Thursday, May 22, 2008

2 Reasons Article Marketing Drives Quality Prospects to Your Website

Article marketing in my experience has rewarded me with some of the highest traffic my websites have ever received. For this reason alone, I will always put article marketing at the top of my priority list when it comes to promoting my products or services.

So, what makes article marketing so special?

The first reason is that you are pre selling your readers before they have even begun thinking about entering your site. This is important because when they finally do enter your website, they don't have to be warmed up anymore. Your readers obviously felt that you had answered their question or solved one of their problems. Now they want more, and they feel that you might actually be able to offer them something of value.

The second reason why article marketing works really great is because it enables you to put less guess work in what your visitor is looking for. Think about that for a while; the reader decided to click on your headline link in order to read your article because your headline obviously had something of interest to offer him or her.

The reader then finally clicks on the link that leads to your website in the bio area. This most likely means that your article quenched his or her thirst. This understanding is important because it allows you to develop a product that is directly related to your article.

This will once again quench your reader's thirst and turn them into buyers. Why, because you knew exactly what they were looking for

If you like to know how to use article marketing to generate high amounts of quality traffic, click here is dedicated in providing you with the best information on article marketing.

Article Marketing or How to Get More Backlinks

Well, what is article marketing? It is one of the simplest ways of promotion on Internet. The principle is so: you are writing a good article, publishing it in one of the big article directories with the link to your blog, and then others copy it on their sites. Thus, if article is good, youll receive a big quantity of backlinks on your blog.

Many people dont use this way to promote and vainly! Using this method with a good links anchor text could increase your link popularity in times and the main - absolutely free. For example, if youre writing about digital cameras, post what is better to choose in this area and what advantages does it have and at the end of the article put the link to your blog with needed anchor text. Such link will be appreciated by search engines as no one other.

Im using this method for about 2 months and get a huge quantity of backlinks and visitors thanks to it. Where is it better to submit your articles? Ill try to show you.

The leader is - EzineArticles. This is the best and most trafficable article directory with excellent support and fast approvement. After posting of 10 articles youll be given platinum status and if your articles are correspond to their terms, you will be appropriate the status of the expert. EzineArticles give me from 2 to 10 unique visitors per day.

The second place in my list is ArticleDashBoard. It also has fast improvement of articles, Page Rank 6, but it gives small quantity of visitors on my blog. Though some of my articles are popular on this portal and many people copy them with my link.

The third is GoArticles. Page Rank 5, Alexa rank 6362 (incomparably with Ezines-608). Convenient and clear but no more than. Anyway it is useful to submit there for good link ranging.

For attraction of readers to your articles you will need to know some tips to use. Here is what I recommend:

* Keywords is your way to popularity. Try to choose small quantity inquires, instead of Digital Camera use Digital Camera Market Review.

* Good title will attract readers to click on it. Think out a clinging title, but dont try to deceive.

* Submit your articles in different categories. Your link should be everywhere.

* Change the description of the source. Use as much keywords as possible in it, but dont go too far.

Of course good article will attract more readers, but many of them will even not read it to copy to their blog. Everything depends on description and title.

I think that article marketing has a big future. Do not neglect of this way, the way of good increasing of your popularity. It will be returned a hundredfold.

Artem Belinskiy. I'm living in Ukraine. My main job is Internet. I make money online and want to tell how you could do this too.

Your 7-Point Annual Website Tune-Up

Every time you take your car in for an oil change, most shops give you a 15- or 30-point checkup when they change your oil to alert you to any other potential problems you might experience in the future. In the same way that your mechanic conducts a regular inspection of your automobile, you need to conduct an annual checkup of your website.

Here are 7 critical areas that need to be checked yearly on your site:

1. Copyright notice. In years past it would take me until March or April to update my copyright notices primarily because I had to go in and update every single page of my site. More recently, however, I've used an includes file, which is one file that can be inserted in many pages to hold my copyright and contact info. Consequently, when I need to update the copyright info, I open this one file in my HTML editor, update that file, save and upload it. Once it's revised, the new information miraculously appears on all the pages in which it's included, updating them all at once.

2. Opt-in forms. The beginning of each year is a great time to ensure that all of the opt-in forms are working on your site. Do you need to add additional fields to the opt-in form to collect mailing addresses, for example, or to ask how visitors found your site? Is the information contained on your confirmation page (the page to which a visitor is sent upon her initial request to opt into your list) still current and relevant? How about the thank you page (the page to which your visitor is sent when she has confirmed her desire to join your list)?

3. Autoresponder followup. Next, review the content of the autoresponders that you've set to follow up the opt-in. Are they still current? Do they mention offers or upsells that are still available? Do you need to update any copyright or contact information contained within them? Are they making it through spam filters? Use this tool to ensure that every email gets into your contact's inbox, SpamCheck from SiteSell,

4. Signature files. Does your email signature file contain a call to action that's still working for you, or does it need to be updated? Have you changed any portion of your contact information? After you review your signature files in your email client, do the same check of your email signature file in your shopping cart program or autoresponder program.

5. Client attraction device. Take a look at the free giveaway you provide to your visitors in return for them opting into your list. Whether it's a document or an audio or video file, update the copyright and content information in it and review any biographical/profile information that you list about yourself or your business. Is the content you provide in this giveaway still valid and current? Do you want to keep the current call to action, or does it need to be updated to better fit with your current business model?

