Friday, May 23, 2008

Wealthy Affiliate A Scam?

Probably a scam, is what I said to myself when I came upon mention of the Wealthy Affiliate offering it's members mentoring one on one tutorials, website how to's and landing pages, case studies, marketing tools and more. After encountering so many false promises masked in good sales copy related to Internet Marketing, I can honestly say. I was skeptical.

I asked myself is WA a scam? I had since I started in Internet marketing bought several Guru Marketing "how to get rich" on the internet books (mistake), software, all in one websites and subscribed to mailing lists. Some didn't deliver on the promises others were out and out scams. In a nut shell, despite all of my efforts I had not made any consistent profit let alone gotten rich.

I was not prepared for what I found once I became a member of WA. Upon entering the member website WA there were so many knowledgeable Internet Marketers and excellent resources that initially I was in what I can honestly describe as shock coupled with information overload. So many of the tools, software and resources I've bought and that I've seen being sold online was available in one place to Wealthy Affiliate members, at no charge.

I have to say I'm glad I found Wealthy Affiliate it's the best money I've spent on my online business. Kyle and Carson the 25 year old WAs themselves have assisted me personally.The Wealthy Affiliate forum alone is full of money making advice and tools worth thousands.

WA gives you full access to all resources including one on one support, video tutorials, case studies, courses, tips, techniques, research tools, articles, guides, faqs and much more. You'll learn money making techniques you won't find anywhere else and Kyle and Carson are always adding valuable resources. The latest additions being a powerful Clickbank Product research tool and FREE Web Hosting.

Click Here to find out more and visit Wealthy Affiliate

Elie Ajouri

Article Marketing - I'll Tell You My Fears if You Tell Me Yours

Here are some common fears, misconceptions and hesitations that I myself experienced when I first began writing articles for the web. Do you know what carrying around such fear accomplishes?


Your fear and self-doubt prevents you from submitting web articles that serve as global marketing for your website, ebook, ezine, blog... and any other place where you market your unique product and services! And that stops your business from booming like it can so easily out here on the web.

Some of the below fears took me as long as JUST LAST WEEK to expel from my brain! (Okay - maybe last month).

Dina's Article Fear 1: My article must not have any typos, ever!

Dina's Article Fear 2: No one will notice my articles in such a congested (popular) category as mine.

Dina's Article Fear 3: I can't write an article that's under 800 words.

Dina's Article Fear 4: I can't write articles as fast as I need to keep up with the volume needed on the web.

Dina's Article Fear 5: I will attract "lower food chain" clients if I write articles that are short and simple.

One noteworthy point about my past article fears:

Ultimately, my fears never stopped me from writing articles. Hence, I was able to blow past all of them and move closer toward my article marketing goals.

I took my articles to the next level by following along with what Chris and the team had to offer in the way of article direction, support and motivation. YOU CAN, TOO. And if you want to grow a business on the web - this information is crucial.

So, now it's your turn. What stops you from writing articles? How can I help you overcome your obstacles? Let's conquer those fears together. After all, the only thing that's *really* stopping us is... US.

Copyright 2006 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Liked this article? Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.

Help With Search Engine Optimization

A search engine is one of the main ways web users find websites and the main search engine is Google. A good listing on Google means you will have a large increase in traffic and that's when you can start looking at turning this traffic into sales.

Submitting to a search engine is easy but achieving high search engine ranking can be quiet difficult. High ranking is based on a number of factors but one of the most important is ensuring your pages are search engine optimized making them accessible to the search engines. So now lets look at

(1) What are Search Engines
(2) How do they work
(3) How the algorithm works
(4) Search engine tips

(1) What are Search Engines:

Search engines are Web sites that help you search the Internet for other Web sites based on keywords you provide e.g. the keyword is the word you type into the search box. These search engines then crawls the internet looking for websites with this keyword in it, returning a list of sites with the highest rankings. Search engines themselves are made up of a number of different parts Spider - crawls your website checking your links and the general standard and layout of your pages.

(2) How do they work:

Well as discussed above you type your keyword into the search and hit go or submit, the search engine then crawls the internet looking for websites with this keyword in it returning thousands of sites. The search might only display 10 or so of these sites because it has determined that these sites are the most relevant based on it's ranking system. Everybody wants to be in the top 10 because being in the next 10 could mean you loose visitor and more importantly potential customers - so let see how they work by looking at google.

Search engines are based on rankings, Google is typical example of this. After submitting your site too google the Google bot will visit your site rank it and then move to next sites. Every search engine uses its own unique formula, called an algorithm, to index and score web sites. Google employs a ranking algorithm to give your pages an overall ranking. In google you receive a ranking of between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest rank. To view what your current ranking is download the google ranking toolbar - install it and you will see a page rank box at the top of your browser - if the green bar is halfway across you have a ranking of about 5 which is very good.

(3) How the algorithm works

The google algorithm work by giving points based on certain factors such as

Links from other web pages to your site

What that means is the amount of links listed on other sites that link to your site! The more sites that link to you, the greater your popularity! The key to this is to do as many link exchanges as possible. A link exchange is basically you provide a link to a website and they link to you - be sure that the site that's linking to you is relative to what you are providing on the site. Try to add as many of these as possible, the more links the higher the ranking.

