Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Quality versus quantity is a debate that has loomed over the link building stage for some time. It is hardly a well-guarded secret that link quality is, now more than ever, more important than the sheer weight of links a site has. The algorithms that the search engines use have evolved greatly from their first incarnation. Primarily the focus was on link numbers, sites with a greater number of links from any source were deemed to be sites of value. However, where it was once necessary to concentrate on building links you should now be geared towards building a link profile.

The web, according to Google and other major search engines is intended to be a holistic collection of informative websites. The sites themselves should not appear as though they are pampering to the needs of the search engine algorithms but instead, god forbid, bowing to the whim of visitors. Aside from over optimizing the pages of your site, having a link profile that appears unnatural is one of the most obvious indications that a site is attempting to manipulate the algorithms.

A link profile is essentially one huge balancing act where (almost) everything has its place. Reciprocal links might not provide the value they once did but in moderation they can still benefit many websites. Similarly, while it won't do your site much good to have one thousand links from ten unique IPs, you should try to avoid having one thousand links from one thousand unique IPs.

So, the most sensible approach, then, would be to utilize various link-building techniques to optimize your link profile. Diversify your link portfolio. As well as submitting (manually, of course) to a hundred web directories try submitting articles to article directories. As well as a raft of one way inbound links consider a few well-placed and relevant reciprocal links with valuable sites. But always make sure that the link provides something genuinely useful to your visitors. Be an active member of forums and blogs, and always include your link in your signature. Syndicate content and submit it to syndication services.

These are all genuine ways to build links to your site and, therefore, optimize your link profile. Doing so will, in most cases, not only benefit your SEO efforts but it will also provide your inbound visitors with an easier experience, your existing visitors with quality resources, and your traffic stats should see an improvement too.

There's a lot to be said for natural links, and a lot of what is often said is that they are incredibly difficult to get. This is certainly true and in many cases, when other sites link naturally to our own site we don't have the level of control we would ordinarily demand. Do go in search of links to your website but don't concentrate on one single method.

When you're looking to diversify your links you should also attempt to diversify other factors. You may believe your homepage to be the most important page on your site but you should attempt to gain links to your homepage and deep links to the individual pages of your site. Initially, this may make it more difficult to rank highly for your keywords but you will benefit in the long run because you will receive improved results for a variety of topics.

Also vary your anchor text, always ensuring that it is relevant to the page it points to. It's a common mistake that many make when attempting to optimize their page for a certain keyword to continually batter that page with links using that one single keyword. Keyword synonyms, stems, and inflexions can all be used to great advantage and enable you to offer variety and sensible linking text.

When you first establish a site it is an understandable mistake to take any link going. After all, links can be at a premium with a lot of sites. However, it is important to remember that the decisions you make at the beginning of your SEO campaign can have an adverse effect for months or even years to come.

Matt Jackson is an SEO copywriter that specializes in crafting compelling website content.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

This marketing tactic is highly successful, and many of us fall into it's clutches from time to time. How many times have you seen a weight loss product on the television that says that someone lost 50 lbs. from a diet pill? Discretely, they are using this tactic called the could care less tactic, and it has proven to be one of the best marketing strategies.

The could care less tactic is based upon making your audience feel bad. This is their so called "hook." They hook their prospects in by saying, Your too fat, but you can use this to lose tons of weight. They become interested because you couldn't care less whether you hurt their feelings from saying what you said or not. Then their prospects buy their products.

But this is not where the article marketers make their huge sums of money from this tactic. No way. If your trying to use this tactic in article marketing, that is just the basic, this is how you really profit from this tactic. Like it's called, the could care less tactic, that's how you should perform. When someone buys your products, you don't keep in contact with them. There is no customer support, there is only more products to solve their problem. This is the could care less tactic at it's finest. It can be hard to do, so it wisely, or don't use it at all.

