Friday, June 27, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

When your writing an article, you have to be dedicated to writing that article. You cannot have any distractions. The more distractions you have, the worst your article will turn out to be. Even if you just have relaxing music in the background, your writing style will become diluted and tasteless.

You want your article to scream out that you made it. You have to concentrate on your article. But don't concentrate too hard. Just hard enough that you can write nonstop without stopping because of a distraction. Remember, the best way to dominate the market is to flood the market as fast and as much as you can. You can't succeed in flooding the market if you keep stopping to sing along to a song or watch a video. These distractions will murder your article marketing.

Just keep writing. Don't worry if you get bored. Just keep doing it. The more you keep writing, the more you'll get over the wall of being bored. Soon you'll have written so much that it won't be a chore anymore. You'll be able to write 20 articles in less than 2 hours and it won't even be a problem because your just so used to it. Just keep writing. Don't stop.Your consistent writing will be your advantage and key to your article marketing success.

Many article marketers stop writing after their first ten because they don't have enough will power. Just keep writing, and soon you will surpass them and create a fortune off of article marketing. You just have to concentrate and write without distractions.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing, which is a simple term for a fairly simple process, consists of distributing articles and content that you have written to other websites, eZines or blogs for free. You might wonder why youd distribute this for free: essentially, the best article marketing involves distributing articles in exchange for receiving a short biography and links to your website in a little blurb that appears at the end of your article.

To produce more traffic for your site with the best article marketing, make sure you target your audience well. You know the type of people you want to come to your site, so write articles that they would find interesting, and distribute these articles to places that they would likely go. The best article marketing will be targeted directly to those you want to attract to your site.

The best article marketing should also involve articles that are recent and relevant. Of course, depending on your website and field, there may be reasons for other types of articles, but content that is new or hot will attract more hits and be distributed more widely. Obviously, the more websites that pick up your articles and thus link back to your home page the better.

Another tip regarding the best article marketing is to not only use distribution services like iSnare to submit your articles. These free services aid you in distributing your articles. However, although the basic service is free, a minimal few dollars can often get you a much larger and more active distribution range and thus produce more links back to your site.

In short, the best article marketing can greatly improve both the traffic to your site and your sites ranking on popular search engines without the often shady services of an SEO. Article marketing can be very lucrative, and starting today is a smart idea for your site.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to generating massive traffic Triple Your Traffic Fast'

Download it free here: Triple Your Traffic Fast

Download a free article marketing guide here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Many online article writers who really care about the venue find too many poorly done articles polluting the online article submission sites. They are quite frankly offended and some have asked that there be some method developed to differentiate their articles from what they consider to be trash or "Thinly Veiled Content" as they have coined.

Indeed this makes sense, although we must also understand that the average internet reader really and truly does have an 8th grade reading level in the USA and it is a lower average in many other parts of the world, so we need to also understand that reality, even if we choose not to use that fact in a decision making process of determination for level of content quality.

Is there a way to develop a system by which good articles and poor articles are more easily judged? Could we use the number of article views to guestimate the quality? How about the number of publishers who have captured and re-published the content on the web?

Well this is a great point, but the number of article views cannot be the criteria, in fact it might be the opposite as catchy titles might bring more run of the mill unsophisticated internet surfers to the articles, which might not be the exact clientele one is looking for. Although if someone is selling something silly or some popular or trendy trinket, then it is their exact customer and thus we need to understand that there are many online article marketers with many different objectives, types of target customers and reading levels to deal with?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Link building is a hot issue when it comes to websites and website owners. During the first developments of websites, web hyperlinks are the only method to enable visitors to check out your site. This is because search engines are just starting out, and are not that well known among website owners. However, during the recent years, search engines have grown to be the main source for directing web traffic. Website links maintained their importance, since the algorithms of search engines rank sites depending on the quality and number of a site's links.

When you want to improve the links of your site, you should consider this first step think like a web user. Put yourself in the place of a web user who is out looking for information. View your site as if you are not its owner and, determine what changes or improvements you want to make. You should make sure that the links for your site are displayed in areas where the search engine anticipates them. The pages should be related with the content of your site, while the link should be placed in the sidebar or page copy.

Determine the purpose for your links. When you know what your reasons are and, when you know what you want for your site, you will be able to make creative changes.

You should prohibit things which might destroy your site when it comes to the ranking of search engines. Do not put up link exchanges which have bad quality.