Meta Tags:

META tags are special HTML tags, located in the heading of the page, giving additional information about the page. They are intended for search engines. The description tag is used to give a description of your site which will be displayed in the search results. The keywords tag contains a list of keywords, separate either by commas or by spaces, these are highly relevant because these same keyword are used by web users to search these search engines. These tags and other factors dictate your sites placement in the search engines. Good meta tags contain words that describe your website. The google Robots scans the text on your pages to match the words in the meta tags with actual web page content. They set parameter and your content must fall within this to get increased points from the googlebot.

HTML Titles:

Search engines assign greater importance to text in certain locations on your page. One of the most important locations is your page title (the one that appears at the top of your browser) Interactive training. So having a relevant title is very important. Search engines will also check to see if a key phrase appears near the top of the page, in its headline or in the first few lines of text e.g. in the body. So add your title to the body make sure its in bold. Search engines consider how often a particular phrase appears relative to the other words on the page, so try and re-use your keywords.

(4)Search engine tips:

(1) Join as many relevant link exchanges as possible - the more links to your site the higher your ranking. I shall be adding a link exchange program shortly.

(2) The title tag on your page should be relevant and re-used throughout the page - search engines check importance of keywords.

(3) Use relevant keyword again re-use these in the page and make them bold.

(4) Constantly add more content - the google bot loves that content is being updated and added.

(5) Spelling: yes incorrect spelling can result in pages not being found or lost.

(6) Page size: ensure your page size is small especially your main page as web visitors will not wait more than 10 seconds.

Hope this page helps - I will add more information as i go along - achieving high ranking is an ongoing battle.

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Article Marketing Mistake #3 - Failure to Have a System for Marketing Your Articles

On of the biggest article marketing mistakes I see article writers make is not having a system for marketing their articles.

Most article marketers just write a few articles, throw them up on an article directory that theyve heard about, and thats it.

You need to have a system and you need to have a plan. Im going to give you one of those in a minute. You can use that one or you can use other ones, ones you create or other ones you find. Just use one.

The power of the word SYSTEM

Write down the word SYSTEM in vertical order on a sheet of paper.


S.Y.S.T.E.M. stands for Save Yourself Time, Energy, and Money. Thats the power of a system. A system saves you time, energy and money.

An example of a marketing system is my three tier approach to submitting your articles. The first tier is submitting your new articles to EzineArticles, the highest ranked article directory.

The second tier is submitting your new articles to the next highest ranked article directories.

The third tier is submitting your new articles to niche article directories. A niche article directory is an article directory that accepts only articles in your niche. If you do not know of specific article directories in your niche, you can just go to Google or Yahoo and type in the key words for your niche followed by the words "article directory" and you will get a list of the article directories in your niche.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

Article Marketing Mastery

If you are selling a product or a service online, article marketing can be one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to send traffic to your website. As well as driving people directly to your site, you will also use article marketing to boost your link popularity - a critical factor in search engine rankings.

The first step in mastering article marketing is writing good content. Even if you don't have experience writing articles, this is a skill you can develop over time. At the start, keep it as simple as possible and use short sentences. Try to be helpful and give advice in your article without overloading it with keywords.

Also, make sure you write an excellent headline. The more attention you can grab with your headline, the more times the article will be published. I've read that top copywriters spend more time developing a headline or title than actually writing the article itself.

Secondly, spend some time writing a good resource box that will encourage readers to click on the link to your website. Once readers navigate to your page, you can offer them your products or you can offer them something for free so long as they submit their email address.

Either way, you are onto a winner. You will either sell products or begin to develop a list of potential buyers who you can contact with news, helpful tips, and special offers.

Once you have written your article and resource box, you need to think about distributing your articles.

Article directories are probably the easiest way to get your work out in the public domain. There are hundreds of article directories out there, some general and some that publish articles on niche areas. Find the ones that you think will get your articles the most exposure. I like to make sure I submit to article directories with at least a PageRank of 3.

Submitting to article directories can be a time-consuming exercise. There are software packages that can make automatic submissions, but many directories have measures in place to block automatic submissions. Alternatively you could use an article submission service, but these can be expensive. It is probably best to choose a few directories that suit you and make the submissions yourself. Do a search for "article submission software" to find the lastest article submission software products.

You can also try contacting editors of e-zines in your field and ask them to consider accepting some of your work. Send a sample of your work.

As you submit more and more articles you should become more well known and you will build up trust among website publishers. Be patient, and your article marketing efforts will pay off...I guarantee it!

For more freelance business ideas, visit

Ensuring Your Reader Knows You an Authority Without Bragging

If you are an article author there is a good chance that your reader does not know you from Adam and with all the bogus news out there fewer and fewer people trust what they read. Many online article authors need to be cognizant of the fact that more and more people believe little if anything that they read on the Internet. There is of course a good reason for this.

How can you the online article author overcome this challenge, how can you let the reader know that you know what you are talking about? Some believe that it is highly unprofessional to brag about your experience, credentials or strength of knowledge in your industry, domain or subject. I somewhat disagree with this, as there are ways to allow your readers to know that you know what you are talking about and that you stand behind every word you have written and can back it up.

There seems to be a hardcore under current in society currently to not show ego, but it is my contention that there are those who have an "earned ego" from experience and thus it is relevant to allow your readers thru implied language that you know your stuff and you are good at what you do and that you know it. Such a stance is not often considered acceptable in some social situations and yet the reader of an online article may only read one of your articles once.

Currently, I have some 4.3 million article views on one online article website alone with the average article syndicated 14 times. So, if you consider the numbers I have some 40-50 million readers who have viewed one of my articles. They read it and considered it and either clicked out or used the by-line to come to our website.

