Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Article Marketing - How To Create High-Performance Articles That Get Read

If you have tried writing articles and just didn't get the results you expected, add some of these high-performance tips for better results.

The first step in writing a high-performance article is writing a headline that captures the readers attention. Use words in your title that create curiosity and interest. I often use an online thesaurus for generating word ideas.

The next step is to keep your article's content consistent with title of article. One mistake article writer's often make is writing content that doesn't match the article title. If title of the article is about dog training tips and you then spend the article discussing the joys of having a dog, there is a good chance you will lose your reader before they finish the article. A key point is to stay focused on the main subject for your article.

I know it may sound silly but make sure you provide useful information. Often times I will start reading an article and quickly find the article isn't telling me anything useful and go on to the next article. It's important you provide useful information to your reader so they will continue to read the article.

Keep sentences short and clearly written. Hard to understand sentences will lose readers quickly. If in doubt, be sure to edit the sentence so it is easier to read.

Write personally. Use a personal tone when writing your article. Let your reader get to see your personality whenever possible. Just don't over do it.

Determine the goal for your article. As an article writer, you need to determine your purpose for the article. Is the goal to start building a relationship with your reader? Is is to have the reader sign-up for a newsletter? Determining the article's goal will help you craft your message in the article so you get a better end result.

In closing, I hope you find these high-performance tips useful. Article Marketing can be a powerful marketing tool if used correctly.

To discover more, download my brand new free audio report here: "How The Internet Helped Me Build A $180,000 Service Business"

Tyler Martin is a Internet business mentor who teaches people to build their online or offline business using Internet strategies.

Writing SEO Copy - 8 Steps to Success

We all know that the lions share of web traffic comes through the search engines. We also know that keywords and links to your site are the two things that affect your ranking in the search engines. Your keywords tell the search engines what you do, and the inbound links tell them how important you are. This combination is what determines your relevance. And relevance is what the search engines are after.

Theres a lot of information around about how to incorporate keyword phrases into your HTML meta tags. But thats only half the battle. You need to think of these tags as street-signs. Thats how the search engines view them. They look at your tags and then at your copy. If the keywords you use in your tags arent used in your copy, your site wont be indexed for those keywords.

But the search engines dont stop there. They also consider how often the keyword phrase is used on the page.

To put it simply, if you dont pepper your site with your primary keywords, you wont appear in the search results when a potential customer searches for those keywords.

But how do you write keyword-rich copy without compromising readability?

Readability is all-important to visitors. And after all, its the visitors that buy your product or service, not search engines.

By following these 8 simple guidelines, youll be able to overhaul the copy on your website ensuring its agreeable to both search engines and visitors.

1) Categorise your pages

Before writing, think about the structure of your site. If you havent built your site yet, try to create your pages around key offerings or benefits. For example, divide your Second Hand Computers site into separate pages for Macs, and PCs, and then segment again into Notebooks, Desktops, etc. This way, youll be able to incorporate very specific keyword phrases into your copy, thereby capturing a very targeted market. If youre working on an existing site, print out each page and label it with its key point, offering, or benefit.

2) Find out what keywords your customers are searching for

Go to and subscribe for a day (this will only cost you about AUD$10). Type in the key points, offerings, and benefits you identified for each page, and spend some time analysing what words customers use when theyre searching for these things. These are the words youll want to use to describe your product or service. (Make sure you read WordTrackers explanation of their results.)

3) Use phrases, not single words

Although this advice isnt specific to the web copy, its so important that its worth repeating here. Why? Well firstly, theres too much competition for single keywords. If youre in computer sales, dont choose computers as your primary keyword. Go to Google and search for computers and youll see why Secondly, research shows that customers are becoming more search-savvy theyre searching for more and more specific strings. Theyre learning that by being more specific, they find what theyre looking for much faster.

Ask yourself whats unique about your business? Perhaps you sell cheap second hand computers? Then why not use cheap second hand computers as your primary keyword phrase. This way, youll not only stand a chance in the rankings, youll also display in much more targeted searches. In other words, a higher percentage of your sites visitors will be people after cheap second hand computers. (WordTrackers results will help you choose the most appropriate phrases.)

4) Pick the important keyword phrases

Dont include every keyword phrase on every page. Focus on one or two keyword phrases on each page. For your Macs page, focus on cheap second hand macs. For the PCs page, focus on cheap second hand pcs, etc.

