Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Article Marketing - The Cold, Ultimate Truth About Article Marketing

The myth of autopilot income from articles is truly a myth. I know I'm going to receive a ton of flak for this, but there's no such thing as truly automated income from article marketing. The reason for that is this: articles lose some of their traffic generation power after some time, you'll have to keep pumping them out to keep your profits coming in. Information is growing exponentially online; if you don't continuously release new content, your traffic will drop.

It's also not good enough to submit five to ten articles a month. Many article marketers simply submit a number of articles similar to that and stop. Totally. They don't see results and they give up! Five to ten articles will never create hundreds of visitors to your websites, you have to be pumping them out in the hundreds to see any "real" traffic.

Go to sites like Ezine Articles. The top writers churn out hundreds and thousands of articles and they are doing it for a reason. Because it works. It works in generating traffic, and it's also a great branding tool. Having hundreds of articles out there is a great credibility weapon.

I don't care if you are marketing affiliate products, an ecommerce store, an eBay store, or selling your own digital products. Article marketing works, but only if you work it. Most people give it a try and declare that it doesn't work. Maybe they are too lazy to write the articles. Well, if you have a bundle of extra cash, you can certainly outsource the articles. But if you don't, you'll just have to keep churning them out. The rewards will be totally amazing.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - Using Articles To Maintain Customers And Bring In New Business

Targeting a customer base allows for more consistency in your planning, so you should consider the use of articles to appeal to a specific audience. It is usually better to have a steady base subscriber or client pool than to have to market blindly with every new release, so use article marketing to build a core of customers. You need good articles, and whether you contract writers or write articles yourself, never forget that their purpose is to improve or create sales or subscriptions

So now you have a relatively steady pool of clientele - now what? In order to keep them coming back to your business again and again, you have to keep them involved in the happenings of the business. If you provide subscribers with involving information regularly, they will remain customers. But if they recognize your articles as uninteresting "fluff," they probably will lose interest in your company. Frequently providing customers with free gifts that are exclusive to your clients will keep you connected to your client base and improve customer relations. This is also a great way to keep clients informed about new offers, alterations in products or policies, or any other changes in your business that they will want to know about. Article marketing does all of this very well.

Just because you have taken steps to try to keep your existing customers, does not mean that you can ignore the possibility of gaining new customers. Use article marketing to entice new customers with a free gift or reward for subscribing to your web site or service. This is a good way to let them know you value their business and want to reward them for their support. Free articles are great for promotions and are very effective for the cost. These articles can promote your products while also providing useful and valuable information to your subscribers. It's a great tool that you should definitely consider.

You can get a free copy of our latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success. Sean Milea writes about Business Marketing Plan at

How Do You Get 50,000 Plus Authors All on the Same Page?

It has been discussed with at least one online article submission website that it is time now to ramp up the quality of content on the Internet and get those who participate in online article writing to pony up and make it happen. Some wonder if there is a simple solution to the issue of a few online article writers who write thin content.

There may not be a simple straight solution, but the most important thing that can be done at an online article submission site is to develop a sense of Nationalism, Team and Community and thus no one would want to write a crappy article, because they would not wish to let down the team or themselves or the future of the online article marketing venue.

It will take a little work and it will require talking to a few folks, but you are correct the current levels of Basic, Platinum, etc. do provide much of what is needed to bring up the level of quality and expert perception status. By rewarding quality authors by their level of achievement it is a start in the right direction, one which the top online article submission site is now taking.

It really is up to each and every individual to find their strength and press on to do the best they can at everything they do, especially here as they post their articles. If so, then you are right, there really are no problems, only 50,000 plus solutions, also known as the greatest collection of online article writers the world has ever known.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

6 Article Marketing Tips That Will Cause Your Website Traffic to Explode

If you put the following article marketing tips into place, you will see a steady flow of website viewers.

1. Target long tail keywords for your articles by utilizing a good keyword research tool such as the one at By targeting long tail keywords you have an increased change of conquering that keyword whereas more competitive keywords would be very hard to conquer.

2. Use the articles main keyword in the article title and use very few stop words such as in, the, and, your etc.

3. Provide useful information in the article body. Many people just stuff the article body full of useless info just to reach a word count. Remember, the article body is where you give and the signature is where you take.

4. Take the time to create a catchy signature. Never place your link in the signature without telling a little about yourself and your service/product. This is your chance to take and you should capitalize on the opportunity. Think of the signature as a free advertisement. Would you just place your link in a paid advertisement, or would you utilize every opportunity provided?

5. Once your articles are accepted, bookmark them with all of the popular social bookmarking sites like and These sites are extremely popular and they are growing in popularity every single day.

6. Submit as many articles as possible. A few articles a month will not bring in many site visitors. In order to effectively market with articles you absolutely must maintain a high frequency of articles submissions. If you can submit an article a day you will see huge results. Just write and submit as often as you can and do not let procrastination get the best of you.

If you were not doing any of these suggestions in the past, I highly recommend doing so from now on. These are a few of the more important aspects to article marketing and they can really make a difference in your article marketing campaign.

Joshua Spaulding is an Article Marketing vet, providing the #1 Ebook on Effective Article Marketing at Joshua uses strictly article marketing to bring in thousands of visitors to his Websites on a daily basis and he invites you to learn his secrets.

