Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Why Organic SEO is Better Than PPC

Despite the fact that both organic SEO and PPC are part of the same system - Search Engine Marketing, there are a few very basic yet essential factors that distinguish organic SEO from PPC and make it much better than the latter. Some of the benefits organic SEO has over PPC are as follows:

It provides long term solutions:

Organic search results might be slow in listing the websites, but its listing is a much more stable and long term process. The search listing which appears through organic search is a more permanent one than PPC which generally runs for a specified time span after which it dissolves and disappears.

The click through rates is higher:

Research proves that the end users too have a tendency of clicking on the organic results more than the paid listings that appear on the search engine result pages. This makes the click through results of organic SEO almost 70% higher than those of the paid search results.

Quality Traffic:

Since the organic SEO are mostly dependent on keywords, that are selected after a proper research and survey on user tendency and demographics is conducted, it suggests that the traffic too will be saturated and of good quality too. The search engine techniques is entirely based on keywords, the end users type in a keyword relevant o their search and the search engines display results that match with their requirement. This makes is evident that the users will only type what they are looking for, and will land into your page only if it is relevant to their search. Therefore, the possibility of having low quality traffic is comparatively low here.

Many more avenues:

Unlike PPC campaigns that only depend on keyword bidding, the organic SEO also involves a number of other techniques of attracting traffic as well. this makes it double effective than the PPC. The natural or organic search also includes content writing, link building or link exchange and other on page and off page promotions to help enhance the traffic flow to a website.

Low Cost Marketing:

The last and the most important difference between organic search and PPC is that the former is a no cost search promotion technique. Organic SEO does not require you to spend any many on marketing, unlike PPC where, one has to keep paying the search engines every time a click is generated.

About the Author- Meenakshi Wali is an expert in Internet marketing solutions, presently working with Rupiz Media LTD., one of the leading internet marketing company, offering online marketing services, SEO services, pay per click and search engine marketing over the globe.

Promote Keyword Phrases for Your Website

It's no secret that the keyword phrases you select will make or break your site. And yet it's also true that most people are terrible at selecting keyword phrases that end up being effective and generating traffic for their sites.

The most common mistake made is being too ambitious in selecting keyword phrases for which you don't stand a chance of generating traffic from. In other words, keywords that are way too competitive.

Yet with the right understanding and approach, any site owner or online entrepreneur can greatly increase the traffic they receive from search engines through keyword phrases.

You Must Arrive At Only One Keyword Phrase

Most people believe that the more keyword phrases that they select for their sites, the better. Actually nothing can be further from the truth. If anything the very opposite is true. You must consider the content and objectives of your site very carefully and when you have done that, you must come up with a single keyword phrase. That keyword phrase will clearly portray the narrow niche that you are interested in going after and dominating. Now most people panic when they hear this, believing that it will be ridiculous for them to focus all their energies on a single keyword phrase for the rest of their days.

Actually what is supposed to happen is that after you have selected your keyword phrase, you are supposed to find all synonyms and related keyword phrases. In most cases, the keyword phrases list will easily be well over 100 keyword phrases. In addition, there are other longer keyword phrases that hardly anybody pays attention to because they are not yet popular enough. These are the keyword phrases you will tend to notice in your stats, these could easily number in the thousands. In other words there is much more to the single keyword phrase than you think.

When you put all those thousands of keyword phrases together, you will find that the potential traffic your site is able to attract will number in the millions. One of the greatest secrets of success will come into play, which is the more you limit your target market and niche, the bigger the market you are creating of potential customers and clients. In fact most people believe the exact opposite, which is the more you narrow your niche, the more you limit your market and number of potential clients. This is just NOT true.

The Power of Focus

The World Wide Web is a huge place where it is very easy to drown and get lost forever. The secret to survival has to do with focus. It is indeed a very powerful strategy to narrowly focus on a tiny niche that you can totally dominate. And the way to do this is by selecting a single keyword phrase that best describes what your site is all about.

There are of course other factors that will help you in reaching your decision about what particular keyword phrase to focus all your energies on. Your past experience and skills are critical. You must have an edge that will help you easily win any competition that you end up facing from any other site on the niche subject that you have selected.

In other words, you must be confident enough of at least being in the top 10 worldwide in terms of your ability to deliver on that particular keyword phrase. This would mean that you would have a good chance of being in then top 10 of search engine results.

Actually many people forget that when you are on the web, the competition is not local but in fact worldwide. So you have no alternative but to really know your stuff.

When you make the decision to focus with laser beam precision on a particular keyword phrase for your web site, what you will have actually done is greatly expanded your potential market. The reality which many webmasters have seen in their own experiences is that if you aim for everybody you will most certainly end up with hardly anybody. The proper approach and use of keyword phrases on your site is bound to revolutionize your fortunes online.

