Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Keywords and Keyword Phrases

KeyWords and KeyWord Phrases are words that people will type into a search engine that YOU or YOUR PRODUCT is the answer to. When people type "Body Language", Kevin Hogan wants to be the answer, but his site only appears at the bottom of a 100 entry list. There are over 2.1 million entries for "Body Language" (and 1.5 billion for 'internet'). When someone enters SEO Copywriting, there are hundreds of people that want to be in the top 10, but there are only 10 sites listed.

In the beginning, keywords were not visible to the reader; they were only in the HTML script. Then people realized that in the algorithm the quantity of keywords counted. Because of this you would have pages with white text on a white background, the same word added as a comment in the HTML text (so only the spider could see it) or the same word written 300 times at the bottom of the page. These words were for the search engine spiders.

Today the tricks listed above not only don't work; in fact the opposite - they would get your site banned from the search engines because the algorithm has changed. Today the search engines want your keywords to be used logically and where they fit. Each page should have a title (you would be surprised how many sites have all of their pages untitled). Since you are able to use a title, and each page has a KeyWord, use that KeyWord as the page title.

The "Body Language" page from Kevin Hogans's site has this title string - </b>Body Language: Reading, Interpreting, Decoding and Understanding Nonverbal Communication and Body Language Analysis<b>. Not only does he use "Body Language" twice, he uses other words people may use to search for this topic; "Reading Body Language", "Decoding Body Language" and "Body Language Analysis".

After a user searches on a set of keywords on her search engine of choice, she is presented with a page called the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) which has sponsored links (at the top of the page and to the right) and a main section of the page with the listing that are found based on the algorithm used. This set of listing is called the organic or natural listings. Organic search engine optimization (this training) is about increasing the number of times the search engines spider your site, moving your site higher on the SERP, both of which should help increase the amount of visitors that your site gets.

This is achieved by getting more documents indexed on the search engine and by attaining a higher position in the organic results. The problem for many marketers and traditional advertising agencies lies in the technical nature of search engines and the difficulty in understanding the underlying algorithms that produce the rankings for particular keyword searches.

The most popular search engine is Google which accounts for the greatest number of search requests. This is not to say that other search engines are not important nor anything about the different algorithm's being used. Google's success has ensured that many search engines are moving in the same direction and since Google has filed their search patent we do not have to rely on as much guesswork.

Importantly, Google ensures that there is a level of feedback from users through the Google toolbar that enables Google to refine their search results over time. Also, a significant part of Google's algorithm is to protect its search engine against search SPAM which is the use of techniques to improve a site's rankings normally through the artificial creation of links, so we have outlined the main areas to watch out for. Since keywords are so important in SEO it is heavily recommended you get a keyword tool such as Keyword Expert or SEO Elite. This will save time and guess work, and will increase your SEO results.

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See my new "Ethical SEO" site http://whitehatseo-marketingpro.blogspot.com

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Responsive Secrets to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered as the ultimate income-generator in the internet today. It has made a lot of marketers richer by just writing and submitting their articles online. If you want to be one of them, you need to make sure that your articles and your marketing techniques can create an impact online. Here's how:

1. Keep your articles focused. By this, I mean making sure that all the ideas you present on your content are all related to your topic and are able to help your readers better understand your points. You can easily do this by preparing an outline before you write your content. List down all the ideas and information that you think will be useful to your readers and arrange them properly so you can present them in a logical manner. This will make your articles flow smoothly and sound highly organized.

2. Distribute your articles to submission sites. Submit your articles to leading publishing sites. To increase the chances of your articles being accepted, make sure that you follow all the guidelines set by publishers.

3. Proofread and solicit feedback. Check your articles for possible grammar and spelling errors. Also make sure that all the information you present on you articles are fact-based so you won't mislead your readers. It would also greatly help if you can show your articles to small group within you target market to make sure that your content is targeted to their needs.

4. Know how to create killer resource box. You main objective in writing your articles is to convert your readers to potential clients so you can augment your sales leads. That can only happen if your resource box is powerful enough to move your readers to take action. Keep it short, direct to the point, enticing, and appealing by communicating the benefits that awaits your online visitors or by offering freebies.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Latest 3 Easy Steps to Jump Start Your Article Marketing

The internet has grown to be a competitive field for most ebusiness owners. With hundreds of websites being registered everyday, the competition gets stiffer by the minute. That is why, webmasters are constantly looking for ways on how they can beat the competition and stand out from the rest.