Article Marketing Secrets - Should I Use Anchor Text or Absolute URLs in My Resource Box?

Q: In my article marketing approach and working towards creating back-links to my site(s), does it matter in my resource box whether I type out the URL versus writing which would say "come visit" my site (with the come visit being the link?)

A:This is a good question, and in fact, it matters a lot.

Anchor text or absolute URLs?

Anchor text is when a word or a few words are clickable links. For example, you often see "click here" as a clickable link. In your example, "come visit" would be an underlined clickable link. The advantage to anchor text is that it looks good to the human eye and when you include key words in the anchor text, it looks good to the search engines.

The problem is we have found is that many of the people that use articles on web sites, blogs and newsletters are not savvy enough to use the html the right way so your anchor text winds up as a dead link. An absolute url is a url that begins with http: and ends with .com or the file name. In this way, the link becomes clickable whenever it is used.

If I am using all three available links in the resource box, two out of three of my links will be absolute urls and just one will be an anchor text link. If I am using just two links I would probably use two absolute urls just to be sure. You could have one of each though. And of course if I am just using one link that link will be an absolute url.

In this way you can be certain your link(s) will work for you in your article resource box. You can check out the example below to see what I mean.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Strategies to Market Your Online Business

As marketing will be a big part of your business budget if you really want to take off the ground when starting your biz, you should carefully plan what to do. Before starting it is essential to keep one thing in mind. Whichever strategy you start with, all your marketing activities will not only influence your sales but also the ranking of your website in the search engines. Our five top strategies are highly effective, the more as you do two things first before using them.

The first thing you need to consider is search engine optimization of your website to get the most out of your advertising dollars. It is essential to learn how to optimize your website so it will eventually get ranked in the top three search engines, Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The sooner you get started with optimizing your site, the faster it will get ranked. Until some of your pages are ranked in the search engines, your traffic will remain minimal. Consider investing in a book, e-book, e-course, or program of some sort to learn how to optimize your site so you can use the information as you are building it and adding your content. Be sure you're learning the most recent information because the rules change frequently.

The second thing to be done is to write a marketing plan if you havent already done so when writing your business plan. If you havent written a business plan, please be sure to at least get your marketing plan formalized before you start doing business. Getting your marketing plan thought through and documented is the minimum you should do for your business. When writing your marketing plan, consider the who, what, when, and how you will do your selling and get your products in front of your customer. Then decide which of the following strategies you will implement in that plan and explain how you plan to carry out those strategies.

Now that your site is optimized and your marketing plan is written, it is ready to start marketing your biz with our five strategies.

1. Find Your Niche public. Imagine trying to sell your product or service to the entire world. Unless you are not Microsoft or McDonalds, you wont be able to reach the whole world. So you should not try to appeal to everyone. On the contrary, it will be essential to your success to as highly target your marketing as possible. It will be by far more easy to cover a niche than the world. Selling your product or service to a small but focused group of people will allow you the luxury of advertising to a smaller but more interested group of people. Since they are more interested, a higher percentage of the group will buy but you will have spent less money pursuing the smaller group. Once you are successful selling to one niche, if your product or service is appealing to another niche, you can create another website and repeat your success using the same strategies you used on the first website.

2. Write Articles. Writing articles with information that is interesting and useful for your niche market will help you gain traffic to your site. When writing an article, include a resource box at the end of the article that includes information about the author (that's you) and a link to your website. Then distribute the article to article directories for other website owners to use on their site or in their newsletters and ezines. This does two things, you gain traffic when someone sees your article on another website and clicks your link and you get a link that points back to your site for the search engines to use to rank your site higher.

3. Start A Newsletter. Having a newsletter is one of the best ways to market to your customers and potential customers. You will need to have a service that will host your list and allow you to send your newsletter. Then you put a sign-up box on your website and your visitors will sign-up. Periodically, you decide how often, you send those who have signed up an email with information that is relevant to your niche. This information could be general info or it could be specifically about your product. To get your visitors to sign-up you can offer a special report, e-course, ebook or anything that would entice them to give you their email address. When you choose the service that will host your email list, be sure they do a double opt-in confirmation of those who subscribe, it's now the law.

4. Link Exchanges. Exchanging links with other websites that have complimentary products or services will not only give you direct traffic from the link but it will also help you with your pursuit to get ranked in the search engines. At the time of this writing, Google is the most widely used search engine, and it's widely known that they consider the number of links pointing to your website as part of the determination where to rank your website.

5. Participate in theme related online forums using a Signature Line in your posts. This is a strategy that could be quite time consuming so don't let it take up huge amounts of your time, however it is quite effective in drawing traffic to your website. Join forums and messageboards that are useful to your niche market and then become part of the community. When you make a post, be sure it's useful and relevant to the information that is being discussed, then at the bottom of your post, sign-off with your name and little blurb about your company with a link to your website. These are often referred to as "sig lines". Be sure to read the forum's guidelines to be sure you're using the proper etiquette in the forum and to be sure signature lines are allowed. If they are not allowed, do not use this strategy in that forum as it could cause you to be banned from that forum.