Terry Detty finds Website Marketing Promotion and Business Marketing and Online Advertising his passion. In addition to marketing, he enjoys reading and occasionally goes out for a short walk. His latest interest is a new Search Engine Marketing and Internet Marketing Software program he's been using.

How To Do Keyword Research

Doing proper keyword research is very important. It is your first vital step for building your online business.

What people are searching for? You can find out what people want on the internet by looking at the most commonly used keywords they type into the search engines

Why Do Keyword Research?

The reason for doing keyword research is that you can find out exactly what people are already searching for online.

Before you create a product, you should make sure that people are interested in your subject online. Otherwise, you can hardly sell your product as there will have no market on it. You don't want to spend all your hard work and money developing a product that no one is looking for!

I know it! I've be been there! I have done it! And I don't want to do it again!

Therefore we have to produce products, articles or blog posts that people are already looking for and interested in. Always start doing keyword research for ideas to find out what people are already interested in online.

How To Do Keyword Research?

To do your keyword research, you should look for "Long tail Search results". Let me explain the meaning of it. Long tail search results mean 3 or 4 keyword phrases that generate majority of the search results.

For example, "internet marketing" is a pretty competitive term. It is not easy to get high ranking for the term "internet marketing" for a website in search engines. That means you have to put a lot of efforts to optimize the phrase "internet marketing" for search engines. You have to get a lot of incoming links to your sites that use the words internet marketing. It is not that easy.

Why not choose long tail keyword phrases? These phrases are with less competition for search engine optimization. The phrase "internet niche marketing software" is a good example. It is much easier for a website to get a high ranking for this term "internet niche marketing software" in search engine than for the term "internet marketing".

Try to come up with 10, 20 or even 100 long tail keyword phrases related to internet marketing and optimize the site for those terms. You can definitely generate more traffic to your site by just focusing on less competitive terms.

Where To Find Long tail Keyword Phrases?

Here are a few places you can do your keyword research and find long tail word phrases for free.

SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool:

Wordtracker Free Keywords

Google AdWords Keyword Suggestion Tool

Remember to keep your keyword research in a document so you can refer back to it for product creation ideas, what to write for articles, what to write for your blog posts, and more.

Discover Simple Step-by-Step Instructions to Boost Your Traffic, Triple Your Conversion Rates, and Take More Time Off. Yetti Yu Invites Business Owner to Try Out the Terry Dean Monthly Mentor Club and Receive $1,105.95 Worth of Instant Bonuses Designed to Boost Your Online Profits Immediately.

Ezine List Building-Wealth Mentor Teaches 5 Easy Steps To Skyrocket Your Subscriptions and Profits

Would you like an Internet Marketing tool that can put your efforts on autopilot?

In a recent interview for the List Crusade program, Matt Bacak revealed what he called the "foundation" for automatically building a successful and profitable ezine.

(Note: To access Matt Bacak's complete audio interview for fre^e, see end of article)

A little about Matt: He was the leading facilitator for Robert Kiyosaki's (of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame) Cash Flow 101 program. One of his secret techniques he used was to create the Millionaire Minutes ezine, which allowed him to stay in contact with participants even after the seminar was over.

With a several hundred thousand subscribers and around 750 new subscribers each day, Matt knows how to quickly develop an opt-in subscriber list.

The ezine was so successful the he was able to do mailings to his subscriber list three days before an event and fill the room to capacity.

He attributes the success of this ezine with causing him to cross over from wealth building to the Internet Marketing world. He now is considered one of the top Internet marketing mentors in the world.

Bazek gives these steps to develop and promote your ezine.

1) Get a Smart Autoresponder--Your Internet business must have a solid foundation with a Smart Autoresponder. The smart autoresponder allows you to capture names and email addresses.

You can then set it up to email a sequence of messages. For example, one of Matt's ezine has messages set up to be mailed automatically over a period of two years. That means he can go on extended vacations and his sales messages still go out and make him money.

2) Choose a good title and description. Choose a title that captures your Unique Selling Proposition. Next write a 15-30 word description of your ezine to entice the subscriber with benefits of "what's in it for me?" This is absolutely necessary when you begin submitting to ezine directories.

3) Next contact other ezine owners and set up joint ventures. Many will be glad promote your ezine to their list if it has value to their readers. There are literally thousands of other ezine owners out there. You can offer to promote their ezine to your list also.

4) Start submitting your ezine to directories. A search on the Internet will reveal many fre^e ezine directories on the web. They'll list your title and description at no charge. You can begin getting subscribers almost immediately. If you have extra cash to help promote your ezine, try some of the paid directories-for a fee, you can be listed on these site along with many other sites that are members of their network. These can definitely speed up the growth of your ezine.

5) Use a mentor that can help you set up your ezine step-by-step, laying the foundation to put the ezine on autopilot. Often getting first hand guidance from someone who has set up a successful ezine is the boost you'll need to get started.

