Thursday, May 8, 2008

Article Marketing Secrets and SEO Techniques

You won't find many article marketing secrets being given away online, because very few people properly understand the power of this internet marketing tool. It is more than simply a way of getting links back to your website, but a very powerful tool that if used properly can increase your sales to another level.

If you are provided with 'secrets' then they are well known by almost everybody. I will admit that even the 'secrets' I am about to divulge are not secrets at all, but well known article marketing techniques. However, what I will also say is that the three provided here are neither appreciated nor used by all of those that profess to be marketing 'gurus'.

I know that because I have purchased many of their books and they don't suggest what I suggest: I know my systems work and can prove it through my website listings. However I must stop because I am becoming dangerously close to advertising, but I have done so as to indicate about the maximum you can do on article directories to advertise yourself: and that is your free tip. Do not advertise in your articles if they are intended for submission. Leave that for your 'author's resource box'.

The most common purpose for people writing articles and offering them to directories for publication is to get those all-important back links from the directories. However, just stand back a bit and think why the directories are in existence. It is not for your benefit. It is not to provide you with a free means of improving your Google PageRank, but they exist to make money. And why not? Otherwise there would be no point in anybody offering an article directory to all of these online writers.

You don't pay to have your articles published on the directories, so what is their purpose? How do these people make money? Two ways in fact: the first is by means of AdSense. If you do a search for an article on a specific topic, you will certainly find one because articles have been written on every topic on the planet. On the same page you will find AdSense ads. The reason for this is obvious and also psychological.

It is because most articles are not worth reading, and visitors generally have a quick look at them before leaving the directory site to seek proper information on their topic or niche. That is when they are liable to click on the AdSense ads and make money for the directory owner. That is added to the second way they make money which is from payment for speeding up the listing of the articles. You've seen the thing: get listed in several weeks or pay a few dollars for an instant listing. Like most other serious marketers, I pay.

Whichever means they use, article directories realize that it is to their advantage to get high search engine listings for as many articles as possible. They then have their sites visited by as many people as possible, and also have writers use them. That provides them with more visitors to click the AdSense ads and also as an inducement to other budding authors who might pay for listings. I don't pay for a listing in a site that never displays my articles on Google.

Here are three secrets or tips, that you can use in your own article marketing campaigns:

Secret #1 is that if you write the article on a topic related to the content of a page on your website, then the directory (and by that I mean the owner, but let's call it 'the directory' for simplicity) will do all the SEO work and get your article listed so as to get as many visitors as possible. That earns them money. What that means to you is that you get free SEO done on your article.

Why do you think that your articles have to be of a minimum length and of a certain standard? To be listed by search engines, especially Google, that's why. You can use this information to your advantage, but your articles must be at least 500 words. Your resource URL must be one related to the article, and if you make it your blog, that is even better. Place links on your blog to all your other relevant online ventures.

Secret #2 is not really a secret as a submission technique. When you have finished writing your article save it and submit it as a text file. Most people write using Microsoft word, or some other word processing software that uses their own formating code embedded in the article. You don't see it, but the search engines do and it could harm the listing of the directory web page containing your article.

Secret #3 is that many sites offer two or three links in the author's resource. That allows you not only to present links to two or three pages on your website, but also that these links need not all be from the same site. You could provide a link to a page relating to the article (as you always should), one to one of your other websites or Squidoo lens, and a third to your blog URL. Never ignore these possibilities. Open up your mind.

There are several more article marketing secrets that I could give you but that would render this article far too long. You might also require some elementary HTML instruction to provide you with a working knowledge: HTML, or hyptertext mark-up language, is not really a computer language but a means of linking text to files, and it can also be used to format text, graphics and tables on websites and any other medium that can read HTML and transfer it to the intended visual formating.

However, the above secrets are sufficient allow you to use them as SEO techniques that will improve your chances of a high search engine listing. Learn them and use them, and even if you think that they seem fairly elementary I bet my bottom dollar that nobody is using all of them in their article marketing campaigns, because most people are still thinking in mono as far as article marketing is concerned and have to reach the analogue stereo age let alone digital.