6. Missing images and dead link check. When your website fails to properly display images, your business appears unprofessional. Tour your website to ensure that all images are displaying as they should. If you link to or make reference to many resources on your site, run a dead link check annually to weed out or update those that no longer work. You may be able to do this with your HTML editor. If not, try the free weekly link checking service offered by iNetDog,

7. Order forms. Be sure that your order form works all the way through. Most online business owners, when checking order forms, stop at the point where they need to enter credit card information. If your merchant account agreement prohibits you from using your credit card to order from your company, ask if they have a test card number you can use, or have a reciprocal agreement with a colleague to check each other's forms. Check your followup autoresponders that are set to go out after someone makes a purchase, as well, to ensure that they are still up-to-date.

Websites that are obviously out-of-date or aren't working properly are a huge deterrent to doing business with you. Check these 7 key areas yearly on your site to convey to your visitors that your site is regularly updated and maintained.

Copyright (c) 2008 Donna Gunter

Online Business Resource Queen (TM) and Online Business Coach Donna Gunter helps independent service professionals learn how to automate their businesses, leverage their expertise on the Internet, and get more clients online. To claim your FREE gift, TurboCharge Your Online Marketing Toolkit, visit her site at . Ask Donna an Internet Marketing question at .

Article Writing Secrets - Explode Your Profits with These 3 Article Writing Secrets

The point of writing an article for any affiliate marketer, Google Adsense earner, blogger, or anybody else that does not just do it for joy is to get people to read your article and click through to your website in the resource box. So how do you get more people to see your article and click through to your website? Here are 3 article writing secrets that will get you more traffic.

The first secret to writing articles for traffic is to get listed in the top search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo!. This is not as hard to do as it might sound. You need to target keywords that get searched for every month, but don't have a ton of competition. This will give you a good chance to get listed on the front page of the major search engines. Imagine if you had 50 articles that were getting you 50 visitors each every week. That would be 2500 visitors each week.

The second article writing secret is very simple and will help you get listed even easier on the top search engines. When you are doing your search engine optimization, which would be using your keyword enough that the search engines find you relevant on the subject, use your keyword phrase twice in the title. This will get you better results with Google for sure. It is harder to tell whether Yahoo! or MSN like this, but they always seem to follow Google's lead so it is a safe bet.

The last secret that will help you write better articles for traffic is to leave your readers wanting more. When you give your readers some information, but you leave them wanting more, then there is a better chance that they will read your entire article and click through to your website. You should always leave your readers wanting more tips, secrets, or information about the subject.

Article writing is a great way to create a lot of good targeted traffic to your website, AdSense site, or blog. You can turn these article writing secrets into money with AdSense, affiliate programs, or your own website. Use these secrets to explode your traffic and your profits.

Discover the real secrets to article writing and start making your income from articles. Article Writing Secrets are here: get them now and profit today!

7 Must Have Web Site Advertising Strategies

Let's face it, we all need a little more traffic in our life, right? So how do you get loads of traffic to your site, web site advertising. Yes, we have to advertise our business in some way, shape or form to get traffic to our sites and products.

Sometimes this can be very tricky and expensive at the same time. Luckily, your reading this article or you might fall prey to ignorance. With all the different sites and people online promising you to notch advertising, it can get a little confusing. You have to watch out for scams at all times. Take it easy, I have some great tips below you can use when looking for advertising avenues.

Tip #1 Get your name or brand out there by writing reviews on products or services in your industry. Over time and if done correctly you'll establish trust within your industry.

Tip #2 Write press releases on a regular basis about your business and anything pertaining to the field your in. This is more brand recognition than anything else.

Tip #3 Put up an opt-in form on your site to collect the names and email addresses of potential clients. Offer them free advice via a newsletter.

Tip #4 Write your own e book or report related to your industry and give it away to establish good will and trust with people in your market.

Tip #5 Continue to keep your company name visible in your market via article submissions and blog commenting.

Tip #6 Keep your name and brand in the minds of the people in your market by being where they are. For example, visit and contribute to the top forums in your market.

Tip #7 Use surveys to gather information on exactly what your customers wants and needs are so you can give it to them in the future.

These are just a few tips you can freely use that have worked for many companies online. The key with advertising on line is to keep your face or brand in front of the people so they become accustomed to it thus building familiarity and trust. This should be core responsibility of your business. There will always be competition in your market and if you don't stay relevant, you'll lose market share quickly. Your competitors are always looking for an advantage to take market share from you, don't give them the satisfaction.

Be sure to visit today for our complete list of web site advertising reports. We have done all the research so you don't have to. If you want to save a lot of time and money then you need to visit us today at

Article Marketing - How to Sculpt a Beautiful Body with Your Articles

Is a great way to market yourself on the Internet, drive traffic to your website's, and build your lives.

One of the challenges especially new article writer's face is how to make sure their articles and get picked up. One of the things I teach my students, members, and mentees, are the dozens of small nuances that help you get your articles picked up more often.

Sculpting a great body and your articles

one of the ways to get your articles picked up more often it is to sculpt a really great article body. Here are three tips for sculpting a great article body.

Tip 1 - Make sure you create lots of white space. So many times I see writers just sort of squash their article body all together. When you create white space you give the impression that the article is easily read. This is very important on the Internet because it can be difficult to read online for some people.

Tip 2 - Use bullet points, numbers, lists, laws and rules. Anything that allows you to break up your article body in two separate areas. Bullet points, lists, etc. create bite sized chunks of information that are easily consumed by the reader.