In your articles state that your much to busy making all this money from your industry so you won't help them, but you'll sell them products that will make them like you. Talk about yourself like your an idol or a hug success. This is where the money is going to be coming from.

Looking for new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons! Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com today!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is not as profitable as before. That's what 'gurus' tend to say to get you afraid. The truth is, although there are more article writers right now, the amount of people surfing the Internet has also increased. So it comes down to the same amount of traffic.

Here are my 3 biggest secrets for getting massive traffic from your article marketing:

1. Always Build A List With Your Opt-In Page

This is what I do - I always build a list by sending traffic from my articles to a opt-in page. I don't send them to a sales page - that just turns most people off. But a squeeze page offering free information is better received. List building is one of the key activities you must be concentrating on online, so direct your traffic to build your list!

2. Submit Only To The Top Directories

Although you can make submitting articles to hundreds of directories quicker with an article submitter, it's still terribly difficult. You have to register at all the directories, and most article directories are different from each other, so that makes article submitting with submitters a slow process still. My advice: submit only to the top 5 directories. Spend more time writing articles.

3. Write In A Conversational Style

Let's face it, as human beings we are emotional beings. We respond better to conversational writing (that's why blogs are so popular!) than boring, technical writing. Unless your subject calls for it, I'd advice writing in a conversational style (like what I'm doing here!) as this will generate windfall results.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article Marketing is a great way to get the word out about yourself and your business. Even people that have never written before are finding success writing short informative articles and marketing them through Article Directories. The great thing is you don't have to be a professional writer to benefit from this Internet based form of marketing. It's simply a matter of writing about something you know or are interested in, and writing your article as if you were talking to a friend sitting next to you. While I believe just about anyone is capable of writing an article that is worthy of being published, there are a few things to avoid when writing your article to keep it from winding up on the publishing scrap pile.

Of all the mistakes that writers make, gross spelling errors is one of the most blatant. When I speak of spelling errors, I'm not talking about the occasional misspelling of a word, or using the word in the wrong context like using 'there' instead of 'their' but we are talking about articles that are written as if the writer has never opened a dictionary before. The thing is, there really is no reason to submit an article full of misspelled words. All one needs to do, is use a 'spell checker' to proofread their article. Some article directories like 'Ezine Articles' even provide a free spell checker that will let you check your spelling before submitting the article. No matter how good you think your spelling is, my advice is to use a spell checker before submitting your article. I always use one before I submit an article, and I'm amazed at the spelling errors I find in my writings.

Another mistake that writers make is writing an article that is either too long or too short. You want to try and get in the habit of saying what you have to say as concisely as possible. I usually try to compose my articles with a structure of 5-7 paragraphs and word count of between 400-700 words. Any less than 400 words, and most newsletter publishers and owners of websites won't bother to use it for publication. It's the same with articles that run on forever. Remember, you are not writing a book, you just want to compose a short, entertaining or informative article that others will read and hopefully post on their website. Your goal is to have your article distributed around the Internet as much as possible. Keeping your articles short but concise will help you to accomplish this goal.

One of the most egregious errors that I see some authors make is the misuse of the 'Resource Box'. It's a shame to see a well written article about some topic only to see the Resource Box not being used properly. For instance, if you're writing an article about Tropical Fish, you wouldn't want to include a link in your Resource Box that takes the visitor to a site that tells them how they can save money on their taxes with a piece of software. You want to link the information in the Resource Box to the article as much as possible. If you are writing a somewhat general article about making money, you're probably safe in linking to most other sites about making money in one form or another. On the other hand, if your article is written about a particular niche, then use the Resource Box to send your visitors to a website that relates to what your article is about.

Another vital ingredient to Article Marketing success is submitting your articles to the right Article Directories. There are literally thousands of directories to submit your articles to on the Internet. While some people will suggest that you submit your articles to as many directories as possible, I try and submit my articles to the highest ranked directories on the Internet. The reasons for this are not only because you receive more visitors from these directory sites, but your articles will oftentimes receive a higher page ranking by the search engines which leads to long term traffic for you. One technique I use to check on the effectiveness of an article directory is after submitting an article, going back a week or two later to check on the article stats. If I find that the article is waiting to be reviewed or hasn't been downloaded much, then I'll most likely avoid submitting any more articles to that directory in the future.