In this article we covered the top five strategies to market your website and the two things you need to do before you start. Now it's your time to get out and start using some of these strategies.

For more information about money making income opportunities, work from home jobs and starting a home business, go to the Work At Home Directory: Directory

Article Marketing Templates - How To Write Dozens Of Articles Every Single Week Guaranteed!

Writing articles will tremendously increase your traffic, sales, profits and subscribers. The formula is simple. The more articles you write, the more exposure and the more money you will make in the long run.

Many people claim that article marketing doesn't work. Although this method of advertising is slowest than ppc, that doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that it's useless.

You need to understand how it works first like anything in life. One of the best way to increase your article volume on the Internet is to use templates.

How does this work?

There are several article templates that you can use to write faster than you ever imagined. Let's review some of them.

1. The problem - solution

Just state a problem in your introduction. Then, in the second paragraph, show to your reader that he also have this problem like hundreds of others, but you need to make him feel that it can become worst if he doesn't act fast

2. The tips template

This may be the easiest of all. All you need to do is writing a short introduction and then tell your readers that you are going to give him the 7 best tips on the subject.

3. The story

If you are an expert in your subject and you actually have stories to share, just write them. Stories are the most powerful way of communication you can come with, so be sure to use them in your overall writing strategy.

4. The deadly mistakes

This works like crazy. Everyone is afraid of doing mistakes and when you write in your headline: "The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Most People Will Never Know About Fly Fishing", this make people think... "What I am doing wrong?".

Use any of these templates to write your articles in less than 20 minutes and watch your traffic and sales explode.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Article Marketing - My Favorite Way To Drive Traffic

One of my favorite ways to drive traffic to my web site is through article marketing. What is article marketing? Article marketing is the process of writing articles about topics related to your web site niche ideas, adding links to your web site within the articles, and submitting them to the various online article directories for distribution online. One of the really nice things about article marketing traffic is that the leads generated are usually very high quality; another nice thing about article marketing is that there is generally no cost to submitting the articles to the article directories, so for all practical purposes, except for your time, article marketing is free to use to generate traffic.

So how do you do article marketing? Here is a step by step guide to article marketing:

1) Determine what types of ideas and topics are good for your web site? An easy way to do this is to write a list of ten things that people visiting your web site might be interested in. Once you have this list, write down 10 questions someone might have in reference to each of the first 10 things someone might be interested in. This will give you a total of 100 questions or ideas about which you can write.

2) Write 250-350 word articles about each of your ideas, questions, or topics, using the formula I am teaching in this article.

3) At the end of the article, you must have a call to action. Most article directories will call this your resource box, or your bio. I call it a call to action, because it must be more than a bio and a link. It must be a very specific directive that entices people to click the link and get to your web site. If they do not click the link in the article, your article has been basically unsuccessful, so you must learn to write a call to action.

The easiest way to write a call to action is to first create a free item or product that you can giveaway on your web site. Then tell the reader to click here to collect their giveaway. This will create just about the highest percentage of readers clicking through to your web site from your article and of course that is your primary goal when you are article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

How To Use Reciprocal Links To Promote Your Website

What are Reciprocal Links?

Reciprocal Links are basically the exchange of your link with someone else who has a website. The exchange could be with someone who has a site similar to yours or something totally different. The concept is simply you both agree to add a link for the other person's site on your site and in doing this, you each help to drive traffic to each other's site.

When using Reciprocal links, you are in fact using one of the more common and effective forms to promote your website. When you are able to trade links, both sites can benefit by the sharing of traffic and getting the search engines to notice you.

Reciprocal Links can definitely help to improve your search engine ranking and help bring more traffic to your web site. Both the quantity and quality of other links will have an effect on your link popularity.

When you increase your site's popularity, you will get more traffic to your web site and as more visitors find your web site, your search engine ranking can improve as well, bringing in more targeted traffic.

As your competition increases, it is very important that you get a good ranking in the search engines. To attain the high rank within the search engines, you need a plan, a plan that focuses on a linking strategy that will help you establish Reciprocal links with other web sites.

These are some guidelines that may help you:

1) Determine the types of sites that interest you and you would like to trade with. These sites should be somewhat similar to your website's category of interest or they can be sites that you feel your visitors may find interesting, just as you did.

2) It does not matter whether you are just starting out or looking for more links, your goal is to get results as fast as possible. You can try and exchange links with other popular and quality web sites. You must give it a try, the worst thing that can happen is they so no.

Sometimes a popular web site might be willing to trade links with you, even if their category is similar. Frequently you might even get requests from other sites and you can reject them for whatever reason. This is your decision. You can be picky too.

3) Keep this in mind. When you contact the site's webmaster, be kind and courteous. Tell him/her that your site has a similar topic, as you briefly describe your site. Let them know that you liked their site and say why and that you have included a link to it.

Make sure they know where on your site, the link can be found and provide your website address and the link page. Then it is appropriate for you to ask him/her to return the favor by linking to your site. If you get no response, simply delete the link you added for them and look for other sites.

4) Do not get discouraged. There are still many others that will be happy to exchange links.

5) Since there are millions and millions of web sites, you must be patient. It will take time and effort to find those sites you like and choose for your reciprocal links.