Tip 3 - Use sub headings. A subheading is simply a mini headline used to begin another thought or section of your article. An example would be a subheading I used above when I wrote sculpting a great body and your articles. This lets the reader know a new section is on the way and light tips wine into break the article up, create lots of white space, and gives the impression that this is an easily read article.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Best Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Secrets to Advance with Article Marketing

If you want to advance in article marketing, you need to be more aggressive in publishing your article online. Don't be contented with article submission sites. To create more inbound links for your website, you can also post your articles to your blog, websites, forums, or compile them to create an ebook.

Looking for other secrets to advance with article marketing? Read on!

1. Make use of killer titles. Articles with boring titles seldom create interest online because people automatically think that if your titles are not good enough, your articles are not worth reading so why should they bother and check out your content? Avoid this from happening by making your titles striking and attention-grabbing. It would also help to incorporate keywords on your headlines to make your articles highly searchable online.

2. Inform before your advertise. Impart some of your knowledge that you think will be valuable and useful to your readers. Make sure that the information you include in your content can help you establish your expertise on your chosen niche. When you are able to educate or help people, it would be easier to convince them to visit your website and join your newsletters.

3. Use compelling resource box. To increase your conversation rate, you have to make your resource box attention-grabbing and enticing. Communicate your expertise, the problems that you solve and your desire to help. Don't forget to include your website's URL and the reasons why readers should click on it.

4. Make your articles scannable. When people open an article that's made up of lengthy paragraphs and barely contain page breaks, they are most likely to close it and move to other articles that are easy on the eyes. Online users prefer articles that are easily to skim through so they can quickly find specific information that they need. To help them out, make your articles scannable by using sub headings, bullet points, and numbered list when appropriate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Increase Search Engine Rank In 5 Basic Steps

If you open your eyes and observe the online marketing world, it is clear that the competition is increasing every single day as more and more websites enter the online marketing world. It is becoming more difficult to extract all the traffic you need due to the competition. The search engines, thus far, are the best resource for receiving high quality traffic. But in order to get this traffic, you really need to increase search engine rank for your website. Listed below are five basic steps to increase search engine rank for your website.

The first step to increase search engine rank for your site is create your website content in accordance with the search engine guidelines. This one step will make it a lot easier for the search engine spiders of the various search engines to locate and spider your entire website.

The second step to increase search engine rank involves the use of keyword optimized content for your website. In order to increase search engine rank, you really need to sprinkle your chosen keywords across the content pages of your website so that you rank well for those particular keywords. You want to make your content keyword rich in order to rank well in the search engines.

The third step to increase search engine rank involves the building of your websites link popularity. In other words, the more websites that reference and link to your website via their site, the more popular your site will appear to the search engines, thus causing an increase search engine rank for your site. You can make your link popular by doing forum posts, submitting blog comments, and submitting articles to article directories. You can also do a bunch of blog trackbacks to point some one way backlinks to your site as well.

The fourth step to increase search engine rank for your site deals with the use of free web directories. In this step, you will just submit your site url to a bunch of the free web directories in order to improve the number of backlinks to your website.

The fifth step to increase search engine rank for your website involves paid directory submissions. In this step, you will pay a web directory a fee in order to be listed in that particular web directory. Google places a lot of favor on paid web directories so getting a link inside some of them will definitely increase search engine rank by a lot. So make sure you submit your url to some of the paid directories out there to get some nice ranking favor from Google.

Melvin Perry is an internet entrepreneur that specializes in building large email lists within a matter of weeks. He currently teaches marketers via free step by step videos how to earn thousands monthly through the list building model and search engine optimization. You can snatch these 2+ hours videos at no cost by visiting FREE Internet Marketing Videos

Article Marketing - Why Your Articles Will Never Make You One Red Cent

If you got into the Article Marketing business thinking that you would be paid for your articles then you are sadly mistaken. Unless you are running an article writing service or writing freelance your articles themselves will not earn you one red cent. This is a reality of this type of marketing campaign that you need to accept from day one.

What will earn you an income that you can be proud of is the internet business that you are promoting using article marketing as your advertising medium. When used to grow an internet business your articles become priceless.

Use your articles to create traffic to your website and once there convert your visitors into subscribers with a free product. All that you need to do is offer a desired product in exchange for the name and email address of your visitor. Once they have provided the required information they have then subscribed to your list, and we all know (or should know) that the real money in any internet marketing business is in the list. The process may be called article marketing, but in essence what we are really doing is building our list in order to develop a relationship with our visitors.

It is one thing to get a visitor to become a subscriber to your list, keeping them subscribed is the key. Do not simply bombard your subscribers with advertisement after advertisement. Continue to provide them with useful information. The nitty gritty of it is this. Your subscribers do not have to prove their worth to you, you must prove your continuing worth to them.

Take the time to develop a better relationship with your subscribers by offering them information without huge amounts of advertising. Doing this will create even more trust than you have previously established. If you take this small piece of advice I believe that you will find your list to be much more responsive.

The articles you write will not in themselves make you any money. Using the articles to generate highly qualified and responsive leads is the secret to Article Marketing.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. To get Lee's brand new product A Complete Internet Business in an Easy Open Can please visit

Article Marketing - Why Your Articles Will Never Make You One Red Cent

If you got into the Article Marketing business thinking that you would be paid for your articles then you are sadly mistaken. Unless you are running an article writing service or writing freelance your articles themselves will not earn you one red cent. This is a reality of this type of marketing campaign that you need to accept from day one.

What will earn you an income that you can be proud of is the internet business that you are promoting using article marketing as your advertising medium. When used to grow an internet business your articles become priceless.