Article Marketing can be a great way to bring traffic to your website. If done properly, your article can bring you traffic for years to come. While your article writing probably won't lead to a new career as a novelist, it can lead to greater exposure for you and increased profit.

William J. Thomas is actively engaged in Internet Business pursuits. He also contributes articles on life, business and other topics. His current website is..Create Income from Home With Your Own Cash Generating... Internet Business

Visit Bill's Blog for tips and discussion about Earning Income on the Internet

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Whatever niche area you are interested in, is usually the place to start, if you already have a good knowledge in an area that is your main hobby, you could be an expert in your field, and you most certainly should develop this further, especially if you want to have an informative website up and running.

You see when you already have a good range of knowledge in a chosen subject, it's best to reinforce this with more accurate and in depth content that you have researched thoroughly for the information you need.

Of course on the web you have an overwhelming resource at your finger tips, just do a google search for anything you want and there will be masses and masses of search results most times on all topics, for you to sift through.

Also you take into account that some jolly folk have the same interests as you and have set up their own forums and message boards as well as their own websites, like the internet you will find experts who travel from one forum to another with their guidance and expertise, it's these guys you want be like, helpful, knowledgeable and most certainly ahead of everyone else.

In forums you can ask questions to which they will get answered, and it's the kind of questions you ask that builds up your special niche information, for example if I was posting in an art forum, I'd ask if anyone knows any good art methods or techniques in a specific post area and someone should answer with a good answer, it's just about joining in a community and getting involved really, this is how you network and build up your sites niche content.

Experts of any niche area just cannot help themselves and will fall over their feet just to help anyone out as it could mean the chance of a few more tracebacks to their website for further info, or the possibility of a bookmark of their website, and they usually respond as fast as you can say help!

When you become an expert in your chosen niche subject area, you can do this too and there is an excellent reason for doing this, every time you post a helpful response to a request for help or even posting an article you always should include a signature line with a few short words about yourself and what you do and your website address (url), this is often called an author resource box at the very end of your post your readers have the option of visiting your site for further information.

Also when you provide good quality information that the reader is pleased with, that might filter out into the search engines and others may well see your quality information as a passer by searching for quality information themselves.

Libraries are another top research source for your targeted niche area, and also they are nice and quiet to do your written research, whilst some of the books maybe outdated, a library provides a good source of material, just be prepared to spend a few hours sat down with a writers headache at times.

Al ot of these research methods require a lot of reading and time spent(not enough time in the day, I know!) but it's well worth doing accurate research in the long run as your readers will come to appreciate the extensive information targeted towards them.

Wayne Tully an artist, writer and affiliate marketer who does many online business ventures and earns a reasonable income online as a result. Affiliate Marketing And Online Business Blog Resource

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

For many online marketers earning a full time income is the ultimate goal. It is not an easy task but it can be accomplished as long as you apply this one simple strategy along with all your hard work. You will discover what most savvy marketers already know, the major key to making a full time income is quite obvious: "Residual Income".

Just as the name states, residual income means you make one sale and you earn follow up income automatically for months, years or sometimes even for decades after you make the initial sale. It almost sounds too good to be true but residual income does exist and thousands of online marketers are reaping the rewards.

It is a pure marketing strategy which makes perfect business sense. Why utilize all your marketing resources to make one sale and receive one payment, when you can just as easily use the same resources to make a sale and then receive repeat payments for years down the road? The beauty of residual income comes from being rewarded for your hard efforts again and again. One sale can equal long term income for years.

The Internet makes earning residual income possible for everyone. Stay at home moms, the college student, the part-time worker... you name it, anyone can earn a residual income on the Internet.