6) If another webmaster should request to exchange a link with you, reply to him/her. If you decide not to, tell them why. But in the event you do like their web site then, add a link. Every good site can prove to be useful for you.

7) You should strive to exchange as many quality links as you can. You can always use Google and Alexa to check the quality and popularity of the link.

8) Keep this point in mind and it certainly is the not the right way to do things, but some webmasters will agree to swap links with you but after a few days/weeks they have never added your link or they delete your link without making you aware of it. If you determine this has happened, then by all means, remove their link.

You need to check periodically every site that says they link to you and see if your link is still on their site. If your link has been removed, you can either contact them and ask why they have removed your link or you to save time, you can just delete theirs and look for other sites.

9) Use text links rather than graphics. The search engines are more receptive to text, than to graphics, but you can use either one or both.

10) When you request a link exchange, you will be more seriously considered if you have your own domain. You need to appear as professionally as possible with your site and simply put, this requires having your own domain. It will cost some money but it will give others the impression that your site is quality in the eyes of your visitors.

And lastly, never forget that any traffic generated from swapping links is free.

Mickey Lieberman is a Computer Consultant with over 30 years of experience working with both IBM mainframes, in various capacities and PC's. If you are looking for resources to help with your website marketing and promotion, you can find many useful tools at

Web 2.0 Social Marketing Strategies

For years, online marketers and home business owners have been chasing the elusive holy grail of Internet marketing strategies, to no avail. While industry leaders, and online guru's promise easy money and automated lead generation systems, the true online success stories are in the trenches utilizing tomorrow's technology to build profitable home businesses today.

Unfortunately, many people dismiss web 2.0 as a viable online business building tool, simply because it sounds too complicated, or too far outside of their comfort zone, but the truth is that web 2.0 is not rocket science, and it's one of the most effective methods for reaching virtually any target market.

Just imagine, putting your business in front of thousands, or perhaps even millions of potential prospects and clients. Better yet, imagine doing this without spending a single dime.

That's the power of web 2.0 marketing, and it's as easy as investing just a few hours per week on your home computer. In fact, the way technology is heading, you won't even need a computer to build your business with web 2.0 online marketing. You'll simply need an Internet accessible cell phone, but that's a topic for another article.

The fact is that the fastest growing trend on the Internet today is the online community. Think,, and then picture an endless supply of targeted prospects interested in meeting people and building relationships. After all, that is the glue that holds the home-based business together. Without relationships, long-term success in any business is nearly impossible.

One strategy for utilizing web 2.0 to generate leads for your business is to implement a video marketing campaign. Online video is the wave of the future, but the technology to do it effectively, and inexpensively is here today.

A video can easily be created with a simple computer web cam costing around $30, or there is the option of using a hand held digital video camera for about $100. Either way, it's a heck of a lot cheaper than buying leads, and it's much more effective.

The topic of your video will vary, depending on what you are trying to accomplish, but a good rule of thumb is to teach someone something of value, while introducing yourself as someone with a message worth listening to.

For example, if you're marketing a health product, do a short video that teaches people how to eat healthier, or exercise more effectively. By teaching someone something, you develop the position of an industry leader, or expert in your field, therefore, building credibility in the minds of your viewers, which results in sales and signup's.

Like I said, it's not rocket science, and it may require you to step outside of your comfort zone, but trust me, it's a heck of a lot easier than cold calling leads, hoping for a prospects that doesn't hang up on you.

All in all, web 2.0 is virtually untapped. True, there are a lot of home business owners on the social communities, and there are a lot of people uploading videos, but how many are actually sharing a message of value? How many of them are demonstrating their willingness to help you by teaching valuable skills and techniques in their videos?

The answer is not many, so give web 2.0 a try. Jump in with both feet; it may just be the best thing you've ever done for your home-based business.

Troy Berlin has been actively working in the home business industry for nearly 15 years. He teaches the true art and science of building an online business through web 2.0 marketing strategies. Learn Troy Berlin's Web 2.0 Social Marketing System at

Submitting Articles To Internet Media Portals - Overview

When you plan to launch your respected internet website base business, you should think about establishing good relations with such folks as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, and other titans on the internet ranking and search market. This is where you need to decide if you would like to outsource this part of the business to internet search optimization subcontractor or face the issue personally. When you decide to deal with this on your own, you need to be aware about linking strategy and modern side of it - articles and press release publication in the free press media portals. In this small publication we are following the restriction of genre are trying to give you highlights and initial directions.

1. Press Release Media sites. Well, if you are new to these folks out there, please do the search on Google: submit press release - you will see who is servicing you if you are PR submitter. The key point to keep your eye on is when this specific media site published PR last time - for example it they are not current for few months - then you can not relay on these people to get you to the top of search engines. Other PR questioning technique is verifying their Google page rank - if they have pagerank of three and below - you should probably be skeptical about them as they are probably in the Google so-called sandbox.

2. Articles Submission Sites. At this time, you should be easily finding a lot of PHP portals, which means that these people didn't pay a lot for establishing their articles publication sites. Real Article portal requires custom programming and software development. We are not saying that PHP doesn't do the job, however PHP direction requires a lot of distinguishing thinking through to make their site to be ranked high on the leading internet search engines.