Use your articles to create traffic to your website and once there convert your visitors into subscribers with a free product. All that you need to do is offer a desired product in exchange for the name and email address of your visitor. Once they have provided the required information they have then subscribed to your list, and we all know (or should know) that the real money in any internet marketing business is in the list. The process may be called article marketing, but in essence what we are really doing is building our list in order to develop a relationship with our visitors.

It is one thing to get a visitor to become a subscriber to your list, keeping them subscribed is the key. Do not simply bombard your subscribers with advertisement after advertisement. Continue to provide them with useful information. The nitty gritty of it is this. Your subscribers do not have to prove their worth to you, you must prove your continuing worth to them.

Take the time to develop a better relationship with your subscribers by offering them information without huge amounts of advertising. Doing this will create even more trust than you have previously established. If you take this small piece of advice I believe that you will find your list to be much more responsive.

The articles you write will not in themselves make you any money. Using the articles to generate highly qualified and responsive leads is the secret to Article Marketing.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. To get Lee's brand new product A Complete Internet Business in an Easy Open Can please visit

Article Marketing For Better Search Engine Ranking

The key elements to obtaining a higher ranking at major search engines are:

1.Valuable, regularly updated and Search Engine friendly content. This inclusive of the first stages of design, assignment of proper tags and keywords, and web page content, for both humans and Search Engines to read.

2.And the quantity and quality of links, preferably one-way, pointing back to your website.

To Search Engines, a well-linked web site has more value than those with less or none at all. Search Engines tend to rank websites with higher number of quality incoming links (links found at other web pages with high ranking that would direct clicks to your web site).

One way increase your web site's incoming links is through article marketing. It is a marketing strategy that has been more popular in its online advertising form. By doing article marketing, the author or company gains authority or have their expertise make known within the market that they are operating in. The marketer provides valuable information on a certain niche in the form of articles. These articles are then freely distributed to different article directories.

Article Marketing entails time and knowledge or money. Businesses owners/ professionals could also opt to do the writing themselves if they lack the money. Having the money, and not so much time or having poor English, a company or professional could choose to hire ghostwriters who would be willing to give up copyright of their work for a price. Or it could also work with the combination of the factors given depending on what suits the entrepreneur best.

The key to getting articles accepted by the directories are quality content, no advertisement in the article body and no links or if any, just those directed to helpful resources. You also have to work on a resource box that urges the reader to take action to gain business leads.

In need of a ghostwriter? Settle for nothing but the best, even on a budget. Why wait?

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A glimpse at Aweng's thoughts--a personal blog.

Article Marketing - You Are Missing Out if You Are Missing Article Marketing

If you are spending your hard earned advertising funds on traditional mail or email marketing, or if you constantly working to improve your ranking on search engines with costly and time consuming search engine optimization operations, then you need to discover article marketing. Article marketing is HOT, and there is a reason for that. The reason is simply this: article marketing can generate traffic to your website quickly, effectively, and at little or not cost to you. If this sounds attractive, then read on.

How does article marketing work? It is actually incredibly simple. Many websites have developed that simply provide informative articles on specific or various topics to interested readers. Someone has to write these articles, so why not you? If you have an online business, then select a topic that relates to the products and services you provide. Write a few informative or persuasive articles on that topic, and then distribute them. Most websites that publish such articles will post your article at no cost to you (some may even pay you, although this is rare), and will add a brief biography and a link to your home website at the end. Then, when interested readers finish your article, they are drawn to your website.

Not only is this easy and fast, it also draws only traffic that is truly interested in your products and services, not a bunch of people who are only clicking the link to your site in order to try to receive a free iPod. Frankly, article marketing is one of the most efficient methods of online marketing that exists today. If you are missing article marketing, then you are missing out.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Use These Ten Strategies To Spice Up Your Web Sales Copy

The "Double Sale" Strategy

The "sell just one and it will double your investment..." strategy communicates to your prospects that you normally sell your resell product at a certain price but they will get it for half off what it costs without resell rights. So if they resell the product to people at your regular price, it will only take one sale to get double what they paid for the resell rights license.

The "Master It Fast" Strategy

The "only (number) free master resell rights upgrades left..." strategy communicates to your prospects that if they purchase the resell rights to your product, they will automatically get upgraded to master resell rights. It will create more urgency by placing a limit on the number of master resell rights licenses you will release.

The "Measly Yes" Strategy

The "would you invest a measly ($) to (your product's benefit)?..." strategy communicates to your prospects to answer "yes" to your question because their total investment doesn't compare in value to the benefit they will get. Once they mentally say "yes," they will continue to read your ad for more details or buy right away.

The "Why So Cheap?" Strategy

The "but why am I giving this way for only ($)..." strategy communicates to your prospects that your product sounds very valuable but your price is so low, it will make them want to know why. You need to use an honest reason that will make them say "that makes sense." For example, you could say that you want to prove to people that it's still possible, even these days, to get a good quality product for a very low price.

The "No Promises" Strategy

The "I'm not going to promise that (your product's benefit) because I don't know you personally..." strategy communicates to your prospects the reason why you are not going to promise that they are going to get their desired benefit. You could say it is because you do not know their background, their specific situation, their education level, their skills, their emotional state, etc.

The "Carbon Copy" Strategy

The "I made ($) last year and I'll show you how to duplicate my success..." strategy communicates to your prospects that you will give them the exact step-by-step plan and tools you used to make that money. For example, if you sold a resell rights product, you could say: "I'll give you the rights to sell the same package of products and show you where and how I promoted it."