If they believe you are an authority on the subject chances are they are much more likely to seek more information. Thus, a little bit of bragging might be relevant, just do it correctly and do not overdo it, some weaker individuals with low self-esteem might be completely turned-off. If that is your target market then, you need to cater to their fragile egos too.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Effective Review Article Writing Technique

The most admired approach of advertising a product on Internet is writing articles on the product. The most significant query in the mind of a customer, while going through such an article is, "What does this article offers to me?" If this question remains unanswered, then you should be prepared to lose potential buyers. Even if the product is of high standard, your articles needs to generate the want of your product in the minds of customers.

Put the Benefits Before the Customer

It is necessary to make the customers aware of the benefits offered by your product. Some benefits, from your point of view, might not appear beneficial to the customer.

What should be the proper order of the benefits, starting from the most important? There is a need to place you on the customer side and look at the product from that perspective. This is referred to as the two-way mirror effect. By following this approach you can arrange the benefits according to the importance of each.

Two Way Mirror Effect

This approach helps you to evaluate the product from the consumers point of view. What is important is the fact that the product looks beneficial for the customer and not for the manufacturer. The effective implementation of the two-way mirroring assists you to present the various benefits offered by the product in the order of importance.

Now let's analyze the ideas required to achieve this process. First take a survey about why people buy a particular product. What are the perceptions in the mind of people while choosing a product?

Analyze the way the people around you shop for their various needs like cars, mobiles, furniture etc. Keep yourself in their place and see the benefits of the product from their point of view. Read the user reviews submitted on various websites. These reviews are of great importance as these are based on the good and bad experiences of the customers. Then note down your observations and try to figure out the reasons.

The time will come when you will start thinking like a customer and not the producer or the promoter. This will help you to become an 'expertise' in the process of two way mirroring. One important point is to avoid using the word "I". Replace this with the word "You".

It requires a lot of time and practice to understand the two way mirroring process. But once understood, it will help you to write quality content for your product. And guess what, you will be able to provide the answer to that question in the customer's mind, "What does this article offers to me?"

Toni Grundstrom is a freelance writer with emphasis in the Marketing field. With 17 years of experience I provide valuable content in all aspects of Marketing. Click Here for additional information about article marketing and how it can make you money.

This article may be distributed freely on your website as long as this entire article, including links and this resource box, are unchanged.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Intermediate Ways to Explode Your Article Marketing

Content-based marketing solutions are taking the internet by storm because they offer people the hottest commodity online - information. One of these solutions that is widely used by billions of marketers is article marketing or the process of writing and distributing your articles online to position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche and earn unlimited quality inbound links for your website.

Here are the 4 intermediate ways to explode your article marketing:

1. Submit only original articles. If there is one golden rule in article marketing, it would be to never copy somebody else's work. Remember, you are trying to establish your specialized knowledge so you can win the trust of your potential clients. That would never happen if you are stealing somebody else's ideas.

2. Don't advertise on your content. Although it is recommended to pick topics that are related to your offerings, it is a no-no to directly pitch in your products on your articles. Instead, fill your content with valuable information that will be useful to your readers and save your sales pitches for your resource box.

3. Optimize. Give your articles an edge by making them highly searchable online. You can easily do so through the use of keywords and popular search terms on your content.

4. Empathize. As a marketer, you always need to find effective ways on how you can build rapport with your readers so you can easily convert them to potential clients. One of the proven ways in doing this is by showing empathy through your content. Let your readers know that you know where they are coming from and that you have the best solutions to help them resolve their pressing issues. By doing so, your readers will consider you as a trustworthy individual who is after their welfare and not just another marketer who is just after their money.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Online Success - How Article Writing Can Make You Wealthy

Article writing can be very demanding. Along the way you will get dispirited…you'll want to lie down and give up. In the early stages it takes much more effort than we expect. Most of us are not naturally good writers so there are skills to be acquired and new work habits to be developed.

Article writing as a source of leads for your online business will surely challenge you to dig down, suck in and just keep on going.

But it will be worth it!

Why? Because it works!

How does it work? It works because of three things:

1. The big article Directories have very high SEO rankings so you can piggyback on their success to get your site noticed. People searching will find your article. On your own it could take years.

2. With 10 or 20 articles in the works your website will be miraculously indexed by the search engines because of your links to the big article directories…you're on the map.

3. Other Ezine and Newsletter publishers pick up your article and run it in their publication and put it on their site. Others see it on their site and do the same etc. etc.

It just grows and grows!

Article writing will return your effort 100 fold…and in quite a short space of time. But it's like Network Marketing; painfully slow to start, but for those who stick around…the really big payoff!

With article writing you can hit pay dirt in 12 months or less if you are able to stay focused and committed.

Here's why it works so well:

First off-there's not much competition. Lot's of writers get started but they fall off the path. Not too many people are willing to go blindly into the future, performing a demanding task day after day with no noticeable payoff for quite a while.

For a while you have to be happy with milestones…how many people read my articles today? Is my readership growing? (the directories will provide these stats for you).

Most people are looking for the quick fix. You see it everywhere…just send your money and we'll build your business for you.

Folks it doesn't work like that. Most millionaires are business owners and they spent a lifetime steadily building their businesses to get there.

So when you become a committed article writer you join a select community of winners who are willing to go forward in faith until the results show up.

If you stay the course you will be rewarded!

It takes time and commitment to write and publish 200 articles. You need 200 articles in circulation to get enough readers clicking your link, visiting your site, accepting your offer and opting-in to your list.