You should avoid trading sites for links or, other sites which announces publicly links are for sale here. Do not confuse link buying with link advertising. When you purchase a link, you are enabling the popularity of your site. On the other hand, you pay for ads on traffic pages with the expectation of visitors on your site.

Do not get tempted with backlinks. While there should be concentration on building links, however, you should not focus too much on the creation and design of your site content. If ever your site does not have adequate incoming links, then concentrate on the quality enhancement of your site's content, and let it be more attractive.

About the Author:
Tom Ross is a professional article writer and owner of He provides practical and free information for website owners which help them to increase their chances of being seen on the web. Visit today! We have an ongoing need for new members who have SEO experience to share with our readers. Visit Tom's website today!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Sometimes I get asked, you write so many articles that are very similar in nature, why would a publisher pick one of your articles over another one of your articles, or why would you get more traffic since you are writing multiple articles on the same topic.

Actually I'm not writing these articles so anybody can go to EzineArticles and pick them. I'm writing them so that the Google search engine will pick up the article.

For example, if you type in lots of different keywords in the article writing niches, in product creation, in website traffic generation, if you type those in you'll see that my articles in EzineArticles tend to come up relatively high in the Google search engine. That's what I'm targeting.

Most of EzineArticles traffic - my understanding is that it comes from the Google search engine and not from people who are just searching around EzineArticles itself, so I'm attempting to go for that one unique page that is going to pique someone's interest.

The second thing is we've done multiple tests on this, and of course the more articles that we write then there's a marginal decrease in the number of visitors we get per article, but it still increases the total volume of visitors.

We've kind of found that this number between 600-800 articles submitted per month is kind of an optimal number. It gives us a good number of visitors per article and this doesn't go over the board. We've actually gone as high as 2,000 in one month and found that at that level we didn't increase our visitors much past the level that we're at with about 800.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

A lot of people are constantly looking for ways on how they can excel in article marketing so they can set themselves apart from the rest and take the lead. If you are one of them, these 4 profitable secrets can help you realize your goal:

1. Top quality writing. If you would like to increase the chances of your articles being read, picked up, and republished, you need to make sure that you offer nothing but high quality content. This will attract webmasters and other marketers to use your articles as content on their blogs and websites that can boost the number of your inbound links.

2. Maximize your resource box. While most article submission sites would allow you to use up to 3 hyperlinks on your resource box, be sure to check on their guidelines. Some sites would only allow one while others offer unlimited clickable links. If you are allowed to use three, be sure to use anchor texts that will drive your readers to your home page and internal page that is highly relevant to the article you wrote. Then, use one absolute URL. This will increase the chances of your website being visited.

3. Know where to find bright topic ideas. Once you sink your teeth into article marketing, you will need hundreds of great topic ideas. To help you out, you can visit forums and article submission sites that are frequented by your target market. These are gold mines that can offer you unlimited topic ideas that your readers will find interesting and helpful.

4. Do your research. Never write your articles based on your opinions and experiences alone. To make your articles content-rich and reliable, check out reputable resources that can give you details about the topic you will write about.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The winning formula for writing targeted traffic producing articles can be broken down into a few steps. Keyword research is a very intricate and important part of writing and submitting articles. It is also probably the most ignored part of writing articles. Usage of popular keywords, (words that are often used for searches on the Internet) will bring more targeted traffic to your article and/or website. As you write your article remain conscious of the keywords. Theyll definitely bring you traffic.

The length of the article is another important decision. Remember, you are not writing a book or screenplay. Your objective is to generate traffic. Many article publishers, webmasters, and bloggers find an ideal word count to be 400 800 words. Avoid writing an article of more than 800 words. The logic being, online reading concentration time, tends to be a bit less than offline. You want to keep your reader focused on content and have her finish your article.

The title of the article should be enticing. The readers have many choices online. We want her to choose your article. There are a few types of titles, well touch on two briefly today. There are problem based titles, and solution based titles. An example of a solution based title would be Five Secrets to Increasing Traffic. A title like that may have been a winner a few years ago, but its allure ability has faded over time. A problem based title would be Whats killing Your Traffic Which of the titles have more allure? Most people feel the latter title does. Remember the keywords are to be included in your title to increase your search and ranking on the Internet.