One of the best ways to get ahead of the pack these days is by utilizing a marketing method that will not only increase your page views but will also pull up your search engine ranking. You also need a content-based marketing solution that will help you communicate your expertise to your target market so you can effectively gain their trust that can lead to long term business relationship.

These and more can be achieved by using one powerful marketing technique - article marketing. The easy steps below will help you get started with this amazing marketing method:

1. Strive to give your readers original content. Write articles that are unique and offer fresh information that cannot be found elsewhere. Avoid copying other's work as this can easily tarnish your online reputation and can pose a great threat to your expert status online.

2. Be productive. Try to write more articles without sacrificing their quality. Remember, the quantity of your submission is one of the contributing factors that can make your article marketing a success. Spend more time writing or write about topics that are quicker to write. You can also opt to hire ghostwriters who can provide you with great articles for reasonable prices.

3. Eliminate sales pitches on your content. I know you are eager to let the world know how great your product is. However, your articles are not the best avenues for blatant advertisements. Save your sales pitches on your resource box and focus on giving your readers useful content on your article contents.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How To Get Indexed In Google Search Fast Without Submitting To Google

Most new websites think that the only way to get indexed into Google search or any search engine is to submit there website.

Once a webmaster goes and submits there website into search engines their site normally will be placed on hold. Google calls this the Sand Box affect. This can take months before your website shows in search index.

Do you have months to wait and see if your website shows in Search Engines?

If your answer is no than I have a 4 step easy process that will get your website into Google Search index in some times less than a week and you never submit it to Google.

Read on to find out how.

1) The first thing you want to do is forget about submitting your site directly to the big engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo. This is the old, slow way.

2) Now the next thing you want to do is look online for free online directories and websites to submit your site to. Just type Free Search Engine Friendly Directory List into your favorite search engine. This should give you a good number of websites to start with.

3) Once you have found a list of free directories you can start submitting or suggesting your website. Be sure to place your website into the proper related categories. Try to look for directories that have a page rank of at least 2 to 3 to submit to first. They hold a bit more weight with Google Search than a 0 to 1 page rank sites.

4) Be sure to use a text link with your keyword phrases when submitting rather than just your URL. This will help search engines determine what keywords to index your website under.

Thats it. It is that simple. Google Search and other search engines will find your website link while crawling websites and directories already indexed. Search engines look at this a vote for your site. Because most directories are human edited and if your link has been approved, engines like Google Search realize that your website must have some value.

Note: Not all directories will approve your site submission so you want to continue to find new link possibilities as this is also an excellent way to build link popularity.

Search Engines are always looking to supply new, fresh valued content websites to their update index, increasing the quality of their query results.

There are other things you can do to create links to your website like forum marketing, article submission and press releases but submitting your website to directories works just as well and free directories are all over the net.

This article was written by Wayne Hagerty certified Search Engine Internet Marketing professional with years of SEO experience. Discover how to increase traffic to your website. FREE Internet marketing news, and more. Succeed online, visit us today at: http://www.pixseo.com

Ways To Use Articles To Expand Your Online Business

So you created or have hired someone to create some articles. Did you know there are several ways you can benefit from these articles not just one or two ways?

First of all you can submit each article to article directories to get one way links. Even if you are not doing search engine optimization, you will still get benefit by doing article submission. You receive traffic as well.

Second you can put these articles on your website or blog. Create a new page for each article. Content is king on the Internet.

You can contact webmasters which have websites or blogs in your niche and tell them you wish to swap articles or contribute your articles to their blog. Both blogger and wordpress platforms allow you to add authors on your blog. So these webmasters can add you as an author and you can post your articles to their blogs whenever you wish.

Swapping articles means you post the webmasters articles on your blog or website and they put your articles on theirs. This has two benefits. Content and backlinks. Both help search engine rankings. Article exchanges are better than link exchanges, even though they are more difficult to do.

You can visit internet business related forums. See if they have a section where you can trade, swap or exchange links and private message users to ask them for an article exchange. You can also use this technique and contact webmasters asking them to become an author for their blog.

When you become an author of another blog, you can link to your own website from within the article, or by creating a bio. A bio is simple few lines of text that either promotes your websites or talks about you. In bio you put a link to your own website. So it is a win win situation. You can backlinks and the webmasters gets free content.

There are other places you can submit your articles like social bookmarking websites. Simple post your articles on your blog, then bookmark these blog posts.