With 20 articles published you may have only 5 people added to your list and quit writing in despair…don't do that, don't give up. You're almost there.

The growth will be exponential! Here's how it might happen.

With 40 articles your list can grow to 200 plus-with 100 you can have 500 on your list and with 200 articles your list may have grown as big as 2000 subscribers.(PLEASE NOTE:these numbers are just guesstimates. Don't take this as a promise that this is exactly how it will happen for you).

Now you're starting to make some worthwhile income.

If you write just 2 articles a day you can have 200 articles in publication by the end of 3 months.

Once the money starts to flow there'll be no looking back.

Here's the challenge. Can you go the distance? Can you dig in until it starts to happen for you?

If you want to find out more about Article Writing I have written a new book:

Learn how to Use "The Secret Magic of Article Writing" to Start and Run a Successful Online Business.

Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"

Try my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"

Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.

But What If I Can't Write Articles?

Article marketing is a great way to make money, promote you website, generate traffic, and improve your website rankings. If you are not using articles to promote your online business, you should be. The benefits are just too great to pass up. But not everyone is blessed with the ability to write articles. What do you do if article writing is not your strong point?

If you don't have good writing or language skills, you can still get the benefits of article marketing. There are many options open to you. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of a ghostwriting service. By doing a search for ghostwriters, you will find many online businesses that cater to your needs.

The large established companies like Elance typically charge more for individual articles. But smaller companies that are looking to break into the article business may give you a more reasonable price. In this market, using smaller companies, expect to pay between five dollars and ten dollars per article.

However, if you are looking for article alternatives that are cheaper still, you have an option. Visit the large forums; I use The Warrior Forum and Digital Point. These forums usually contain postings from people who are just starting their article business. If you don't find any postings like this, enter your own posting. Indicate that you are looking to pay someone to write articles. Don't mention a price that you are willing to pay in your posting. Ask interested parties to send you a private message.

Using this method, you can expect to pay three to five dollars for articles. However, you should keep in mind that your writer will probably have little experience. In fact, you may be the first customer. But everyone has to start out somewhere. And if you are happy with the quality of the work, who cares how much experience your newly discovered writer has.

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Internet Article Marketing - Why Is It Better? Here's The Simple Mathematics

Are you trying to make money online? Whether you have products of your own, or you are trying to make money selling affiliate products, article marketing is a sure way to drive targeted traffic to your site. It's simple really, the more articles that you write, the more traffic you are going to get. We know that article marketing's natural selective process prequalifies your prospects. The prospect is qualified, simply because as they choose to progress toward your site, each step indicates an increase in their level of interest.

There is a limited number of ways that a person can come across your article. One, they could just stumble across it by chance. Two, they could find your article listed on a page of a search engine. Three, they could be sent or directed to the article by an ezine or RSS (Real Simple Syndication): some type of subscription or update notification.

Regardless of how they come across the article, it requires some level of choice to read the article, and even more if they finish reading the article. Let's call this qualification number one. They say that of the people who read the article, one to three percent chooses to click the link and visit the website or blog. We'll call this qualification level number two.

After going through the information on your site, this is qualification number three; five to 15 percent of these visitors will make a purchase if you have a decent sales letter and follow up system. This is much better than the one to five percent of people that buy after arriving at your site being lead by some other form of marketing. Thus the reason that article marketing is considered one of the most effective forms of marketing on the Internet.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Unlock The Secrets To Creating An Authority Website Using Article Marketing

Are you achieving the results that you want from your home business? In this article I am going to address one of the reasons most people do not succeed online. To succeed you need a lot of targeted traffic. Newbies usually spend a fortune on ppc marketing or advertising methods that cost a lot.

So because of this they do not give themselves the opportunity to experiment and learn how to do things the right way. After they have wasted huge amounts of cash on advertising that does not work for them they quit thinking that internet marketing does not work.

So let us look at one of the best ways to build a stable internet business for long term results. You need to have a quality website that the search engines love. Imagine getting ten thousand or twenty thousand visitors to your website from search engines a month.

In this article I am going to look at how to build an authority website. First of all you need to choose your niche market. Once you have your niche market you need to build a large content website that the search engines will love.

The easiest way that you can do this is in the form of blog as it allows you to focus on completely on the content and not on updating a website. Write articles at least five times a day and update your blog. The search engines like this because you are providing fresh useful content.

Now the search engines regard link popularity as the main factor in determining your search engine rankings. The best way to do this is to write a lot of articles focusing on your niche market and submit them to the major article directories providing you one way links to your website. Your articles will also become viral and you will get links from websites that publish it subsequently increasing your link popularity and search engine rankings.

Once you get traffic to your website you need to decide on the best way to monetize that traffic.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

7 Of The Best Article Marketing Tips

Successful internet marketers and online business owners know that one of the vital keys to their success is effective marketing. And, one of the best means of marketing is by submitting articles to online article directories.

Most internet marketers have their own thoughts on the best article marketing tips, some of which include:

Write an attention-grabbing headline. One of the best article marketing tips is also one of the trickiest: Write a headline that grabs your audience's attention. Without an attention-grabbing headline, readers aren't going to invest their time in reading the rest of the article. Writing stellar headlines is something of an art: It takes practice and patience, but it is a skill that can be mastered with both.