With those foundational steps, you can quickly start a successful ezine and quickly bring in money, all on autopilot.

Rick Miller is a Certified Master of Web Copywriting and co-founder of List Crusade. For fre^e access to the entire interview and a fre^e coaching session with Matt Bacak, along with 51 other audio lessons from top Internet Marketing and Self Help Gurus--go to:

2004 Rick Miller. All rights reserved. Feel fre^e to reprint or forward this in its entirety to anyone you wish.

How To Spy On Your Competitor's SEO Strategy Like A Thief In The Night!

Every webmaster wants to rank well in the search engines. Only a madman wouldn't. It is the number one way to get free traffic and advertising.

Although Adwords is great, it has been said 70% of search engine users look to the natural results rather than the paid advertisements.

Well to be good in something you have to follow those who went before you, and we are going to discuss how to spy on your competitor's Search Engine strategy like a thief in the night.

Firstly, let's say you have a site all about SUV vehicles. Let's type "SUV vehicles" with the quotation marks into Google. Now go to each one of the sites on the first page, and copy their url into a text file like Notepad. Once you have done this, go to Google again and type this - Now you can see all the sites that link to your competitor's website. Why is this a good thing? Every site that links to his/her site is voting for that site, giving it a higher rank in the search engines. The higher the reputation of the site that is linking out, the greater weight is given to it by the search engines.

Now that you have seen with clarity which sites are causing your competitor to rank so high for this search term, all you have to do is contact these same sites and ask them to link to your website (and possibly do a reciprocal exchange, you link to mine, I link to yours). You will be following the exact reasons why your competitors are ranking so high for that particular search term.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before its gone!

Market Mix of Online Article Submission Sites

Any online article submission website must consider its market mix and decide what quality level it can accept and which type of articles are appropriate. I believe a good online article submission site can handle the trendy pop culture articles and the serious articles and the strength is in the numbers and the rankings of the submission site.

If this is the goal then the online article submission site might handle white papers, or have sub-categories for more elevated articles. Perhaps even an eBook section where they pay out half to the author. I am certain the top online article submission sites have considered all these things at one time or another, although before launching anything like that, it must be a WIN/WIN, for them and the author as well, otherwise it cannot work.

A limited system of review for only serious authors that could be placed in a special category would be excellent, but if the submission site draws its traffic from search engines those folks are coming anyway, only this way they may eventually trust the source more in the future, thus the serious author wins big.

An online article submission website which can accept both serious articles and pop culture articles would allow the site's authors to have their cake and eat it too. The author chooses what to write and the site distributes the work to the world and the Internet Surfer if interested will see the articles they like and choose. Everyone wins, as it is the information topics they are looking for, if it is too heavy for them, they click out, if not they win, you win and everyone is happy in cyberspace?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Best Article Marketing - Latest 4 Responsive Steps to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Article marketing is the perfect content-based marketing solution if you want to popularize your website and gain steady traffic without spending a single cent. Yes, it is free and yet, very effective. This is the reason why it is the most used marketing tool in the internet today.

If you would like to breakthrough with article marketing, these 4 responsive steps will effectively help you out in reaching that goal:

1. Register on all major article submission sites. While you are at it, make sure that you read their terms of service to lessen or eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected online. Also, take advantage of their author's page and fill it with exciting information about yourself that could potentially help you build rapport with your readers. Post your most friendly-looking picture, your expertise, your desire to help, your hobbies, and your interest. Remember that although you need to market yourself as an expert on your chosen niche, you also have to make it personal so your potential readers can easily relate with you.

2. Check your resource box. Make sure that all the URLs and hyperlinks on your resource box are working as designed otherwise, all your article marketing efforts will just go down the drain. To make sure that your hyperlinks are okay, use the preview feature of submission sites before you post your articles.

3. Make your articles easy to understand. Never assume what your readers know and use offbeat acronyms and terms that are rather difficult to understand. To easily get your message across, stick with simple terms and short sentences.

4. Manually proofread your articles. Never put your credibility and professionalism at stake by taking the time to manually review your articles to eliminate run-on sentences, grammar errors, awkward phrases, and inconsistency in tenses or subject-verb agreement.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Writing Secrets - Explode Your Profits with These 3 Article Writing Secrets

The point of writing an article for any affiliate marketer, Google Adsense earner, blogger, or anybody else that does not just do it for joy is to get people to read your article and click through to your website in the resource box. So how do you get more people to see your article and click through to your website? Here are 3 article writing secrets that will get you more traffic.

The first secret to writing articles for traffic is to get listed in the top search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo!. This is not as hard to do as it might sound. You need to target keywords that get searched for every month, but don't have a ton of competition. This will give you a good chance to get listed on the front page of the major search engines. Imagine if you had 50 articles that were getting you 50 visitors each every week. That would be 2500 visitors each week.