3. Internet Search spiders overview. Googlebot is probably the most desired spider to be welcomed to visit your web site. Then yahoo slurp and Microsoft msnbot is the next in line or in some cases preferred to yahoo.

4. When you article or PR are submitted, what to expect. Here, all the new technology wade off and you have to deal with pretty ancient scenario of gazette publishers, where all the internet engines have to comply to. Market will be voting for your article or PR to go higher or lower. Whatever you do - like purchasing high end notebook or installing latest service pack for Microsoft Vista will not help in making you higher - market place will be in charge and this is what was happening from ancient times.

Andrew Karasev, Pegas Planet Articles: -, serving internet publishing since 2004. Special attention to student writers. Please submit your article or press release at

Almost Criminal Technique To Build A Highly Responsive List For Free

I am very sure that if you have spoken to any successful internet marketer they will tell you that the big money is in building a big responsive list. Now there are many ways that you can do this.

If we take a look at the most common ways these are ppc, ezine advertising and coregistration. If you are a newbie chances are that you simply do not have a dollar to pay for a new lead as this is roughly what the cost will be. Also you probably will not know how to treat the lead very well to maximize your sales.

In this article I would like to go over the the technique that I use to build my list that generates leads that are up to 10 times more responsive than leads from other sources. Another big advantage is that this is completely free.

My favourite method is writing articles and submitting them to article directories. I usually do some keyword research to find a high traffic keyword with very little competition and include it in the title. I submit my completed article to all the major article directories. I also include a link to my squeeze page in the resource box. If somebody reads my article and likes what I have to say they will automatically click on the link in my resource box to subscribe to my newsletter.

I have found that this is the most reliable method of traffic generation that will build your list. If you set this up correctly you will achieve much better results than other methods.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

How To Give Your List A Rich Injection Of Subscribers Using Giveaways

Want to build a list fast? Itching to get hundreds of subscribers onto your list? Giveaways are perhaps one of the fastest ways to do that. But what are these mysterious events?

Giveaways are essentially a collaboration between a few businessmen in a niche who collaborate to give away products in order to build subscriber lists. Each contributor promotes the event to their own list. If you can be one of these people, it can build you a massive and profitable list in record time indeed.

So how do you get involved in these joint venture giveaway events? One way is to make friends in your niche. Form networks. Mingle around in forums and make contacts. Find out where these events are. Most of them are usually in the Internet marketing niche, so you'd want to go to Internet marketing forums.

If you are in another niche other than Internet marketing, then perhaps giveaways are not a chance, yet, to start building huge lists. But this marketing strategy has not been used in many other niches yet. If you take it to another niche, it could have explosive results. Or it could tank. Niches that are similar to Internet marketing in some ways, such as stock market investing and small business, might benefit from this giveaway strategy. Start your own giveaway event, get some partners and start building each other's lists.

So now that you know the power of these giveaway events, start participating in one or even start creating one yourself!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Making Money Online With Articles - An Incredibly Simple Way To Churn Out More Articles Faster!

Do you want to know how to create articles faster than your competition?

Let's face it, the more articles you get out there, the more money you will earn. There are no secrets.

As an article writer, one of your concern should be how to write articles faster without sacryftying the quality.

Here is how I do it:

Article Marketing Tip #1: My Writing Zone Method

Whenver I want to write a high number of articles (from five to twenty), I put myself in a writing zone.

I sit down at the same place (a place dedicated for article writing), and instantly change my state of mind. From this moment, I have one simple goal: writing the number of articles for the day.

I will take a physical piece of paper and write down some numbers. If I want to write 10 articles, I will write from 1 to 10.

I make sure that my son and daughter are not going to ask me a bunch of questions. In fact, they can feel that I am in a "writing frenzy" just by looking at me. However, I found that it is very effective to tell them that I am writing. They won't ask me anything after that.

I make sure that nobody is going to talk to me because I know that once I lose my concentration, it can take as much as fifteen minutes to come back to my initial state.

Doing this rituel will allow me to write articles really fast.

It is also important that you write like you speak amd avoid complicated sentences and grammar strcuctures. What you want is to convey your message and allow anybody to understand what you have to say.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

2008 Online Marketing Predictions - Going Social, Mobile and Global!

Say goodbye to the Year of the Pig (2007) and hello to the Year of the Rat (2008). That's Chinese for welcoming in the New Year with their own set of predictions. For example, Rat people work hard to achieve their goals, acquire possessions, and are likely to be perfectionists. Their ambitions are big, and they are usually very successful.

History is littered with predictions. If you make enough of the, some are bound to be true! The web is its own "animal" and goes by its own set of rules. However that does not stop me from offering my online marketing predictions for 2008. This year could very well be the Year of the Subscriptions, Mobile and Social Networking.

First, I want to wish you all the web success for an exciting, healthy and profitable 2008. And now for my Top Ten:

1. Subscriptions will be the currency for social networks. The fees will be modest, but they will continue to replace more conventional advertising streams. For example, Skype and Twitter will add subscription charges for enhanced features like groups and they will compete for top social network status as the useless applications, intrusive advertising and annoying emails from Facebook continue to turn off users.

2. Social networks will be the key driver of brand success as consumers increasingly trust each other's opinions and distrust advertising and corporate propaganda.