Write a strong lede. A lede is your opening sentence or paragraph, and it has to be powerful to ensure that readers continue reading. Writing a strong lede is one of most internet marketers best article marketing tips because it is essential to your article marketing success. Like headline writing, it takes practice to write an effective lede. But, the most basic lede should answer: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

Content is king. The best articles used for article marketing are those that will offer value to readers. Your articles should always be focused on some aspect of the product or service you are offering, and you should ensure the topic focuses on your niche. For example, if you're in the pet niche, you don't want to write articles about sports unless they somehow relate to animals (i.e. the furor over dog fighting).

Compel your readers to act. This is perhaps the very best of all article marketing tips: You must compel your readers to act in those articles you use for article marketing. You can compel them to act by embedding (when allowed by the article directory) your URL in the article itself. The best way to compel your readers to act is to show them the importance of using your product or service. For example, if you're an editor, write an article about the extreme importance of error-free content and how an editor can help ensure that all content is polished and easily readable.

Consistently submit articles. You cannot just submit a batch of articles then forget about article marketing. It doesn't work that way. You must continuously write and submit articles if you want your article marketing to be effective.

Make the most of the author/bio box. The author or bio box is your chance to directly sell your product or service. With most article directories, you can include a link to your Web site in your bio box, but some do not allow affiliate links.

If all else fails, hire a writer to create articles for you. You're likely going to find that article marketing is absolutely essential to your business's success. If you don't have the time or the skills to write articles, hire a writer to do so for you. Consider this one of the best article marketing tips you can follow.

These are some of the best article marketing tips. Follow them and you're certain to get your article marketing efforts off to a strong start.

About the Author:
Tim Godfrey is the founder of the exclusive internet marketing tips resource, RocketTheProfit. To learn how to grab top Google positions writing articles, check out our free 3-part article marketing course

5 Basic SEO Tips That Create SE Friendly Web Sites

The simple solution to this problem is to implement the following basic SEO tips and spend the rest of your time building links and content. These tips may be fairly common to the more experienced Webmaster but if you are not using them, you are losing traffic.

1. Implement unique META titles and descriptions for all of your pages. Many Webmasters begin their first web site without META description and title tags at all. Once they learn that, SEO wise, it is very important to do so, they add them but they are not unique. Each title and description should be unique to each individual page.

2. Add an HTML sitemap to your site. This is a single page that includes links to the main pages of your websites. If your site is small you may want to include every page while larger sites should just have links to the most important pages. Sitemaps are an import part of SEO optimization because they give the search engines a hub where their spiders can find all of your pages through one single page.

3. Target long tail keywords in your sub pages. Long tail keywords are those that are not as highly competitive as your main keyword. Target a fairly competitive keyword for your index page and less competitive keywords for all sub pages. Many Webmasters have a bad habit of targeting the same few keywords throughout their entire site; because of this they are losing valuable traffic to inner pages.

4. Use underline, bold, strong and italics tags on each pages keywords. This SEO tip is one that has proven to be very valuable. Search Engines give more weight to words that are using these tags. Do not over do it, implementing these tags at least two or three times would cut it.

5. Use H1 and H2 tags with your main and secondary keywords. Most SEs give a lot of weight to words that are wrapped in these tags. Each page on your web site should have one or two targeted keywords at the beginning of the page. Just add < h1 >keyword< /h1 > to the main keyword and the same for your secondary keyword replacing h1 with h2 and deleting the spaces.

If you have not been using the above tips in your SEO strategy then you have been missing out on quality targeted traffic. Implement these tips as soon as possible and you will start to notice an increase in visitors.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster providing Proven SEO Optimization Tips. Joshua would like to invite you to his website at where he shows anyone willing to learn, how to Make Money Online.

5 Secrets to Generate Clicks With Your Articles

When writing an article, always have your reader in mind. Look at your article with a critical eye and think how your reader would interpret it. Don't think of it as an article, think of it as a sales piece.

Before writing an article, write down your goals for the article. Do you merely want to provide information and let people know you are knowledgeable in the field? Do you want to generate web traffic or would you prefer it if readers click on your links? It is imperative that you develop a goal for each article you write.

1. If your goal is to entice the viewer to click on your links, make sure you give them enough information to pique their curiosity and offer them more detailed information by clicking the link in your Resource Box.

2. Make a list of the main features of the item or service you are promoting in your article. If you are writing about autoresponders, list the features of autoresponders. For each of these features, write how it would benefit the user. For example:
Feature - It can send out thousands of sales presentations simultaneously.
Benefit - Earn thousands of dollars at the push of a button.

3. Paint a picture with your benefits. Make an emotional appeal so the viewers can actually see themselves. In the example above you can change the benefit to: Earn thousands of dollars while you bask in the warm sunshine of a Caribbean beach sipping a cool drink.

4. Select two or three of your strongest features and benefits and write them into your article. Start with the items that would be most attractive to your reader. It is not necessary to go into great detail; you will do that after they click on your link.

5. Write an attention grabbing title that compels the viewer to read further. People tend to skim over the available titles when they are looking for information. Your article has to jump out at them. Your title is the most important part of your article. If you write a great article and give it a boring title, no one will read it. All of your hard work will have been for nothing.

Using these five techniques, you will substantially increase you success rate with articles. I'm sorry, but I've got to go now. You see the tide is coming in and the waves are approaching my beach chair. Anyway, I can use another drink. I'll see you on the beach!

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Article Marketing is the #1 Traffic Strategy

Once you apply the multipliers which is search engine data for content sites, affiliate programs for sales sites and then after one-time promotions, my #1 strategy which I have found to be the most effective method of getting traffic to new sites as well as old is submitting articles with a short promotional blurb in a resource box at the end of the article.