Now lets discuss the body of your article which is the content portion. It should be concise and to the point. To be most effective, it should be written from your readers perspective. In other words, readers are looking for information that meets their needs. A quality article thats to the point with rich content, will definitely find its way to avid readers. Those avid readers will generate targeted traffic to your website, which is one of our key objectives.

It is extremely important that you include your website URL in the resource box / signature box. Also include a few lines about yourself. This helps to establish you as a professional and increases your credibility. Ultimately your articles generate targeted traffic, increase your exposure and help to build your expert status.

Last but certainly not least, the most effective method of distribution is to submit your articles to article directories either manually or with an article submission company. and are two of the highest ranked article submission sites. Submitting your articles to many of the top ranked article submission sites will help to ensure that your articles rank well in search engines. This in turn will generate additional targeted traffic for you.

I'm looking forward to reading your articles.

Rob L. Daniel is a United States Air Force veteran. For years he was a top-producing stockbroker, with the Investment banking firm of Lehman Brothers. He has had key sales and marketing positions in and outside of corporate America. He is a full time Internet marketer, with a fast track, global personal development company. He leads his team and helps others generate traffic and sales for their businesses. Currently he resides in Los Angeles, California.

TOPGUNS - Subscribe to our FREE Personal Development Ezine. We Interview Top Speakers, Top Trainers, & Top Authors, to Help You Become More Successful. Learn While You Earn.

You have permission to republish and use this article in your newsletter,website,or blog as long as you leave the article fully intact, and include this resource box at the end of the article.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The title tag is the first thing many people will see when they look at your website or a search result for your site on a search engine page. A carefully chosen title tag will also boost your search engine ranking so it is essential that you get it right. Here is some advice on writing the perfect title tag.

The title tag on any web page is the text that appears between and in your HTML. The text you place between these two tags will appear in the title bar of the browser when a user browses your site and as the text for the link when your page shows up on a search engine results page.

It is recommended that you keep your title tag text to about 66 characters, although Yahoo displays 120 characters in search results. If you choose to go over the 66 character mark, try to keep the most relevant information at the start of your title tag text.

When writing your title tag you should concentrate primarily on two things. First you should include will researched keywords to boost your popularity among search engines. Second, you should write your title tag in a way that in encourages users to click through to your website.

Selecting the right keywords will take some research and is a subject that merits an article, or a series of articles, in itself. Read up on the subject and make use of some of the excellent free keyword research tools available online.

For the purpose of this article it is important to point out that your main keywords should be placed at the start of your title tag. Include more keywords if you can but do not sacrifice readability.

Each webpage of your site will be different, and so should your title tags. Write a different tag for each page that is relevant. The title should communicate the content of the page. Also remember that if a user bookmarks your page or adds it to favorites, the title tag will be used. So, the more descriptive the tag the better.

You can also experiment with using symbols in your title tag to help grab the attention of the reader. You will often see symbols such as brackets or asterisks on each side of the text. Use these if you wish, but involves sacrificing some characters.

Never, ever leave title tags blank or you miss out on a great SEO opportunity, and it looks unprofessional. Most web design software have a default 'untitled' text within the title tags, be sure to change this before your site goes live.

There is much more to SEO than good title tags, but it is an important step in boosting your search engine page rankings and does not take a lot of work.

For more information about starting a freelance business, visit

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Marketing with articles is an easy and profitable endeavor, if done correctly.

Follow these 6 tips to dramatically improve your article writing marketing skills:

1. Not everyone writes well enough to convince readers to act. You should have someone evaluate your articles and give you honest feedback on their reaction. If the feedback is negative and you feel you can't write better, you can pay a ghostwriter to write your articles for you at a few dollars a pop. However, the more you write, the better you'll get. So, keep working at it.

2. Take the time to test your author's resource box. Write a few different versions and see which seems to draw in more visitors to your the site you are pointing your reader to. Allow enough trials to make sure it is your resource box content that is working and not just the article itself. Test it until you have around 500 views for each version before you change anything.

3. If people aren't visiting your website like you want, something isn't working within your articles. Try changing your resource box. Compare yours to other authors' articles that write about similar topics. Can you change something to make it work better? Use others as a reference.

4. Many article directories do not allow software submitters. Manually submit to the best sites and hire a submission company to submit to the rest. Don't use the software intended for this unless you feel it is completely necessary. Quality always outweighs quantity.