There are several sites that accept stories, but usually approve also articles, not just stories. There are blog carnivals. These are websites that display top blog posts about a particular subject. There are thousands of blog carnivals on any topic, and you simple submit your blog posts that contain articles to these websites.

You can transform your articles into an ebook. You can put several chapters in the ebook, putting each article as a new chapter. You may want to edit it a bit and you have a ready made ebook. It might not be good idea to try and sell it, since the information is also on your blog for free.

But you can give it away for free and build a list. So people have to optin to your list in order to get a free copy of your ebook. You build your list, and they get free ebook. You can then promote products to your list once you build a relationship with them. But if you do not put the articles on your blog you can sell the ebook.

So do not just submit your articles to article directories like everyone else is doing. Be creative and you get more benefits.

Karl Sultanas allows you to get all the backlinks your little hearth desires. That's how to improve SE rankings.

SEO Tips - 3 Steps to SEO Made Easy (Part 1)

"SEO Made Easy". Most of us want our site or blog to rank high in the search results on Search Engines like Google or Yahoo for our chosen keywords. We want lot's of relevant visitors to our site, and we can provide them great value, and ultimately, increase our blog monetization.

It's all about relevance here... We want Google or Yahoo to "decide" what our web page is all about, accurately and relevantly (is that a valid word ;-) ), and return our site as results ON THE 1ST PAGE preferably to users that search the keywords and phrases relevant to our site!

So, let's see how we can improve our SEO... and hopefully, I can make it easy for you. Let's start:

Step #1 - Choose Your Keyword

When we are writing a post, choosing your keyword may look like a simple step, but choosing the right keywords would mean whether your post is on the 1st page in Google or in page 101 or worse appear in the most irrelevant pages. Let's do it right... consider the questions:

How popular are the keywords or phrases?

In other words, how many times do people search for this keyword? Generally, if no one (or very few people) is searching for a keyword, it's not as valuable. We should aim for keywords with a count of above 5000 for the past month. Do not bother about keywords below 5000. You can go to http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion for your keywords.

How competitive are the words?

How many other sites are trying to rank for the same keywords. Generally, the more competition there is for a keyword, the harder it is going to be to rank for it. Let's look for competition less than 5 million and going under 3 million is best due to less competition. Check the number of Google results for the keywords at the top left corner of Google. Results 1 - 10 of about 5,000,000 for means that there are 5 million competing websites with the searched keyword.

It's best if you can find words that are popular with less competition. That is why it pays to spend a lot of time in researching your keywords. You will be surprised at the untapped gems or niches that you may find.

Step #2 - On-Page Optimization

Now you have your keywords, how to optimize them on your blog post or web page?

  1. Page or Post Title This is most important as users look at it to know instantly what a page is about. The title is used in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). If you want a high click-thru rate, try putting together a page title that is CATCHY but at the same time relevant to your post.An example: "Atomic Blogging - The inside and out of atomic blogging." The main keyword is [atomic blogging]. Its a good title because the main keyword is repeated once as the first phrase, and once later in the sentence. Try doubling your keywords and get good results in Google.
  2. Body Text You want to keep paragraphs short (short paragraphs help hold the attention of readers). Use your keyword as much as you can... especially in the first 20 words of your post. However, don't overuse your keyword as it may result in an Over Optimization Penalty (OOP).
  3. First Sentence of the Body Text Use your keyword somewhere in the first sentence of the body text. This reinforces to the search engine the fact that the keyword is important.
  4. URL/ File Name If your page is about "Atomic Blogging", then you would name the page atomic-blogging.html. Always make sure to use a hyphen "-" and not an underscore "_" (most search engines have a hard time with underscores). Do not even think about using a space.
  5. Meta Tags (Meta Description and Meta Keywords) Meta tags are located in the tags. They are invisible to users, and are used strictly by some search engines. - Meta Description: A descriptive sentence that describes your page. Make sure to use your keyword. - Meta Keywords: Include a list of keywords. The best way is to write your body text, and then select keywords from that text.

Experiment with the above. It's not a exhaustive list of things that you can do to improve your SEO, but it's essential.

Before I move on to the next and final step... just take a breather and check back again for Part 2 of SEO Tips - 3 Steps to SEO Made Easy

Are you wondering "How These Confusing Search Engine Optimization for Google Works?" You don't have to search very far... try visiting my website at Success Full Time for more information.

Conrad is a specialist in internet marketing who loves to teach others and ultimately to help you make money online. Learn how YOU can make a full-time living as a successful internet marketer when you visit Success Full Time.

Don't forget to sign up for my FREE ebook by Brian Tracy!