There are many avenues to get your articles distributed. You can posting articles at or, Associated Content and SearchWarp all good places to submit. You can also use services like or and pay to have your articles distributed. Another way to distribute is to use software like Article Submitter Pro or Article Post Robot.

There is nothing wrong with any of these techniques. I have used them all successfully. But there is a much, much more powerful method of article marketing that most marketers miss- ezine and newsletter marketing.

First I want you to get a grip on the potential of article marketing and then I want you to get a grip on how small of a slice of the pie the above methods cover. Go to Google and type your one word topic followed by the word "article" and then followed by the word "articles". So if your topic is "golf", then search for: golf article, golf articles. Then repeat the above process using "ezine", "ezines", "newsletter" plus "newsletters". I want you to make a note of how many search results are returned for each of these -these are the results your competition is missing. Thousands of article marketers are all competing for the attention of just a tiny fraction of the total market for article distribution, while missing the important ezine and newsletter channel for distribution.

This is where ArticleROI can be a powerful tool in your arsenal - it submits to hundreds of built-in ezines and newsletters, and allow you to add an unlimited amount of your own, custom publishers.

Profitable Article Marketing - 4 First Ways to Improve Your Article Marketing

If you are just like any webmasters who are aiming at driving huge, quality traffic to your website, you must learn how to attract your target market by giving them what they truly need - valuable and useful information. This can easily be done by writing and distributing your articles on various directories and leading article submission sites.

1. Make your articles search engine-friendly. There is no denying it; search engines are still the best sources of traffic these days as 95% of online users are using them whenever they search for information online. That is why, you need to know how to please them so they will properly index your articles and make them easy to find online. This can be done by identifying the most searched keywords within your target niche with the use of a keyword suggestion tool. Use these search terms on your titles and article body and know how to strategically position them on your articles so you can assist search spiders in analyzing your content.

2. Consider your potential readers. Don't stuff your articles with too much keywords. While trying to impress the search engines, you must not forget about pleasing your readers so you can easily convert them to potential clients. Make your articles reader-friendly by making your keywords sound natural on your content and by giving them the kind of information that can help in improving the quality of their lives.

3. Abide by the rules set by publishing sites. This is to save your articles from being rejected and avoid wasting your time on editing them. Publishers will only accept your articles if they are free from inappropriate content, hyperlinks, and blatant ads. Your resource box must not contain more than three hyperlinks and you must ensure that all your links are working properly.

4. Choose your topics wisely. To drive quality traffic to your website and to ultimately use this method to grow your ebusiness, write about topics that will attract those people who are most likely to buy from you. These topics should revolve around your products and services and the pressing needs of your potential clients. For instance, if you are selling diet pills, any topic about weight gain and how to combat weight gain can drive your target market to your website.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

SEO Tips - 3 Steps to SEO Made Easy (Part 2)

"SEO Made Easy". Welcome back to the 2nd part of SEO Tips - 3 Steps to SEO Made Easy. Our first 2 steps to improve your SEO rankings for our blog posts or web pages are:

Step #1 - Choose Your Keyword

Step #2 - On-Page Optimization

Let's look at the final important step in SEO Made Easy:

Step #3 - Off-Page Optimization

One of the factors that affect our site's ranking in search engines is having backlinks or inbound links (IBLs) linking back to our sites. This is a highly sought after factor for high SEO ranking, so much so that some people are willing to pay money to get a high ranking. So, how can this be achieved?

  1. Placed Links These are links that YOU can place intentionally by yourself. This is the easiest and most used method that I employ these days to increase my number of backlinks to my blog or websites so as to improve your SEO rankings. You can do this by several ways:

    i. Submitting to Article Directories - When submitting articles to directories, submit to directories that have at least a page rank of 3, like This is a great article directory and when your quality articles are copied to blogs or other article directories, you link could get "viral" very fast and you could gain up to 50 backlinks with just one article.

    ii. Posting in Forums & Comments- When you write a post in forums,for your signature, just post your blog or website link and anchor the text. This will create not only a free back link but when people read your forum post and they like what you post, it will attract them to click the link and you "drive" traffic to your blog. There are many forums out there. Register and try out:
    Another method is to post comments in blogs and include your signature and a backlink back to your website or blog.

    iii. Submitting to Social Bookmark Sites - Users can save links to web pages that they want to remember and/or share on the social bookmarking sites which are usually public for people to see and view. We can post our blog post to social bookmark sites like,, Of course you can post to many other social bookmark sites. An easy free online tool to do this is at which you can use to submit to 18 popular social bookmark sites with the click of a button.

  2. Link Requests You can find sites that are related to yours and send them an email asking them to link to your site. It does work sometimes, so if you're up to the task, go for it. If you're going to do this, remember to be sincere. This could also be done asking the blogger or website owner to review your site or blog. If the website is high in page rank in Google, this will definitely boost your SEO ranking in search engines like Google.
  3. Paid Links You could buy a review from paid review sites like A tip on paid links is to search for sites that rank in the top 10 of your keywords. Find a page that ranks well, but that is not in competition with your site, and send an email to the webmaster, offering cash to add a link to your site from the web page. You can offer $20, $50, $100, or whatever you think is fair.

There you have it. These are not an exhaustive list of SEO techniques for your blog or website but are sufficient for you to get really good results! These are the 3 most used Steps to SEO Success that I always use and are effective to improve your ranking in Google for your keyword search. Try it out and if you have any comments... do post your comments to me below.

