is for sure, it does take time.

Many seem to believe that link building will get you the desired ranks in no time. That is quiet wrong. Whilst there is a lot of talk about link building, many seem to forget the basics of website optimisation (content, coding and tags). Search engines like Yahoo! place strong emphasis on these basics whilst Google may favor factors outside our control such as link popularity. So how do we satisfy all search engines?

Notes are as follows:

1. Focus on the things that can be done at your end. This includes:
- Writing efficient code with as much scripting placed into external files.
- Select targeted keywords that do not have a large number or competing pages so that you have more chance to win position for them.
- Write keyword rich content.
- Have Title and Meta tags that are keyword rich and reflect what is written for a page.

2. Directory submissions are a key factor. Some may charge a price for inclusion whilst others may not. It is highly recommended that directory submissions are made simply because a human editor will look at your site, which in turn gives you more points with the search engines.

3. One of the most difficult points to fulfill is link building. If you have a site that offers useful information and services, in time it will generate the required links. There are other ways to speed the process such as writing articles and posting them on certain websites. However, the key factor to link building is not to obtain irrelevant links. This will simply be regarded as spamming and could result in negative consequences.

4. Lastly, the most important point, PATIENCE.

To recap, provided you follow the basic steps and have the patience, your site will climb up the ranks steadily. Link building will help improve your ranks but be careful because it can also harm your visibility if used in the wrong way i.e. obtaining too many links from non-related websites.

About the Author: David Touri is a search engine optimisation specialist working for SEO Sydney. He has worked on many projects and offers ethical search engine optimisation services to companies in Australia. For further information, please visit