3. Mobile will be the "fast food" of the year. You are on the move and are hungry for instant access to information. iPhones and similar devices that deliver true mobile Internet access will replace laptops that everyone hates to carry.

4. Companies including YouTube, and Seesmic will expand and cooperate to include group collaboration and meetings.

5. 2008 will be the year of collaboration and intellectual partnership, internally and externally. Companies will start forming synergistic groups that work toward improving or bundling products and services that will result in saving time, money, work effort and brand reputation.

6. Special lighting for web cam broadcasts on Seesmic will be the hot new products as video increases in importance. People can now look like people and not like their driver's licenses or passport photos.

7. The Internet will play a growing role in the 2008 election with people trusting plebeian's opinions more so than packaged candidate ads.

8. Privacy will be a key issue of the year.

9. Google stock will hit $1000 a share and split. Search is growing and people are hooked on more.

10. Predict one through nine for next year - that's why they are called predictions. However, it's a sure bet some of these will come true in 2008.

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Powerful and Effective Link Building - Catapult Your Search Engine Rankings

One of the most powerful aspects of Search Engine Optimization is link building. Proper link building for the purpose of rankings uses Targeting Links. Targeting Links are one of the most effective approaches, as the links pass PageRank, and are already proven to rank your competitors. The Old School terminology for this approach is called Stealing your competitors rankings.

Top SEO Companies use this method when developing top-tier marketing strategies for their clients and even their own websites. It is also the most time consuming approach to link building, but it is one of the most powerful methods of producing results.

Define your keyword targets:
Each and every link you build needs to have a keyword target when using this approach. Target a single keyword first. See whos ranking in the top ten on your favorite Search Engine (SE) for this keyword or keyword phrase. All of those sites contain your link targets. The sites that link to them, their backlinks, are more powerful than any link that is built for the sole purpose of link popularity. These are targeted links and have much more power to rank websites. Now the keyword that these sites rank for is the Anchor Text that you want to use on your link on these targeted websites.

Now that we have your keyword target, we need to consider whether the link is really a quality link, or a spam site. Determining this is harder for the layman than the experienced marketer as some sites that show in the backlinks are obvious spammers or websites that are trying to make a buck from Pay Per Click advertising. As a general rule these have low or no PageRank (PageRank 0/10), and always have a ton of ads first. Ignore these links, as they will be temporary or detrimental to this process. Finding the quality websites in your competitors backlinks is very important. You need to weed out the garbage.

Choose the websites that have some PageRank and appear to be quality sites, if you find some sites in common when checking backlinks on multiple competitors, then those are the important links, and you should do whatever you have to do to get a link from it. Consider a reciprocal if all else fails.

Now the hard part, how do you get your link on their page next to your competitor? How can you get the link to you without returning it? Since everyone is so link popularity aware, you need to present a quality proposal to the webmaster to gain a link. You need to be a quality addition for the webmaster to want to add the link. Nowadays, its rare that any site will give a link without returning one. In 1999 before the Link Popularity Search Engines, this was not the case, webmasters linked to whoever they wanted to and paid no attention to reciprocal link exchanges. So how can we get a link without returning one?

Heres a smart approach. For any link that you are targeting, you really need to try and attempt to offer the webmaster a real reason on why he should add the link. Proving that your website is a valuable resource and one-of-a-kind, is a possible way to still get a free link, and a free targeted link is a powerful link. One-way links are important for any site as it is the model of the Authority Domains. These sites have hundreds to thousands of one-way links, and very few if any reciprocal links. So you should try through whatever methods of one-way link building that you want to use, to get these targeted links without reciprocating. But a reciprocal link is better than no link.

Combine this method with blind link building (random reciprocals links), press releases and even article writing (like this one) and your site will achieve better rankings, better traffic and if your site is truly effectiveit will prosper.

About the Author: Alan Rabinowitz is the CEO of a prominent NYC SEO Company, SEO Image. Visit SEO Image for more information on Search Engine Optimization, Internet Marketing and Link Building.

Article Marketing - 4 Highly Impacting Ways on How to Achieve Effective Article Marketing

The primary purpose of article marketing is to relay a message that you know will be of importance to your recipients. This is the only way that you can measure the efficiency and the success rate of your article - when you know that your article material has reached the people who need your information. It is for this reason that it is being suggested for article marketers to follow the below written guidelines to achieve an effective article marketing scheme.

1. Make sure you understand how the information that you have included on your article can be of use to your readers. When you know the answer to this, you will not then have a difficulty in understanding what sort of information that needs to be included on it. Always consider that the information that you put on it shall be used as a basis to come up with decisions.

2. Make sure that your readers have, to the least, an ample amount of understanding of what you are conveying to them. This means that whatever information that you include on your article, make sure that it is not a total stranger in the perception of the reader. Make sure that a generalized idea or concept is provided somewhere on the contents to promote an air of understand ability.

3. Consider the various types of readers that your article material may be encountering. Significantly, you have to make sure that your article material should be able to adapt with the immense cultural and intellectual differences of the readers. It is only with this that clear understanding of the article material can be achieved.