Thanks for reading and good luck in your SEO tinkering!! Ciao.

Are you wondering "How These Confusing Search Engine Optimization for Google Works?" You don't have to search very far... try visiting my website at Success Full Time for more information.

Conrad is a specialist in internet marketing who loves to teach others and ultimately to help you make money online. Learn how YOU can make a full-time living as a successful internet marketer when you visit Success Full Time.

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Fast Internet Marketing - Uncover 4 Targeted Methods to Make Money with Internet Marketing

Going online is probably the best thing you can do to grow your business. This is the most effective way to reach the global market at the comfort of your own home or office without spending too much on advertising costs.

1. Build up your own website. This will mark your online existence. Make it visually-appealing and fill it with valuable content so it can attract organic and targeted traffic. Don't forget to optimize your content so you can match related searches made by your target market. Keep it simple, easy to navigate, and fast to download to make it user-friendly. And most importantly, know how to drive traffic to it so you can improve your page views and your sales potential.

2. Article marketing. If you are looking for the most efficient yet cost-effective marketing solution, I highly recommend article marketing. This is the process of establishing yourself as an expert on your field by writing and submitting articles on various publishing sites. In return, you will obtain inbound links through your resource box. This is considered the most effective product and website promotional tool as it addresses the big demand for information in the internet today.

3. PPC advertising. This marketing tool requires you to write compelling ads that are based on highly searched keywords on your chosen niche. In this strategy, it is of outmost importance that you can communicate your sales pitch in few words to make your ads relatively short and direct to the point. You will have to pay the search engines every time your ads are clicked by interested visitors.

4. Banner ads. Post your banner ads to websites that are frequented by your target market to increase your sales potential.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Targeted Article Marketing - 3 Powerful Techniques to Excel in Article Marketing

If there is one marketing tool that has been on the marketing scene for such a long time it is the article marketing. However, given this time element, only a few marketing people are able to master the craft of article marketing because of the insatiable evolution that it undertakes. It is for this reason that article marketing continues to be an effective and most sought after. Its being mystical yet dependable and reliable projects an air or credibility. However, no matter how mystical it may seem to be for other people, it continues to be strongly used and powerfully utilized. The techniques below can help you achieve excellence in article marketing:

1. Take advantage of the resource box. The resource box is where you can actually profess your reason for writing the article - to market and advertise. You can include on your resource box some important information or details regarding the company you are representing or probably anything about you as the writer - your name, your business, your contact details and so much more.

2. Take advantage of the squeeze page. The squeeze page can form part of the article material that you have. You can include a squeeze page so that you can potentially "squeeze" some vital information that you may need from your potential reader. You can use then use these pieces of acquired information to make marketing in the future.

3. You can submit your article materials into some of the well-known article publishing sites and allow for these to earn exposure and generate more and more potential readers. You can use the search engines to search for the best and well established article directories. You can also publish your articles to practically all of these article sites to make sure that you gain a wider exposure from the consuming public.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

What's Killing Your Traffic

The winning formula for writing targeted traffic producing articles can be broken down into a few steps. Keyword research is a very intricate and important part of writing and submitting articles. It is also probably the most ignored part of writing articles. Usage of popular keywords, (words that are often used for searches on the Internet) will bring more targeted traffic to your article and/or website. As you write your article remain conscious of the keywords. Theyll definitely bring you traffic.

The length of the article is another important decision. Remember, you are not writing a book or screenplay. Your objective is to generate traffic. Many article publishers, webmasters, and bloggers find an ideal word count to be 400 800 words. Avoid writing an article of more than 800 words. The logic being, online reading concentration time, tends to be a bit less than offline. You want to keep your reader focused on content and have her finish your article.

The title of the article should be enticing. The readers have many choices online. We want her to choose your article. There are a few types of titles, well touch on two briefly today. There are problem based titles, and solution based titles. An example of a solution based title would be Five Secrets to Increasing Traffic. A title like that may have been a winner a few years ago, but its allure ability has faded over time. A problem based title would be Whats killing Your Traffic Which of the titles have more allure? Most people feel the latter title does. Remember the keywords are to be included in your title to increase your search and ranking on the Internet.

Now lets discuss the body of your article which is the content portion. It should be concise and to the point. To be most effective, it should be written from your readers perspective. In other words, readers are looking for information that meets their needs. A quality article thats to the point with rich content, will definitely find its way to avid readers. Those avid readers will generate targeted traffic to your website, which is one of our key objectives.

It is extremely important that you include your website URL in the resource box / signature box. Also include a few lines about yourself. This helps to establish you as a professional and increases your credibility. Ultimately your articles generate targeted traffic, increase your exposure and help to build your expert status.

Last but certainly not least, the most effective method of distribution is to submit your articles to article directories either manually or with an article submission company. and are two of the highest ranked article submission sites. Submitting your articles to many of the top ranked article submission sites will help to ensure that your articles rank well in search engines. This in turn will generate additional targeted traffic for you.

I'm looking forward to reading your articles.

Rob L. Daniel is a United States Air Force veteran. For years he was a top-producing stockbroker, with the Investment banking firm of Lehman Brothers. He has had key sales and marketing positions in and outside of corporate America. He is a full time Internet marketer, with a fast track, global personal development company. He leads his team and helps others generate traffic and sales for their businesses. Currently he resides in Los Angeles, California.

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You have permission to republish and use this article in your newsletter,website,or blog as long as you leave the article fully intact, and include this resource box at the end of the article.