5. Schedule a designated amount of time to write and submit articles into your work schedule. It can be daily, every few days, weekly, etc. If you want a lot of links in a short period of time, try submitting an article every day for an entire month. After that month, it doesn't matter whether you submit one on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly schedule. The important thing is that you take action and actually do write and submit on a regular basis. Do Something!

6. Spelling and grammar are more important than you may realize. Never submit an article until you have checked it at least twice for spelling errors and grammatically incorrect sentences. Don't allow these two things to be your downfall. Spelling errors are an article reviewers pet peeve and they will make you correct them before they accept it.

For more tips on better article marketing, download my free report titled Lazy Man's Guide To Writing Articles

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

While marketing has unlimited means of reaching its target audience, Internet marketing has grown to be the most popular marketing medium. Companies are aggressively using search engine optimization and other techniques to reach remote consumers. Businesses use constant emails and video advertisements on websites to woo customers. popular Internet marketing is emerging as the favorite marketing strategy of both small and large enterprises.

Online Shopping this Holiday Season

According to eCommerce research firm comScore, shopping by online customers grew significantly this holiday season. Spending grew to $28 billion, up 19% compared to last year. On December 26 (the day after Christmas), sales touched $545 million, a record 50% jump compared to the same day last year. December 10 was recorded as the heaviest individual spending day of the season. Online retail giant announced its "best holiday season ever."

However, with the sub-prime crisis hitting the U.S. markets and with talks of a jittery U.S. economy, it is not surprising that the growth in online shopping was not as robust as the 2006 holiday season.

Advertising on the Internet

A study by AT&T conducted by Western Wats revealed that approximately 65% of small enterprises advertise in the yellow pages directory. However, about 53.1% of the small business respondents said that in the next two years they expect to advertise through online videos. AT&T noted that although many consumers are still using the yellow pages for business information, they search on the Internet before actually buying a product.

With the Beijing Summer Olympics approaching, spending on advertisements in every sector is expected to accelerate. Multinational corporations are sure to make further inroads into China's fuming economy.

Studies reveal that in the coming years, more companies will resort to advertising with Internet videos. People now have less time to read through text-dominant advertisements; plus, videos have proved to be more appealing.

Though the U.S. economy is said to hit a recession track, online ad spending is expected to be resilient.

Marketing through Social Networking Websites

Sending bulk emails is a marketing stunt used to date. Many companies are now switching to social networking websites to market their products so these are known as marketing medium. MySpace and Facebook are expected to be major players in the online social networking space. These sites in the future would be top destinations for online shoppers through Internet marketing.

Online Customers Rank High with Retailers

The Customer Respect Group's "Customer Respect Index," has ranked retailers high in respect to handling their online customers. The study evaluated retail websites on three parameters - usability of sites, communication in respect to emails and online chats, and trustworthiness. In all three situations, retail websites such as Ralph Lauren, Gap, and Old Navy outperformed the industry average. v 2008 is predicted to be a good year for Internet marketing. Companies are gearing up not to miss a piece of the cake.


Marketing Strategy 101: 10 Marketing Strategies I Learnt From My Oral Surgeon

This is how the conversation went on my follow-up visit to the oral surgeon, 10 days after he removed 2 lower wisdom teeth.

"Go down the hallway, enter the second door on the right and take a seat in the dentist's chair," said the receptionist after calling my name out to the 5 people in the waiting room.

"How is it all going?" asked my oral surgeon slapping on a pair of examination gloves.

"Great" I replied truthfully. "I've been totally pain free since the operation."

"You won't be when you get my bill!" he said in half jest.

"I've already paid it and by my calculations, I reckon you're grossing more than one and a half million dollars a year in revenue?" I quickly asked combining my MBA training with years spent questioning people as a broadcaster.

"You might be right, but I wouldn't know, I just concentrate on the patients," was the last thing he said before I opened my mouth and he examined the 2 sockets where my wisdom teeth once resided.

"They're looking good, rinse with salt water regularly and call me if there's a problem," were his last words as I was ushered out.

That was it, all over in a matter of minutes. What is the point of sharing this with you? Well, I learnt a lot about marketing from the service I received from my oral surgeon.

Here are my insights and how you can apply these strategies to your own business, career or life.