==> http://www.SuccessFullTime.com

Internet Marketing Advanced Strategies - There Are Only 3 Ways To Make More Money!

To make more money on the Internet, you only need to follow three simple steps. If you do this, you will make more money, there is no doubt about it.

I've read countless books and articles during my last two years on the Internet searching for a way to make more money, and the results of my research is the following.

In Internet marketing, the more you do doesn't necessarily mean the more money you will make. You need to use synergy to make more money.

Believe me, it's not obvious. It took me two full yeas to understand that simple thing.

Do you want to know what these three steps are?

1. Increase your market rich

This is the most simple way to make more money. All you need to do is finding more customers. You may want to add a new traffic generation method to your arsenal.

You need to find more potential customers. This is what everybody try to do first. And it also one of the first reason people fail online. I talk more about this in my advanced series.

2. Increase your lead conversion

This is a little bit harder to achieve. Once you found your potential clients, you need to convert more of them into customers. And this where people fail to make a full time income online.

You need to test and track everything.

3. Increase the lifetime value of your customers

You need to get your paying customers to buy more of your products. Many people make the mistake of selling only one product to their buyers. This is why less than 5% of the Internet marketing community make a living online.

It's amazing to see that most of the Internet marketers don't even know the meaning of lifetime value.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Article Marketing - How Do You Motivate Yourself Everyday to Write Articles?

Q: How do you motivate yourself to write articles everyday?

A: You know what? That is a really good question. As I think about it, you are really asking two questions -

1. How do I get motivated to write articles everyday?


2. How do I stay motivated to write articles everyday?

Fortunately the answers to either question apply to both questions.

How to get and stay motivated to write articles everyday

I have several tips for you which I will share in bullet point form -

  • You need to write regularly to get and stay motivated. Writing regularly keeps you in the flow of article writing and makes article writing much easier.
  • When you are writing regularly, you see article ideas everywhere.
  • Keep a pad and pen with you or a voice recorder to capture your article ideas as they come. One of the most de-motivating things that can happen is to have a great idea, not capture it, and then not remember the idea when you sit down to write about it.
  • Keep in mind at all times the results of regular article writing and marketing. You may even want to write the results down somewhere that you can see everyday. In addition to the pure pleasure of writing, the results are the most motivating factor for me. I don't hope - I don't think - I know that the more articles I write, the more traffic, prospects, subscribers, customers, fun and profits I am going to have.

Keep all of these tips, especially the results, in mind to get and keep you motivated to write your articles.

And with your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates that will help you write everyday. You can download them by going to


Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and GreatArticleMarketing

How To Increase The Number Of Clicks That Your Articles Generate

Most of us write articles to generate clicks from the links that we place in the resource box. The main purpose of this is to either increase traffic to our websites or to interest readers in a product that we are promoting. But how do we realize these goals?

In order to succeed, there are 3 main tasks you must accomplish:

1) Youve got to attract readers. The only real method to attract viewers is with a compelling title. When people are looking for information on a particular subject, they scan through a list of titles. This list may contain several hundred articles. Your title has to grab them and compel them to read your piece. Your title has to jump out at them and draw them in. If youve written a great article full of fascinating information, no one will read it if it has an uninteresting title. All of your work will have been fruitless. Youve got to grab their attention with an intriguing title.

2) Youve got to have a good article. If your article is not well written, or if it contains little information of value, your readers will quickly click away, and again, your work will have been fruitless. For that reason, it is important to write a great article with good information, and a compelling title.

3) The third ingredient for a successful article is a good resource box. Ideally, the information in your article should be related to the links in your resource box. This is extremely important. If your article is about ice fishing in Alaska and your links refer to vacationing in the tropics, you probably wont generate many clicks. Thats because the people who read the article are interested in ice fishing, not sun bathing. However, if your resource box contained links for a travel agency specializing in Alaskan tours, you would probably generate a lot of clicks. Coordinate the information in your resource box with the content of your article. I use a number of different resource boxes, depending on what I am writing about.

If youve done a good job in each of these three areas, your article will achieve very good readership and your links will generate plenty of traffic. If your article is generating good readership, but you are not getting many clicks, it may mean that you need to work on steps 2 or 3 above.

With some of my best articles, over 17% of the readers have clicked on my links. That is a great percentage! On average though, only about 7%-8% of readers will click on a link.

