Tuesday, May 13, 2008

List Building with Article Marketing - The 4 Step Winning Strategy for List Building with Articles

Article marketing is simply the best no cost way to build your lists. At the same time, it does require work and time. That's why most people do not do it.

Here is a four step strategy for list building with your articles. It requires work, and it works.

The 4 Step List Building Strategy with Articles Here are four simple yet powerful steps to build your list with article marketing.

Step 1 - Write a great near perfect article - Write a great near perfect article that offers good information and leaves the reader wanting more. You do not have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going.

Step 2 - A powerful resource box - Write a resource box that invites the reader to take the action you want them to take - visit your web site to get some more great information.

Step 3 - An opt-in offer - On your web site, the reader opt-ins to one of your lists in order to receive more free information.

Step 4 - You provide them with more great information - This can be a free report, another article, a short report, an audio, or even an ebook. Give them more good information.

You know have a new member on your list who is continuing to know, like and trust you even more as you keep providing them with more and more great information.

That's all there is to it - write a great near perfect article, use a powerful resource box, create an opt-in offer, and provide the reader with more great information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here: http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/themostpowerfultemplate.htm

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

This Article Marketing Website Traffic Generation Formula Can Make You Rich

Article marketing is one of the most powerful website traffic generation strategy available today. The reason behind this is its capability to drive thousands of visitors to your website instantly as well as on a permanent basis.

It can do this all for free. Then why do people fail using this powerful traffic generation strategy. You can see people hunting for quick traffic generation softwares, instant traffic solutions and a number of ways that can get them instant traffic to their website.

Doing all this they are sure to fail. But why aren't they using this powerful article marketing strategy to its fullest extent? The reason is simple, they are not aware or frightened to perform the exact steps that is required to create and distribute traffic pulling articles.

In this article you will learn the exact steps to create a quality article and distribute it over the net to get permanent incoming links to your website and quality targeted traffic.

People are frightened of doing research. You need quality content to create an article. The first step to create a quality article is to do a thorough research on the topic of your website.

You can easily do this by visiting search engine like google.com and article directories like ezinearticles.com

These sources have the power to give you hundreds if not thousands of pages of information on the topic of your website. Just read few articles out there, generate ideas and from these ideas create your own unique article of around 500 to 600 words.

Arrange your article in point format, create headline, header and footer and attention pulling resource box with a link to your website.

This will make sure to get you a unique piece of article created within an hour.

The next problem writers face is that it is extremely time-consuming to submit articles and spread them on hundreds of websites. The solution is simple.

If you have lots of time but no money then you can research around hundred article directories and submit your articles manually. Once you have researched these directories it should not take you more than a few hours to submit your articles to all these directories.

If you are lacking time but have some money to spend then you can use article submission service and they will make sure to submit your articles to hundreds of article directories on the net.

This will make sure that your article gets maximum exposure and gets you traffic beyond your wildest dreams. Write and submit around five to ten articles every day using the tactics I have shown you above.

If you do this on consistent basis, I am sure you will never ever worry about getting hundreds of targeted visitors to your website on a daily basis purchasing your products and services. Make sure you get started today. You can thank me later.

~FREE Video~ : How to Create Your First Money Making Website in 7 Days or Less? - Starting Today...

==> http://www.7DaysToEarn.com/free-pack.html

Learn how to start an internet business and check out your step-by-step FREE Article Marketing and Website Promotion Course.

A Simple Three Step Internet Marketing Plan

You can argue that internet marketing is more important than content. After all, if you don't market your site, you won't make any money.

Internet marketing is not a short-term strategy. It is also not about getting attention or clicks or visitors or inquiries. It is about building relationships. These relationships lead to sales.

Keeping up with all of the changes to internet marketing can become a fulltime job. Certain techniques, when used properly, will generate a steady flow of traffic to your website.

There are dozens of techniques you can use to market your business online. Some are free; some aren't. Below are the main three I use on a regular basis to generate traffic to my site.

1. Search Engines

Search engines are one of the most effective tools for gaining customers online. With a good search engine optimization and marketing strategy, you can drive plenty of traffic to your site.

The secret to a good search engine marketing campaign is to choose keywords that are frequently searched for but don't have a lot of competition.

The way to find good keywords to optimize your site for is to do a search. Use a tool like Good Keywords, http://www.goodkeywords.com, and search for your main topic.

If your main topic is business, then start there. You don't want to optimize for the term "business" though, because this term is too broad. Search terms with three to four keywords will get you more targeted traffic than broad terms.