Two months earlier I hadn't been able to sleep because of an intense, searing pain coming somewhere from the back of my lower jaw. Despite taking painkillers, it got worse until the whole side of my face started to swell up like a football. In desperation at 3.30 am, I rang the only dentist I could find listed in the Yellow Pages with an after hours number. I woke him up. Then briefed him and he told me how much it would cost to get him and his dental nurse out of bed and into his surgery. I decided to endure the pain in my head instead of in my wallet.

I was on his surgery door as soon as it opened and the diagnosis of a compacted wisdom tooth that had become infected was confirmed. I was able to get to see my family dentist later in the day and he prescribed antibiotics and recommended I see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. He would solve my problems. In fact, he was so busy solving problems he was completely booked out for the next 2 months.

What problems do you solve for people?


My family dentist had a stack of business cards from the oral surgeon. He handed me one and said "this guy is the best in town, try and see him within the next 2 months."

The oral surgeon's business is built completely on referral business.

How can you get referrals for your business or dream job?

I've learnt, if you don't ask for or have a system for referrals, no matter how busy you are now, future work has the potential to dry up.


One of the great things about the hairdressing industry is that people's hair never stops growing and so they always need it cut. It's the same for lawn mowing services and extracting wisdom teeth. There's a constant demand.

I've learnt this in my own business and understood that for certain clients, like those who have a regular turnover of leadership positions due to set election periods, there is always going to be a constant change of people, and in many cases a regular demand to provide media training for new people as they rise up the ranks and take over leadership positions.

Look for opportunities where there will be a constant demand for your skills and services.


I noticed my oral surgeon had his University degrees and professional qualifications printed on his business card as well as hanging on his office wall in his surgery.

This provides third party endorsement, which builds credibility and trust with patients and customers alike.

How do you use your professional qualifications to build your credibility?

Interestingly, a fellow speaker who works in the health sector shared this gem in a recent newsletter. "Part of what I've been talking about involves building trust between health professionals and their clients. Consequently, my eye was caught by the following research report in New Scientist, (4th Jan 2003). Robert Hash and his colleagues at Mercer University in Georgia have found that patients judge medical advice by the weight of their doctor. They studied 200 patients of 5 doctors and found that the medical information and advice given by doctors who were judged to be overweight was not trusted as much as that given by those perceived to be leaner. The article said, "If you don't look too healthy yourself, your patients may be more inclined to take your advice with a pinch of salt." (Source: Rachel's Reflections By Rachel Green 31-Jan-2003, Number 106)

Live your message and be a walking, talking example of the solutions you offer. Fail with this and your credibility within the marketplace will diminish.


I noticed my oral surgeon shared consulting rooms with another oral surgeon with exactly the same qualifications. Both of their business cards sat at the reception desk.

One was plain, white and simple. The other had an interesting, colourful and creative logo incorporating two faces. Which do you think got my attention?


Fresh from my new knowledge after hearing New York-based speaker, author and consultant Alan Weiss Ph.D CSP present, I found my oral surgeon also used this technique.

He presented me with 3 options - do nothing, have my wisdom teeth out with just a local pain killer or have them removed under a general anaesthetic. All had varying costs and consequences.

I had previously consulted my older brother, an orthopaedic surgeon who had a similar operation 2 years ago. He chose the latter and so did I.

What options can you provide clients?

By the way, the third option I chose was the most expensive!


Tangible examples help people make a decision and take action. Often this is based on emotion.

My oral surgeon pulled out his 'horror photos' (his words not mine) and said "this is what can happen if you don't have your wisdom teeth removed".

One look and I was convinced.

What examples, evidence or proof can you provide to help convince your prospects, customers or clients they need your services.


My oral surgeon is located right next door to a day hospital. This is a new service he has only been offering since the beginning of the year.

Convenience for clients can be a big factor. I was in hospital by 10am and out by 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Sure it was more expensive and an added value service. But I'm busy, am motivated by rational self-interest (especially when it comes to pain) and am willing to pay extra for the convenience.

How can you add value to your services?


My oral surgeon provided written details of what to do prior and post the operation. This was clear, precise and invaluable.

How can you apply this to your business?


Again, my specialist had a proven follow-up system to evaluate how the operation went.

How can you do the same for your business. Most of us forget the follow-up, but it is the most important

Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries.

You can subscribe by visiting Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!


The market is so slow and I don't even know where my next sale is coming from.

How often have you heard someone say that when business is down and the economy is questionable? It seems logical, doesn't it, to tighten your purse strings?