FREE ebooks! FREE downloads! All designed to Make You Money! http://www.milliondollararticle.com

Profitable Article Marketing - Discover 4 Profitable Secrets to Excel with Article Marketing

A lot of people are constantly looking for ways on how they can excel in article marketing so they can set themselves apart from the rest and take the lead. If you are one of them, these 4 profitable secrets can help you realize your goal:

1. Top quality writing. If you would like to increase the chances of your articles being read, picked up, and republished, you need to make sure that you offer nothing but high quality content. This will attract webmasters and other marketers to use your articles as content on their blogs and websites that can boost the number of your inbound links.

2. Maximize your resource box. While most article submission sites would allow you to use up to 3 hyperlinks on your resource box, be sure to check on their guidelines. Some sites would only allow one while others offer unlimited clickable links. If you are allowed to use three, be sure to use anchor texts that will drive your readers to your home page and internal page that is highly relevant to the article you wrote. Then, use one absolute URL. This will increase the chances of your website being visited.

3. Know where to find bright topic ideas. Once you sink your teeth into article marketing, you will need hundreds of great topic ideas. To help you out, you can visit forums and article submission sites that are frequented by your target market. These are gold mines that can offer you unlimited topic ideas that your readers will find interesting and helpful.

4. Do your research. Never write your articles based on your opinions and experiences alone. To make your articles content-rich and reliable, check out reputable resources that can give you details about the topic you will write about.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Improve Your Link Popularity With Website Promotion

So you finally started your website. You have updated it with some high quality, unique and relevant content to make your visitors stick around so now what? Now all you have to do is get those visitors to come. So let them know about your website by building links that point towards your website and gain some link popularity.

There are a couple different kinds of links you will be interested in. The first is one-way links and the second is reciprocal links.

One-way linking generally happens for websites that have a lot of quality and unique content on site and these are the type of links that search engines give more weight to. A good technique to build that content is to post relevant articles and information on your site that visitors will want to read.

You can also visit forums related to your niche. Become known there by offering and asking for advice. Make sure that anything you post is related to the topics being discussed. If you post off topic items just for the sake of advertisement you will likely earn a bad reputation there and have your posts deleted. Offer value in your posts and you will gain a good reputation and get free exposure for your website.

Online quality directories are a great source of one way relevant links for your site. Keep your submissions confined to those directories of high quality. Typically there is a review fee associated with being listed there. Yahoo directory has a good impact for the link, but charges $299 annually. Another excellent option for a significantly smaller fee is the Authority Directory.

There are many free directories on the internet also, but the quality of the link you get from free directories is typically not that good. For example the link from one quality directory typically will equal hundreds to thousands of free directory submissions.

Article publishing is another option. You can write and publish unique articles related to your niche with a link back to your website. This is not a one and done option though. If you are pursuing this you must consistently write and publish articles for it to be effective.

Blogging can also be a way of building links to your site. By creating a separate blog and linking to your directory from within the posts you can create a few relevant links to your site.

Using reciprocal linking is another method of building relevant links to your website. To effectively do this you must find other websites within your niche and request link exchanges with the webmasters there. One thing to note is that the search engines have begun to discount the value of reciprocal linking.

Don't discount link popularity. It is a very important part of building a website that is optimized for search engines. Just know that link building is not a one and done proposition. You must consistently build links over time for it to be effective for the long term. As your links increase so shall your search engine rankings and then your traffic.

Increase your Websites online presence today by getting listed on The Authority Business Directory. Plus, don't forget to submit link for inclusion while you are visiting.

Article Marketing - High Volume Begins With High Quality & Quantity Articles

Recognition on Top Article Marketing Sites starts at nearly 1000 articles. If you don't have at least a thousand written, you won't make the front page list, and the numbers are rising. But that isn't the only way to get noticed.

Quality counts too.

Effective Article Marketing presumes you know something about keyword optimization, grammar, and basic writing techniques. While there are those who make it to the top of the Article Marketing heap with bad grammar, no keyword optimization, and low grade techniques, their work doesn't capture the audience, or get republished. Fact is, if you want to be seen, provide QUALITY.

Quantity counts too.

You can write a valuable piece of prose in 100 words or less, however... that won't get you published at EzineArticles or very many of the other Article Marketing Sites either. The majority of sites want 250 to 300 words minimum. Optimal article size is around 500 words. A dynamic, highly visible, useful and informative article will always be more published and more read than a bunch of words slung together to look like an article.

High Volume Results.

While 10 - 20 articles on the Article Marketing Sites will get you some results, if you continue to write consistently, building your directory by 5 - 10 articles or more each week, your business will grow, your articles will have higher impact, and your traffic volume will increase. If you desire to make a difference online, increase your volume.