Get modern and look farther than you can see, or the internet kids will soon gobble you up for breakfast! Yesterday's techniques are today's tomorrow.

If you are interested in more of Pete's article marketing secrets, and some of the best are to come, then visit his Squidoo lens at SEOcious or perhaps his blog at My SEO Blog where you will find more about his personal SEO philosophy. Pete suggests them in the above order for some reason. Me? I don't care! I just want more ice cream.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 4 New Steps to Excel at Article Marketing

There are billions of marketers who are currently using article marketing as their primary marketing arm. With this number comes a stiff competition that every marketer must learn to deal with in order to survive online. In this article, I will impart the 4 new steps that will empower you to excel in this amazing marketing tool so you can take the lead and stand out from the rest.

1. Quality. This is the main element that will determine the success of your article marketing campaign. When you are able to write and distribute articles that are well-written, informative, and useful, people will most likely to pick them up and republish your content throughout the internet. This will boost the number of your inbound links that can lead to augment traffic and sales potential.

2. Quantity. There is never too much when it comes to article marketing. In fact, the more articles you write and publish, the more popular your website will get. Strive to write at least 7 articles per day which are enough to strengthen your online presence and expertise.

3. Titles. I missed a lot of good movies because they have lousy titles. My perception is, if the title is not that enticing, there is no way that the movie will be interesting. This is how most people think when they search for articles online. That is why, you must understand the importance of your titles and make them attention-grabbing so they can get more people to read and open you content.

4. Resource box. I have read a lot of good articles online but their great content wasn't enough to compel me to check the authors' website. Why? Because the authors did not take the time to make their resource box compelling. In fact, I have encountered some that has only the website's URL. No information about the author or why should I visit the website, so why should I?

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

An Introduction To Article Marketing

Article Marketing is a great tool to use when it comes to adding traffic to your site. If you are not familiar with what it is, Article Marketing is simply writing articles and submitting them to article reprint directories on the web.

As you know, having fresh content on your website and blog is key when it comes to getting search engine traffic. Many website owners and bloggers visit article reprint directories on a daily basis, in search of articles to use on their sites. When you submit an article to a directory, you are allowing other website owners and bloggers permission to add your article to their site - for free. However, they need to include an "about the author" box at the end of the article. You get to write what you want included in that box, so include a bit of information about the product or service you offer and include links to your site.

When the website owner or blogger puts your article up on the web, all of their readers will see your biography information and the links to your website. Your article could end up on hundreds or thousands of websites, and quite possibly, millions of people could end up reading it! Who knows how many people could click on your link?

It is very easy to find these reprint directories on the web. Just do a Google search on "free reprint article directories" and many listings will pop up. Some are highly targeted and feature only articles health articles; or only articles about food; and other directories are more general. You can submit your article to more than one directory, and there are even some software packages that will submit the articles for you.

The topics you can choose to write about are limitless. What is the focus of your website? Be creative and think of why someone would want to visit your website and create an article about it. Someone who sells Tupperware for instance, could easily write about food related items or take it a step further an write an article about the fact that the plastic containers are great for organizing toys, bathroom items or even nuts and bolts in the garage.

If you do not like to write, don't worry. You can hire a ghostwriter to write your article for you. You can ask other Internet Marketers for referrals on reputable ghostwriters. The prices for an article will vary, but an average rate is about $10 to $12 for a 500 word article. Once you discuss with the ghostwriter what you are looking for, they will write the article and send it back to you. Some ghostwriters may also include submit the article to reprint directories for you.

Are you struggling with writing content for your article marketing efforts? Learn the insider secrets of how to write a great article at - absolutely free.

Article Marketing - How to Sculpt a Beautiful Body with Your Articles

Is a great way to market yourself on the Internet, drive traffic to your website's, and build your lives.

One of the challenges especially new article writer's face is how to make sure their articles and get picked up. One of the things I teach my students, members, and mentees, are the dozens of small nuances that help you get your articles picked up more often.