The "Select A Buyer" Strategy

The "enter to be randomly selected to purchase my product..." strategy communicates to your prospects they can sign up to your opt-in form/squeeze page for a random chance to purchase your product. You can tell them if the sales letter appears after they opt-in, it means they won a chance to purchase your product. You can tell the people that don't win to reenter and try again. People get excited and in a good mood when they win something so once you have them excited it's easier to sell to them.

The "Undisclosed Goal" Strategy

The "we've almost reached our sales goal so hurry..." strategy communicates to your prospects that you have an undisclosed goal to sell so many copies of your product and once you reach that goal, your sales letter will be removed. You can tell them if they leave now and come back later, it could be too late. With them knowing you are close to selling out your product, they may order because they really are not sure just how close you are.

The "Lowest ROI" Strategy

The "check out the lowest possible return on your investment..." strategy communicates to your business prospects that if they use just one strategy from your business info-product and gain just one lifetime customer, it will more than pay for their purchase price. You could also make it out as "just use one strategy and make one sale" if their profits from the sale of one of their products are higher than what you are selling yours for.

The "Talk To Yourself" Strategy

The "once you use it you'll say to yourself..." strategy communicates to your prospects what they will tell themselves once they gain the benefits from your product. It needs to be something that will attract them to buy instantly, like: "It's great! Why did I wait so long to buy it?" "If I would have bought this sooner, I wouldn't have had (a negative effect)."

Go to to see how to start a profitable Internet business fast with absolutely no experience. This is one site provided by Millennium Services Group (, owned by R.T. Markovsky

Article Marketing and the Long Term Dynamic

Article marketing has been a wonderful tool for driving traffic, both direct, and search engine, to web pages and web sites for several years now. It drives immediate traffic, and it drives longer term traffic, especially from the search engines.

So what is the long term dynamic? The long term dynamic involves the relationship that is developed between you and your article-generated visitor. Because the article-generated visitor comes to your web site of their own free will; they werent bribed or sent or tricked into getting to your web site. They came willingly, after having evaluated you and your concepts.

What this means is that the visitor to your web pages from an article marketing campaign already has developed some kind of bond with you. They already like you, or they wouldnt have clicked through. In short, the article marketed visitor wants is already presold on you and your web site before they even get there.

This means that your email campaign is not the testing ground for you. It means they have already decided they like you and they trust you. Your email campaign simply solidifies that. You email campaign simply extends the relationship you began when you wrote the article.

And in the long term, the article-generated visitor should open more emails, read more emails, click more links in your emails, and buy more from you.

And that means that the long term dynamic for you is that the article marketed lead buys more from you long term, and that means more profits long term.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 800 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Have You Started YOUR Computer Home Based Business Yet

Guess what, while we're all writing these articles, we're each creating a very nice computer home based business for ourselves in the process. It's a logical progression of doing keyword research and using specifics in our articles.

But did you ever set out on a mission to start a computer home based business or did you intend to be a writer? Hey don't complain, you're doing BOTH.

And trust me, starting mine was a complete chore. Why? Because I most definitely had CYBERPHOBIA before I ever got started. (Don't worry, that just what it sounds like, a fear of computers or the fear of working ON computers. I had both.)

With a rich history of having to have worked on computers my entire adult life, you'd think that I'd have been one of the last people to have that affliction. Wrong. Like many others seizing up when the laptop swung on by became the norm. Fearing the ENTER key was a way of existing!

Existing entirely online now, that has changed, largely by discovering that there was little to fear. Now I love my little computer. I even have one of those fancy blowers so crumbs don't get in between the 'g' and the 'h' keys. Life is good.

Here's how you can IMMEDIATELY benefit from my suddenly gained love of all things computer...

Start writing articles as soon as you can. Sign up at some of the best article directories and get started without thinking too much about the whys just yet. See for YOURSELF that it works. Experience what I have already. Once you see the results ig goes from getting a fish for dinner to learning HOW to fish. I'm very serious about that. And once you turn THAT corner, everything falls into place. Including your financial outlook.

Writing articles, I'm happily convinced, is the BEST computer home business FOR ME. Now I want you to see for yourself it it is as well FOR YOU.

Good Luck.

The only link you need, to IMMEDIATELY start your computer home based business is this one:

Superman Has a Great SEO Guy

Here in Metropolis, online advertising is at a premium. You have to make sure it is catchy and if it isn't, you have to sign a superhero (or villain) to a contract to endorse your product. It's a cut-throat world and in constant change.

So how does Superman stay at the top?

I'll tell you how... he has a great SEO guy.

Mind you, the hero won't tell me the secret identity of the genius behind his online image, but it is clear that he knows what he is doing.

Owning Keyword Phrases

It's always important to own your keyword phrases especially your company name. If you don't own this, then you are going to lose money faster than Lex Luthor lost his hair.

Superman's SEO guy understands this and has spent hours ensuring that the word "Superman" points straight to the superherp. Open up Google and type "superman". He owns the first three pages. Don't you wish you could get the same for your client?

Try typing some other phrases.

  • "Superhero" - The third link should be to Wikipedia. Who is the first hero that they mention? Superman.
  • "big blue Boy Scout", "dc" and "daily planet" - He is listed in the description of the first link.
  • Even if you put in "Lois Lane", you get info about Superman.

To do this, you need good content, effective META tags and strong H1 tags. (And it helps if you save a school bus or two to get some good buzz.) This just goes to show that writing good content with great keywords can do you wonders.