Look for keywords that are searched for at least 1,000 times. Then, using tools like Web CEO, http://www.webceo.com, you can optimize your page.

You want to optimize different pages for different keywords. Although conventional optimization wisdom says to optimize a page for no more than three keyword phrases, I recommend you choose the main phrase for your main page. Optimize other pages for other keyword terms you have chosen, one per page.

2. Article Writing

Another of the most effective marketing strategies is article writing. You apply the "give before you get" principle. Give others a taste of the information you offer on your site.

Write a good headline. Include your keywords. Add five or six different points with one to two paragraphs explaining each point.

Include a beginning, a conclusion, and a resource box, and you have an article.

Remember, your resource box is your selling point. Don't distract others with a bunch of affiliate links in your articles. Save your links for your resource box and only use one or two.

If you're really serious about getting your article published, you'll serve your audience, not yourself.

Writing quality content is the core of successful internet marketing. Even if you think you can't write, if you are passionate enough about your topic, and you have an audience of readers who are interested in what you have to say, you can create content.

3. Linking

Linking with RELEVANT websites is by far the easiest way to market your site. The problem is that most webmasters do it wrong, and they get poor results.

Make the sites you exchange links with relevant to your site. Remember, linking to another site is like an endorsement of your site. Links to unrelated sites are a waste of time.

Use your most important keywords as part of your anchor text. This will help improve your rankings in the search engines.

Internet marketing is more than just getting visitors to your web site or promoting your website. Internet marketing is about making yourself different. By providing valuable information to your visitors, you'll give them a reason to buy from you.

Jinger Jarrett wants to give you free publicity for your business. Find out how you can submit your articles, press releases, and ads for free when you visit her "Internet Marketing for Free" blog at http://www.askjinger.com

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Rewarding Techniques to a Better Article Marketing

Article marketing in a modernized business environment is an indispensable marketing tool to ensure success and continued growth. The contribution of article marketing in the progress of a business entity is an incontestable truth. For this reason, a lot of businessmen are agreeing to the fact that article marketing is one good tool that needs to be honed and maximized in its full potential. Below are the five rewarding tips that you can use to achieve a better article marketing:

1. Develop a very well conceptualized theme for what you will be writing. Articles need to be themed at times. This means that for a certain period of time, you will need to have a specific theme to deal with. Your contents shall remain focused on that theme.

2. Do not deviate with your conceived theme. The mere fact that a theme was developed means that it needs to be followed. Besides that theme is only going to run for a specified time frame.

3. Always check for the latest issues and current trends. Make some articles about these issues and allow for your personal opinions to surface on your own writing. This will allow you to have the perfect avenue to explore your expertise about the issue that you are discussing.

4. You can market your articles better if you have a powerful means to make these publicly accessible. You can do that by allowing your articles to be published on some of the leading article directories and sites on the net. These sites will be your vehicle to attain proper exposure.

5. You can also market your articles by having these exchanged with some of the leading known and popular sites on the net. This means that you can have your articles published on some other related websites that can offer x-deal with you. Just make sure that the x-deal is something that will be beneficial to you and your business.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Rewarding Techniques to a Better Article Marketing

Article marketing in a modernized business environment is an indispensable marketing tool to ensure success and continued growth. The contribution of article marketing in the progress of a business entity is an incontestable truth. For this reason, a lot of businessmen are agreeing to the fact that article marketing is one good tool that needs to be honed and maximized in its full potential. Below are the five rewarding tips that you can use to achieve a better article marketing:

1. Develop a very well conceptualized theme for what you will be writing. Articles need to be themed at times. This means that for a certain period of time, you will need to have a specific theme to deal with. Your contents shall remain focused on that theme.

2. Do not deviate with your conceived theme. The mere fact that a theme was developed means that it needs to be followed. Besides that theme is only going to run for a specified time frame.

3. Always check for the latest issues and current trends. Make some articles about these issues and allow for your personal opinions to surface on your own writing. This will allow you to have the perfect avenue to explore your expertise about the issue that you are discussing.

4. You can market your articles better if you have a powerful means to make these publicly accessible. You can do that by allowing your articles to be published on some of the leading article directories and sites on the net. These sites will be your vehicle to attain proper exposure.