Are you ready to make a difference?

Add these two high volume templates to your repertoire FREE at

http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and learn the SECRET of writing high volume articles.

Jan Verhoeff writes content. If you're interested in knowing more about valuable content and how to write online, visit http://janverhoeff.com and sign in for a FREE Subscription to Jan's News & Updates.

Fast Article Marketing - 5 Practical Steps to Explode Your Article Marketing

If you are a webmasters and you have a knack for writing, you have won half the battle of promoting your website. It's because you can fare well on one of the best traffic-generating techniques these days - article marketing.

Here are the 5 practical steps to explode your article marketing campaign:

1. Make sure that each word that you use on your articles reflects your expertise and professionalism. Eliminate colloquial terms on your copies. Words like "wanna", "sorta", "meany", etc. must not have a room on your articles. Instead, stick with words that are deemed professional and appropriate for content writing.

2. Write to inform not to impress. Some webmasters are sometimes too excited to show off their knowledge without considering if the information they write about are useful to their readers. To quickly build a following, you must make sure that your first priority in writing your articles is to educate your readers with useful, relevant information.

3. Build your credibility. Cite a major accomplishment in your resource box. If have earned $5000 a month in promoting an affiliate product, that is considered a milestone in your career. Include this in your resource box and you can be assured that online users would like to know how you have done it so they can reap the same rewards. In addition, you can also build your credibility by posting testimonials of your most satisfied clients on your website.

4. Submit your articles to publishing sites, blogs, websites, or compile them to create an eBook. In article marketing, you are not limited to article submission sites in distributing your copies. Find other avenues where you can post your articles to increase their exposure.

5. Use your articles as viral marketing tool. You can compile your relevant articles to one eBook and make it available for download. Let your readers know that they can share this eBook to their friends and family members so you widen your reach.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Three Basic Steps To Prevent 20 Years of Ecommerce Advertising & Internet Marketing Mistakes

With 20 years marketing to consumers, I have literally worked with thousands of products, been associated to successful brands and to those not so successful. I have made online, offline, and over the line mistakes, but in this article I will keep you from making as many of them. If you get paid to market or advertise for others, you can't afford not to read this.

Thousands of people get this wrong. They apply advertising systems that have been in place for decades, to e commerce advertising and Internet marketing, regardless of what they know is right for today or what will provide the end result of e commerce. We all know that the Internet is changing, always changing, and the search engines and consumers depend on that. They want things to change. Why do Internet marketers depend on the same concepts to entice consumers to websites? They build brands and website traffic through keyword listings, banner advertising, email marketing, and paid advertising on Google AdWords, or Yahoo.

Listen to this closely. Reflect on a few questions. What are the main ingredients that make you successful, not only in the online marketing industry, but in life? Are they intelligence, devotion, passion, and maybe for you...beauty? Those always help. Do you believe that if you are a true marketer, your best assets are your heart, your gut, and your ears?

For the success of the Internet advertising & marketing business, or anything that depends on consumer behavior, advertisers and marketers must begin to listen to consumers. That is the first step. It sounds simple and it should be an easy concept to grasp, especially for a marketing professional. Time and time again, top marketers, advertisers, and e commerce professionals make the mistake of ignoring the consumer. That has been happening since the Internet's infancy. Remember the late nineties, when Yahoo purchased Broadcast.com, then promptly made many our friends and marketing associates enough money to buy anything they had ever dreamed of, during their short 20-something lives?. It seemed that we were all successful, but we we did one thing wrong. What was the mistake? We did not listen to our consumers. We did not hear them. We followed advertising systems and practices that have been in place for decades.

Next, we must begin to take what the consumer is sharing with us and apply the information to business applications, which further influence the consumer. This second step can be applied to e commerce, Internet Advertising and general marketing practices. Follow your gut on this one. Track your success and apply what is trending success.

The third step is simple, but the place where most online marketers fall short; work hard and have passion for what you are doing. Follow your heart . This is the basis for a wealth of e commerce information. Listen to your heart, go with your gut, and always listen to others, especially the consumer. You will gain so much from it.

Julie Ross is an e commerce, advertising, and Internet marketing executive with over 20 years experience in traditional and online marketing. She consistently launches campaigns, increasing web traffic for ecommerce, affiliate, & direct marketing web sites.

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Free Marketing Strategies for your Online Business

Many of us have created an online business after seeing the results that others have had. Tons of internet business owners have built passive income streams that provide $10,000 in monthly income.