4. Proactively solicit for any feedback or suggestion that concerns the information that you have included on your article. This will make the writer more competent the next time he writes and all at the same time, it allows for diverse ideas to amalgamate that can produce far better form of information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Advanced Linking Strategies Revealed That Will Explode Your Search Engine Traffic

Linking on the internet for any website is of primary importance. The main reason for this is that search engines value the importance of search engine rankings by the amount of websites that link to your website.

If you have very few websites linking to you then you probably will not have very good search engine rankings. In this article I would like to go through some things that you can do to improve your search engine rankings. The most important part is that you need to build a high quality website. If other webmasters see it they will want to link to it because you have very useful content on the site.

You can start off by submitting to quality directories like Yahoo and Open Directory. Google has admitted that links from these will improve your ranking as these are trusted websites. After this you can submit to other second tier directories like Gimpsy.

Post frequently to forums including a link to your website with your signature. Write articles and submit them to the major article directories including a link to your site in your resource box. These will become viral in nature as other publishers publish your articles increasing your link popularity.

Finally, you can use link baiting to take advantage of web 2 traffic. This could be writing controversial articles with a killer headline and submitting it to story sites like Digg. If it generates enough interest it may just make it to front page generating lots of traffic and links to your website.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

The Proper Way To Build An Email List For Your Home Business Part I

You must have heard it a thousand times that you need an email list if you want to be successful in your home business. However, there is a way to go about it if you need an email list for maximum and responsive email marketing.

The best way to build an email list that will respond to the offers that you have for your home business is by building a list which grows gradually overtime. To do this you will need to use a Squeeze page. This is a web page that has the purpose of getting the emails of everyone who visit your website.

To effectively get a good percentage of your visitors to your email list you will need to provide a free digital give away that is related to your market which solves people's problems.

On your squeeze page you must have an opt-in form which a visitor must opt-in to get the digital product that your squeeze page is offering. To do this, you must sell your opt in by using a headline that captivates the interest of your visitor and you must follow this headline with bullet points of benefits to explain why the visitor should get the digital products at once.

The squeeze page opt-in form is taken from an autoresponder. When people opt-in they receive the messages or give away that you have stored in the autoresponder. You can preload follow up message for the purpose of building relationship with everyone who comes into your email list.

Once the squeeze page is in place, you can drive traffic to it using any proven targeted traffic generation techniques such as Pay per click advertising, ezine advertising or article marketing.

To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick downline" here: Build A Downline

Joe Okoro is an accomplished networker who has successfully used internet marketing to grow his downline for 3 years now.

Article Marketing - What Is The Magic Number Of Articles To Be Successful?

This is a question that I get asked many times by people. How many articles do I need to write to be successful with article marketing. Now let us look at some key considerations that are important to be successful with this method of marketing.

When you are first starting out it is going to be difficult to write one article a week. For most people writing does not come easily. So it is very important that you focus on doing one article a week. Once you become good at this you can increase this number to two a week.

Over time you will become very good at writing at you will be able to write five articles a day. Then you can gradually increase this and you will be writing ten articles a day.

So back to the original question. How many articles should you have written to start seeing measurable results. You need at least two hundred and fifty articles to start seeing good results and determine if you are progressing with your article marketing. If you were thinking of only writing a few articles sorry to disappoint you.

So what is the magic number of how many articles that I need to write? You need to write as many as possible. You see the more articles you have in distribution with the article directories the higher the number of readers of your articles. This equals more subscribers and more paid customers. Knowing this information once you become good at writing you may want to write at least ten articles a day.

Hopefully this information will motivate you to write more articles so that you can increase your business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Writing Articles and Following Up with Exceptional Customer Service

You have just started generating your first ten articles and posted them on your blog, forum, or web site. Now you can also submit them to the major article directories, but what should you do after that? You should set goals for weekly article production.

Please understand that article production will not usually bring instant business. Article production, and bringing in new business prospects, is a gradual process. You will need to produce hundreds of articles to see a flood of new business.

However, prospects that arrive through web directories, can easily be tracked; and when they call by telephone, some of them will tell you how long they have been reading your blog, newsletter, or articles.

Article readers tend to be pre-qualified buyers because many of them will follow your writing, for awhile, before taking the step to purchase your products or services. When they are interested in purchasing from you, you should have an excellent customer service system in place.

This is where small business can easily defeat the larger corporate giants. Try to call a customer service representative in a Fortune 500 company. Observe how long it takes to talk in your language and to a real person. This is not a role model that small business should try to copy.

Have you ever called a company by telephone, left a message, and never received a return call? How often have you been left on hold, before you finally gave up, hung up, and purchased a product from another company that cared about you?

Your useful articles, and the fact that you actually answer the phone, or respond to an inquiry, are a big advantage.

Copyright 2007 Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) And Why Quality Content Matters

The purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is to increase the amount of free targeted traffic your website receives.

When you have your site indexed in the search engines, that is only just the start.

Now you know the search engine knows about your website, and then then the next step is you want your website to appear high up for your target audience in the search results.

The best way to think about this is NOT how do I manipulate the search engine to show my site above others.

Rather, you need to consider:

"How do I make my website the most relevant and appealing website to my target audience?"

"How do I make it easy for them to find my website?"