5. You can also market your articles by having these exchanged with some of the leading known and popular sites on the net. This means that you can have your articles published on some other related websites that can offer x-deal with you. Just make sure that the x-deal is something that will be beneficial to you and your business.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Amazing Article Marketing - 3 Phenomenal Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

If you are reading this article, there is a huge chance that you are already writing and distributing your articles online to promote your products and your website but you can't seem to attract enough search engine traffic. You are also probably looking for ways on how you can advance in this technique not only to popularize your website and augment your sales potential but also to get ahead of the pack.

Well, wait no more. Here are the 3 phenomenal steps to help you advance with article marketing:

1. Carefully choose your topic. Stick with those that can help you drive quality traffic or people who are most likely to make a purchase to your website. By this, I mean if you are selling perfume you can write topics like "how to properly use perfumes", "the importance of perfume", "perfume - the perfect gift for your loved ones", etc. These topics will attract those people who are deeply interested in what you sell. Thus, this can lead not only to increase traffic but improved sales potential as well.

2. Use striking titles. The role of your titles in your article marketing campaign is to grab the attention of online users to increase the chances of your articles being open and read online. Keep this in mind when writing your titles so you can effectively make them more interesting, intriguing, and striking.

3. Consider your target market. Do not forget the needs of your potential audience when writing your content. If you want your readers to fully trust you and consider doing business with you, you must be able to target their needs and wants. Strive to answer their questions or offer solutions to their problems so they will treat your content as valuable and useful to their lives.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Amazing Article Marketing - 3 Phenomenal Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

If you are reading this article, there is a huge chance that you are already writing and distributing your articles online to promote your products and your website but you can't seem to attract enough search engine traffic. You are also probably looking for ways on how you can advance in this technique not only to popularize your website and augment your sales potential but also to get ahead of the pack.

Well, wait no more. Here are the 3 phenomenal steps to help you advance with article marketing:

1. Carefully choose your topic. Stick with those that can help you drive quality traffic or people who are most likely to make a purchase to your website. By this, I mean if you are selling perfume you can write topics like "how to properly use perfumes", "the importance of perfume", "perfume - the perfect gift for your loved ones", etc. These topics will attract those people who are deeply interested in what you sell. Thus, this can lead not only to increase traffic but improved sales potential as well.

2. Use striking titles. The role of your titles in your article marketing campaign is to grab the attention of online users to increase the chances of your articles being open and read online. Keep this in mind when writing your titles so you can effectively make them more interesting, intriguing, and striking.

3. Consider your target market. Do not forget the needs of your potential audience when writing your content. If you want your readers to fully trust you and consider doing business with you, you must be able to target their needs and wants. Strive to answer their questions or offer solutions to their problems so they will treat your content as valuable and useful to their lives.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Online - Why Does Article Marketing Work So Well?

Article marketing online is a method of marketing where you write a short article about a subject or topic and at the end of the article you promote yourself, business or whatever you have to offer the reader.

Article marketing works very well if done correctly. In order to do be successful at this form of marketing there are a few rules that you have to follow. Rule number one is that you must be relevant. By that I mean that if you are writing an article and your title is "how to train a puppy in a week". Your article must focus on what the reader needs to do to accomplish the goal of training a puppy and completing the training inside of a week!

Remember that your title promised that the reader would learn something about training a puppy in a week; you have to stay relevant and deliver that promise in your body. Your reader decided to read because of your promise and now its time for you to deliver.

After you delivered on that promise, your reader is happy and you have established a level of trust. Once your reader finishes reading your article they will be more likely to visit your website and take action. Why? Because they have sampled some of your work and know you can deliver on your promises.

This is the main reason article marketing works so well when done correctly. Do you think I delivered the promise of telling you why article marketing works well?

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website.

Article Marketing Online - Why Does Article Marketing Work So Well?

Article marketing online is a method of marketing where you write a short article about a subject or topic and at the end of the article you promote yourself, business or whatever you have to offer the reader.

Article marketing works very well if done correctly. In order to do be successful at this form of marketing there are a few rules that you have to follow. Rule number one is that you must be relevant. By that I mean that if you are writing an article and your title is "how to train a puppy in a week". Your article must focus on what the reader needs to do to accomplish the goal of training a puppy and completing the training inside of a week!

Remember that your title promised that the reader would learn something about training a puppy in a week; you have to stay relevant and deliver that promise in your body. Your reader decided to read because of your promise and now its time for you to deliver.

After you delivered on that promise, your reader is happy and you have established a level of trust. Once your reader finishes reading your article they will be more likely to visit your website and take action. Why? Because they have sampled some of your work and know you can deliver on your promises.