The second article writing secret is very simple and will help you get listed even easier on the top search engines. When you are doing your search engine optimization, which would be using your keyword enough that the search engines find you relevant on the subject, use your keyword phrase twice in the title. This will get you better results with Google for sure. It is harder to tell whether Yahoo! or MSN like this, but they always seem to follow Google's lead so it is a safe bet.

The last secret that will help you write better articles for traffic is to leave your readers wanting more. When you give your readers some information, but you leave them wanting more, then there is a better chance that they will read your entire article and click through to your website. You should always leave your readers wanting more tips, secrets, or information about the subject.

Article writing is a great way to create a lot of good targeted traffic to your website, AdSense site, or blog. You can turn these article writing secrets into money with AdSense, affiliate programs, or your own website. Use these secrets to explode your traffic and your profits.

Discover the real secrets to article writing and start making your income from articles. Article Writing Secrets are here: get them now and profit today!

Using a Fake Name - Pen Name - In Online Article Writing and Marketing

If you write online articles to market, then perhaps you need to consider the ramifications of your actions. You see, it is my contention that folks should use their real name. Especially considering that most articles are used as article marketing, and if you do not use your real name and send someone to a website that sells something, then that is fraudulent "shrill" type activity. By using a fake name and supposedly trying to promote a real product, this is complete hypocrisy.

Additionally, if someone uses a fake name, they are Hiding Something, every time. Someone here mentioned that they were protecting themselves from the Internet? Interesting, well then that is an admission that they are hiding. I ask who is protecting the reader from the trickery?

One of the problems on the Internet is that people use false identity and post bogus information, without taking responsibility. Using a fake name, they assume gives them security to spout off without recourse. I have a problem with fake "pen" names, and if you are promoting a product or service or even just AdSense Ad website doing this, it is borderline illegal.

Personally, I see it as a criminal act, I am not impressed with the excuses people use. The idea that everyone else does it, is not good enough, because many people do it, and use multiple identities and if you do it, you are in the same boat with liars, cheaters and terrorists. That is what I think. I am not impressed with liars, nor should you be. If you are using a fake name, then how are you justifying your integrity level to your mirror, please do tell. *the truth.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Breakthrough High Ticket Product Creation - 3 Fresh Secrets to Explode Your High Ticket Products

Creating a high ticket product is fairly risking as you stand the chances of not being able to sell your offerings. However, with thousands of giant companies in the internet today that are constantly looking for products and services that can potentially help them in either augmenting their sales or making their personnel more competent, any entrepreneur must take advantage of this opportunity to generate more revenue.

Here are the 3 fresh secrets to explode your high ticket product creation:

1. Do a market research. What do your target market need? Do they need teleseminars, advanced coaching programs, workshops, advanced coaching course to empower their employees or subordinates to learn more about their processes and perform better? The more you know about the needs of your target market, the more effective you will become in creating high-ticket product that will meet their needs.

2. Marketability. Before you sink your teeth into creating a new product, you must know first how your target market will respond to it. Is the tag price matches the value that your product can offer? Will your new product or new service offering fit the demands of your target market? What is the buying power of your potential clients? Will they be willing to shell out huge amount of money in exchange of your offering? You need to find out the demands and marketability of your products to guarantee your ROI.

3. Resources. In any product creation endeavor, you need to make sure that all the resources you will need (personnell, budget, equipment, tools, etc.) are immediately available to ensure that you will be able to deliver high quality products. This will eliminate any unnecessary delays and ensure smooth operation so you can beat your projected deadline.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - Learn The Fundamentals That Will Boost Your Profits Part 1

Article marketing is really one of the best ways that you can promote your business online. Basically, you can use this to promote nearly any type of product.

The big advantages is that it is completely free so you get to keep all the profits. Also the leads are proven to convert up to ten times better than other sources. Think about it logically who would you rather buy from an author who writes consistently and helps you to build your business or an advert that you clicked on in Google. As a famous sales trainer once said people only buy from people that they like, know and trust.

Now let us look at the purpose of an article. It's primary purpose is to generate leads. You may be wondering why you would like to do this? Very few people will actually buy from a site that they do not know much about the very first time. If you are very lucky you will get about one percent of people to buy.

An important part of the relationship selling of internet marketing is to generate leads and then first warm those leads up and establish trust and credibility with them before you start selling to them. At this point in time I am sure that you can see that article marketing is a long term process. You may only reap the full benefit a few months down the line. Your primary goal is to build a big list of long term subscribers that you can sell to over and over again.

Basically, this is an asset the same as a house or shares that you invest in. Every time you send emails to that list you will make money.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Why Ezine Marketing?