The Importance of Good Link Campaigns

It also helps that Superman's SEO guy has spent time building legitimate linking campaigns throughout the web, starting with Wikipedia. Inputting a legitimate page on Wikipedia became a goldmine! There are 8,756 pages linked to the Wikipedia page. Fourteen of these links are from inside Wikipedia, creating some excellent inner-linking campaigns. If you branch out and check all fourteen of these links, you'll see that there are thousands and thousands of secondary links built in that eventually lead back to Superman.

Are Taglines or Mottos Important on the Web?

You bet they are! If you are known for a certain catch-phrase, then use it to your advantage. That's what Superman does.

The Man of Steel? The Man of Tomorrow? The Last Son of Krypton? All of them lead to Superman.

Faster than a speeding bullet? More powerful than a locomotive? Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Even though all of these phrases contain common words, the SEO guy has spent years flooding the internet with the phrases in content near the word Superman. You can't go to the web and type in those keywords without seeing Superman on the page.

The Love of the People

Because of his noteriety and high visibility, Superman shows up all over the place on forums and community message boards. Don't forget that this can be extremely valuable. Those messages usually stay on the web forever and if you get a link in there, it will build history. Who knows? Maybe it will even gain you new fans.

History, History, History

Speaking of history, did you know that Superman is 70 years old? He's also been on the internet since its inception and continues to build up his reputation with Google. I hope Google still knows who I am in 40 years. Heck, I hope they still know who I am in 10 years! You can't buy that kind of history.

We can all take a lesson from this ingenious, unnamed guy who continues to retain his secret identity (until some villain uncovers it). He has taken basic SEO principles and applied them in a manner that is natural and unassuming. It's almost as if he has super powers.

This article was written by Kimberly Carrillo, an SEO Specialist with IF marketing & advertising and IF Development and is also the resident comic book nerd of the company. Kimberly has spent much of her adult years reading comic books and continues to get annoyed when someone forgets to put them back in the protective bags. IF marketing & advertising is an agency in Austin, TX that specializes in making you and your website a superhero on the WorldWideWeb.

9 Killer Strategies To Run A Successful Home Based Business

The combined application of several effective successful home based business strategies working together can create a foundation of unstoppable, targeted web site traffic, that leads to being able to stop working on your web site alltogether and start enjoying life-time of automatic residual profits.

This is the ultimate goal of all successful home based business marketers.

All internet marketing tools and tips are already invented. There are a lot of internet marketers, who have already done the success and reached their goals. When you now want to run a successful home based business, just pick the strategies, that fit for you. You can reach the success by only one strategy or combining a few of them.

Pick from these successful home based business strategies

1.Know your web site. This is the starting point. The affiliate must know the details and the culture of the web site, which is his online store, to be able to promote it in the right way and to the right target audience.

2.Select an email automatic responder. An effective idea is to automate your actions as much as possible, because it will give you more time to run more actions for your successful home based business. Make sure your affiliate program`s principal can offer a well-written and long lasting direct email marketing campaign. Select an email automatic responder with a rich selection of features, for instance a possibility to send broadcast.

3.Tell all your friends. Distribute the word to all family and other friends, that you have started and will run a successful home based business and ask if they can help a little bit".

4.Collect optin email leads. The fortune is in your optin email list. That`s true! The best way to build the optin email list is through a form on the web site, where web site visitors can type their name and email address. Now your email automatic responder starts to send direct email marketing campaign during a long period of time. 5.Post to internet marketing forums. If you want to run a successful home based business, go to internet marketing forums, like The WarriorForum, where you`ll meet the most successful internet home business marketers and will get the tips you need.

6.Advertise with Google AdWords. Over 100 million people all over the world use Google on every day. Google AdWords is the best way to get targeted web site traffic to your successful home based business with a modest budget.

7.Write affiliate marketing articles. Why? Because affiliate marketing articles, when they are SEO articles, will bring two effective things to your successful home based business: pre-sold and targeted web site traffic and they will increase search engine ranking by building links,i.e. Backlinks from article directories and related web sites. And affiliate marketing articles work long term.

8.Blogging for business. A blog is like a web site but much easier to start. No domain name is needed and it`s free. To start a blog takes only a few minutes and you can publish the same kind of material as in your affiliate marketing articles.

9.Build links with the related web sites. The links are your internet business relations, which will bring targeted web site traffic and a possibility to increase search engine ranking. Residual links means links between two sites. Even more important are one way or backlinks, i.e. links from other web sites to your site. I want still to emphasis the importance of internet marketing forum, when you`select the strategies for you. When you have done that, then JUST DO IT!

Successful home based business

For An internet home business entrepreneur

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Write an Ebook - Viral Marketing Strategies Work

Create an ebook to give away and your marketing strategies become simplified, viral and progressive. When giving away an ebook first became an option, the opportunities were endless. They still are. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to create an ebook, simply write what you know.

Start with a Search

Search keywords on the Internet for top searches in your niche. Once you've learned the top keywords, use those keywords to title your ebook, along with some nice filler words that grab attention. Give your book a subtitle with value incentives and benefits. Use smart graphics and attractive cover designs to impact the reader. Give them value and you'll have their interest.

Be Generous

Give your reader more than they expect. Include helpful links, value incentives, profitable information, high-impact content, and ALWAYS Quality. Tell them stories, be funny, innovative and polite. Give a clear indication of your intentions and purpose in the book. Don't be selfish - remember the first suggestion - BE GENEROUS.

Be Specific

Write for your niche. Know your reader and present your information to that person. Write specifically for that person and talk to him, in a personal and friendly manner. Share your heart and get involved in his life and interests. Answer his questions and give him solutions.