5) Be specific

Dont just say our computers. Wherever you would normally say our computers, ask yourself if you can get away with saying our cheap second hand Macs or our cheap second hand PCs. If this doesnt affect your readability too badly, its worth doing. Its a fine balance though. Remember, your site reflects the quality of your service. If your site is hard to read, people will infer a lot about your service

6) Use keyword phrases in links

Although you shouldnt focus on every keyword phrase on every page, its a good idea to link your pages together with text links. This way, when the search engines look at your site, theyll see that the pages are related. Once again, the more text links the better, especially if the link text is a keyword phrase. So on your Cheap Second Hand Macs page, include a text link at the bottom to Cheap Second Hand PCs. If you can manage it without affecting readability, also include one within the copy of the page. For example, As well as providing cheap second hand Macs, we sell high quality cheap second hand PCs. TIP: If you dont want your links to be underlined and blue, include the following in your CSS file:

<style type="text/css"> <!-- a {text-decoration: none;} --> </style>

Then format the HTML of each link as follows:

As well as providing cheap second hand Macs, we sell high quality cheap second hand pcs.

7) Use keyword phrases in headings

Just as customers rely on headings to scan your site, so to do search engines. This means headings play a big part in how the search engines will categorise your site. Try to include your primary keyword phrases in your headings. In fact, think about inserting extra headings just for this purpose. Generally this will also help the readability of the site because it will help customers scan read.

8) Test keyword phrase density

Once youve made a first pass at the copy, run it through a density checker to get some metrics. Visit and type in the domain and keyword phrase you want to analyse. Itll give you a percentage for all the important parts of your page, including copy, title, meta keywords, meta description, etc. The higher the density the better. Generally speaking, a density measurement of at least 3-5% is what youre looking for. Any less, and youll probably need to take another pass.

Follow these guidelines, and youll be well on your way to effective SEO copy.

Just remember, dont overdo it. Its not easy to find the balance between copy written for search engines and copy written for customers. In many cases, this balance will be too difficult to achieve without professional help. Dont worry, though. If youve already performed your keyword analysis, a professional website copywriter should be able to work your primary keyword phrases into your copy at no extra charge.

* Glenn Murray is an SEO copywriter and article submission and article PR specialist. He is a director of article PR company, Article PR, and also of copywriting studio Divine Write. He can be contacted on Sydney +612 4334 6222 or at Visit or for further details, more FREE articles, or to download his FREE SEO e-book.

The Job of an SEO Expert

Search Engine Optimisation is an essential search marketing technique that is necessary to enhance the performance of a website and to bring in traffic to the site. A Search Engine Optimisation expert or specialist helps in enhancing this technique and monitors the activities of the website and the search engine and makes necessary changes in order to optimize the process.

The Job of a Search Engine Optimisation expert comprises of various aspects that collectively help in ranking the site in the search engines. The first priority here is to check the website itself. He analyses the website as a whole, checking links, texts, images, content, coding, shared links etc. in a site and makes amendments where required.

Checking the content of the website is an essential job the Search Engine Optimisation expert. He checks the content for its genuineness, its quality, keyword density, and its relevancy. Content is an essential part of the website and any fault in the content can become fatal to the existence of the website in the search engines. Hence it is necessary to do a rigorous check on the content in the website and make necessary changes.

In many cases the SEO experts use the trial and error method in finding what is applicable to the website and what is not working for them. A part of the SEO's job comprises of research and development. They try and analyze the Search Engine Optimisation techniques of other websites and hence relate its application with their sites. If a technique is working for one website, it might work with a similar another website too.

Analyzing the web design services of a website is also a part of the Search Engine Optimisation specialist. The website design is analyzed to find if it is appealing to both the search engines as well as the users. The web design of the sites must be such that they are appealing to both the users as well as easily tracked by the search engine robots.

Usage of hidden texts, images, alt tags, pictures etc is all monitored by the SEO expert who will check if they might hamper the ranking procedure of the website. Another task that the search engine optimisation expert does in order to increase the rank of the search engines is to build a better link building process for the website.

Hence, the job responsibilities of a Search Engine Optimisation expert are numerous and important too that helps in better ranking of the websites in the search engines.

About the Author- Meenakshi Wali is an expert in Internet marketing solutions, presently working with Rupiz Media LTD., one of the leading internet marketing company, offering online marketing services, SEO services and search engine marketing, web design services over the globe.

Targeted Article Marketing - Uncover 5 Practical Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools that you can use to promote your website and market your products. This tool can help you increase your website traffic and improve your search engine ranking as long as you consistently produce quality articles that are helpful and related to your target niche.

1. Deliver fresh information. If you would like to set yourself apart from the rest, you must give your articles an edge by filling them with information that are either new or are not often discussed. People will find your articles more valuable if you can provide them with data that they cannot find elsewhere.

2. Never advertise on your content. Keep your content free from blatant advertisements and strive to give your readers information that they are looking for. Save your sales pitches for your resource box.