Many internet marketers, which of course include affiliate marketers, get lost in the sea of options that they have to advertise their product. I am sure for any newbie, it would be very confusing and can get very frustrating because they might want to try all the methods but would not get results as their efforts are not concentrated. Other methods of exposing or advertising your product are by Pay-Per-Click, forums, blogging and email marketing to name a few. I suggest that you concentrate on ONE method first, get good at it before going on to try another method. So why ezine marketing?

Ezine marketing is to write articles about a particular subject of choice and then posting in ezine directories. The fact that you have found this article means that you are aware of directories but maybe you are just unsure of its advantages.

First, you can increase your target audience. The people who are reading your articles might already be interested in you subject field and thus, you gained their attention. Alternatively, someone new in the subject might find your article interesting and thus be more interested about you and your subject.

Second, is the exposure that you will get. Posting your articles in directories would mean that the whole world could potentially read your article. Thats just about Everybody, isnt it?

Third, you can promote yourself through the resource box. It can introduce you as an expert in your field and it is free! Free advertisement! People will have more trust in your product that you have to offer if they can get to know a little bit more about you. Sometimes, if they can relate to you, they would most likely buy from you. Having your link in the resource box, points the reader to where you want them to go.

So, try ezine marketing for at least a month, writing 2 articles a week and posting the articles to at least 4 directories if not more. Then look at the results that ezine marketing will bring. Good Luck!

Nurashikin is an Internet Business Entrepreneur who is still a student and wants to help other students and mothers to make an income from home. She has successfully generated an income for herself in her first month of business.

Find out how she did it at

Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Great Ways to Energize Your Article Marketing

Are you currently using article marketing but can't seem to get the result you were hoping for? Do you often wonder what it takes for you to improve your article marketing technique? Are you clueless as to why your articles are not getting enough clicks? Well, it's time for you to energize your article marketing campaign by following these 4 great ways:

1. Improve your titles. If your clickthrough rate is not that impressive at all, I bet there is something wrong with your titles. That means that your headlines are not well-written to attract online users to open your articles. To remedy this, make use of titles that can effectively communicate the summary of your articles and the benefits that readers can get once they open and read them. It would also help if your titles are keyword-rich and direct to the point.

2. Improve the quality of your articles. Make sure that your articles have better sentence constructions, free from grammar and spelling errors, and written in a logical manner. You will also need to make them "meatier" by including more interesting facts and data that are usually searched for by your target market.

3. Write more articles. Perhaps your articles are great but if their quantity is relatively small, you will not definitely get impressive traffic. To maximize the benefits you can get from article marketing, you have to make sure that you write and submit more articles on a regular basis. Remember, each submission grants you one quality inbound link.

4. Optimize your articles. If your articles are well-written and are of high-quality and still they are not being read, perhaps they are very difficult to find online. To make your articles searchable, make it a habit to use relevant keywords on your copies.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Secret Internet Marketing Tactic Lets You Dominate The Search Engines

If you want to get a LOT more Internet traffic than you are now, without having to do a lot of complicated key word and SEO tricks, then this article will show you how.

Listen to this:

The key to getting a lot of traffic to your audio.


Because search engines are now starting to pick up what is called ID3 tags.

What are ID3 tags?

Well, you know how when you put a CD in your CD Rom, or if you have a car CD player, and you put it in there and you see the little title of what youre putting in there flash across?

Thats an ID3 tag. Theres code embedded in the actual mp3 file, and also when people download digital files onto an iPod.

This allows people to sort their music by title, artist and other criteria.

And, when you have an mp3 file up on your website, the search engines start picking it up that information like they do HTML text.

So, imagine if you have twenty or thirty audio recordings on your site, and youve got millions of people searching for whatever it is you sell.

By using audio, in addition to your regular web page content you have now, you have an extra "layer" of content being picked up by the search engines at the same time.

And by having those ID3 tags, and the keywords within, its going to be easier to dominate your market because the websites cant search the actual audio portion.

All they can go by is whats on the ID3 tags on your files. This is the strategy I do with my own websites with phenomenal results. And it will work for you, too.

The whole key to this is to simply get that audio content up there on your site with the ID3 tags and then let the search engines do the rest.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

Amazing Article Marketing - 3 Phenomenal Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

If you are reading this article, there is a huge chance that you are already writing and distributing your articles online to promote your products and your website but you can't seem to attract enough search engine traffic. You are also probably looking for ways on how you can advance in this technique not only to popularize your website and augment your sales potential but also to get ahead of the pack.

Well, wait no more. Here are the 3 phenomenal steps to help you advance with article marketing:

1. Carefully choose your topic. Stick with those that can help you drive quality traffic or people who are most likely to make a purchase to your website. By this, I mean if you are selling perfume you can write topics like "how to properly use perfumes", "the importance of perfume", "perfume - the perfect gift for your loved ones", etc. These topics will attract those people who are deeply interested in what you sell. Thus, this can lead not only to increase traffic but improved sales potential as well.