Write with Purpose

Have a purpose for writing your ebook. Give the reader your reasons and a solution. Don't just write to spread jargon. Write value oriented materials for your readers. Give the readers something to think about and focus on selective resourcing for your ebook.

Format for Appearance and Readability

Use an attractive format and leave plenty of white space for reading ease. Give the reader attractive and purposeful graphics. Offer the content in highly readable fonts, large enough to be comfortable, but small enough not to overwhelm your topic. Simple block fonts look and view best on the monitor.

Write an ebook for your readers and show them how to find solutions with viral marketing.

Jan Verhoeff promotes Viral Marketing as a means of getting the word out. Share your content online using viral links and valuable content. Use FREE Templates from to promote your online business.

Targeted Internet Marketing - Uncover 4 Interesting Steps to Amplify Your Internet Marketing

The success of your business largely depends on how effective you promote it to your target market. The more effective you are in establishing brand awareness, the more sales you will secure. One of the best ways to promote your product in this computer age is through the internet. It is considered cost-effective as you can market your product to virtually anyone in the world for a relatively low price. In other cases, you can do website and product promotion online, absolutely for free.

1. List building. You would want higher sales potential every time you send out promotional ads to your target market. Your sales potential is highly dependent on the size and quality of your email marketing list. Know how to expand it by attracting the right people through the use of various list building techniques. It is of out most importance that your list is targeted and responsive.

2. Ezine publishing. Build a trusting business relationship with your potential clients through constant communication. Send them newsletters, useful articles, promotional campaigns, and email advertisements periodically to communicate your expertise on your chosen niche and to build up your product to make them more enticing to the eyes of your potential clients.

3. Article marketing. Writing and distributing your articles online is currently the best traffic generator in the World Wide Web. Bank on your content and be willing to submit articles on a regular basis so you can easily build and establish loyal following.

4. Website promotion. In internet marketing, it is crucial that you know how to drive quality traffic to your website. You can do so by learning the ropes of tried and test site promotion tools which include SEO, link building, and other content-based marketing solutions like blogging.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Five Simple Marketing Strategies for Tax Professionals in the Digital Age

At a time when many consumers turn to the Internet to find products and services, it's vital to have a presence on the Web. Otherwise, many potential customers may overlook you, simply because they can't find you. Through the Internet, you can attract future clients in your area, and communicate with your current clients. Here is an overview of five simple tactics to market your tax preparation service on the Web:

1) Create a functional website

According to the Yahoo Small Business survey, 70% of small businesses had a website by the end of 2004, we can only assume current numbers are even higher. Building a website is the first step to developing an online presence. There are books written on building websites and firms that can help you design and optimize your site.

Without going into too much detail, your site should reflect your practice. It should be clean, professional and informative; and make sure your contact information is apparent.

2) Register with online directories

If you go to the Google search engine and enter "Kaysville Utah Tax Preparation", the first thing that appears in the results is the Local business results for tax preparation near Kaysville,UT. This is Google's online directory of businesses. Registration in this directory is free. Following the Google directory is a number of other online directories that list tax preparation firms. Conduct a similar search for your area and see which directories come up. Then go through the steps to enlist in these directories.

3) Create an email marketing campaign

An email marketing campaign will mainly target your current clients. This may be something you can implement in the future if you don't have a list of your clients' emails. Through an email campaign, you can inform your clients of special offers, promote your website or blog, or send a semiannual newsletter with tax tips and information. A newsletter is an excellent way to stay in touch with clients throughout the year and encourage them to come back the following tax season.

4) Build a purposeful blog

A web log, or blog for short, is one of the newest forms of communicating online. Blogs began as online journals where people could share their ideas, thoughts, stories, photos and videos. Only recently have corporations recognized the value of a blog to connect to their customers.

A major advantage to a blog is you can find free software and services that will host the blog. A CPA or tax preparer could use a blog to share insights and opinions on tax law or other tax related topics. I found one CPAs blog where he shares jokes and comics about taxes and tax preparation. Though blogs are casual in feel, remember you are still representing your practice, so it should be done tastefully.

5) Use paid listings through search engines when cost effective

MSN, Google, Yahoo and other search engines offer paid listings as a form of advertising. Paid listings, also known as sponsored links, usually appear at the top and at the right of search results. Companies pay to have their links appear on the search results page in these areas. This type of Internet marketing can be effective, especially when you are first creating your online presence. I recommend you hire an Internet marketing firm to manage and track your paid listings account. Your ads should focus on the demographic in your area to avoid spending a lot of money on ineffective advertising.

If done correctly, online marketing is a fruitful strategy to increase your client base and well worth the time and money spent.

Molly Winters-Hughes writes articles to help people in filing their taxes. Taxes can be stressful, but the key is understanding them and the people who can help you do your taxes. To find help for doing your taxes with the tax professionals online at Get your taxes done today!

Effective Marketing Strategies - What Is the Most Effective Marketing Strategy?

There are a lot of marketing strategies that work, but which one is the best? This question is impossible to answer because it all depends on your goal. Since most of the people that will read an article online will be looking for something for free we are going to discuss the most effective free marketing strategy.

So, which marketing strategy is the most effective for free? Article marketing is the most effective online marketing strategy. Basically it is a way to give surfers something for free online while getting them to click through to your website where you might sell something or have them sign up for a newsletter or list.

Article marketing is a way of targeting your traffic. You already know that if someone is willing to read an entire article about something, then they have interest in the subject so they will most likely want more information about the subject. This is also the best traffic for purchasing from you as well.

