Thursday, May 1, 2008

How To Increase the Sales Conversion Rate on Your Website

No wonder Go get frustrated with 4uwebcash web. They wrack their brains trying to find a catchy and 'searchable' web URL, spend a fortune on web design, struggle with the web content, then think Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story just putting an online version of their brochure will do... And...nada. No sales. Sure, there might be plenty of ?bum Marketing Or Article Marketing You Call It!&id=1120506 further down the line, but there are still hardly any sales... Help!

How do Blog turn this problem around, and start making your website work for Affiliant Marketing rather than against you?

First, lets look at Chrisg conversion is. In a nutshell, it is about 4moneyclicks (converting) visitors into paying customers.

The sad fact is that approximately 70% of people who are ready, willing and able to buy online don't complete the sale.

Many people concentrate on linking, PPC ads and other means of directing traffic to their websites, but, as youve probably experienced, getting people to your website is one thing. Getting people to buy from your site is another thing altogether.

Also, you have to make sure you are attracting the Bloghelper kind of visitors in the first place. There is Javascript:; point trying to sell pension policies to 17-year-olds, for example.

So, lets assume you are getting the right kind of people hitting your site. These people are looking for what you are offering. How do you convince them to buy from you?

For the sake of brevity, we will look ?list Building With Squeeze Pages Is A Continuing Business Source&id=1073370 at copywriting which is essentially what your website is saying to your visitors. It is the words you use that essentially turn your products into cash

With a website you are completely depending on the power of your words to qualify visitors, present your sales pitch, close the sale and take the order.

All without scaring off your prospect.

Seemingly, there are many factors at play. But the main one is to always write with your target audience in mind that is, the very people you wish will become customers.

Think about what it is Blogging want from your product or service (hint: have you asked your current customers why they bought from you, and no one else?). How does what you have make a difference in your customers lives? How does it make their life easier, better, richer? What is the true value of what you are offering? That kind of thing

And then you put an appealing picture in your readers Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story through simple yet clever and attractive words. Not any old words. mind. But rather those pertaining to your product and the needs, wants and/or desires of your prospects.

Here, you have to make sure you spell out the benefits of buying your product or service.

What you want here is not to sell your product or its features, but rather the ***solutions*** it offers your prospects.

OK, so lets assume you are more than happy that your web copy and content does this at least adequately. Still, are you certain you have removed any and all doubts and other barriers to making a purchase? Something as simple as not allowing an alternative way to make a purchase can mean the difference between sale and no sale.

Also, look at your web analytics tools. These will tell you where your visitors leave, which pages they look at, for how long, etc.

You could try changing the headline on one of your pages and test it to see if you are getting more conversions. This seemingly simple act has been known to increase conversions by up to 50% or even more.

Copyright, 2007 T Dooley, Creative Consultant - PR Guru - Marketing Diva

Want to use this article? Not a problem! But please give credit where it's due. You MUST include the following:

Tracey "Word Doctor" Dooley of MediaMinister ( is an experienced Creative Consultant - PR Guru - Marketing Diva offering agencies, solopreneurs, non-profits and businesses of all sizes Business Writing - Editorial Expertise - Marketing Solutions and more.

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If you want to learn more, specific ways to increase flagging conversion rates including using web analytics to your advantage, the 5 ***simple steps to making any website sell***, the biggest mistakes that most websites make and more then point your browser to:

Four Problems With Bum Marketing

The definition of bum marketing is: Using free web page sites for promoting affiliate programs, and then using free links to get those pages ranked well enough in the search engines to actually get some traffic to them. Usually the marketer targets "long tail" keyword search phrases that don't have a lot of relevant competition in the existing search results. Bum marketing has attracted a large following of practitioners in the past year.

The idea is to spend a few hours per day (or per week) in your spare time building these web pages and then linking to them from social bookmark sites. Eventually you'll have dozens of these things, each making a sale or two every month. It can add up. If you build 100 pages each earning an average of $40 per month, you really got something there.

As good as this sounds, most bum marketers fail and eventually give it up. While not sticking with it is certainly a guaranteed way to fail, many who start out doing this actually make a good decision to give it up. There are certain problems with this marketing strategy. Let's look at the four major ones.