2. Use striking titles. The role of your titles in your article marketing campaign is to grab the attention of online users to increase the chances of your articles being open and read online. Keep this in mind when writing your titles so you can effectively make them more interesting, intriguing, and striking.

3. Consider your target market. Do not forget the needs of your potential audience when writing your content. If you want your readers to fully trust you and consider doing business with you, you must be able to target their needs and wants. Strive to answer their questions or offer solutions to their problems so they will treat your content as valuable and useful to their lives.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

5 Internet Marketing Tips for Newbies

Although there are over 100 ways to market your business on the internet, some methods will get you a lot more traffic than others.

Unlike the offline world, where advertising is very effective, content rules the internet. You'll develop a more effective marketing campaign when you focus on strategies centered around developing content for your site.

Below are some of my most effective ways to market online, and I do it all for free.

1. Search Engines

Before you even develop your website, the first thing you should do is focus on the search engines. Organic, i.e. free search engine listings that are highly ranked, will get you far more traffic than using any kind of advertising.

The most important thing you should do here is find the right keywords. You can do this by using any of the pay per click search tools. You can also download a free tool like Good Keywords,

2. Articles

Writing articles not only allows you to brand yourself as an expert, it helps you to create original content for your website. The more quality content pages you have in your site, the higher it will rank in the search engines, and you will also create a viral marketing strategy for your business.

3. Press Releases

Press releases are news. Just like the offline world, where press releases are more effective than advertising, so too are they more effective online.

You should remember to focus on news about your business. Don't make your release a glorified sales letter. It will get rejected.

A simple search for press release writing will help you find resources to help you write an effective press release.

Press releases, like articles, are spider, or search engine food. The search engines love them, and a good release can be very viral.

4. Blogs/RSS

Blogging is the latest craze online. It's a very effective way to promote your business not only because of RSS, but because you can quickly and easily create content without knowing HTML, and with trackback, it has its own built in link building strategy.

RSS is nothing more than a very search engine friendly code that allows you to syndicate your content to other websites, or to be read in RSS readers.

With trackbacks, you can link back to other sites and build your links. This raises your search engine rankings.

5. Free reports

Free reports, like blogs, articles, and press releases, not only allow you to build a content strategy for your website, but you will also create a viral marketing strategy for your site.

A viral marketing strategy is very important because it's mainly passive. If you create good content, your content will be recommended by others. One person reads your content and recommends it to someone else, and before you know it, your content is all over the internet. The more entries you have in the search engines, the more likely you are to be found by your potential customers.

The point is, if you develop an effective content and search engine strategy for your business, you will get your message out a lot faster. Potential customers will find you, and they'll be eager for what you sell because they were already looking for you.

Jinger Jarrett is a certified Web CEO Search Engine Optimization professional living in Alpharetta, GA. You can get her best free search engine resources, software, and ebooks when you download her free toolbar from her special offers page at

5 Essential Elements for Effective Marketing

The purpose of marketing is to ultimately generate sales. Whether you are building a brand or coordinating a one time sale, it is important that you cover all the bases to be effective. If you are selling a product or a service, on the web or over the counter, the five essential steps for effective marketing is a check-list to make sure that you are maximizing the return on your efforts.

1. Features
Define the features of the product or services that you are promoting. Be specific, concise and accurate in your summary of the features. Imagine that you are developing your list of features like the list of ingredients for the side of a cereal box, or the list of hardware requirements for a software application. The list of features should be easy to locate and easy to understand. The list of features should not be flamboyant or contain promotional puffery. It should be concise and contain substantive information. Demonstrate respect for your customers time by being direct and easy to understand.

2. Advantage
Identify at least one, but no more than three, key advantages of the product or service that you want to promote. Unlike the list of features, statements of advantages are intended to generate excitement. The advantages are typically a subtle comparison between the before and after, or a comparison to competition. Do not disparage the competition. If you are effective in stating your advantages, the customer will make their own conclusions. Some examples of phrases used in identifying advantage are fewer calories, every day low prices, longer lasting, less filling and fresh scent. These advantages may or may not be the related to the primary features or functions of your product or service, but the advantages can set you apart.

3. Benefit
It is important to identify the customer value to be realized by the advantages of your product or services. The list of features details the item. The advantages identify why yours is superior. The benefits statement makes it personal. In some cases the benefits may be implied, For example, fewer calories implies weight loss, an obvious benefit for many customers. If the customer benefits are not inherently obvious, then it is good practice to state the benefits. This is especially true if you are selling services. For example, help the customer identify that training and educating employees may result in benefits like better sales or increased productivity. Keep the customer perspective, You can buy at low prices here is better than I can sell to you at low prices.