"Once they are there how do I get them to take the required action?"

In other words, make your website highly valuable.

The reason for this philosophy relates to what the Search Engine is trying to do. Google for example wants to make the websites it indexes the most relevant content possible.

So it would be unreasonable for a scant reprint article, keyword stuffed, machine generated or poorly constructed flea market site to rank well.

Google in particular is getting very fussy. If there is so much content on the web (over 100,000,000 websites at last estimate) then they have the choice to eliminate all but the most useful pages.

Quality content should be a major focus for any web marketer because it is the main reason why your website will fall or fly. The old method of "article scraping" is becoming a bad idea because recycled content is not as valuable as unique content.

What will rank well is a website that is unique in content, clearly laid out, site mapped, easy to navigate and considered of value to others. (One measurement of which is calculated by how many people link to it).

In summary, building great search engine optimized websites requires some planning. You could draft out your website on a sketch pad, whiteboard or use a template prior to building it. You need to plan around your content.

If you start with the end in mind you will get faster results. Consider how you can find valuable unique content and you are on the right track.

James Schramko ranks on page one in Google for his Coolest Guy On The Planet SEO themed Blog and also creates very high ranking XSitePro websites using the techniques outlined in his groundbreaking XSP Cheat Sheet XSitepro Guide.

5 Benefits of Google Analytics in a Search Engine Optimization Campaign

Google Analytics is a free tool that you can used to track information about the way visitors to your site interact with it. During a search engine optimization campaign, you will need to use Google Analytics to track the performance of your keywords in order to have a successful campaign. You will be able to know how much traffic each of the keyword brings to your website. Google Analytics will open up a world of information you probably never knew about visitors on your site.

Here are some benefits of using Google Analytics during an optimization campaign:

1. It is completely free of charge. Although it is a free tool, but it still offer just as much or even more functionalities when compared to other paying tools.

2. Able to find out how your visitors locate your website. Other than the core set of keywords that you are optimizing, you will also be able to find out what other keywords your visitors type in to find your website. During the initial optimization campaign, the number of keywords may be little. But as time goes by, you will start getting more keywords being listed on organic listings, due to your overall optimization effort.

3. Able to identify which pages and links your visitors click the most. You will be able to know which are the popular pages and links, and measure whether your optimization campaign is directing the traffic to the correct pages.

4. Visitor segmentation. With this, you will be able to know how many new visitors that your search engine optimization campaign brings to you. You can segment your analytic result by new/returning visitors, geography and referral sources.

5. Able to fine tune your website. With this analytic report, you will be able to fine tune your website, and do a new copywriting on any page that is not converting well. In the end, it will bring you more quality prospects, and thus gaining more customers in the near future.

With Google Analytics, other than collecting data about traffic from Google, you will also be able to collect data traffic from MSN and Yahoo! search results with respect to your site and use it to strengthen your stronghold on the search platform.

Every marketing campaign on the Internet needs to be tracked, in order to make it successful. After planning and implementation, tracking tools are necessary so as to calculate the ROI of a particular campaign.

Cheow Yu Yuan is the co-founder of, an online marketing and branding agency.

Check out more about Online Marketing and Branding at

Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the resource box intact.

Incorporating SEO With the Little Guy Network Opportunity

As part of the Little Guy Network opportunity, you can take full advantage of products that have resell rights. What that means for you is that ultimately, you already have a way to drive traffic to your website right at your fingertips. When you incorporate an SEO strategy into those e-books and other resell products, your Internet marketing strategy will be primed to deliver the qualified prospects that you desire.

Most people wouldn't even attempt to write their own e-book much less their own article, so you can imagine that the resell products you have in your hands are a gold mine! Let's talk a little bit more about using SEO.

Driving traffic to your site using SEO techniques is great, but don't overdo it. Your keyword usage should look natural in your articles, blog posts and advertisements. Many people have a tendency to overuse keywords, thinking that the more these words show up, the better their chances of ranking higher on the search engines. One article says that 15 to 20 percent density is acceptable, but another report will tell you that only 1 to 4 percent is what is actually necessary. Just remember that the key is to have your keyword density look natural in your written web media.

Here's the real problem with overusing keywords. If your web page is over-stuffed with keywords, it will have a tendency to look unprofessional and "spammy" to your audience. This, by the way, will also get you penalized by Google be having your website removed from the search engine.

What should a good site look like? Here are some tips.

1. Don't overuse keywords in title tags and meta description tags. You don't have to stuff in as many keywords as possible to get good results. A few keywords used in your tags and descriptions will go a long way.

2. Tell your audience what you want them to do. If there are too many links or keywords all over the page, your audience might have a hard time figuring out what you want them to do.

3. Avoid misspellings. What professional do you know who would purposefully misspell? It not only looks unprofessional, it looks like you don't care enough about your business to ensure that these types of mistakes didn't happen.

4. Make your page easy to read. This means you'll need compelling titles and easy to read content in order to get them interested in reading what you have to say.

The Little Guy Network opportunity gives you the resources you need to become a success. Just know that a little education in SEO will help you to understand other types of Internet marketing available that can also enhance your marketing strategies. Lastly, your professional approach to employing your SEO strategy will bring you credibility and ensure that you develop a loyal audience.

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