1. Not Getting the Pages Ranked Well. Many beginning bum marketers discover that making a web page and actually getting it placed in search engine results (where people will find it) are two entirely different things. Knowing which free web-page hosting sites to use, maintaining a link-building campaign, and patience are three things that must be employed to succeed. In addition, choosing the right long-tail keyword search phrases to target is critical.

2. Not Keeping the Page Rankings. Even if you manage to get a page ranked well in the search engines, you will find that keeping it there is another matter entirely. Most free web pages, even on the most loved sites by the major search engines, just don't have staying power in the SERPs. And building a large enough link-structure to keep it there is a lot of work for a page that you hope will make $40 per month (if that).

3. You are Not Building a Real Business. What if the free web page site you are using goes down one day and never comes back? You don't own the domain names so you got nothing. There goes months of work up in smoke by one unforeseen event which you have no control over.

4. It's Not the Best Use of Your Time. If you are going to spend 12-20 hours per week building web pages and links, you could be building one massive authority site instead. Perhaps for a major search term that you can possibly conquer the top spot for inside a year's time. A website like that (in the right niche) can bring in upwards of $10,000 per month in income from various sources. What's more, you own it and as long as you don't go anywhere your site (and business) will still be there.

It might seem like I am building a case against the whole bum marketing thing. Actually I am a successful bum marketer myself, and really have nothing against the methodology. There are some smart ways to go about it, but most people get it wrong. I just wanted you to know what you are getting into and have you think twice before you possibly waste many hours of your time.

For the best Bum Marketing system ever developed, please visit

Article Marketing - How To Fail In 1 Day

Article marketing can be an easy task to fail it. It really can be. So to help you avoid these simple pitfalls, here is a guide to help you in your article marketing.

How to fail at article marketing in one day!

  • You write only one article and think that only that one article is going to get you the major amounts of traffic. This is not true! Just writing one article isn't going to get you anywhere! If your just going to write one article, there will be no point in your article marketing. Your article will most likely, not even appear in search engine rankings.
  • Putting in different sets of keywords in your articles will not get you anywhere. When writing keywords, you should be using the same keywords. This is the best way to dominate your competition, but people don't seem to do it.
  • Writing one whole paragraph and calling it an article. Your readers don't want to read one long paragraph. They don't want to take their time reading something that's going to be confusing and long. By simply breaking up your article into paragraphs, you can get your readers attention and actually get them to click on your URL link.
  • Not putting your keyword in your articles title. This is a great way to get your article a higher page ranking. It's simple to do. Just input your articles keyword into the first three words of your title. This gives you high page rankings, making it easier for your viewers to actually view your articles.
  • Duplicating content and then submitting it. Duplicated content do not get indexed into search engines. The only way that can get indexed, is if they get more inbound links than the original and other duplicates. This is a much harder task than by just simply writing your own unique article!
  • Not writing 10 articles a day. By just simply writing a small amount of articles a day, you get more publicity and you get better at writing your articles!

Try your best to avoid these simply mistakes! Avoid them, and your article marketing will vastly increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Marketing - 4 Proven Methods to Amplify Your Article Marketing

It is no secret that article marketing is the most sought-after marketing tool in the internet today. A lot of webmasters are using it because of its proven effectiveness in driving quality traffic to their websites and pulling up their search engine rankings. If you are one of them and would like to get ahead of the pack, these 4 proven methods can help you amplify your article marketing techniques:

1. Create dedicated articles for each product that you promote. If you are selling wide variety of products, you need to promote them through your articles individually. For instance, if you are selling beauty products like toner, make-ups, body scrubs, foot spa, etc. you need to create at least one article for each so you can easily build them up by making your content focused and more specific.

2. Increase your click through rate by using striking titles. Your headlines are the only elements that can help you grab the attention of online uses to get them to read your content. Thus, you can't afford not to make them interesting and enticing.

3. Widely distribute your articles and register with leading article submission sites. There are more than one thousand article submissions sites and directories online but not all of them are created equal. In fact, of them do not even have steady traffic. Do not waste your precious time on these sites and stick to those that have impressive page ranking like ezinearticles and goarticles dot com.