4. Image
If your marketing includes advertising or web content, it is extremely important to use appropriate images. The text of your marketing material creates an impression and an emotional response. The images or pictures used in your marketing will be remembered. To be highly effective, use images that portray your product or service with complimentary text (features, advantages and benefits). Some common mistakes are not including a picture of the product, or using cartoons in conjunction with professional services. An effective method is to use pictures that convey lifestyle associated with your product. For example, pictures of athletes for sport drinks, cityscapes convey large scope, images of people enjoying the use your product. Proper use of images can gain immediate attention and make a lasting impression.

5. Offer
Also commonly referred to as the call to action, make sure that your marketing material entices the customer to follow-up by asking for the sale. Effective Offers typically include a price, a place to purchase, and a compelling reason to act now. Limited time promotions, coupons, while supplies last and for a limited time only are compelling reasons to take advantage of the benefits promptly. Your marketing material may be your one opportunity to reach that customer, so use it wisely and ask for the sale.

Make a personal checklist and review your marketing material, brochures, ads and web content. Once you have reviewed your own materials, compare to your competition and commercials to see who is using the Five Essentials to Effective Marketing. Once you have successfully covered all of the bases, you will see your marketing efforts and web site transform into self-fulfilling sales.

For more suggestions on marketing, leadership, management skills and organizational development, please visit Executive Blueprints and the Institute for Advanced Leadership

John Mehrmann is President of Executive Blueprints Inc., an organization devoted to improving business practices and developing human capital. provides resource materials for trainers, sample Case Studies, educational articles and references to local affiliates for consulting and executive coaching.

Article Marketing Tips - Three Power Tips To Boost Your Article Marketing Results

It's no longer a secret that article marketing is one of the best ways to drive laser targeted traffic to your website.

And best of all, it's free. The only investment you need to make is "time". Now if you really want to boost your results, then use the following tips that are sure to help.

Article Marketing Tip #1 - Keep your article short and to the point.

Through my testing, I've found that 250-350 word articles work the best. The reason being, they are easier to read which results in the reader actually reading your entire article and clicking you resource box at the end.

Just make sure your article is packed full of solid, useful information just like the one you are reading now.

Article Marketing Tip #2 - Make sure your article title is very catchy and creates interest for people to want to read it.

This is a mistake many beginners make.

You need to make sure your article title creates the desire to be read. Spend some time just coming up with great article titles to get the best results.

Article Marketing Tip #3 - You must write and submit a bare minimum of two articles per day to the top article directory.

Currently, the best article directory is Again, to get the maximum results you need to keep writing and submitting every day.

With a minimum of two articles per day, you will have 40 articles per month if you write 5 days per week. These article marketing tips are the best you're going to find, so read them and put them to good use.

Gary has been a successful, full time internet marketer for over 11 years. He has created list building campaigns that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to know how to build a hyper responsive list and squeeze it for every penny you can, then listen to what Gary says.

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Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Challenging Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is perhaps the easiest yet most powerful traffic-generating and marketing tool in this day and age. Millions of marketers and bloggers are using this technique not only to drive quality traffic to their websites but also to establish their knowledge and expertise on their chosen niche.

Here are the 4 challenging secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Get the attention of online users - at all cost. By this, I mean be desperate for attention. You need to get more people to read your articles to increase their chances of being read and republished to effectively augment your quality inbound links. You can easily do this by using powerful and attention-grabbing titles that are direct to the point, keyword-rich, short, and communicate the benefits that your articles can offer.

2. Deliver new information. Steer clear from re-writing existing articles online and research for new topics that will interest your potential audience. Strive to give them something fresh or information that are seldom discussed on the web. This will add more value to your content that will boost your expert status online.

3. Write simply. If you want to easily create a name online, you need to make sure that you write to inform your readers and not to impress them. Forget your love for big words and strive to make it simple and easier for your readers to get the points you are trying to get across. Stick with simple terms and easy to understand writing format.

4. Take advantage of major article submission sites. Your goal in publishing your articles online is to give them enough exposure to effectively reach your target market. That is why, it is important that you carefully choose the publishing sites where you will post your articles. Stick with those which have great page ranking and steady traffic and don't waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Affiliates - Increase Your Income with Article Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative and successful online income resources that exist. Most great affiliates have researched many different ways in which they can be successful with their affiliate marketing. This is how they are successful, in fact. Keeping up with an ever-changing market can be tough and sometimes frustrating, but in order to earn a real income as an affiliate, it is necessary. As an affiliate, have you ever considered article marketing? As one of the best ways to generate traffic and build lists, this is a great thing to couple with affiliate marketing.

Article marketing is when you submit your own unique, quality, and keyword-rich articles to article marketing directories like Ezine Articles or Article Feeder. The articles would have to do with the product or service that you are offering, and may outline the benefits or the reasons to purchase this product or service. The best way this is accomplished is with a freelance writer or ghostwriter who can create this article to be subtle but have it speak to potential customers. These articles are published under a corresponding category, and when people search for keywords that are placed in the article, yours pops up. Of course, in order for your article to be displayed with the search results, several things must be accomplished.