Marketing with articles is not a hard thing to do. Basically you need to pick keywords to target your articles around, write the articles, and submit them to article directories all over the web. There are tons of article directories out there and you can submit your article to as many as you can find.

The basic strategy is to get your articles listed on Google and other search engines so that you can get free targeted traffic like crazy. Article Marketing is the most effective free online marketing strategy and it has become very popular. There is a lot of free information that can help you get started with article marketing.

Get started with article marketing and start getting Free Targeted Traffic to your Website. Get more info here:

Article Marketing For Better Exposure Online

Article marketing has been around for what seems like eternity, but one thing remains constant, if you write in detail about the subject matter of your website and add an active link back to your website it really works to bring in new traffic and even repeat visitors for years to come.

The use of marketing highly engaging content that people will read is nothing new in itself, but it does make up a large percentage of content that people will search for on the internet at some given time, especially if it is niche specific and targeted informational content.

Whatever your websites content, you need to be thinking in terms of how you are going to present a solution to your target audience, maybe you need to write about some problem that only affects certain types of internet surfers in specific niche markets and you need to cater for that niche and it's sub niches to provide accurate information that will be of use to them.

Tips to find problems posed by many types of internet dwellers online is in forums, people ask questions and others supply the answers and it's this high quality information you need to build your customers or firstly interested subscribers who may sign up to your free newsletter where you provide further information on the topic they first found themselves being interested in to know the experts answers ( and the expert is you!)

Do a search for Yahoo answers, this is a service were you can find questions to answer, aswell as see questions being answered by experts and people just in the know about certain subjects that people want answering as soon as possible.

Keywords play a large part in your article marketing antics as these are how your words of wisdom are found through the search engines or through the article directories you submitted to, overuse of keywords could make your results rather futile, instead make your keywords stand out but spread out within your article body and it is advised not to repeat your keyword terms in every sentence, but for instance once in every paragraph, but varying the keywords and adding variations on your chosen keywords seems almost experimental, but it is worth doing for all of your articles.

Wayne Tully an artist, writer and affiliate marketer who does many online business ventures and earns a reasonable income online as a result.

Can Submitting Articles Grow Your Business? Here Are 4 Ways

Today's Internet marketing environment is very competitive. Submitting articles is one way to help you archive an edge. This method should be viewed as a long-term method to grow you business.

The importance of submitting articles on a regular bases should not be overlooked if you want to achieve long term success with obtaining traffic to you web site or blog.

It has been said over and over again that getting traffic is the lifeblood of your online marketing success. I'm sure you have heard that about as often as you have heard that "the money is in the list". Well both are true. You must have a list and you must have traffic.

1. Submitting Articles Increases Your Search Engine Ranking

In this article we are looking at submitting articles as one way to accomplishing a higher search engine ranking. Unlike many of the methods, submitting articles does not cost you anything except time and effort.

Because of this writing and submitting articles is a very effective and non-cost way to promote your web site, blob, and your affiliate programs. Make your article search engine friendly. This means optimizing it with keywords and meta tags. The more top-ranked keywords you can use the better.

Next you need to upload the article to your web site or post it onto your blog. Then the search engines will spider your page an eventually you will obtain an increase in search engine rankings. This strategy works because the search engines like content that has been keyword optimized.

2. Submitting Articles Gives You The Potential Of Reaching More People

The reason for this is that by submitting articles, others will sometimes choose to use your article in their promotion efforts. When they do, the search engines will find those articles and if you have a link back to your site, you will get more exposure for your web site or blog.

Submitting articles in this case means submitting them to other sites. The best way to do this is to submit them to ezine directories. You are using the popularity of the ezine directories to get your article out onto the Internet.

When others find your content to be relevant to their efforts, they will publish your article on their web site or blog. Your link back to your web site or blog in your resource box will improve your link popularity. This is important to your quest for a higher search engine ranking. You also get totally free advertising by this strategy as well.

3. Submitting Articles Helps You Establish Reciprocal Links

Submitting articles decreases the necessity for you to seek out other web sites that would be willing to establish reciprocal links with you. Much of the work is done for you when someone uses your article on his or her web site or blog.

You really want to establish as many link partners as you possibly can. Search engines use link popularity in determining the search engine ranking for your site.

4. Submitting Articles helps You Establish Credibility And Reputation

Here's the key - write articles that have original and relevant content.

When your readers see that you are doing this you will create a good impression on them and increase the potential for them to be a future customer. It also encourages more of your visitors to re-visit your web site or blog.

Now your subject does not have to be original - but you're content should be. For example the topic of submitting articles has been around for years and it will stay around for years - because it works.

But if your content is yours you will be seen as an expert and your credibility will increase and you will gain customer approval.

In addition, some readers will write comments about your article. When you receive these and they are favorable, you can use them as testimonies on your web site or blog. These testimonies can become promotional material and gain you more approval and exposure. The trade off is that they also provide exposure for the one that wrote the testimony.

Use your negative feedback to make improvements to your efforts and publish that to increase your exposure even more. Turning your negative feedback into a positive will help in your efforts to create a good impression and possibly increase your sales.

As I stated at the beginning, this is a very competitive market. However, by submitting articles with good content that is relate to your web site or blog your efforts in promoting affiliate programs, your product and your business will be improved.

About the author: Lonnie Minton writes about Promoting Affiliate Programs and Affiliate Marketing in his newsletter, eCourses, and eBooks. Sign up for his Promoting Affiliate Programs Ezine at

Copyright 2008 by Lonnie Minton, All rights reserved.