4. Keep your articles short. Do not bore your readers with 1,000-word article. Researches show that the most read articles online are those that run no more than 600 words. Steer clear from using fillers and too much introductions. Be straightforward and offer the information you have upfront. These are the best ways to make your articles brief and concise.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing to Improve Page Ranking

It's widely known among internet marketers that the higher the page rank an article directory has, the more traffic it receives. Article marketers know that when you're writing your articles and submitting them to the directories, it's a smart move to submit them to the most popular directories-the ones with the highest page rankings.

The reason for this is simple-a higher page ranking means that more people visit and see those pages-and it only follows that the more people see your articles, the more likely they are to be picked up by publishers searching for fresh and relevant content for their websites. Once they pick up your articles and publish them on their sites, your name and your link will be seen by every visitor to their site.

In this way you're getting your name out there as an expert in your field-as well as getting quality backlinks, traffic to your site and as a result of this, your page ranking increases.

Now let me explain why this is important. When someone does a search for something-let's say they're searching for dachshunds-they type in the word 'dachshunds' on Google or Yahoo and click on search. You've all done this before. In fact I bet you've even Googled your own name, haven't you? Who hasn't, but I digress. Once you hit the search button, another page pops up with all the results of your search. Let's suppose that you run a web business concerning dachshunds. You want YOUR website to come up on the very first page of those results, rather than on the tenth or fiftieth. The higher your page ranking, the higher your website appears in web searches. If your website appears on the first page of those results, your links are clicked on more often.

The importance of this is that the people clicking on your links are quality traffic because they come to you not by accident, but because they're looking for you. Someone who is already interested in what you have to say or sell is more likely to purchase your goods and services.

So, back to article marketing and how it can give you a higher page ranking on search engines.

You've written quality articles on-let's use our example of dachshunds again-and submitted them to the most popular and highest ranked article directories. Within your article are links to your website as well as your name. Search engines look for links, keywords, and use other secret formulas in order to create their page rankings. When your article has been picked up by publishers and placed on a number of websites, your name and links went with your article. This is what draws traffic to your website and increases your page ranking over time, and in turn this brings you even more targeted and quality traffic.

Article marketing to increase your page ranking also increases your bottom line, and this is a very good thing.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian T. Edmondson specializes in teaching others how to make money with Internet and Information Marketing. Discover his secrets of how fun and easy it is to make money on the internet at ==>

Lucrative Article Marketing - Discover 5 Reliable Ways to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one type of online advertising that uses articles which are directly related to the products or business that is being promoted. Currently, this is one of the most used marketing methods by most webmasters.

Here are the 5 reliable ways to multiply your articles marketing:

1. Write more. The quantity of your articles plays a crucial role in the success of your article marketing campaign. The more you submit, the more quality inbound links you will obtain for your website. The more links, the better you will rank on search engines. The better your search engine ranking, the greater your chances of getting qualified traffic.

2. Increase your clickthrough rate. How? By simply giving your articles attention-grabbing titles to effectively entice online users to open and read your content. It would also help if you can make your titles keyword-rich so they can easily be found online.

3. Choose topics that your readers can easily relate to. Talk about their problems, aspirations, goals, and interests. Then present solutions or information that can either help them get out of their current situation or improve the quality of their lives.

4. Don't be too self-critical. Don't be afraid if other people criticize the quality of your writing. It's a process that will help you produce better articles in the future. Don't let that hold you back, instead use the feedback or comments that you receive to better improve your craft.

5. Your articles should sound professional. If you want your potential readers to believe everything you say and subsequently follow your recommendations, your articles should sound credible and professional. Give your readers no-nonsense ideas to show them that you are really an expert on your field.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Powerful Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Effective Ways to Excel at Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most effective and inexpensive marketing tools in the internet today. If done correctly, this process can bring you enormous traffic and great online revenue.

Here are the 5 effective ways to excel at article marketing:

1. Know your target market. This is one crucial element in writing your articles as this can help you design your contents to make them more targeted to the needs and wants of your readers. Know their problems, the things that they are passionately interested about, or solutions they are looking for to improve the quality of their lives.

2. Bank on your content. If you want your articles to be read and widely distributed, you must make sure that they are all well-written, content-rich, factual, scannable, interesting to read, written in a conversational tone, and free from grammar and spelling errors. It would also greatly help if they have great, attention-grabbing titles that are guaranteed to help you increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Register on leading publishing sites. There are more than one thousand article submissions sites and article directories in the internet today but not all of them are created equal. While some can give your articles the exposure they need, some are not even indexed by Google. Maximize your time by submitting your articles only to those sites that have huge traffic and great page ranking.