First of all, there has to be a correct amount of SEO within the article. Of course, this means keywords. The proper keyword density is around 3 to 5%. When more than this is added, the search engines consider the article to be keyword stuffed, which is pretty much another term for spam. The article also has to flow well in order to interest the readers, and contain enough information for them to trust you and consider you an expert in your niche. After they read the article, they will see your author byline, which will include a call to action and a link to your website. Ideally, if the article is good, they will click on the link, already prepared to purchase a product or service from you. At the very least, you should be able to have them sign up for a free newsletter or something similar so that you can build your list.

Article marketing can be very effective for affiliate marketers in order to boost their business, create more customers and sales, or build their contact list. It is a great addition to the other types of marketing in which affiliate marketers have become proficient. The credibility it creates for you will simply build your reputation as an expert within your niche, and this is great for your career. If you are skilled in SEO and the subtleties of article marketing, try your hand at it today. If you're not, find a great ghostwriter or freelance writer to craft your articles for you! Utilize the tips and ideas within this article to help you get your article marketing campaign started, and increase your affiliate marketing business. Good luck on your journey to great success!

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Killer Tools For Internet Marketers

Automation is the name of the game when it comes to Internet marketing. Even though you also have to pay attention to customer service and provide the personal touch when necessary, it's the ability to run your business on autopilot that is key.

Autoresponders are a high priority for any area that you might be marketing in. They'll let you keep in touch easily and effectively with all of the contacts generated from your site. You can be creative as well, using your autoresponder to deliver series of staged email messages.

Whether you have a site or not, consider a blog. They're hot in the search engine space and readily get listed in search results. They encourage your contacts to contribute to discussions around the service or product that you offer and they can considerably easier to update with new information. Use your autoresponder to regularly direct your contacts to your blog, for example. You can send out short emails that give a summary of the news and contain a link to the latest blog post.

Google tools deserve investigation. Google is steadily building one of the most comprehensive platforms of marketing resources on the web. You already know about AdWords and AdSense? Check out Google Analytics and Google Trends for hot information on who is visiting your site and what the market is doing. You can compare trends for the same time period in different years, understand seasonal variations and see if a particular market is fading away or taking off.

Article submitters that take the load off you for getting your articles published. Writing articles can get a good return on investment for traffic and ultimately sales - but you also have to submit them. Submittal is sometimes as long as it took to write the article in the first place. Article submitters can provide a solution.

Press release distribution. Don't neglect possibilities like these, either for online press releases or offline. Many companies have understood the potential of combining offline publicity with online activity and vice versa. Press release distribution tools on the web can point you in the right direction.

Contact Management software. The choice is varied, but it comes down to one thing: organizing your contacts and automating different tasks like preparing distribution lists and reminding you about calls and emails to be sent. Whether you use a specialist package on your PC, an online solution or the database module from Open Office, you'll be more on the ball and on the money.

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Internet Marketing - Are You Doing The Big Four?

Internet marketing is confusing, especially if you are a beginner. About the time you think you have a direction and you get to work, the next bright shiny object comes along. Web 2.0, social networking, video marketing, podcasts, blogs... it's endless.

Pretty soon you are spinning in circles wondering just how to market. What do you do and when do you do it? Let's get back to basics: If you aren't doing the Big Four of Internet Marketing, then you had best start there. Can I be more clear? DO THE BIG 4 FIRST!!!

What are the BIG FOUR you ask?

Number 1: Joint Ventures. You got a product and they have a list, time to get together and promote. Your job is to locate and approach anyone who has a complimentary business. Remember, your competition isn't going to sponsor you.

Number 2: SEO, known as Search Engine Optimization. Get that website, sales page, squeeze page and blog spider friendly. The Search Engines such as Google are sending out their spiders (robots that read your webpages) to figure out which pages are the best of the web for each keyword. You better know how to talk to the spiders.

Number 3: PPC, also known as Pay Per Click. Ever notice those "Sponsored Links" on the right whenever you Google something? People pay to be there. PPC advertising is still one of the best ways to get folks to your webpage. After all, they went to Google for a reason.

Number 4: Article Marketing. Writing articles like this one turns out to still be one of the best ways to get in front of lots of people. You write a 350 to 500 word article and post it into appropriate article directories. Webmasters come along and post your article on their website. You now get a backlink to your website and you get in front of people who would not have seen you in any other way.

So if you are confused about what to do next in marketing your business, service or product, make sure you have a system in place that addresses, automates and implements each of the Big Four of Internet Marketing.

Robin M Powers makes it easy to get started making money on the Internet. For more information and to claim your free 7 day eCourse, Learn the 7 Critical Steps to Your Internet Marketing Success, go to: Business