This is the main reason article marketing works so well when done correctly. Do you think I delivered the promise of telling you why article marketing works well?

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website.

Article Marketing Secrets Your Competitor Doesn't Want You to Know

Article marketing is one of the best ways to boost your business. In fact, many business people already know and are experiencing the benefits of article marketing. If you don't know, you are about to realize just how great article marketing can be when utilized to boost your online business. The goal of this article is to let you in on the article marketing secrets your competitor doesn't want you to know!

How Article Marketing Can Help Your Business

The reason so many business people are utilizing article marketing is because it really does work. It has become one of the best ways to get information out to the public. When you submit quality articles to article marketing directories, you are able to build your credibility and expertise within your particular niche. Not only do potential customers learn to trust you, but you are able to generate a lot of new traffic to your website!

Secrets That Your Competitor Wants to Keep Quiet!

One of the biggest secrets that business people are trying to keep quiet is their writers. Most of these business individuals use freelance writers or ghostwriters to handle their article marketing campaigns. The truth is that you could probably write your articles yourself; however, freelance or ghostwriters are accustomed to churning out a lot of articles in a small amount of time. Also, these articles are quality, keyword-rich articles that are optimized for search engines. This means that those articles have a better chance of being displayed first in the search engine pages when specific keywords are searched. Sure, you have to pay a freelance writer or a ghostwriter, but with a good one, your return on investment can be huge!

Another thing that a freelance writer or ghostwriter is able to do for your article marketing campaign is bring the articles to the customers in the right way. See, customers don't want to read a lot of sales-type articles or hype. When the potential customer reads your article, they have to want to go to your page and see your products. It should never be suggested to them and, in fact, the service

or product that you are trying to sell should only be one of many that are included in the article. When this is done in the proper way, your potential customer will always want to click on the link and visit your page. This is a subtle and fine art that many people aren't able to pull off the way a professional ghostwriter can.

There are many other benefits that come from using ghostwriters that your competitors don't want you to know. They are hoping that you attempt to write the articles yourself, and take up all of your other time in order to format the articles in the correct way. Better yet, perhaps you have no idea how to format the article, so you will fail and that is certainly better for them! Don't let your competitor get one over on you! Talk to a ghostwriter and find out about article marketing and the truth of how to accomplish success with it.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Article Marketing Secrets Your Competitor Doesn't Want You to Know

Article marketing is one of the best ways to boost your business. In fact, many business people already know and are experiencing the benefits of article marketing. If you don't know, you are about to realize just how great article marketing can be when utilized to boost your online business. The goal of this article is to let you in on the article marketing secrets your competitor doesn't want you to know!

How Article Marketing Can Help Your Business

The reason so many business people are utilizing article marketing is because it really does work. It has become one of the best ways to get information out to the public. When you submit quality articles to article marketing directories, you are able to build your credibility and expertise within your particular niche. Not only do potential customers learn to trust you, but you are able to generate a lot of new traffic to your website!

Secrets That Your Competitor Wants to Keep Quiet!

One of the biggest secrets that business people are trying to keep quiet is their writers. Most of these business individuals use freelance writers or ghostwriters to handle their article marketing campaigns. The truth is that you could probably write your articles yourself; however, freelance or ghostwriters are accustomed to churning out a lot of articles in a small amount of time. Also, these articles are quality, keyword-rich articles that are optimized for search engines. This means that those articles have a better chance of being displayed first in the search engine pages when specific keywords are searched. Sure, you have to pay a freelance writer or a ghostwriter, but with a good one, your return on investment can be huge!

Another thing that a freelance writer or ghostwriter is able to do for your article marketing campaign is bring the articles to the customers in the right way. See, customers don't want to read a lot of sales-type articles or hype. When the potential customer reads your article, they have to want to go to your page and see your products. It should never be suggested to them and, in fact, the service

or product that you are trying to sell should only be one of many that are included in the article. When this is done in the proper way, your potential customer will always want to click on the link and visit your page. This is a subtle and fine art that many people aren't able to pull off the way a professional ghostwriter can.

There are many other benefits that come from using ghostwriters that your competitors don't want you to know. They are hoping that you attempt to write the articles yourself, and take up all of your other time in order to format the articles in the correct way. Better yet, perhaps you have no idea how to format the article, so you will fail and that is certainly better for them! Don't let your competitor get one over on you! Talk to a ghostwriter and find out about article marketing and the truth of how to accomplish success with it.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Linking Strategies With Positive Results

Link popularity is used to indicate how many webpages link to your webpage.(i.e. webpages that contain your link). This is also referred to as inbound links.