What! Are you suggesting that I should invest in my business now?

Even though it seems logical to tighten up and constrict spending, it is actually based on a scarcity mindset. In a scarcity mindset you focus on lack in your business, and on lack in outer conditions and the market.

The result is a constriction in the flow of energy to your business. In fact, when you focus your thoughts on lack in your business, you have a problem even before you begin. Hence, THE BIG MISTAKE.

Are you constricting the flow of energy to your business? Here are some signs to watch out for:

1. What are your thoughts?

  • I don't have enough clients
  • My competitors are stealing business
  • I can't succeed in today's market
  • Here's an example that contains a scarcity mindset:

    There are so many new agents entering the business there isn't enough business to go around. Maybe I should just get a real job.

    Have you ever had that thought?

    2. What emotions do you experience?

  • Fear
  • Stress
  • Struggle
  • Anxiety
  • Worry
  • Any of the thoughts above are likely to create the emotions of worry, fear and doubt. You find yourself dwelling in these negative feelings that will prevent you from attracting to your business and the very things you desire, such as more clients and more income. Your thoughts create your reality. Therefore, if you focus on what you don't want, like the lack of money, you'll get more of that.

    3. ACTIONS

    When you're stuck in a scarcity mindset, not only does it affect your thoughts and feelings, but also your actions. For example, I was going to take the weekend off, but now I better not. Business is slow and I don't want to miss a call from a prospective client.

    Do you see how this is a scarcity mindset? What is the person missing out on? If you said self-care and self maintenance, then you are right. This is one of the actions that goes by the wayside when you're focusing on scarcity. You're simply afraid that you won't have enough so you ignore the importance of taking care of yourself.

    So what is the big mistake?

    The big mistake is that you are focusing your thoughts on outward circumstances, like the economy, to determine your mindset. If the economy is down you are down. Stephen Covey calls this the reactive mindset. You believe that you are acted upon, rather than being proactive and there is a constriction of energy to your business.

    When you are proactive, you don't focus on what the economy or the market is doing, you are coming from an internal state of prosperity consciousness. You don't look to outer conditions to determine your state of mind, you determine your own state of mind by your thoughts, emotions and actions. In essence you create the mindset of being the deliberate creator of your life.

    The solution:

    If the mindset is the problem, then how do you switch to a more positive mindset?

    1. Commit to building a prosperity mindset

    A prosperity mindset is not something you are born with, it's not in your genes; its something that you develop through practice. Think of it as a muscle that you exercise. The more you exercise it, the stronger that muscle becomes.

    It's the same with prosperity mindset. Successful people have one thing in common they believe in their own success and their ability to attract money into their life. They look for opportunities and find them... everywhere. Why? Because they had an internal prosperity consciousness and they focused on that state of looking at external conditions.

    2. Adopt the beliefs of success

    It's easy to adopt a successful mindset - it's just a shift in focus from scarcity to prosperity. The way you make that shift is to have a set of beliefs that are congruent and prosperous thinking. For example, Walt Disney once said, All of our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

    Here are the beliefs of successful people:

  • Change is to be embraced because it represents more opportunity for growth and expansion.
  • Determine what you want, and assume you'll get it. Don't worry about the how.
  • There is an answer and solution to every challenge.
  • Discomfort is part of charting the unknown.
  • Obstacles will not stop them from attaining what they want.
  • Money needs to flow in order to grow.
  • You'll notice that if you practice the beliefs above, you will experience positive emotions that expand the flow of energy to your business.

    3. Be clear on what you want

    How can the universe give you what you want unless you are clear about what you want? A challenge for you here is to break the want barrier. Accept the fact that it is not only appropriate and proper, but critical, for you to want anything, of any kind, to any degree.

    The main thing is to be clear about what you want for your business. I hear too many people saying, I want to be successful without even knowing what success means to them. I suggest visualizing your ideal professional life in 12 months from today. See yourself doing work you love and noticing approximately how many hours a week you're working. Ask yourself what kind of people you want to be interacting with. Who are your ideal clients? Are they motivated, decisive and respectful of you and your service to them? What is your income in 12 months from today? How much are you making per year or per month?