Why is this now possible?

Because the Internet has opened up a whole stampede of companies and services looking for clients and customers. Services that once were only offered locally before the advent of the web, but are now being offered globally to a world wide consumer base.

Unfortunately, as many companies have discovered, the competition has also increased a million fold as this new marketplace has opened up. Competition for acquiring clients and customers has become a lot stiffer mainly because companies don't just have to compete locally anymore but globally. It's the new global economy.

With competition so fierce many companies and businesses will offer a premium reward for anyone who can acquire or find clients/customers for their company's products and services. Many will even offer residual income for as long as the client or account stays with that company.

Enter the Affiliate Marketer: You!

Affiliate marketing is tailor made for the Internet. Millions of webmasters have millions of sites attracting millions of visitors each day. These sites relate to a particular niche or subject matter that attract targeted visitors interested in the same topic. All any webmaster has to do is join an affiliate program related to their site's topic and promote this affiliate company or business to their visitors.

Just connect the Dots.

The smart webmaster or online marketer will only seek out affiliate programs or companies which will give them residual payments for finding clients or accounts for those company's services or products. This marketing strategy has proven very lucrative for those webmasters/marketers who are taking advantage of these residual revenue streams.

Here are some pointers on how to make this strategy work to your advantage.

* Affiliate Networks. Use very reputable Affiliate Networks like Commission Junction, LinkShare, ShareaSale... these programs offer a whole range of Top 500 companies that you can promote. I find CJ and LinkShare to be extremely reliable, with excellent tracking and prompt payment.

* Private Deals. However, the most lucrative rewards and residual income can come with private or individual deals you make with a particular company. My experience, if you manage to attain top rankings for the top keywords in a particular industry these companies will come to you with a private deal. Your job is to acquire or find clients/accounts for that company and receive a commission or percentage of all revenue this client generates for the life of that account.

* Smaller Companies. Sometimes it is the smaller less known company in your particular industry or niche that will offer the best deal. It may be harder to promote a lesser known company but the rewards may even be greater.

* Cookies. Keep in mind, another version of residual income is the good old cookie; you refer a customer to a company and this customer is cookied with your affiliate id... any sales made from your cookied referral will earn you money. Check the length of these cookies, some are 24 hours, 90 days... the longer the better. I seek out companies which give life-long cookies, they are rare but they do exist!

* Major Point: The key to picking the best affiliate programs for residual income is picking companies that offer services like web hosting, phone services, cable services, marketing services... anything that people sign-up for and then rarely change. This will earn you a monthly commission for as long as they use this service. I am presently earning commissions on sales I made 4 or 5 years ago.

* Use PPC. Pay Per Click advertising can be a very effective way of kick-starting your residual income if you know what you're doing. This form of advertising can get very costly very quickly so proceed with caution. I found even with a low conversion rate and a high cost per click charge you can bid higher with a residual income affiliate program because it is not a one time sale. You can afford to outbid your competition, but don't try for the number one position; I have found the best place to have your PPC ad is in the third spot.

* Never Put All Your Eggs In One Basket. Don't just promote one affiliate company or service, instead spread your marketing over difference services and companies to earn multiple streams of residual income from different sources. If one should dry up, you will have plenty of others to rely on. Besides, getting 10 or 20 monthly checks will always put a smile on your face. Trust me!

Of course, there are many more factors involved in producing a full time residual online income but these points will help get you started in the right direction. Don't get the wrong impression, this income won't just suddenly appear, you do have to do some hard work marketing and promoting your chosen affiliate companies or services to make the initial sales. But the rewards are very sweet, and they just keep coming and coming and coming...

The author is a full time Internet Marketer with numerous sites on the web, including two niche sites on Internet Marketing. His main site is Internet Marketing Tools For the latest and most effective marketing tools to boost your online marketing try: Marketing Tool Guide Copyright 2007 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed with this resource box attached.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is


Welcome to the world of Internet Marketing. Now you can use the knowledge you gain in this Special Report to market your products and services using the web, and reap rich rewards.