4. Optimize. To ensure that you will be able to connect to your potential clients, incorporate the search terms they are usually using on your content to make it easier for them to find your articles online.

5. Write more. Article marketing is the easiest way to create inbound links for your website. If you want to obtain more links, you can simply multiply the number of your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

The Truth About Global Marketing With Article Marketing

Thanks to the vast reaches of the internet, global marketing is now possible for the average business owner, either the large corporation or the small privately run entity, to narrow the geographic divide.

The main point of search engine optimization (SEO) and reaching a global audience is not only to drive traffic to your site, but also to then convert those visitors from all over the world into paying customers. Web traffic and the ensuing exposure are nice, of course, but if those hits don't improve business and increase sales, what purpose do they really serve?

The Prime Components of Global Marketing With Article Marketing

Creating a Website

For article marketing to have even a chance at being effective, it's imperative for all businesses to have their own websites to link back to when submitting articles to search engines and article directories. Also, having your own domain name is always preferable over using a free site, as it lends an authentic feel that tells people they're dealing with a real company that's serious about their online business ventures.

Be sure to include your website address on all of your marketing materials, both online and off. Your business cards, banner ads, forum and blog posts, as well as every article you submit for publication should all have your site's URL, which should be something easy to spell and remember.

Global Promotion Using Articles

Successful global promotion must include a set plan that features a number of effective methods for spreading the word about your business or products. The distribution of press releases announcing important details and providing a newsworthy story about your business, as well as submitting your articles to article databases and posting them on blogs, will also help to get your name recognized quickly.

A well-written, full-length article on a particular niche or topic is a perfect addition to the innumerable snippets of information the many popular blogs feature. But wherever you decide post your articles, don't forget the all-important resource box for providing the pertinent details people will need to do business with you. This, of course, will include your website and email addresses, but may also include a brief biography about you or your company, along with other bits of contact data such as location and telephone or fax numbers.

Providing Accurate, Useful Information

By providing accurate information in your articles along with an irresistible or enticing offer when people arrive at your website, the chances of converting the casual visitor into a paying customer dramatically increase. It definitely pays off in the long run to take the time to explore and thoroughly research all avenues when it comes to expanding your business globally using article marketing and the various related techniques for increasing customer base and revenue.

Email Marketing

Email marketing can be an excellent way to globally promote your business, either through legitimate lists of email addresses that you can purchase, or through lists that you've collected yourself from visitors who've been to your site, or through some other means of internet marketing. Email marketing is similar to the direct mail type, but without the need to spend money on postage and mailing expenses, and is also the perfect extension to article marketing.

Global marketing utilizing the benefits of article marketing truly is the easiest and most cost-effective way of expanding business and your contacts, as well as reaching new and impressive sales records that may not have been possible before.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Article Marketing - Discover 6 No-Brainer Secrets to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

The quality of your articles remains to be the backbone of your article marketing campaign. If your articles are well-written, content-rich, and useful, you can be assured that your will reap great success in distributing them to various publishing sites.

Here are the 6 no-brainer secrets to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Improve your writing skills. As the success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your articles, it is but a wise move to continuously hone your writing skills. By doing so, you will be able to produce better articles every time you write.

2. Master the art of writing great titles. Your article, no matter how good its content is, will be ignored if its title is lousy or too ordinary. You don't want that to happen, do you? So, learn how to effectively write titles that are powerful, intriguing, and attention-grabbing.

3. Write for your potential readers. Make your content targeted by focusing your writing in solving their pressing issues or teaching them to accomplish some things.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Search the web for article submission sites that are highly visited by online users. These are the best publishing sites where you should submit your articles to. You can also post your articles on your blog or website, or use them as on your email marketing campaign.

5. Produce only original content. Don't bother copying the content of other website as your articles will be rejected by publishing sites for duplicate content. If you are really an expert on your field, you should not have any problem writing articles that meet the needs of your target market.

6. Write an effective resource box. You need to device a mechanism that will effectively move your readers to click on your resource box. One of the widely used techniques is offering readers freebies, vouchers, ebook or free reports.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.