However, after creating our businesses, we find out that these successful people are spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars online every month to market their business. Is there anything you can do to market your business in a cost efficient manner? The answer is yes, and this article will explain the four best ways to market your business for free.

1. Press Releases

2. Articles

3. Classified Ads

4. Forums

1. Press Releases

Press Releases are probably the fastest way to expose your website and drive traffic to it as quickly as possible. This is because instead of having to be approved for seven days to a month as with articles, press releases get your address out to the search engines immediately.

Your press release should have a title that is full of keywords that you have researched and that will attract the most visitors. You can research keywords at www.goodkeywords.com, or many other great sites. Your next step is a subhead, which gives a brief overview of the story while using good keywords. Your body should not be a sales pitch, it should be an interesting story that keeps the reader interested. Again, you DO NOT try to sell your business here, just write an interesting and honest story that will inspire respect in the reader for you and your business. In the keywords section, use solid keywords that you have researched on a keyword site. The final part is your contact info, which is where you give the reader a call for action by leaving your website or email address. This, and only this, is where you explicitly sell your business.

2. Articles

Articles are a great way to build respect and prove your knowledge in the industry, which evokes trust in potential sign ups. As with press releases, articles should have sound keywords that have been researched extensively. Keywords are the keys (no pun intended) to driving the most readers to your article. The article body should have good organization, with an introduction, a few key points, and then a conclusion. The body should have information that you think a reader would find valuable so that they will consider you a credible source. The resource box is where you call the reader to action, and is the ONLY place you should sell your business.

3. Classified Ads

Classifieds are yet another great free way to market your business. The nice thing about classifieds is that they target the market you are looking for: people in search of a home business opportunity. There are plenty of free classified sites you can post on to attract sign ups. Try to keep your classified short and sweet, and give just enough information to intrigue them and drive them to your website, but not enough to bore them. Remember to research the keywords and title you include, as this is an important step in any free marketing opportunity.

4. Forums

This is yet another great opportunity to gain respect and credibility, and consequently drive more traffic to your site. Find a few forums you like and that are active, and then spend half an hour every day posting. Medium to long posts have the most search engine power. Research before you post, and never personally attack anyone in a forum. The most important part of posting in a forum is to utilize your signature, where you put your url and a call for action. If forum members read your posts and find you a credible resource, they will be motivated to read your signature and follow it to your site.


There are plenty of other ways to market our online business for free and drive traffic to your website, but these are the strategies I have found most effective. The main theme of marketing is to build respect, credibility, and trust, and this will translate into a successful business.

Sign up for a FREE 7-day Internet Marketing Ecourse and add thousands to your residual income at => http://www.buildpassiveincome.ws/

Article Income Secrets - You Can't Really Make Money Directly with Your Articles, Can You?

Article marketing is a great way to create a presence on the web, build back links to your web sites, drive visitors to your sites and build your list. These are all great benefits and enogh reason to get really good at article marketing.

Many people belief the benefits stop right there though. In fact, many internet marketers, who should really know better, will tell you that you cannot make money directly with your articles. I have three point about this advice that you may find useful.

3 Points about Article Income

1. They are wrong - I'm sure these folks mean well, and are not intentionally giving you wrong information. Having said that, they are wrong. Properly positioned, you can sell your individual articles on your web site and make more that most authors make for the sale of a book in a bookstore. Properly repurposed, you can create multiple products and multiple streams of income with your articles.

2. They are your competition - Now we could try to convince these folks that they are wrong and try to get them to see the right way to do things. But why? I think it is better to let them go on believing their wrong information because they are your competition.

3. This is a good thing - The fact that these folks are wrong coupled with the fact that they are your competition is a good thing! Your job is to go ahead and let them believe what they believe while you are making money with your articles!

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Finding Revolutionary Internet Marketing Ideas Online

Are you in the mist of starting up your own business? If so, have you started thinking about how you will market that business?

Unfortunately, a large number of business owners wait until their business is up and running before they start thinking about marketing.

You are advised against doing this because it could be a costly mistake. Even if your business has yet to open to the general public, you may want to start searching for Internet marketing ideas, namely revolutionary Internet marketing ideas.

Revolutionary Internet marketing ideas; if you are wondering why you should be searching for them, you are not alone.

There are many individuals who wonder exactly what the difference is between traditional Internet marketing ideas and revolutionary ones.

As you likely already know, revolutionary is another word that is often used to describe something new.