3. Write short articles. People online do not have much time to spare when browsing the internet and they do appreciate reading articles that are straightforward and short. Make your articles run between 300-500 words to increase their chances of being read by online users.

4. Make use of compelling resource box. Strive to increase your conversation rate by making your resource box enticing and powerful. Keep it short, direct to the point, and irresistible. Include your name, the problems you solve or the product you offer, the reasons why online users should check on your website, and your website's URL.

5. Distribute your articles to various posting sites. Pick the ones that are highly visited and have impressive page ranking like ezinearticles and goarticles. Make sure that you submit on a regular basis to strengthen your online presence.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Targeted Article Marketing - 4 Explosive Secrets Towards Effective Article Marketing

Article marketing no matter how old and classic it may seem to be remains to be an effective and well-trusted instrument by many businessmen and marketing specialists. The dependability and reliability that it possesses makes it still well-loved and trusted. For this reason, article marketing continues to evolve and rejuvenate. Below are some of the explosive secrets of effective article marketing:

1. Know your targeted market and focus with them. The articles that you are going to market will be most effectively written when you know as the writer for whom the article is going to be. By knowing who your potential market is going to be you can immediately think about what is best to be written for them.

2. Prepare the article with the intention to inform and educate your potential market first and then market and advertise successively. By driving these forces to be your core reasons why you are creating these articles, you can make sure that you will be very effective in attaining your core objective - that is to market and advertise.

3. Allow for your articles to be relayed and conveyed. Now that the article has been made, make sure that these are properly published, exposed, and able to generate notice from your potential market. You can have these articles published on some of the leading article directories and sites or you can have these published on your own site. What is important here is that you are able to get the message properly relayed.

4. Monitor and track the progress of your article marketing strategy. This is just like any other marketing schemes should be properly tracked and monitored. By determining the progress rate of your mechanism, you can take appropriate actions whenever necessary. This will help you combat any possible loopholes on your plan and thereby preventing massive failure on your plan.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - How A Former Body Guard, SEO Dummy Got Top 10 Rankings For All His Websites!

Writing articles is an amazing and powerful way to increase the number of backlinks to your websites. However, there are many elements that you need to get right to make the whole process work. If you don't follow the exact steps I am going to show you right now, you will waste your time or get your website banned by the search engines.

Please understand that your website is not going to be on Google's first page tomorrow. The strategy you are going to learn work, but the nature of the search engines is such that you will see results after a couple of weeks if your website is brand new.

While many so called SEO experts claim that you need to learn a bunch of very complicated strategies to get top rankings, my websites do very well in the search engines and I am going to show you the right way to do this.

First, you need to submit your articles gradually. You don't want to alert the search engines and "tell" them that you are launching an aggressive backlink campaign. Remember, they don't like to be forced.

I have a couple of websites, and I noticed something truly amazing by accident. Listen up... It seems bizarre, but the more great and original content you have on your site, regardless of the number of links, the highest rankings you will get.

Another fact is that you don't need to do mass submission with or to get top rankings. I just submit to the 5 top article submission sites with the right anchor links:


There is another thing that I wanted to tell you today. Don't focus on getting a top ten ranking. Focus on building the number one website in your niche. Build an authority. The search engines will reward you overtime.

In conclusion, I would say that you must always go for quality in whatever you do. Write quality articles instead of hundreds of junk articles stuffed with keywords. Submit to the best directories instead of mass submission. And lastly, think long term strategy.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Building a Quality List And Establishing Trust Quickly - Read This Now

Many Internet marketers focus on one way to make money and never lose focus. This is the best way to become successful online. But what should you focus on? Let's start by talking about the one thing that the "big guys" are working on constantly. These are the guys that are worth millions of dollars. You see, small time marketers will spend their energy on affiliate sites, cheap ebooks, and the get rich quick schemes. The big guns are building opt-in lists.

So it is obvious that building an opt-in list is the route you should take to become a successful marketer. But making money is not the only thing to consider when deciding to create such a list. Your big focus needs to be on creating and maintaining a great relationship with your email recipients. After all, nobody will buy from someone they don't like. You need your email list to love you, want to hear from you, and click every link you offer them.

How can you get your list to like you? Don't start out by sending them offer after offer. Give them valuable information and tools for free. Free things will build trust quickly, and establish you as a helpful resource. If you are a help to your opt-in list, they will be much more willing to buy from you in the future.

Make sure your list knows that you are there to help, and you are not just some shady salesperson. Establish this trust, and you will exceed your own expectations and profit greatly.

Want to learn more about profiting with opt-in lists? Visit to get all the tools you need to start building your list today.