    4. Clear away any opposing beliefs

    When you think about your ideal professional life, what beliefs do have that are opposing your vision? Here are some beliefs that I hear on a continual basis when people are honest with me about discussing their blocks to success:

    I like doing my work, I'm just not good at marketing. (Remember, it's only a belief)

    I'm really not smart enough or energetic enough to achieve what I want. (Remember, it's only a belief)

    The real estate market is so tough right now that I can't possibly make the income I was hoping for. (Remember, it's only a belief)

    5. Take inspired action not frantic action

    What kind of action are you taking? Are you taking action because you're afraid? If you are, your action may be frantic action rather than inspired action.

    What is inspired action? Inspired action comes from your intuition and listening to your gut instincts. You follow your heart, you follow your hunches; you don't wait for someone to hand you a formula because there is none.

    You will know if youre taking inspired action by the way you feel by the results you are getting. Youll be feeling relaxed and confident and the results that you will be getting will be one or more of the following:

  • Increased clientele
  • Increased income
  • Increased passion for your work
  • As a review, remember to avoid THE BIG MISTAKE by being conscious of what you focus on.

    Dont let the outer conditions determine your mindset. Keep a mindset of prosperity and practice the beliefs of successful people. Keep remembering to expand the flow of energy to your business, whatever the market is doing.

    When times seem tough, it is especially important to stay away from a scarcity mindset. Instead, go within and look for the opportunities for new ways to market yourself from a prosperity mindset.


    With her 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping Real Estate Professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success.

    For specific ways to master your psychology about getting clients and growing your business, and your personalized step-by-step success blueprint, visit to receive your FREE special report and audio mentoring session: 7 Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days. To contact Dr. Maya Bailey, call 707-799-5412 or visit

    Viral marketing is a methods of list building

    There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

    No one looks at the title tags, so they don't really matter, right?


    It turns out that someone pretty important to your internet marketing success does look at those title tags: That someone is the search engine that's crawling around, deciding who should get top placement for your keywords.

    Title tags are, of course, only one of the factors. But they're such an important factor that it shocks me when I see that many of the folks being paid top dollar to produce "Search engine optimized" web sites for customers aren't using them properly.

    But then, the world is full of self-appointed experts who don't really know what they're doing. One of my new clients told me she had just paid someone to optimize her site and that he assured her that it took 3 or 4 months to see results.

    What nonsense! I've seen sites get results in 3 or 4 days! (My own, when I started using common sense methods.)

    If you write and maintain your own site, you know what your title tags say - or if you've even written any. If you've paid someone to produce your site, go look at it as soon as you finish reading this article.

    Every page should have a title that includes your keywords and gives a clue about what your visitor will find on that page. Yep - every page needs its own title.

    If you'll look around, you'll find a lot of sites that have only the name of the business in the title - and it doesn't change from page to page. They aren't giving the search engines any help at all! Remember, when you help the search engines, they help you right back!

    Your title can be about 65 spaces long - so you do have room for a few well-chosen words. Yes, they should make sense, but don't have to be written in a complete sentence.

    Think of it as a headline. Because it is. When your potential customers view search results, they'll see that title in the results. It needs to reach out and grab them, and cause them to choose your listing to click.

    What is the first thing you want a potential customer to know about you? What one or two things will stop them and cause them to think "My search is over, this is the one I need?" Think about how your title can separate your listing from all the annoying, highly optimized directory sites that only offer to let you search some more. How can you show those searchers that their search is over because they've found you?

    Your title tag carries enough importance that it is worth your time to really consider what it will say. Should your name be included? Only if your name alone will cause searchers to click. It's usually more important to talk about your product or service and show a primary benefit.

    Sit down with pencil and paper and think of a few dozen possibilities - just the way a copywriter does when coming up with a headline. Then choose the best idea and refine it. You might have success in a few minutes - but more likely you should plan to spend an hour or more.

    Lastly, make absolutely sure that whatever you promised in that title is delivered on that page. I'm sure you'll agree that there are few things on the internet as annoying as searching for something, thinking you've found it, and being taken to a page that bears no resemblance to what you're looking for.

    Marte Cliff is a Freelance Copywriter who specializes in making people feel good about buying products or services - or donating to worthy causes.

    She has extensive experience in writing search engine optimized web copy, direct sales letters, postcards, space ad copy, press releases, and more. She is also available for marketing plan creation and editing services.

    You can visit her at . While you're there, sign up for her marketing ezine. When you do, you'll also get access to reports that will help you get better results from your own writing.