Google has changed our world forever. We no longer ask people for recommendations; we no longer call our friends for long chats. We no longer idle our time at the coffee machine…

We are mostly busy at our Notebooks or PCs, finding something or the other on the Internet, using search engines like Google or Yahoo. There is so much happening in the world, and internet is becoming the key medium to stay in touch with everything – electronic greeting cards, MSN messenger, GMail, Net2Phone, grocery shopping, Amazon, eBay, Internet Radio & TV… you name it, and it is available on the Internet. So why would you or your customers leave home at all.

Small Businesses Need a Jumpstart on the Internet

With all this happening at warp speed, the small business owner has to think of ways to get their product or service in front of eager buyers. And where do you find such eager buyers? After all they may not visit your shop or office. Hint: Find them on the Internet.

Two Ways to Get New Customers

There are only two ways to get customers - either you find them, or they find you.

Push Method – You find your Customers

Competing in a global marketplace, you will have increasingly less time to find customers yourself. And the more you chase customers, the more they run away from you.

Pull Method – Your Customers Find You

A pull method, where the prospects eagerly seeking your products or services find you works the best. Because they seek you - “the expert”, you have a much higher perceived value, and consequently, you have to do much less of selling… (They are already sold when they found the expert in you).

Make it Easier to Find You

If you (meaning your website) is easy to find, more prospects will not have to hunt you down. Today, they may search high and low on the search engines finding your products and services.

If your website is listed high on the search engines (Hint: in the first page or two), you have a high chance of getting their attention. If you are among the remaining 432 million pages, you stand no chance.

Not everyone can be in the top pages of search engine results. But you can, if you follow certain principles, some guidelines, and show persistence and perseverance.

The art of optimizing your web pages, so that Search engine think they are highly relevant to what people are searching for, is called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO in short.

Search Engine Optimization Explained

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is making your each page on your website work like a magnet to attract eager prospects. It starts will identifying those keywords that people are most likely to search your product or service for in search engines.

Keyword Identification

For example, if you sell rare second hand watches on the web, you want those people who search for “second hand Rolex”, or “used Patek Philippe” or “rare branded watches” to come to your website.

Optimizing your Web Page for these Keywords

So you optimize the pages with such keywords. You use these so called “keywords” in your web copy (body or text written on your webpage). There are many ways to get these words on the page.

For example – your page title could be “How to Select a Rare Branded Watch”. Then the various paragraphs on this page could have sub heading like – “Finding the Rare Branded Watch”, “How to identify a Fake Branded Watch”, “Negotiating Price for a Rare Branded Watch”, “Huge Collection of Second Hand Rolex Watches” etc.

Search Engines Find Your Goldmine

You might have noticed that the keyword “rare branded watch” has already appeared multiple times in the title, body, and description. The Search Engines think that you have a great content for the word “rare branded watch”, and move your listing much higher in the search engine results.

If you consistently and correctly do this, you have a much better chance of hitting the top pages for your keywords.

Don’t Over Do it, or you will get banned

This is just one of the techniques. Of course you can’t over do it, or else Google could punish your site and not show it at all if they think you have purposely “stuffed” your keywords in the body of your webpage, and the sentences do not make much sense. So do it carefully, and benefit from this technique, but don’t go overboard.

Other Ways to Get a High Search Engine Listing

SEO requires you to tweak so many aspects of your website – you could continue to do it for the next few months easily. And this is a key point too… continue to make changes to your site regularly. This show that your site is current, up-to-date, and not something that was setup in 1998. Of course, a current site is rewarded with a higher rank than an old site that is never updated.