Revolutionary Internet marketing ideas are ideas that are relatively new; often just developed.

As a new business owner, you can greatly benefit from finding and implementing revolutionary Internet marketing ideas. In fact, you may find that it ends up giving you an edge over the rest of your competition, which is something that you need when starting a new business.

When it comes to finding revolutionary Internet marketing ideas, there are many business owners, especially first time business owners, who are unsure how they can go about finding those ideas.

You do have a number of different options, but it may be best to use the Internet to your advantage. Online, often with a standard Internet search, you can find a number of resources that are just what you are looking for.

These resources are ones that you will provide you with new and updated information on Internet marketing, including strategies and ideas that you may want to try.

As previously mentioned, you may want to try a standard Internet search. When performing a standard Internet search, it may be best to search with the words "Internet marketing ideas", or "new marketing strategies".

Whichever search phrase you use, your Internet search is likely to produce a fairly large number of results. One of those results is likely to be websites that offer business marketing tips and suggestions.

In most cases, you will find that these websites are run by professionals or other business owners. What is nice about these types of websites is that the person giving the information has likely already implemented the strategy in question.

This is a great way to decide whether or not a particular idea is worth your time. If it worked for someone else, it might just work for you.

In addition to traditional websites, your Internet search may also come up with online business magazines or online business journals. These resources are just like printed ones, but they are found online instead.

Since most business magazines come out on a monthly basis, even some on a weekly basis, you are sure to get the latest information.

This is great if you are looking for relatively new Internet marketing ideas; ideas that not many business owners have had the chance to try.

There is also a chance that your Internet search will lead to the websites of individuals who claim to be Internet marketing specialists. Internet marketing specialists are ideal if you want to market your business, but you dont have the time do so.

You will find that most Internet marketing specialists use the latest Internet marketing ideas and strategies. In fact, doing so is what keeps them one step above their own competition.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that the Internet can assist you with finding revolutionary Internet marketing ideas. Whether or not you choose to use those ideas is completely up to you, but at least you know where you can find them online.

You can get more quality informations in this 5-part minicourse "How To Formulate a successful Internet marketing strategy". http://www.revolutionarymarketingstrategies.com

Fast Article Marketing - Four Ways to Win with Article Marketing

Article marketing is an effective and affordable way to promote your website. In some instances, it is even completely free if you're the one writing the articles to be submitted to directories.

Here are some fast article marketing tips that can help your website get a bigger presence online in just a short period of time:

1.) Quality content never gets old. Articles need not to be longer than 500 words, but they need to be full of interesting information if you want them to be popular. Nevertheless, there is no reason to worry; writing articles for marketing purposes don't have to be perfect. They only have to be meaningful and entertaining to read.

2.) Submit your articles to a lot of popular article syndication sites. It may seem like a tedious data entry job, but stick to doing it. The more high-quality article directories you send your articles to, the more chances they have to reach a wider audience who'll appreciate their value.

3.) You can also market your articles as an online magazine, or e-zine. You can use your e-zine as a means to get hold of your visitors email address by asking for their contact details before they can sign up to get issues.

4.) If you've written a lot of articles on a certain topic, you can compile them to one e-book. You can use this e-book as a marketing tool by selling it a discounted price or giving it away as a freebie to entice more people to join your mailing list. Make sure your site's URL show up prominently in your e-book's pages so that people will be curious enough to make a visit.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Internet Marketing - Ways To Focus

Today, there are a number of different websites that are popular. This increasing number of websites had also given rise to a tough competition among each other when it comes to business. The competition has grown to such an extent that each and every website owner is trying its best to attract traffic to his own site. In order to generate more and more traffic, it is necessary that effective marketing strategies are designed and put to use. Internet Marketing is one such tool. The old and traditional ways or strategies of promoting websites are not at all useful now-a-days. You need to design your strategies in such a way that they match to today's needs and customers.

Internet marketing is not a rocket science. Following a few simple steps can make internet marketing really easy. Let's have a look at what they are.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your website is the first thing that is to be done in order to get more traffic to your website.

The second aspect that is to be given more attention is building maximum links to your website. This also can be of great help to get your website more and more traffic. Try and post as many links as possible to your website in appropriate place on the web.

PPC (Pay per Click) advertisement in another effective tool to improve internet marketing.

Article marketing & list building are also good ideas to improve your internet marketing.

You can even make use of social media wherever possible in an effective manner in order to benefit from it.

The above are some ways which may help you in internet marketing.

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