Linking strategies have a great deal of importance when it comes to search engine optimization efforts. In my opinion, off-page optimization gives more weight than on-page optimization when it comes to being indexed and getting great page position on Google.

Below I have put together a few of the more popular linking techniques;

Writing and Submitting Articles

We need to get links pointing to our webpage. I have found that article writing and distributing to article ezines is a great way to get these in-pointing links.

Most of the article sites have high page rank, and this is definitely a plus and a great inpointing link.

Remember to have a link in your resource box pointing to your website, along with your other info.

Often other websites will get your articles from the e-zines/article sites, post your article on their website or in their newsletter. This gives you another inpointing link.

Product Testimonials

Writing product testimonials can also be a good way to get links pointing to your website. This strategy is a win-win situation. You gain an inbound link and you can get traffic from those reading your article

Joining forums and blogs is a great way to get more links. Get involved with-in these forums and contribute your knowledge and just make friends. Here you add your URL in your signature line, its as simple as that.


Another natural way to get inbound links is to make sure your pages are filled with content. Relevant content and lots of it. The more content the better. People love to read and learn about whatever it is their interests are.

Other websites love linking to websites with lots of content. Especially when it is on the same subject line as their readers are looking for. Useful unique content is King! This also will look good in the eyes of search engines and possibly increase your keyword search ranking.

Reciprocal Linking

Reciprocal linking strategies involves exchanging links with other relevant websites. We don't want to exchange links with just any website. For example if we are a garden website we don't want to link to a mechanics website, no relevance.

We have to be careful about deciding to who we link to. The higher page rank the better off we will be. We don't want to reciprocate with page rank 0 websites. There is a good chance these websites are banned or in bad neighborhoods. Stay away from link-farms.

When trading links you have to make sure you use your main keywords in the link pointing to your site. These keywords should also be found in your title and description tags.

I hope these strategies I have laid out help you in your on-line business adventures. See you on the other side.

Affiliate Home Business Guide

James Veach, Affiliate Marketing Advisor,

Business Guide For Your Marketing Needs

| Linking Strategies | Affiliate Marketing |

| List Building | Article Marketing|



Linking Strategies With Positive Results

Link popularity is used to indicate how many webpages link to your webpage.(i.e. webpages that contain your link). This is also referred to as inbound links.

Linking strategies have a great deal of importance when it comes to search engine optimization efforts. In my opinion, off-page optimization gives more weight than on-page optimization when it comes to being indexed and getting great page position on Google.

Below I have put together a few of the more popular linking techniques;

Writing and Submitting Articles

We need to get links pointing to our webpage. I have found that article writing and distributing to article ezines is a great way to get these in-pointing links.

Most of the article sites have high page rank, and this is definitely a plus and a great inpointing link.

Remember to have a link in your resource box pointing to your website, along with your other info.

Often other websites will get your articles from the e-zines/article sites, post your article on their website or in their newsletter. This gives you another inpointing link.

Product Testimonials

Writing product testimonials can also be a good way to get links pointing to your website. This strategy is a win-win situation. You gain an inbound link and you can get traffic from those reading your article

Joining forums and blogs is a great way to get more links. Get involved with-in these forums and contribute your knowledge and just make friends. Here you add your URL in your signature line, its as simple as that.


Another natural way to get inbound links is to make sure your pages are filled with content. Relevant content and lots of it. The more content the better. People love to read and learn about whatever it is their interests are.

Other websites love linking to websites with lots of content. Especially when it is on the same subject line as their readers are looking for. Useful unique content is King! This also will look good in the eyes of search engines and possibly increase your keyword search ranking.

Reciprocal Linking

Reciprocal linking strategies involves exchanging links with other relevant websites. We don't want to exchange links with just any website. For example if we are a garden website we don't want to link to a mechanics website, no relevance.

We have to be careful about deciding to who we link to. The higher page rank the better off we will be. We don't want to reciprocate with page rank 0 websites. There is a good chance these websites are banned or in bad neighborhoods. Stay away from link-farms.

When trading links you have to make sure you use your main keywords in the link pointing to your site. These keywords should also be found in your title and description tags.

I hope these strategies I have laid out help you in your on-line business adventures. See you on the other side.

Affiliate Home Business Guide

James Veach, Affiliate Marketing Advisor,

Business Guide For Your Marketing Needs

| Linking Strategies | Affiliate Marketing |

| List Building | Article Marketing|