The Need for a High Placement Result in Affiliate Marketing (SEO)

Contrary to what the name suggests, search engine optimization is about optimizing your web pages for the most relevant search result's in the search engines. If you understand this you will be miles ahead of the rest. Just try to keep in mind what it is the searcher will be looking for when surfing the net.

Keyword research is the greatest means of finding out what people are searching for. Once this is accomplished, you are armed with information that can be put to good use in creating web pages full of relevant content, this is all supplied by your keyword research. High result placement is imperative to receive targeted traffic to your website.

Why do we need to have our website in the top ten result' s of a surfers search on the engines? Knowing that 80% of surfers only peruse the first page of any result' s thrown up by the search engines means we have to have a high placement in the search result' s for our particular keyword or phrase. If you think of those annoying TV adverts and compare your marketing to them, that is the same effect you are after. You want to be in their face every time they type in that keyword or phrase.

Search engine optimization is used to get a high placement result, it is after all sensible to think that the best supplier is the one with high placement result in the searchers point of view. This occurs because, not only do you need to optimize your web pages but having other websites linking to yours, will also give great weight to your expert status on what ever subject or product you are promoting. This linking will happen naturally because of your high result placement. In other words success breeds success.

Considering the millions of searches made everyday and that four out five people use search engines, it is only common sense that you require a high placement result. Referring back to a previous statement you need to be " in their face " at every opportunity.

The high placement result' s can be achieved by pay per click advertising but a more longer lasting method of this, is done with the organic listings, and with other free advertising can be more beneficial to the web master who has limited funds for such endeavours. The result' s of this type of advertising can maintain better result' s than the big national companies throwing money at their pay per click advertising campaigns.

If you are interested in finding further information on the organic result method and how to get the free listings for your website, no matter what niche you are targeting, then you definitely want to check out the website below.

Affiliate marketing is the method of seeking targeted website traffic for any product you wish to promote.

Internet Marketing Super Affiliate Millionaires

Internet marketing programs and affiliate opportunities have enabled millions of marketers to become entrepreneurs. Many have made millions, and some have spent just about as much funding our friends who sell keyword advertising. There are traits among the Internet marketing and super affiliate millionaires that are consistent. Great empathy for the consumer, desire for communication, passion and hard work drive success in Internet marketing and affiliate millionaires.

We all see and hear about them daily, millionaire Internet marketers who claim to have a unique system to guarantee Internet traffic and sales. The super affiliates have secrets, which they will sell to you for the low price of the day. The following are similar traits of the Internet marketing and super affiliate masters. These traits are no secret and today they are free. Use them and you will prosper.

Successful Internet marketers and super affiliates have great empathy for the Internet consumer. They know about the products they are selling, and who they are selling to. They read and do research. They experience the products themselves. The top Internet marketers research e commerce consumer behavior patterns through keyword analysis and competitive websites. They read product reviews in articles and blogs, view ecommerce transaction patterns, and perform split testing of Internet advertising campaigns. They cross reference Internet marketing competitive trends. Successful Internet marketing and affiliate professionals understand what the ecommerce consumers will buy, when and where they will buy it.

These millionaires have mastered the art of communicating with the e commerce consumer. They listen to the consumer and provide products and services that the consumer wants and needs. Internet consumers are looking to find and buy specific information. Successful Internet marketers and super affiliates are masters at effectively and efficiently communicating with the Internet consumer. These Internet marketing pros bring consumers to e commerce websites and promotional pages, who are qualified buyers. They speak with these consumers in forums, write articles for their prospective e commerce buyer to read, communicate with them in blogs and other social marketing applications, and they reach them through specifically target Internet advertising campaigns.

Internet marketing and super affiliate millionaires bring qualified buyers to places they understand the ecommerce consumer wants to go. They do not mislead the consumer and they work hard to provide products and services, which they understand the consumer wants to buy. The best Internet marketers and top affiliates make it easy and efficient for the Internet consumer to make a purchase. The most successful Internet marketers realize that individual promotional pages are powerful sponges for qualified website traffic. Promotional pages are created to bring the consumer immediate access to requested information, enabling that Internet consumer to make a quick and qualified purchase decision. Internet marketing pros build affiliate relationships to develop communities around specific vertical markets. These niche communities provide e commerce buyers with various products relevant to qualified interests. Successful Internet marketers and super affiliates do not stop at the first sale, they work hard to acquire repeat consumer buying patterns and increased consumer interest.

The last trait, and probably most important, is passion. Millionaire Internet marketers and super affiliates enjoy what they do. Their passion shows through in everything they touch, and qualified buyers of ecommerce gravitate to that. Happy, qualified e commerce visitors are active buyers and make quick purchase decisions. It is no wonder these people are successful.

Julie Ross is an e commerce advertising, and Internet marketing executive with over 20 years experience in traditional and online marketing. She consistently launches campaigns, increasing web traffic for ecommerce, affiliate, & direct marketing web sites, within multiple vertical markets. has a wealth of information, with a simple Internet Marketing campaign formula, with proven success throughout industries of e commerce, pet behavior information, travel information, online investments, and various online marketing environments. It uses the resources of affiliate marketing, free internet advertising, article marketing, free banner advertising, free search engine optimization, free SEO, keywords, multiple links, email marketing, blogs, Google AdWords, and keyword lists, to build web traffic, build Internet traffic, and increase website traffic. The difference between other campaigns and this formula is a simple e commerce campaign system. This will radically change your approach to online marketing.