Some of the other basic SEO Techniques are:

a. Optimizing your Page Title,

b. Using appropriate Meta Tags for Keywords, Description

c. Using Descriptive Headings

d. Having a Site Map on your website

e. Making your Site Rich with Content

f. Making Navigation to inner pages easier

g. Building Inbound Links from other Directories, & Authority Sites

Each of these techniques takes time, and you must do it carefully, correctly, and make sure you keep the site updated for continuous good support from search engines.

More information is given below for each of these SEO techniques. Use it to your advantage.

Optimizing Page Title

A page title is what is displayed in top of your browser’s window. Most websites don’t even have a page title. Others have the company name as the page title. Ideally, each page of your website should have a unique page title. It should be short, yet clearly summarize what the page is all about. Keep it within 60 to 100 characters. The Windows Title bar can’t show any longer than that anyway.

Using appropriate Meta Tags for Keywords, Description

If you have never heard of Meta Tags, do not be alarmed. These Meta tags are not meant for humans. It is more meant for search engines, so that they can assess what the site is all about. To check if your webpage has Meta tags setup, visit any page on your website, and do a View Source from your browser’s menu.

You will notice that just below the < HEAD > & < TITLE > are tags like meta name="keywords" content="Branded Watches, Second hand watches” meta name="description" content="Branded Watches Unlimited – Second hand branded Watch Store”

Many search engines use these Meta tags to show the description below your website in the search engine listings pages. The biggest Search engine who uses this kind of listing is Yahoo. Even Google uses the keywords to some extent.

Using Descriptive Headings

If you know basic HTML, using Header tags (starting from H1, H2 to H6), for your headings, sub headings gets these keywords a higher weightage in search engine rankings.

You can edit the HTML for your website using editors like Microsoft FrontPage or Dream weaver. Then add a H1 tag to your most important heading line. For sub headings, use H2, and so on.

Having a Site Map on your website

A site map is a virtual map of your website. It shows how the different pages are linked to each other. With this kind of map, it becomes much easier for the search engines to reach all pages of your site, and spider them.

There are many free tools available from the search engines that can help you make a Sitemap. Even Google offers its own Google Sitemap tool.

Making your Site Rich with Content

If you regularly add Product News, Happenings, Company News, Articles of interest, then your site becomes more lively, more interesting, and a place where your prospects may find much of the information they are looking for.

A deep, content rich site is a boon to you, which will help to get higher search engine listings with ease.

Making Navigation to inner pages easier Most sites use a Breadcrumb trail kind of navigation to aid the browser in finding information, and retracting to other branches as and when needed.

A breadcrumb trail looks like this

Home > Books > Marketing Books > Magnetic Marketing

This way, a user can navigate to any level. From “magnetic marketing” back to “Books” or Home in a single click.

Search engines love a site which makes navigation easy. You prove to them that you are thinking about your browsers, your customers, and not only yourself.

Building Inbound Links from other Directories, & Authority Sites

One of the most important aspect that can make or break your journey into the top pages of search engines is Inbound Links.

Inbound links means links to your website, coming from other websites, directories and authority sites. It is no longer about content alone. Today, there are millions of great sites that are rich with content. To compete with them, you can also build great content. But that is not sufficient.

Search engines like Google and Yahoo look at who links to you. If you have great content, an authority site, then a lot of websites, blogs must be linking to that content. If no one links to you, then Google does not give you a higher rank.


Hope you enjoyed learning about Search Engine Optimization, and how you can get your website to get High search engine rankings. We will continue to update you with latest SEO news from time to time.

Do let me know how you feel. We like to hear from you to improve this special report and make it more useful for you. All bouquets and brick-bats are welcome. Your feedback is important to us and helps us in improving this article and other workshops that we hold regularly.

Vinai Prakash, CEO of BrandRich Marketing, is a SEO & Internet Marketing Expert. Many of his articles are published in Books and magazines around the world. You can learn more about SEO by subscribing to his newsletter. Simply send an email to info@brandrich.com. You can visit his site at http://www.brandrich.com

His recent article on E-Commerce has been published in the Small Business Book of Lists, which is available at Amazon.