Sculpting a great body and your articles

one of the ways to get your articles picked up more often it is to sculpt a really great article body. Here are three tips for sculpting a great article body.

Tip 1 - Make sure you create lots of white space. So many times I see writers just sort of squash their article body all together. When you create white space you give the impression that the article is easily read. This is very important on the Internet because it can be difficult to read online for some people.

Tip 2 - Use bullet points, numbers, lists, laws and rules. Anything that allows you to break up your article body in two separate areas. Bullet points, lists, etc. create bite sized chunks of information that are easily consumed by the reader.

Tip 3 - Use sub headings. A subheading is simply a mini headline used to begin another thought or section of your article. An example would be a subheading I used above when I wrote sculpting a great body and your articles. This lets the reader know a new section is on the way and light tips wine into break the article up, create lots of white space, and gives the impression that this is an easily read article.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Lucrative Article Marketing - 4 Best Methods to Breakthrough With Article Marketing

Article marketing is getting the nod of most webmasters today. This technique has never failed to wow marketers because it constantly brings quality traffic to their site without spending a dime on advertising cost. That is why, more and more people are now incorporating this method to their marketing techniques to further augment their traffic and subsequently their profits. Here are the 4 best methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Multiply the number of articles that you write. In article marketing, the quantity of your articles plays a very crucial role because it dictates the number of links you will generate for your site. Thus, it follows that the more articles you submit, the more traffic you will get and the higher you will be ranked by search engines.

2. Focus on the quality of your articles. When increasing the number of your articles, make sure that their quality do not suffer or you will defeat the purpose of article marketing. Remember, online users will only click the URL on your resource box if they find your article useful, easy to understand, informative, and of high quality.

3. Make your resource box compelling. Your resource box must be well-written and it must be able to convince your readers to go and visit your site. To do that, make sure that your resource box contains your name, your specialty, how you can help your readers, and why should they check out your website.

4. Hire somebody to post your articles to major publishing sites. Article submission can be very tedious and time-consuming considering the number of articles submission sites today. In order for you to focus on what you do best, which is writing, ask someone to submit your articles for you.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Easy Steps to Attract Viewers for Your Articles

Attracting viewers is the reason that most of us write articles. The most important component of your article is the title. It is the one factor that determines how many readers will see your work. If you write a great article and add an uninteresting title, you will generate very few readers.

In order to generate page views, you must first write a quality article that people are interested in reading. The subject of your work is also of great importance. If you write an article on the geological make-up of the Peruvian mountains, I can almost guarantee that few people will read it. There are not that many readers who are interested in the subject. It is important to write articles on subjects that have an audience.

The number one factor in reaching viewers is your title. It is the advertisement for your article. Most people will just skim through the various titles until they find something of interest. It is your job, to design title that satisfies their interest.

Your title can make or break an article. It is the packaging that entices your readers to buy your product. Brick and mortar companies use colorful packaging to entice customers. In the article-marketing world, we do not have that luxury. We must attract readers with the title alone. Your title must interest readers and draw them in. It has to stop them from looking at other titles and compel them to click on your article.

According to published research, longer titles attain greater numbers of readers than shorter titles. This goes against the grain of what we learned in school. Many of us were taught that good writing is short and to the point. In article marketing, just the opposite is true. A longer title gathers more viewers.

Certain types of articles do better than others. How to articles do particularly well. If youve written that type of article, make sure to use the words How to or 10 ways to in your title.

Certain words and phrases naturally attract attention. Make sure you use at least some of them in your title. Some of these attention-getting words are: free, easy, secret, and money. Of course, there are many others. One easy way to find them is to look at the most popular articles from several ezines. You will begin to see a pattern of certain words that appear repeatedly. Consider using some of these same words for your title.

As mentioned previously, the subject of your article is of great importance in the number of viewers that you attract. In order to find subjects of current interest, research keywords that people are currently using in their Internet searches. This information tells you what people are interested in today. If your article and title satisfy that interest, you will attract readers. There are several websites that provide this sort of up-to-date information. One that I find very helpful in this area is:

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